Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1396 Illegitimate Son (Two in One)

The first phase of Lorelei's mission has been successfully completed.

The information she obtained about Hliskjálf was only part of it. She also obtained the defense map and terrain map of the Golden Palace. This is necessary information for the second phase of the mission. It is generally difficult to obtain through divination, because the entire Golden Palace is shrouded in the protection of powerful magic, and obtaining it by force will most likely require some sacrifices.

Lorelai established the Interstellar Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the emperor's method. With the help of the Kama Taj Embassy, ​​she used bribery, intimidation, kidnapping and other means to gradually find out the defense situation of each hall of the Golden Palace, starting from the low-level officials of the Golden Palace. Among them, the most important Silver Hall is because of the existence of Hillidskylaf and the particularity of Hillidskylaf himself. This hall, which has been visited by many Asa and Vanir Protoss, has become a place visited by Luo Lei. The place where Rai penetrated most thoroughly.

She even raised a mercenary army made up of refugees from the Asgardian colony. This is not a difficult task for her. This is not the first time she has recruited mercenaries to form an army to oppose Asgard. Her magic has been used by herself to confuse people many times. But this time her mission went particularly smoothly, and even magic was rarely used - she just arranged for people to go to the colony where the riots occurred to give a speech, tell a few passages of "Unified Truth" and transport some food, and then she discovered Soldiers were harvested - this is not only because of the large financial support provided by Kama Taj, but also because Asgard's taxes have become more and more stringent in recent years. The effects of the Finbul Winter were first seen in Asgard, and the reduction in food production was the least noticeable of them.

However, in order to support Asgard's huge trade volume, the Asgardians extracted higher and higher tithes on colonies such as Nornheim, which often led to riots in the colonies and the displacement of many refugees. However, no one in Asgard cares about the living conditions of those colonies, including the most ordinary Asgardian civilians. Maybe they will be moved to tears when they see the poverty of the colonies, but if they want to terminate their changes because of the colonies, It is absolutely impossible to achieve a prosperous living standard.

Like the middle-class citizens of London in the Victorian era, they were proud of the city they lived in. Even if the black soot rising from the factories polluted the sky and the emaciated child laborers starved to death on the streets, it was nothing compared to those who enjoyed the convenience of life. It doesn't matter. The colony's dissatisfaction with Asgard has reached its limit, and Lorelai's job is to push the bottom line of the colony and teach the emperor's thoughts and knowledge to the colony of Nornheim. Perhaps Thor can rely on his war hammer to quell a riot, but he will never be able to suppress a never-ending riot caused by countless hungry poor and laborers.

If Asgard sends a large number of troops to deal with this matter, Asgard's deployment of troops in the doomsday battle of Ragnarok will be limited, and strategic decision-making will be affected, becoming one of the straws that breaks the camel's back; If Asgard refuses to deal with colonial riots, then the colonies will become completely independent from Asgard's influence, cut off trade with Asgard, and promote the impact of the Fimbul Winter on Asgard, which will affect all the colonies. Another step on the ending of Asgard's destruction in Twilight of Gods, completely crushing the description of Asgard's new world in the prophecy.

This game of chess had already been planned when the emperor captured Lorelei. Although it could not play a decisive role, all victories were accumulated from a large number of small tactical advantages. His goal is the new world after Ragnarok, not the battle of Ragnarok itself - the war between the giants and the Asa clan will not have much impact on the earth - but if the human race wants To get rid of Asgard's shadow, it is necessary to completely destroy the Asgard clan and absorb Asgard's thousands of years of knowledge and experience as nutrients. Without the Supreme Mage, the situation of humans on Earth would not be better than that of the colonies in Nornheim. This is the real reason why the Emperor has always been opposed to Asgard.

But in the eyes of Odin and Frigga, all the emperor's actions came from another standpoint, from the standpoint of a new god who wanted to establish a foothold in the new world after Ragnarok. Odin wanted to promise to give the emperor a place in the new world while the prophecy remained unchanged, in exchange for the support of the emperor, Karma Taj and the earth for Asgard. Even Frigga thought so. , otherwise it would be impossible to come up with such a ridiculous idea of ​​​​marrying the emperor and Hela. They didn't know that the emperor never regarded himself as a god. He believed that he was just an ordinary person with the power of a god. Without this power, he still had ideas, knowledge and foresight that could be used as weapons. His power was just huge. It's just a small part of the arsenal, no different than a loaded rifle.

Lorelai also found a piece of information that would interest the Emperor.

"My sister Amora once seduced Thor, and he became Amora's slave like other men. This is why Sif can't tolerate our sisters." The enchantress narrowed her eyes and pressed her body tightly against her. The emperor was wearing a gray cloak, and his eyes were filled with overflowing amorous feelings. "Of course, no one in the world can compare with my lord... My sisters got some interesting information from Thor, such as Thor's illegitimate children. Poor Sif, she has been trying to ignore those two children and wants to To fulfill the mission given to her by Queen Frigga."

But when the emperor asked to meet Amora and understand the situation more intuitively, Lorelai's eyes suddenly changed, becoming vicious and angry, "Amora and I don't have a harmonious relationship. She charms men." She also enchants herself, she falls in love easily, and if you show hostility to Asgard, she won't tell you anything about Thor's bastard."

She took a deep breath, "Even I will admire her cruelty and debauchery. All Asgardians know that she tortured the water nymph, and they also know that she once publicly stated that she was willing to fight three dwarves for a necklace. Sharing the same bed. If you want to conquer her, you must do to her what I have done, if you are willing to consider my jealousy..."

The emperor nodded, but did not fully accept Lorelai's statement because she was not telling the truth.

The reason for her tense relationship with her blood relative Amora is because of the competition between the two parties over who can successfully seduce Thor. Amora won the competition and successfully escaped Asgard's pursuit, making Lorelai the scapegoat for failing in the competition. However, Lorelei seemed unwilling to mention that competition, as if she was worried that the emperor would have opinions about her because of it. However, she did not know that the emperor had already conducted a detailed investigation on her when she was captured.

"Regarding Magni and Modi, do you know where they are now?"

Lorelai pointed outside the tavern box, indicating that the target was here.

"Thor didn't give his bastards any care, and sometimes I suspected he didn't even know they existed. Only Odin gave them some help in life, but now that help has disappeared, and they have to find a way to support themselves. "She tried to hold the emperor's hand hidden under the cloak, but the latter did not resist her more and more aggressive behavior, because he knew that Lorelei needed some rewards. "But those two idiots are still hanging out with the common people, trying to show their power to attract the attention of the bard. They are just as stupid as their father, thinking that they are the protagonists of this world. But I have to admit, this trick is not good for a certain person. They have a fatal attraction for these unsophisticated Asgardian girls, especially when they brag that they will join the counter-insurgency operations against the colonies. In the eyes of the Asgardian girls, they are brave warriors." Rhine Girl Yaopu fanned his beautiful eyes, and his long eyelashes cast shadows on his cheeks like fans, "Are you going to kill them, my lord, or do you have other plans for them?"

Hammurabi was very fortunate that the breathing filter grille in the helmet had extremely excellent performance, otherwise he would have been blinded by the sour smell of vomit and alcohol in the tavern. Especially when some unscrupulous idiots tried to get close to them and provoke the guards who were much stronger than them, the air breathed out by the drunkards was filled with stench - the drunkards pointed at Hammurabi, wearing their helmets The translator inside translated that sentence straightforwardly. The Praetorian had learned the Old Norse language of Asgard, but he still needed a translator to understand the drunkard's words, because the constant mumbling was really annoying.

Now he understood that the man standing before him was a warrior who had participated in the Nornheim counterinsurgency war.

Hammurabi lowered his head and saw the warrior's head covered with dirty, messy curly hair. He saw the traces of solidified mead covering the warrior's beard. He shook his head helplessly. The other party seemed to take this as a provocation, so he shouted a few more words, turned around and opened his hands to the audience in the tavern. The imperial army did not regard the ax held by the opponent as a threat, nor did they regard the opponent's swaying fat body as a precursor to attack. However, when the opponent waved the blade at him, Hammurabi acted quickly. Reaction - he raised his foot and kicked away the chair in front of him. The wooden chair flew out like a cannonball, knocking an idiot who was also trying to attack the Guards into the wall - and then he used the garrison to The tip of the spear struck the drunk man in the face. Although the movements were too fast for people to see clearly, the Guardsmen who had experience fighting Heimdall had already figured out the Asgardian's individual strength. The only thing that surprised him was that his counterattack this time actually He failed to smash the skull of the drunkard, who fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"He killed Mody!" shouted another drunkard who looked similar to him. He was the man who was thrown against the wall by Hammurabi before. "Avenge Mody! This man owes a blood debt. He It must be repaid!" Along with the shouts, a large number of guys wearing dirty animal skins and holding sharp knives stood up from various positions in the tavern. These guys with warrior braids on their ears were also drunk, and their dirty beards and hair made the crowd look very drunk. They give off a pungent smell. Then the rough roar immediately drowned out the sour harp of the poor bard and the love poem he sang to the tavern waitress.

Amon opened fire first, instantly killing a man who had pointed a long-range weapon at him.

He stood guarding the only way into the box while Hammurabi rushed out towards the drunkards with their weapons raised. Before the drunkards even raised their weapons, he had already rushed into the crowd. The steel that had been given the rune of Gadore by the blacksmith's hammer was cut off by the halberd. No one tried to resist the attack with weapons or shields. All the exceptions had their bones and flesh chopped off.

Hammurabi swept through the tavern like a golden hurricane. He did not kill those who raised weapons, but destroyed weapons and limbs. Even so, the painful howls and spurting blood still made those who were ready to move break into a cold sweat. The stone tile floor of the entire tavern was flooded with mead, food remains, and blood. The smell of blood seeped into the mud-gray filling between the stone tiles. Those who were slightly awake felt that the soles of their shoes were sticky - it was not Hammura they were afraid of. Than, it was Amon standing at the door of the room. He used his garrison spear to blast the two fools to pieces. No one knew whether the soles of their shoes were stained with mead or corpses. Now that the tavern was completely quiet, no one dared to act rashly for fear of inviting the next round of attacks.

"Modi!" The painful voice scuttled around on the ground, breaking the deadlock. "Oh! He's still alive! He was knocked unconscious!" This was followed by a wet slap, a roar when he woke up from his sleep, and another person's unbridled laughter. "Get up, Modi, or I'll throw you into the pit of the watchdogs of Hades! No... no, his jaw is broken! You..."

Hammurabi didn't hesitate and punched it directly.

When the Emperor and Lorelei, who almost got into the cloak with only her head popping out, walked out of the room, they saw that except for the two Imperial Guards, there was no one left standing in the tavern. Some guys are lucky and are still alive after bleeding. Some unlucky guys are left with broken bones and flesh on the wall. The luckiest guys are the two drunkards closest to the Forbidden Army. They had no injuries other than redness and bruises on their obviously broken jaws, and they were fast asleep until Hammurabi kicked them aside.

"I'm talking about these two idiots, Manny and Modi." The emperor felt Lorelai hugging his arm tightly like a koala. The Rhine Banshee laughed in an intolerable tone at the two fallen men, while turning a blind eye to the death in the tavern. Perhaps compared to her blood relative, Lorelai's character is more cruel and ruthless, but she is more useful as a weapon. "Now it seems that they are even more useless than I thought." She stood on tiptoes and hid herself in the emperor's cloak. The latter could even feel the slight trembling and heat of her body. "If you have any feelings for them, What arrangement, then it’s best to change the plan. I said, they are as stupid as their father and cannot have any place in the new world.”

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