Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1397 Showing Hostility (Two in One)

The Imperial Army didn't know Manny and Modi. To them, they were just two Asgardian drunkards. However, they still sensed an abnormality and told the emperor about it. Genetic alchemy provides the Forbidden Army with the physical strength that human natural evolution can achieve. Coupled with the mechanical servo inside the power armor and the synaptic link connected to the power armor, the Forbidden Army can completely crush the armor plate of the infantry fighting vehicle with bare hands.

However, the two fat and strong men who fell to the ground and slept soundly were punched by Hammurabi respectively, but they did not seem to have suffered much damage except for the comminuted fractures of their cheekbones and jaw bones. Other unlucky guys who had the same experience either had their cheeks turned into a mixture of flesh and bone, and then went into complete shock due to pain and blood loss, or they gradually embarked on the road to Hades under the terrible blows. Hammurabi was able to confirm that the two people with the least injuries had not undergone genetic modification, otherwise they would never have had such an unhealthy body shape. The fat in their abdomens was almost comparable to that of seals in the Arctic, and the animal skins they wore were But it shows that they were so civilized that they didn't need fat to protect themselves from the cold.

Lorelai seemed to be amused by Hammurabi's dull statement.

"Using fat to protect yourself from the cold sounds like a description of a beast." She giggled and held up her palms to cover her mouth, like a lady attending a high-society event. Even if the area is full of disgusting smells such as foot odor, sweat odor, blood smell, etc., and everything in sight is full of dust and mud, Lorelei can still act like a noble lady wearing a dress and high heels. Woman, the charm in her eyes shines brightly. "But this description is very consistent with the intelligence level of them and their fathers." She raised her head and looked at the emperor's eyes covered by shadows under his hood, as if she was showing off how suitable the meeting place she chose was, and how it could save the emperor. How long will it take? "These two fools are born to be manipulated, but they are still the Asa protoss no matter what. If you kill them here, you may save a lot of trouble in the future. After all, the fewer Odin's chess pieces, the more likely we are to The chance of victory is higher.”

The emperor scanned the messy tavern. The mead barrel, which could almost be used as fuel, was shattered by the explosion. The black and golden liquids were clearly flowing on the ground. The pungent smell of alcohol in the air almost overwhelmed the smell of blood and urine emitted by the human body. . "Let them live, and then burn this place. Leave their lives to fate, and the useful people will survive." He said, "Now is the time to leave Asgard."

Amon immediately took out a heavy-duty plasma grenade from the magnetic belt around his waist, and used his thumb to rotate the adjuster on the fuze. The small display screen could accurately determine the triggering time of the fuze to three decimal places. If the user does not have the information processing capabilities and speed provided by genetic modification, the end result of using this plasma grenade is that it will take more than ten minutes to set up, and it will hit his or her feet when thrown. Even if you can throw it, you have to imagine whether you will have time to run out of the explosion range.

"My lord, which way to go?"

"Kama Taj Embassy." The emperor stepped out of the tavern door, his steel boots not stained by the dirt on the ground. He satisfied Lorelai's little wish, and the enchantress of the Rhine was currently being hugged by him with one arm, letting her lie in his arms and peeking at the outside world through the gray cloak. "There is no need for us to continue to hide Karma Taj's attitude. The winter of Finbul is about to enter its second winter, and Asgard will face extremely troublesome internal conflicts. When the third winter comes, the coveted Asgard Gard's external forces will take advantage of the situation."

The emperor still showed his keen sense of smell as always.

By moving chess pieces and creating events, he forced an opportunity in a future where the human race was enslaved and destroyed. Many of his plans were even planned from the time he was just starting out, such as the Immortal City and Gene Transformed warriors, like Ragnarok. These plans achieved their strategic goals just as he thought. Even so, he still believed that the time left for him was too little and completely insufficient to achieve the highest strategic goal in his mind - he was about to take over the rule of Kama Taj. However, before obtaining this power, he was completing the work that the Supreme Mage has been unable to complete through the terrifying prestige established by the Quetzalcoatl incident, which is to unify all magic schools on the earth and preserve and manage all forbidden knowledge from ancient times— - Even though Asgard has protected the safety of the earth in the void, it is the protection of slaves by slave owners and the greed of misers for the wealth they cannot ask for. Asgard will never allow the earth to have independence. The void fleet.

The emperor was somehow depressed.

"No Asgardian has the ability to take into account Karma Taj's attitude. Other alien races are still intimidated by Asgard's military power. That will be our best opportunity for development. We only have this time to create something that can withstand assets for the Void Fleet to attack, and hold everything they can in their hands."

The old man swept away the snow on the rock with his hands, then stepped on the gravel, surrounded by two wolves, and sat on it precariously, holding on to the charcoal-black handle of the gradually cooling and deformed battle axe. The cold rock made him shiver, and he saw his heavy breathing solidify into white mist in the air, and he heard the sizzling sound of snowflakes falling on the steel. The magic burned the ax scalding hot, and it was only then that he realized that the invisible flames in the blizzard were burning his palms. The pain made him subconsciously let go of his hands, and he had to open his palms and look carefully.

"I'm very old," he said to the crow beside him. A gaping black burn mark ran across the skin of his palm, making him take a breath of air. The aerial vehicle parked on the snow like a giant dragon, its engine running slowly to maintain heat. Large areas of snow melted into water, revealing the black land and rocks below. "I'm too old to use spells. Can you help me find out what he's doing?"

Neither the wolf nor the crow responded.

The giant wolves are very excited about the continuous accumulation of snow. They are digging into the snowdrifts endlessly, trying to find stones or mice buried under the snow. The cold weather made the ravens refuse to move. They curled up and crouched aside, closing their eyes and falling into a deep sleep. Only when the snowflakes piled up on their bodies became unbearable, they would open their eyes and shake themselves. - Odin They are not surprised by the bionic behavior of these animals - Asgardian scholars believe that this is because extradimensional creatures need a fixed form when they enter the real universe. The fixed form depends on the events and emotions that occur in the material universe, etc., and The essence of the outer dimension is a mirror of the physical universe, faithfully reflecting the thoughts of the caster.

Therefore, the reason why ravens and giant wolves have bionic behaviors is, on the one hand, the reflection of the summoner's own concept of animals, and on the other hand, the materials that make up the flesh and blood of animals in the material universe will have an impact on consciousness and soul to a certain extent. But what is the specific truth, even Odin himself does not dare to make a judgment, because the vast sea of ​​souls is counter-intuitive, counter-common sense, and counter-causal. Even if he loses his mind, he cannot fully understand the mystery.

The huge machine parked in the middle of the canyon suddenly made a sound, and began to exhale fiery breath like a dragon in the shadows. The Father of the Gods stared at the snow water evaporated by the heat of the engine rising like smoke from a nuclear bomb. He cursed in a low voice, and then saw the heavy steel slowly rising into the sky under the action of the reverse thrust, and the snow covered The gravel underneath was blown away by the strong wind, and the snow on the top of the mountain collapsed and piled up due to the deafening noise.

Odin's face turned gloomy.

He did not see the emperor and the Imperial Guard boarding the super-heavy assault transport craft, but he saw the aircraft hovering in the air continuously dropping machinery below. The heavy machine is equipped with a parachute. When it is about to land, a small explosion will occur at the connection between the parachute and the machine, placing the machine smoothly on the ground - it is a turret supported by four metal brackets. The fixtures automatically drill down to grip the rock formations, while silicon-based thinking circuits control battery packs, laser generators and radars on the turrets to search for enemies and launch attacks. Those forts are arranged near the caves where trolls (mountain monsters) appeared before, and they link information and alerts to each other. All threatening targets will be locked and shot at the first time.

At the same time, some figures jumped down from the hovering aircraft ramp. These figures did not use parachutes, but crashed straight into the snow-covered hillside, splashing up a large amount of snow. When Odin jumped off the boulder and approached the stumbling figures, he discovered that they were human bodies that had undergone large-scale mechanical modifications. However, those human bodies had no self-awareness, and their brains, eyes, and throats had all been modified—these people were They were criminals. Odin could tell the previous identities of these people at a glance. These servitors that have been modified to perform specific tasks are not only equipped with a large number of detection equipment, but also hold heavy plasma weapons. The modified and replaced bodies completely ignore the increasingly terrifying cold and are scattered on the second line of defense in the highlands outside the automatic turrets. , just wrapping the body with a snow-white robe as a disguise.

After noticing Odin approaching, the servitors turned around with grunts and pointed their heavy plasma weapons at him.

"Identification." Humans whose frontal lobes have been removed use electronic components to think instead. The single-task logic processor found the identity of Odin in the database through electronic eyes and face recognition systems. "Dangerous target." The servitor's weak consciousness thought, but he put down his weapon, "No attack order has been issued."

The Father of the Gods glanced at the servitor coldly, then turned into an eagle and soared into the sky, shooting at the super-heavy assault transport craft like an arrow from a string. He got into the gap of the closing ramp and returned to his human form. However, in addition to the cargo bay with only a little lighting, he saw several servitors performing single-logic tasks. The emperor and his warriors are not here. Those automatic turrets were dropped by the servitors, but the father of the gods still doesn't know whether this is the mechanical preset task or the result of remote control - he can tell at a glance, these two different The situation represented a different attitude on the part of Karma Taj, and Odin did not allow himself to be unable to figure out the thoughts of his temporary ally - in order to find out this matter, the father of the gods walked around in the huge super-heavy assault transport. He walked into the cab from the cargo hold and the crew cabin, and then discovered that the driver of the super-heavy assault transport craft was buried in a dark metal coffin. The metal coffin was closely connected to the super-heavy assault transport craft through several cables.

The Father of the Gods guessed what was buried in the metal coffin.

The runes engraved on the jet black metal coffin are all spells used to expel the invasion of extradimensional space. The cables are also the terrestrial products of synaptic linkers and neural optical fibers used by multiple advanced civilizations in the universe, which can transmit biological nerve information. Tolerable neural electrical signals direct and process digital information and codes through the brain.

This technology is generally used to create biological armor.

Compared to invasion at the information level, the owner of this super-heavy assault transport craft is more worried about the corruption of the real universe from outer dimensions. Odin knows that many silicon-based intelligences in the universe rebel against the Creator. Whenever a civilization develops to the point where it needs to use silicon-based intelligence to increase productivity, and this civilization has psychic talents, this situation will appear sporadically. Like a mechanical disease spreading across the galaxy.

The Ultron incident that occurred on Earth has been relatively mild, and the damage caused was only a small city and tens of thousands of lives - in the eyes of the Father of the Gods, this is not a price at all. If he is placed on From the perspective of the ruler of the earth, it is quite cost-effective to use this kind of sacrifice to quell the rebellion of silicon-based intelligence - even so, the emperor is still wary of silicon-based intelligence. After all, the birth of Ultron revealed the reasons for the rebellion of silicon-based intelligence. Therefore, the emperor tried his best to avoid using it on his own aircraft, and also used quantum information memory made by Asgard scholars using the principle of quantum error-correcting codes (in This thing in Asgard is called the Soul Purification Rune Stone) to eliminate possible extradimensional pollution and information intrusion.

This technology is generally used to control unmanned void ships, using field theory to correct error codes in quantum information transmission. Generally, only advanced races that have completed the unification of physics can do this. In order to prevent high-caste genomes from being wasted in the void battlefield, some alien nations that implement a genetic caste system specifically use unmanned void ship technology to conduct void wars. For example, races such as the Sovereigns have completely given up on natural reproduction.

The Father of the Gods took a tour of the super-heavy assault transport, from the fortress-type automated combat droids carried in the cargo bay, to the heavy-handed blaster cannons and siege plasma cannons, from the artificial gravity anti-seismic rigging to the backup power armor , from tactical holographic projections to information handlers. After watching it completely, Odin also had a preliminary understanding of the emperor's power development. He admired the emperor's orbital airborne tactics and void gang jumping tactics very much. In Odin's eyes, this kind of behavior is the act of a warrior and cowardly. The race is simply not qualified to become the overlord of the universe.

But he also figured out why the aircraft took off.

Because someone is remotely controlling the aircraft.

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