Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1384 Chapter 1380 It’s Still Peace Today (Second Update)

Witches blush every time they see "The Fever of Saint Teresa".

The emotion expressed by this sculpture was far more destructive to them than the love words Salomon had said to them on weekdays, more than the love letters written sincerely and full of hidden eroticism between the lines. This is a perfect work of art. Even if it is an uncolored marble sculpture, it can still show a lifelike breathing feeling with its elegant colors and natural marble texture. Each arc carved out of hard marble has a soft texture, as if St. Teresa in the sculpture will exhale hot breath in the next second and blow up the gauze covering her face.

Joan of Arc once made a joke. She claimed that she could bury the sculpture under the manor and dig it up hundreds of years later. At that time, regardless of their financial situation, they could rely on this statue to return to high society. This is just a joke, neither Bayonetta nor Joan of Arc want this statue to disappear in front of them, as if they want to confirm the emperor's feelings. This kind of behavior is just like the emperor needs to use the inexplicable jealousy of witches to confirm their feelings for him. It is an interesting adjustment in the love life and will not exceed the level that is unacceptable to both parties.

Salomon was an extremely mysterious man. He would never take the initiative to tell all his secrets. In fact, the witches could enter and leave the emperor's study at will and read documents that even Hammurabi did not have permission to read. ——However, they did not do this because they were not interested in the complicated government affairs. Unless the emperor takes the initiative to mention it and invites them to watch, the witches will "condescend" to glance at the piles of papers, because when the emperor takes the initiative to mention it, it proves that the threat from extradimensional dimensions is imminent, and the witches' abilities are urgently needed to completely solve the problem. At that time, the witches will also be happy to satisfy their own sense of achievement and psychological needs. On the surface, they are reluctant, but in fact, they can't wait to rush to the weakest place between reality and illusion, using magic, firearms, and various melee weapons. Kill extradimensional creatures that have acquired entities in the real dimension.

But this time he didn't invite the witch to help.

Agent Coulson lowered his head and pushed open the door of the church office of San Fernando Church, the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Los Angeles. The ancient wooden doors are coated with varnish year after year, but moisture still penetrates into the wood fibers tirelessly, and the iron hinges bite and rub tightly, making a squeaking noise. Agent Coulson saw a man who had stripped off his upper body and knelt in front of a small statue of Jesus. His strong back was covered with blood marks and bruises left by whippings. Semi-coagulated blood seeped out of the skin and flowed down the back. .

Bishop Fernando of the church stood aside, holding a copper censer used during the Eucharist. The pungent smell of burning spices made people cough. The bishop was very surprised by the appearance of the intruder. He didn't have time to say anything more. The man who was kneeling on the ground immediately stood up and untied the iron chain wrapped around his arm and used to whip himself.

But the carbon-marked muzzle calmed him down.

Although his level of knowledge does not allow him to know what kind of weapon it is, anyone in the world knows that if something can be shaped into a gun, something with the "highest right of passage" will definitely spit out from the muzzle. Robbie Reyes doesn’t know if he can be resurrected if he loses his head in the human state, but based on his actions not long ago, it is very likely that he will not be forgiven, and it is even very likely that the spirit body will completely break away and give up on him. The salvation of his life.

"Exorcism ritual, this thing is indeed useful, especially in this building." The accurate double pointed the plasma pistol at Robbie Reyes, and the pressurized chamber bloomed with an almost dazzling blue light. The material of the pressurized chamber is extremely effective in insulating high temperatures. Even at close range, Robbie Reyes did not feel any heat. He did not know that the small hole near the muzzle of the gun would begin to discharge boiling cooling water after shooting. liquid, but the sharp chirping gave him an ominous premonition. "But not this time." The exact double tilted his head, like a masked killer in a classic horror movie, "Give me that book, Bishop. Don't try to escape. Wear gloves and don't touch the book cover directly. And don’t stare at any page.”

"You..." Robbie Reyes's eyes began to glow with sporadic sparks, and the flesh and blood on his face turned yellow. The smell of burnt meat began to permeate the air, which made the air in the bishop's office originally hot due to the incense become... Worse. When Robbie Reyes wanted to summon the possessed evil spirit to defeat the stranger in front of him, he found that the evil spirit that had been trying to occupy his body and control his behavior could not be summoned at all, and the agent Coulson he knew Standing aside, remaining silent. "Who is he, Agent Coulson?" Robbie Reyes said. "You know this book has to be polished."

"You should know him, Robbie Reyes." Agent Coulson watched the bishop follow the instructions and put on white silk gloves, and used his old body to barely hold up this ancient book with a color like coagulated blood. . The precise substitute reached out directly, firmly grasped the spine of the book with one hand, and put the book into his arms gracefully. Robbie Reyes still wanted to stop him, but was forced back at gunpoint. He impatiently wanted to urge the spirit body to hand over his power to protect the "Book of Darkness". After all, that was the mission of the spirit body, but the possession of his body was The spirit inside remained indifferent and even gave up trying to communicate with Robbie Reyes.

Robbie Reyes began to apologize for his previous lashings.

He never gave up trying to expel spirits, but he also never gave up using the power of spirits. Almost every Ghost Rider has gone through this stage. After all, not every living person can accept inappropriate behavior. Feeling in control. The true nature of the spirit body is not a demon. All the actions of the spirit body are to prevent extradimensional creatures from invading the real dimension, or to expel extradimensional creatures back to the dimension where they should be. But the thoughts and behaviors of spirits are living malice to ordinary humans. Not everyone can accept possession and endure the endless whispers in their minds without going crazy, and not everyone can accept that spirits have no society. The act of moral concepts burns the soul of any guilty person in order to absorb the energy active in the real dimension, and converts the soul that can provide energy for the outer dimension into the purest magic.

"This is the contract you promised, at least that's what he said." Agent Coulson asked, "Is this true?"

"The emperor sent you here?" Robbie Reyes took a deep breath of the pungent air. His words proved the authenticity of the contract mentioned by the exact double. "You tell him that I didn't break any terms, and Gabe's living conditions must remain the same." Out of some trust in Agent Coulson, Robbie Reyes said, "If you are really that person's Subordinate. Agent Coulson?"

Agent Coulson nodded, then gave the exact double a confused look.

He knew that the exact double had accurately replicated all of Salomon's appearance. But he was very curious about why Robbie Reyes just couldn't recognize the man in front of him as the emperor, and whether there was some magic in it that he didn't understand. But the exact double didn't explain, and he couldn't get any answers. "The administrator is not incompetent, he tried his best to stop us." Seeing that the accurate double was about to leave, Agent Coulson hurriedly said to the bishop, "I want to confirm, have you read the contents of that book? Please tell the truth. Mr. Bishop.”

Agent Coulson breathed a sigh of relief at Bishop's denial, and he was glad that no lives were lost today.

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