Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1386 Jung and Nietzsche (first update)

Agent Coulson rushed into the long corridor with the Google Maps employees he had met before, passing through the dark benches, icon paintings and saint sculptures placed on both sides of the corridor until Agent Coulson approached The group of staff "demonstrated" that the weapons on their hands could fire high-speed flying metal, and the guys from Silicon Valley calmed down and followed his footsteps obediently. Like ignited oil, thick black smoke rose from the three-story San Fernando Church, attracting Hispanic and Latino residents throughout the community.

People who have lived in this community for a long time have never seen such a strange fire. The smoke column rising into the sky almost covered half of the church, but there was no bright fire in the thick smoke. Some enthusiastic local residents have contacted the fire brigade, but the wall of onlookers has effectively blocked Agent Coulson's evacuation route. He tried to dissuade him by taking out his ID and pistol, but no one paid attention to him at this time. Instead, they tried to film him with their mobile phones. Every agent did not want to encounter this kind of thing, so Agent Coulson could only empty a magazine into the air. The locals who were extremely sensitive to gunfire calmed down for a moment, and then joined the screaming tourists. Scattered away.

There are daily shootouts in minority neighborhoods. Killings are commonplace here, and the police station is unwilling to pay attention to such things. Except for the school police from the nearby Catholic school, there are no armed personnel in uniforms with guns on their waists to maintain order. The only people who really care about this community are the insurance companies and government departments that accept the San Fernando Church's insurance. This situation now means that the insurance companies will pay a large sum of money to pay for the reconstruction work after the fire.

"You're so smart." The Google employee wasn't angry at all because his ears were buzzing from gunfire, even if a bullet casing popped into his head. A fellow photographer was taking pictures everywhere with a panoramic camera. "Now you've evacuated the crowd. Are you going to wait here for the fire brigade?"

"No," Coulson yelled.

He felt he had to raise his voice because behind him the sound of the hot wind whipping up in San Fernando Church grew louder, burning wood crashed and masonry crackled and collapsed. A few minutes later, the hot air expanded rapidly, dense sparks were blown up by the tornado that appeared out of thin air, and the slender flame ladder curved into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. The Google Maps employees stared wide-eyed and recorded the scene with all the filming tools at hand. With the help of the camera, Agent Coulson saw a blurry figure rising rapidly in the filmed flame tornado.

When the flame tornado dissipated, the figure and the flames of San Fernando Church disappeared, as if the supernatural fire had been drained of all oxygen and fuel. All traces of the fire have disappeared except for the ruins of the walls that still radiate heat, and the grass and trees that are still burning. No one came out of the blackened masonry. Agent Coulson looked left and right, and finally chose not to wait - he would not wait here for the local police and fire brigade to arrive, because many people here saw him shooting in the air. Even having FBI credentials must be verified, and verification will be noticed by Jeffrey Mace's newly formed S.H.I.E.L.D. He couldn't explain why he came to this place, nor could he explain what happened in the San Fernando Church, and he didn't want Jeffrey Mace to know about his relationship with the Emperor and the Ghost Rider.

Agent Coulson felt like he was going crazy.

Although the exact double did not expose him to any supernatural presence, Agent Coulson already knew that the Emperor would not devote his personal attention to a place where supernatural phenomena did not exist. Just realizing this fact, the vague memories of the small town of Salem came back to him again, burning his brain like the stomach acid flowing up the esophagus, burning the fragile mucous membranes and throat. The unintelligible whispers grew more frantic.

Agent Coulson took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The memories of the small town of Salem have been haunting him, and that experience can even give him recurring nightmares. Even the unknown effect of the GH-325 drug in the Tahiti project on the brain cannot offset that horrific memory. Although he couldn't remember what he had done or who he had met, his instinct told him that there was a reason why he had forgotten that memory. This was a measure taken by someone to ensure his safety. Even so, he could still smell the stench in his memory, the smell of death.

Is it Nick Fury, or the Emperor?

Coulson didn't know, and he didn't want to know. Even though he had obviously mastered all the secrets of SHIELD, the more he dug deeper, the more he realized his ignorance. The emperor's warning to him still rang in his ears. Howard Stark's original intention of establishing S.H.I.E.L.D. was not that simple. Although Obadiah, who had controlled the Stark Group for a long time, died, his intention to control the Stark Group and destroy the power of Howard Stark's pure ideals was not Before disappearing, he still needs to continue fighting until victory. Before that, the Emperor will not allow Agent Coulson to go to death and peace like this.

Agent Coulson took the Emperor at his word because the Emperor was a man who had the ability to demand that others take his pride into account. According to Jung's analysis, the emperor is a person who integrates the "dark side" of human nature, and painfully draws strength and cruelty from the "dark side". He can use a dangerous posture to demand respect from others, but in the long run During the contact time, Coulson rarely saw the emperor do this. Instead, he mostly joked and helped. Although some jokes were really bad, no one would be harmed unless necessary. This behavior even has some philosophical implications - in Agent Coulson's mind, the Emperor is a very gentle man. Anyone in this world who has that kind of power will expand uncontrollably and be willing to demand more respect more frequently. Even without the help of supernatural powers, humans themselves will commit many atrocities.

He who does not wish to die of thirst among men must learn to drink from every cup. Those who remain clean among the world must know that they can wash themselves with dirty water.

"Are you full?"

When Salomon came back to his senses, he found that Joan had pulled the high-backed chair in the restaurant closer to him, so close that her shoulders were touching, and even a few strands of hair were lying on his arms. At this time, Bayonetta had already taken Millia, who was noisy and begging for after-dinner activities, to the second floor, leaving only Jeanne to take care of him. The white-haired witch looked Salomon up and down with creepy eyes, then she blinked, and the gorgeous rose red and smoky gray eye shadow flashed past. She stuck out her tongue slightly and licked her lips, as if to wet them, but this was just a trick she used to attract attention.

As a witch, she was born to use her extremely sharp beauty to her advantage.

"You ate all the steaks on the table, idiot." Jeanne shook her head and tied her long snow-white hair behind her head. When Salomon finally came to his senses, he saw her pointing at the empty plates on the long dining table, while he was holding a knife and fork in his hand, and felt his stomach bulge. "You ate two kilograms of tomahawk steak when you first met Theresa. This time I wanted to try how much you could eat while unconscious, and the result has exceeded my expectations." Joan of Arc said playfully. Blinking, "Also to tell you another fact, Milia still secretly gave you her broccoli. Ceresa saw it, and they had a quarrel in the restaurant."

Salomon let out a long breath.

"Five point three kilograms." Joan stood up, patted his shoulder, then leaned down and said in his ear, "You need to work harder, especially tonight."

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