Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1383 The fear of the unknown (first update)

This is a low-rise building complex with light red walls and dark red roofs. The two Catholic churches together become the main buildings on the south and north sides of this building complex. However, the Alemannic Bishop's Chapel on the north is used as the Alemannic Church. The church of Bishop High School is used. There is a ceramic Madonna statue hanging on the three glass doors on the front, and it is embedded in the mosaic wall of the Star of David. It seems that there is no need to worry about falling down and hitting pedestrians. However, Agent Coulson’s destination is the San Fernando Church. The walls of this church are light yellow. The red eaves of the two-story main building are inlaid with copper crosses. There are black crosses in the long passage inside. There are wooden benches, oil paintings of the Passion of Christ, the Virgin holding the Holy Child and a saint, and the high red base lines are painted with very simple vine patterns.

In addition, there is even a realistic wax scene showing the life scenes of the Spanish colonists at that time, a real kitchen fireplace and a simple bed. Visitors can only stand outside the iron railings and look at the man wearing red prints inside the railings. The Spanish wax figure girl in a long skirt continues to work on the food in her hands that will never be finished. Agent Coulson curiously poked his head towards the iron railing and chatted with a tourist wearing a Google uniform. He knew that a Google Maps employee was taking pictures of the building's attractions, and he also saw that employee put his camera through the iron railing to take a close-up photo of a Spanish wax figure girl while the management was not paying attention.

“This is fucking scary,” the Google employee whispered. He noticed Agent Coulson's gaze, so he explained, "I'm talking about this wax figure. It has a great uncanny valley effect, don't you think? I took a panoramic photo, and anyone in the world can see it. It’s like something out of a horror movie.”

Agent Coulson shrugged and continued to follow the footsteps of the exact double, while preparing his usual fake FBI ID.

"Sorry, no visitors are allowed here. This is the bishop's office..."

"I have a charter certificate from the diocese." The exact substitute stretched out his hand and flashed it in front of the administrator. Although he was mentally prepared, what happened next still made Agent Coulson feel horrified. He saw the administrator's eyes visibly losing their sparkle, becoming dementia, slowness, and trance. The consciousness born of the complex brain structure was controlled at this moment, and the electrical signals on the cortex were artificially manipulated and carefully filtered. Drop the will not allowed by the exact double. A living person became a puppet in such a moment. Agent Coulson felt that he could never get used to this scene. For him, the horror of this scene was far more than that of plasma horror movies, because this kind of coming from the unknown The fear of being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is what he is really afraid of. "Can you let us in now?"

"But the bishop doesn't allow's okay." The administrator was completely unaware of the exact substitute's questions and manipulations. At first, his brain's electrical signals were still being transmitted and neurotransmitters were still being released, but then the electrical signals changed the frequency of transmission, and neurotransmitters also became abnormal. "You have the right to go anywhere, sir." The administrator immediately felt happy and relaxed after saying these words, and seemed to be happy that he had given up an unknown and difficult option, "This is your freedom."

The precision double pointed at Agent Coulson, "He's with me."

"That is your right, sir."

The Accurate Double turned to look at Agent Coulson, who noticed that the Accurate Double blinked in an extremely human manner. "Come with me, Phil Coulson. To be precise, stand next to me." The accurate substitute took out a pistol with a flashing blue light, and the bright magnetic field boosting coil began to charge, and the violent high-temperature plasma The soup is continuously pressurized, testing the high temperature resistance of the pressurized cabin. "You don't want any violence here, do you?"

Hammurabi did not leave the Emperor's side, and it was the Sisterhood who sent Nick Fury's fake life model bait out of the manor. Only this time, Dinah did not use a chariot or summon armed personnel. Instead, she purchased a coffin that could accommodate an android from a coffin shop in the town. After ensuring that there was no information on the coffin that could lead to Oxford County, she The Life-Model Decoy was forced in and the coffin board was stapled. Dinah doesn't care what Life-Model Decoy thinks after she realizes she is just an android. She will stuff the coffin into a container and send it to an ocean-going cargo ship across the Atlantic. Finally, a private dock in New York will be opened. , taken over by New York gangsters. Fisk Wilson, also known as Kingpin, contracted this business. He had the actual control of the private dock and he could ensure that no one could ask him for any information about the emperor.

He could throw away all the weapons black markets on the West Coast, a few casinos in Las Vegas, and drug trafficking routes in Texas, but he couldn't throw away the emperor's trust. As long as the emperor trusts him, no matter how desperate the situation is, he will always have a chance to make a comeback or even start over again. Even the FBI's investigation against him will have irreparable flaws at the last moment. It's not that key evidence is lost. It was the person in charge who broke the scandal. The emperor's trust is the fuse for his dangerous undertaking, and it is the last chance given by his wife Vanessa through years of connections. Even though Vanessa is not in New York now, she is still protecting him.

"We should ask Athena to come here and hold an art salon."

Salomon was holding an empty blue fish bucket in one hand and Milia's full small fish bucket in the other. He also had a folding canvas chair and a fishing rod in his arm, while Milia was walking behind him proudly, wearing a The two short legs of the rubber rain boots clicked back and forth, even bringing mud and rainwater into the hall, leaving a series of small black boot prints on the smooth marble floor. The android maid picked up Miria before she stepped on the carpet. Facing this girl, the android was not so polite. The android maid picked up Milia like a little lamb, and while walking up the stairs, she skillfully removed the raincoat from Milia's body, which was fluttering around. She took off her rain boots, and when the maid walked to the bathroom, she threw the struggling girl into the hot water full of soap bubbles, and used a sponge to clean the dirty little guy.

A maid would never allow a clay monkey to appear at her master's table.

Salomon listened to Milia's scream fade away and shrugged. He handed the fish bucket to Bayonetta and the fishing rod to Jeanne before continuing with his suggestion. "She must really want to be a guest here, and bring Vanessa here too - the modern abstract painter I told you about - although I can understand her paintings, but I hate that kind of nonsense. The unskilled painting style completely fails to demonstrate basic painting skills.”

"Yes." Bayonetta agreed, "But it can only be your adoptive mother and Vanessa."

"I think they will definitely be interested in that sculpture." Salomon raised his eyebrows and motioned the witch to look at the marble sculpture in the front hall of the hall, past his re-creation of "The Fever of Saint Teresa". That statue incorporates all his lust for the witch, and anyone who understands it will be shocked by the fiery emotion revealed from the marble skin. "What else can represent my feelings for you?"

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