Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1385 Bishop of San Fernando (two in one)

Just as Agent Coulson breathed a sigh of relief and tried to negotiate with the bishop to deal with the aftermath, a slight mechanical scream came from behind, and a ball of blue hot plasma streaked across the corridor, vaporizing the thick wooden door, and a dazzling light shone in the air. The Bishop, who looked at a loss, exploded. Then the explosion and smoke instantly filled the room, and the supernatural smoke mixed with flesh, blood, and ashes.

The rapidly expanding gas formed a terrifying explosion impact. Agent Coulson's vision went dark. The explosion impact directly knocked him out of the dilapidated and charred bishop's office door. An indescribable stench hit his face along with an explosion storm that could almost burn his skin. Even battle-hardened agents cannot endure or describe such an extreme environment. The smell was like the rotten blood and internal organs that had been burned in a burning slaughterhouse. The pungent smell of smoke made it difficult for him to open his eyes. The hanging rotten meat was devoured by the fire, and the thin smoke Spurting out along the blood vessels.

Agent Coulson was forced back by the heat, and the remaining hair on his head was almost singed and curled. He staggered out of the bishop's office, his eyes becoming red and swollen due to the smoke and his vision became blurry. He still recognized the figure rushing towards him with his blurred vision. On the other side of the corridor, the precise double held the plasma pistol and kept pulling the trigger. Seven blue flashes of light flashed across the straight line, and the air was filled with the heat of star-like high temperature. "Come to me, Agent Coulson!" the exact double warned loudly as he strode towards the bishop's office, clutching the "Dark Book of Darkness" with one hand. This was the first time Agent Coulson showed any anxiety when he saw this alchemy body. However, before he could figure out what was going on, he heard the exact double speaking in a high tone that sounded like an order, "Don't look back. !”

Then there was another burst of high-temperature plasma and a dazzling explosion. The thick gray smoke climbed up to the ceiling like a living creature, extending downwards with thousands of dancing gray-black tentacles. This time, the accurate substitute came to Agent Coulson. He pulled the trigger continuously, firing several plasma balls with as high a temperature as stars. It wasn't until the pressurized cabin could no longer withstand such an impact, until the battery pack was completely exhausted, and until the energy storage tank exhausted all the metallic compressed gas, that he dropped the overheated plasma pistol that was spitting out coolant vapor and stretched out his hand. The burnt arm gripped Agent Coulson's suit collar firmly.

The precise double pushed him hard into the nearby vertical corridor. At this time, burning smoke had spread from the bishop's office, accompanied by inhuman roars. "Run quickly, Agent Coulson." The current S.H.I.E.L.D. agent could not see the situation clearly in the smoke. He only heard the accurate double saying to him. The hot fluid soaked the back collar and neck of his suit, a scent Agent Coulson knew well. This was the smell of blood, and the iron smell lingered in his nose, even overpowering the smell of burning wood. "We've all been lied to, this is not something your non-lethal weapons can deal with."

The precise stand-in lifted the arm whose skin had been burned off by the high-temperature coolant steam. The swollen and peeling skin drooped and then fell off. The wrinkled skin fell to the ground, making the sound of being hit hard against a wet rag. Agent Coulson could even see the bright red muscles and white skeleton, the rich blood seeping out of the scalded skin and dripping on the ground. The entire forearm and palm of the accurate stand-in had a layer of skin burned alive by the high-temperature steam. , but the alchemy body did not show any signs of pain. His expression showed nothing except the initial seriousness, as if the pain caused by these injuries did not affect his actions at all.

"In the end what happened?"

"The "Book of Darkness" is missing a page." The accurate substitute said quickly, his eyebrows full of anxiety. He has realized the mistake made by Robbie Reyes, because of his superstition, not only the people alive in this world have read "The Book of Darkness". Perhaps the possessed spirit wanted to warn him, but the effect of the whipping ritual suppressed the spirit's whispers. "I underestimated Robbie Reyes' faith in religion. Agent Coulson, please do your best to help me evacuate the crowd."

"I understand." Agent Coulson nodded. The exact double's explanation wasn't clear enough, and he didn't know what was happening yet, but his agent instinct prompted him to follow the exact double's decision. "What about the retreat plan? Do we have reinforcements?" he asked. "There must be at least one Quinjet flying above us."

"There is no SHIELD anymore, Agent Coulson. There is no retreat plan, no reinforcements, and we can't burn down the San Fernando Church." The precision double looked at the dimly flickering orange-red fire in the bishop's office at the other end of the corridor. ,Sighed. "I didn't expect that someone could fall in such a short period of time, and the possessed spirit body couldn't detect it. Either the spirit body was too weak, or Robbie Reyes' superstition made him ignore the reminder. Now the plasma weapon has It's overheated, and I don't have any technological creations that can be used against the enemy. What is this..."

Agent Coulson pulled what looked like a flashlight from his suit lining pocket. After pressing the switch, a blue laser was emitted from one end of the flashlight. "This is a rat hole. The laser cutter invented by Fitz is better than nothing. As for me -" he shook his SP-21 Barak pistol produced by the Israeli Defense Industry and using .45 ACP ammunition, " ——This is enough for me.”

The accurate double accepted Agent Coulson's gift and walked alone to the smoke-filled bishop's office.

The fire flickered in the gray-black smoke, and the terrifying roar became louder and louder. The ancient building could not help but tremble, and the beams that had been replaced more than a hundred years ago were also licked by the tongues of fire. The remaining water evaporated, and it seemed that the entire building was making an unpleasant creaking sound. Agent Coulson first smashed the fire alarm with the handle of his pistol. When he looked back towards the bishop's office, he vaguely saw an illusory light on the head of the accurate stand-in who walked into the fire scene. Although this light was not bright, it was enough to penetrate the suffocating smoke. The "rat hole" cutter invented by Leopold Fitz seemed to be affected. The alloy handle was burned and deformed by the light, and was The flames carved complex reliefs, and the blue laser stretched out and spread like a long sword.

Agent Coulson was certain that the Emperor's mind was manipulating the exact double, because no one in the world would make a Star Wars joke when life or death was at stake.

The burning skeleton burst out of the thick smoke, and a swollen humanoid body was also knocked out.

The flames from hell burned away the flesh and filled the gaps between the snow-white bones with fire. The star-like high temperature did not completely burn the target's upper body, but it destroyed things in the material universe. There is no object in this world that will not be affected by this high temperature, unless it is something from another world. Judging from the remnants of the white silk cloth embroidered with gold thread on the lower body of the humanoid body, this humanoid figure is the Bishop of San Fernando Church who previously presided over the whipping ceremony. The face that still maintains a normal humanoid shape is now covered by confusion and madness, and is distorted like before. That amiable elder, but his body hidden under the white priest's robe has long been rotten and sore due to aging and obesity.

The precise stand-in wields the "rat hole", and the laser burns long scorch marks on the diseased skin. The power of this laser cutter breaks through the hardware limitations, is much larger than the original design of Leopold Fitz, and can even penetrate thick smoke. Due to the lack of good heat dissipation measures, the alloy casing of the "Rat Hole" became hot due to the high power of the battery pack, and a faint smoke even emitted from the palm of the accurate stand-in, but in such a complex environment, this smoke did not matter at all. Eye-catching. "He's the way he is all because of you, Robbie Reyes. Because of your stupidity and superstition, which gave him access to this book."

The burning skeleton roared, seemingly trying to defend itself, but the swollen human form didn't give it time.

Several finger-sized deformed creatures from behind the curtain broke out of the fragile and bulging skin and fell to the ground one after another. Foul-smelling viscous pus gushes out like a fountain, and then was covered by the deformed creatures' reptile-like feet in the blink of an eye. It solidified into a puddle of claw marks caused by an unknown material process. In an instant, these deformed little creatures gathered into a wave of evil spirits, and the laws of reality squeezed their bodies, making them flicker like illusions in the eyes of ordinary people.

Yet these illusions corrode the stone floors and eat away at the masonry walls.

But to Robbie Reyes and the exact doubles, every blasphemous whisper these monsters utter from their utterly unevolved mouths is not only crystal clear, it's trying to squeeze their very souls. Especially the rotten corpse whose spine was cut off by the laser, holding up its arms that were leaking pus and growing little monsters, humming a blasphemous hymn in a low voice. The high-frequency hymns beyond the hearing range of ordinary humans almost lifted the burning ceiling of the church, using power and silence as gifts, and sensory stimulation as rewards. Complete violence and knowledge poured towards the accurate substitute in a way that was almost visible to the naked eye. .

They long for that soul fragment, a chalice full of rewards.

As for the administrator who was unfortunately affected, he had already turned into a ball of carrion in the pus. Flies from behind the curtain swarmed out and laid eggs on the carrion. The fly eggs also skipped the stage of becoming maggots and emerged into flies in the blink of an eye. , adding horrible annoyances. Robbie Reyes immediately threw out the red-hot iron chain, and the hellfire forcibly cut the corridor from the bishop's office. At the same time, it also burned alive the little monsters that overflowed the corridor like waves. This was the only correct thing he did today without getting a look of disgust from the exact double.

It is still unknown as to why the Bishop of San Fernando Church was able to accurately obtain that spell, and gain the ability to hide under the noses of spirits and even deceive the eyes of accurate substitutes. The consciousness of the precise double does not intend to be understood now, but the soul that controls the precise double has locked the range of the main messenger behind it - something predicted his journey and guided an innocent person to read the "Book of Darkness" ", even tore out one of the pages to read and study. Although the precise double can accomplish many tasks, it also exposes the emperor to a fatal weakness, which is to allow many beings behind the curtain to have access to his unprotected soul and consciousness.

An accident and Robbie Reyes' superstition set a trap that gave the mastermind a chance to touch the Emperor's soul. The thread of fate behind the curtain may have planned this trap long before the bishop was born, and arranged the bishop's life, from attending Tianzhu school, meeting girls to finding a job. This is a complete blasphemy, a blasphemy against the freedom consciousness of the human race. This is the conspiracy behind the curtain against the emperor. They know that the emperor will never allow this to happen, and will definitely trace the source to find them.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Salomon lowered his head and saw that the meat on his fork had fallen back onto his plate.

"No, it's nothing."

Although he said this, the witch did not ignore the light in his eyes.

This means that he has begun to use extradimensional power, and it is in a place unknown to the witches. However, Joan of Arc did not ask, and neither did Bayonetta. Instead, she reached out to take away the plate in front of him and exchanged it with the cut steak on her own plate, because she knew that Salomon's thinking ability was now being restricted. , there is no extra thinking ability to deal with real life. In order to prevent him from acting like an idiot or choking to death, the witch, as the mistress of the manor, naturally assumed the responsibility of taking care of Salomon. This was not the first time she had done this. Salomon had been seriously injured and had accidents several times since he was a child, and the witch had always taken care of him.

"Remember to eat broccoli." Bayonetta turned her head and specifically told Milia, because although the latter did not realize how abnormal the situation was, she still keenly discovered a person who could secretly put broccoli into her adoptive father's house. Opportunity on a plate. But the opportunity quickly disappeared as Bayonetta grabbed Millia's sinful little hand. The girl showed a sad expression, but Bayonetta was not moved at all and continued to stare at the girl with a teasing expression until Miria gave up her struggle and put the broccoli on the plate again. "Without broccoli there would be no games, no fishing and no swimming," she warned. "Do you want to swim in a cold pool, Milia?"

The girl shook her head obediently.

British winters are not generally cold, and even manors do not turn on the heating function 24 hours a day. One morning, Milia had a sudden idea and tried to jump from the window of the small room into the swimming pool. Perhaps it was her innate magic that allowed her to do it, but the cold swimming pool made her jump out of the water after falling into the water. Arrested by Dinah who followed closely. As expected, Miria caught a cold and received a scolding from Bayonetta while she was still wrapped in the blanket. Children of Milia's age always have some disgusting thoughts and actions, and Milia's ability can also transform those thoughts into reality. Even though she is extremely honest in front of Salomon, it is just because of her It was just a matter of intuition to determine the emperor's superior soul and position in the food chain.

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