Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1387 Rebellion Period (Second Update)

The Cheshire Cat lay on the quilt, squinting his eyes and enjoying the touch from his mistress.

Bayonetta hooked its tail with her flexible toes. The fat cat, which was covered in fat, immediately turned its back, stretched its short limbs as much as possible, and purred louder. Sometimes Salomon would be curious about the bionic movements of the Cheshire Cat - essentially, the Cheshire Cat is an extradimensional creature that relies on his power to maintain the physical universe, which he selected and captured from the vast sea of ​​souls. An emotional fragment, its form in the real universe was shaped by him and its thinking - before this, this soul had never had a body or self-awareness, let alone realized that it was a cat. Therefore, in Salomon's view, the Cheshire Cat's bionic movements are an extension of movement based on self-awareness. It is the influence of the real plane on the soul through flesh and blood and consciousness, which is perfectly in line with the theory of alchemy.

But if anyone used this theory to explain why the Cheshire Cat is so greedy, it would only attract the emperor's scorn. Angels, demons and elves in mythology are essentially the same as Cheshire cats. They do not need food from the real plane to maintain their bodies constructed of extradimensional energy. Cheshire cats, which maintain complete physical form for a long time, It is a minority, because the people who sign a contract with it have a lot of energy for it to waste. When Salomon walked into the bedroom with his arms around Joan of Arc's slender waist, the latter took off her clothes and walked directly to the bathroom and began to enjoy the bathtub prepared by Dinah. Salomon walked to the woman who was already wearing a black silk nightgown and was reclining. Bayonetta reading on the pillow.

The Cheshire Cat reluctantly opened his eyes and said hello to Salomon.

Salomon twisted the back of the cat's neck, whispered something next to its flapping ears, and then threw the 13-kilogram fat cat against the wall covered with dark green linen wallpaper. The barriers of the material universe seemed meaningless to extradimensional creatures. The translucent fat cat penetrated the wall like a flying lead ball and rolled down several rooms away. Milia obviously hadn't slept yet, and she was still having a tantrum - the Cheshire Cat appeared at the head of her bed at a very fast speed, with cats and translucent ectoplasm dust flying around around her. The fat gray cat stretched out its nose and sniffed her hair, confirming that this was its mission target. This cat, which was bigger than the girl's head, blocked all of Milia's sight. The latter hugged the Cheshire cat without hesitation, and at the same time buried her wet face into the short cat fur with blue and green stripes.

"The Cheshire Cat will tell Melia a bedtime story," Salomon said to the witch. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the paper book in Bayonetta's hand. "Asimov, huh? I didn't realize you were into science fiction."

"I also have a rebellious phase, and the witch doesn't always forget to throw lizards and bat claws into the crucible." The black-haired witch raised her eyes from the paper book and couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not a stingy guy. I still hold grudges after my quarrel with Milia." She threw away the book, hugged Salomon's shoulders, and leaned her head on his shoulders. "I just told her to eat." Just broccoli.”

"Perhaps we can consider asking Dinah to make the vegetables more delicious next time." Salomon kissed Bayonetta's ear. The wet feeling and breath made her neck feel itchy. "Milia's child's mind and body are different from ordinary people. In just half a year, she has grown the height of an ordinary child in three years." He said sincerely, "This has a great impact on her mind, even if Her mind has grown fast enough, so she is only a child of a few years old."

Bayonetta closed her eyes and began to wrap her long legs around Salomon's waist like a slippery snake. "I know." She said as she slowly increased her strength, exerting a force that could crush steel on Salomon's bones. The black silk nightgown on her body fell like water, like a snake that was about to swallow its prey and shed its skin. black python. She was wearing nothing under her silk nightgown, which made this scene not only extremely erotic, but also exaggeratedly ferocious and vicious. Just like the witch herself, her coquettishness revealed danger. "But she will become a witch, she has the ability."

"You have the final say, dear."

Salomon held her thighs and buttocks, and lifted Bayonetta, who was tightly wrapped around him, out of the bed.

The bathroom door is open, and the wide space is filled with mist rising from hot water. The bright light of a large number of scented candles illuminates the grotesque gargoyle statue. The sparkling water reflects the light of the electric lamp and candles, depicting patterns on the wall. A dynamic water pattern image. As an ancient building, even the bathroom is full of artworks collected by Salomon from all over the world. The witches all like his decoration style, especially the behavior of storing weapons in the bathroom. of high praise.

Salomon strode into the bathroom with Bayonetta in his arms. The laughter they tried to suppress finally attracted Joan's dissatisfaction and glare. She tried to drive away the other two by pouring water from the bathtub that could be used as a swimming pool. people. Bayonetta jumped into the water first, her thin black silk nightgown rolled up wetly, and the gorgeous gold thread pattern hand-embroidered on the silk was completely submerged in the folds, crumpled into a ball of blurry gold thread.

When Joan stood up from the water and shouted angrily, she was picked up by the latter who stepped into the bathroom.

Salomon admired the wet body in his arms, and the low spell was captured and turned into the resonance of the real plane, resonating with the spell hidden in Joan of Arc's heart. Salomon's thoughts were connected with Joan's. At this moment, he and she could see each other's thoughts. What Joan of Arc saw was an obsidian-like volcano standing under the blood-red sky, and the magma on the top of the mountain was filled with boiling lust. Salomon saw a comfortable, large soft bed enclosed by curtains. He started to lift the heavy curtain and saw a fair and soft figure lying on the soft bed. The figure stared at him with gray eyes like the gray sky in winter. The fragrant ointment was evenly applied to Joan of Arc's skin, sticking to her snow-like long hair. The only clothes she wore were breast ornaments, necklaces and gold armbands made of gold threads and jewelry. Her Underneath the flawless and flawless skin, there are strong muscles hidden, which are as enchanting and powerful as Istar in ancient Sumerian mythology.

She was like a lioness crouching on the sweet bed, ready to pounce on her prey.

This is a metaphor, but it is very intuitive - at this moment, dopamine molecules and serotonin molecules begin to be large enough to be released in the synaptic cleft - the happiness brought by serotonin arises spontaneously, and the large amount of dopamine secreted also makes all her anger disappear. disappear. Unsurprisingly, Jeanne blushed. She bit her lower lip and turned her eyes to the other side, not looking at the man who made her unreserved. She failed like this every time, even Bayonetta was the same. Salomon knew how to stir up their desires, as familiar with their souls as they were with their bodies.

He "personally" saw the marks on their souls that belonged to the outer plane, which were the sequelae of magic and contracts, and he had always wanted to completely solve this problem and release their souls to give the witches freedom. This is likely to annoy Madam Butterfly and Madam Styx, two extradimensional creatures who have signed a contract with the witches, but Salomon is not worried about this problem. He is a master of contract making, a disciple of the Supreme Sorcerer, and the future Lord of Karma Taj. After leaving the manor, he will fight like a lion. Even if his opponents are Madam Butterfly and Madam Styx, who have had a close relationship with him, he believes that he will not fail.

Dinah walked into the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel and placed the headphones he was using on a tray lined with snow-white dry towels. She brought ointment and anointed Salomon and the Witch. As an android maid, all of Salomon's life activities are arranged by Dinah. She also has the right to intervene in any affairs related to Salomon's life. Even the witch will follow her advice on certain things, such as Dinah. The rose ointment that Na used was a treasure that she found all over the world. She believed that this was the most suitable thing to use for the master's pleasure.

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