Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1401 Hunting (two in one)

The entry into the lighthouse base went smoothly.

This is an uninvaded passage. The narrow and damp stairs reflect orange light under the glowing filaments. The dirty air is full of the smell of rust and mold. There is no ventilation equipment here, because the function of this passage is to isolate nuclear radiation from the outside world. Without the switch in the main control room, the alloy door at the end of the passage will never be opened. Daisy Johnson felt the soles of her rubber combat boots squeaking every time she stepped on concrete.

"I heard that this place was built during the Cold War." She tried to find some topics to break up the dull environment. "It is said that the New York Mafia was also involved in this project."

"Where did you know these things?" Elena Rodriguez asked very cooperatively. She was fed up with Alfonso Mackenzie's silence and vigilance along the way. The shotgun mounted with an ax was always in his hand. Every time she tried to talk to Alphonso Mackenzie, she was fed up with it. They will all be rejected by the latter on the grounds that “it’s not safe yet”. This attitude is extremely unflattering, especially given Alfonso Mackenzie's romantic history with her.

"Do you remember the small vibranium box that Nick Fury gave to Coulson? Coulson opened it and tried to find information about the lighthouse base, and then printed it out and put it in the database. I am following Fei I got one when we investigated the entire base together, and the confidentiality level is quite high."

Alphonso Mackenzie should have stopped Daisy Johnson from speaking out, but at this moment all his attention was focused on the rusty metal lift door in front of him. Agent David, who was responsible for flying the Quinjet, did not get off the plane. Instead, he used the high-power communication system on the Quinjet to connect Alphonso Mackenzie's communication equipment to the base to avoid thick concrete blocking radio signals. .

It was Alphonso Mackenzie's idea.

If they only enter the lighthouse base through this passage, there is no need to do this, because the cameras in the passage are hard-linked to the main control room, and the main control room can fully see them through the monitoring equipment. But Alfonso Mackenzie always thought that things were not that simple. He put one hand behind his back and waved at the two women who were chatting animatedly to signal them to quiet down.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a low-pitched pistol from his waist that was specially designed to fire non-lethal snake venom bullets, and fired a shot at an old nearby camera, forcing the camera to turn to another direction. After doing all this, he came to the lift door, used the shotgun ax he carried to pry open the metal control panel of the lift door, and at the same time sent a communication request to the control room.

"Gemma, have you opened the lift door?" He asked the control room while holding the two wires behind the control panel. The location he was in now was in the blind spot of the surveillance probe, and Gemma Simmons could only see his bare scalp, as well as Daisy Johnson and Elena Rodriguez who were looking around. "I didn't see any movement on the liftgate."

"Yes! I opened it." Gemma Simmons was a little confused, but at the same time she felt a little lucky, and her tone even became a little brisk because of it, "What's the problem?"

"I don't know, maybe the gears are rusty, it's too humid here."

As one of the heads of mechanical engineering in Coulson's special agent team, Alfonso Mackenzie has figured out most of the mechanical equipment left over from the Cold War after arriving here. He knows the purpose of this lift door. The metal parts have been rust-proofed and well maintained, and it is absolutely impossible for them to rust. Other agents also saw this in the reports he submitted - Alfonso McKenzie believed that as long as there was enough time, Gemma Simmons would definitely Ability to tell him the truth in unconventional ways. Maybe others will think this is his persecution paranoia, and he will not deny it, but after experiencing the Hydra rebellion, he will be extremely vigilant against all abnormalities because he vowed to protect all team members. .

Hearing these words, Gemma Simmons finally embodies the sensitivity that a field agent should have.

"This is the greatest possibility. The lighthouse base is not an operational base and there is no regular maintenance plan." Gemma Simmons glanced at the soldiers. She couldn't clearly see the expression on the face of the First Secret Regiment soldier wearing a mask and respirator, but she could still tell from the motionless concussion riot rod that the soldier didn't notice anything strange at all. "I'm pulling up the map to search for another route, please wait."

Witnessed by the soldiers, Gemma Simmons hung up the communication. She turned to look at the soldier, "I need paper maps... No, our database was established later. This base was built during the Cold War. At that time, there were only paper maps." Facing the soldier's suspicious eyes (Jane Ma doesn’t know if she can see the so-called eyes), Gemma Simmons continued to explain, "Don’t your superiors need all of us to be here? The three people on the list are still outside the base due to force majeure. The factors cannot enter, are you going to explain to that genetically modified warrior yourself why the mission failed?"

Gemma Simmons did not see the anti-explosion concussion scepter raised or lowered.

She used the logic of European and American armies to understand the organizational structure of the First Secret Regiment, which was a mistake in itself.

The soldier reported Gemma Simmons' request directly, and a few minutes later, two fully armed soldiers of the First Secret Regiment and the Ranger Cavalry appeared at the door of the main control room. Other agents at work cast suspicious glances at Gemma Simmons, who felt her veins drumming in her ears, her spine tingling, and she was covered in cold sweat. She was worried that her intentions would be exposed, but the words of the leading soldier made her relax. "We will provide you with the information you need." This soldier obviously has a higher military rank, and the roving cavalry seems to be the soldiers who are organizing the warehouse. "But I ask you to stabilize Alfonso first." ·MacKenzie.”

"I understand." Gemma Simmons nodded repeatedly. This was the result she wanted. "Mike will never doubt Fitz and I." But the two rangers made her very uneasy, but fortunately After the sergeant gave the order, he left with the Ranger Cavalry and did not step up surveillance of her. She quickly took advantage of the soldiers guarding the control room not paying attention, and made a coded gesture to several technicians. The latter understood it, looked around, then gritted their teeth and joined in this improvised little conspiracy.

Alphonso Mackenzie received the communication again.

Gemma Simmons' familiar voice came from the other side of the communication, but this time he clearly felt interference from the communication channel, as if there was a net of static electricity covering his head, sizzling irregularly. Sound. Immediately afterwards, the intercom embedded in the wall next to him also emitted static noise, and the noise gradually became more regular. He is familiar with the circuit layout of the lighthouse base. He chose this path because of the function of the lighthouse base itself. If a nuclear war breaks out and SHIELD agents need to go out, this passage will become the only way to go, so the security measures are quite complete. . Not only does it have a thick alloy lift door that can only be opened by the main control room, but it also has a communication device that is hard-connected to the main control room - Alfonso McKenzie suddenly thought of something, while he was talking to Gemma Simmons over the radio. When entering the lighthouse base, place your palm on the intercom next to the lift door control panel.

Gemma Simmons raised her tone slightly, which made him more certain that the situation in the lighthouse base was not optimistic.

"I will find another way, and I need you to guide me, Gemma." Alfonso Mackenzie said, pretending to be nonchalant. He tapped his fingers on the communicator, relying on the rhythm of the taps for prompts. It's a code word used by field agents to communicate quickly when communication is inconvenient, and Alphonso Mackenzie's message to Gemma Simmons is simple: help. "I will come to you as soon as possible."

"Don't bother." Another person's voice suddenly interrupted the communication channel, and then Alfonso Mackenzie heard a lot of heavy footsteps coming from the long passage. "I will personally meet you, Alfonso McKenzie, Daisy Johnson, Elena Rodriguez. Please put down your arms and surrender to the First Secret Regiment, or we will use lethal force, including lethal force." Way to make you surrender."

"Gemma!" Alfonso Mackenzie yelled.

"I...Mike!" Before he could finish speaking, the communication between the team and the main control room was forcibly interrupted. Alfonso Mackenzie suppressed the static scream in the communication channel and tried to call Dai on the Quinjet. Agent Wei, but also received no response. "Daisy, you take the lead." He immediately turned around and left, running in the direction he came from, "shatter everything in the way!"

"I've wanted to do this for a long time!" The female hacker who once only had a high school education was eager to give it a try.

"Yuyou, I hope you..."

"You don't have to say it, Mike." The thick Latin American accent made Elena Rodriguez's attitude always frivolous and careless, but Alfonso Mackenzie knew that Yoyo would never take any task lightly. "I try to keep those people alive." She could say this entirely because her past experience told her that no one could react when she used her abilities.

At the same time, Melinda May in the lighthouse base couldn't hold back anymore.

The resistance force she formed only included people in charge of key areas such as Gemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz, so the riot started with a leak of toxic gas from the laboratory. Amidst the shrill sirens, a large number of scientific researchers in protective suits poured out of the laboratory and crowded into the corridor. When Agent Coulson first received the alert, he knew that this was entirely Melinda May's plan - the laboratory was located right in the middle of two patrol teams of the First Secret Regiment, and the chaotic environment became even more chaotic. Coupled with the constant occurrence of experimental accidents, the scene was in chaos, and the laboratory's automatic emergency measures made the entire corridor full of disinfectant water. Even well-trained soldiers had to take a long time to reestablish order. Agent Coulson didn't tell Constantine about this, and even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to contact the genetically modified warrior in golden armor.

Constantine disappeared quietly from the lighthouse base like an ice cube melting in water. No one knows where he went, and no one knows if he is still in the lighthouse base. If it weren't for the first secret regiment always receiving detailed instructions from Constantine in a timely manner (Agent Coulson, because of his ability to work, were also assigned some instructions), all insiders would assume that the Praetorian Guards have left here. At the same time, Sergeant Ronald discovered that one of his assault teams had been transferred by Constantine, but the officer knew nothing about it because the transfer order came from the Praetorian Guards.

When toxic gas leaked from the laboratory and a small explosion occurred, orders from Constantine were sent to the officers of the First Secret Regiment one after another. This order included detailed instructions and changes to patrol routes. Many of the plans were based on the training instructions given by the Guards to the First Secret Regiment and the Ranger Cavalry after occupying the lighthouse base. The 1st Secret Regiment quickly responded with the Rangers and began changing patrol routes and replacing them with lethal force.

When the first shot of live ammunition came from the corridor, the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment were already guarding the intersection.

Constantine strode ahead, and the tall but narrow passage did not block his steps. He blocked the entire passage alone. Behind him, the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment wearing full-coverage helmets and information masks silently held laser steel guns, followed him neatly, and then dispersed in tacit understanding at the first intersection, going deep In the darkness that is not illuminated by light.

The orange-red light made the golden armor of the Imperial Guard look like molten gold, and a silent and tall statue stood at the end of the passage.

Facing such an enemy, Elena Rodriguez's first thought was to rush up and take away his weapons, just like she had faced those armed men in the past. Her speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't react. When she ran, everything around her seemed to be as slow as falling into gel. However, when she ran closer, she realized that the movement of the golden statue was as agile as usual. She barely managed to dodge the fist wrapped in the armor, and bumped into the solid golden armor before she could change direction.

"Daisy!" Alfonso Mackenzie shouted anxiously, because he saw the unconscious Elena Rodriguez being held in Constantine's arms, "Put her down, you..."

"Mike!" Daisy Johnson's voice made Alphonso Mackenzie calm down for a moment, and then a blazing beam of light passed in front of him, burning a scorch mark on the concrete wall. At first, Alphonso Mackenzie wanted to point the shotgun at the muzzle in the darkness, but more and more figures and firearms emerged from the darkness, just like the frogmen emerging from the water who remained silent. The weapons in hand were pointed at Daisy Johnson instead of him, obviously they knew who was the biggest threat. Daisy Johnson wanted to resist, but she knew that her ability could not stop the laser at all, "We are surrounded."

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