Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1402 Capture (two in one)


Daisy Johnson shook her head wildly.

"No, this will kill Yoyo, and you!" She knew what Alfonso Mackenzie wanted to do. Even Yoyo's speed would be captured. Now the only thing that can fight against the genetically modified warrior is her super power. ability. "Don't shoot," she said, her voice rising, trying to persuade Alphonso Mackenzie to put down the shotgun or at least keep his finger off the trigger. "I don't mind hearing what they think first." She raised her head and shouted to the guards who were getting closer and closer, "What exactly do you want to do? Are our friends still safe?"

When the golden power armor came within half a meter of Alfonso Mackenzie, the latter reluctantly put down his weapon because the muzzle of the shotgun had already touched the unconscious Elena Rodriguez. before. If he had fired, the shotgun would have broken Elena Rodriguez's fragile human body into pieces instead of penetrating the power armor and injuring the people inside.

Constantine stretched out his arm and held out the unconscious human body.

Although he was a little surprised, Alfonso McKenzie still held Elena Rodriguez in his arms while checking the injury. Fortunately, except for a small cut on her forehead caused by the gorgeous relief on the surface of the power armor, Elena Rodriguez had no obvious trauma. Her current coma is more due to the acceleration generated when using her abilities. Her own feedback. No matter where her abilities come from, she is still essentially an ordinary person, with the fragile bones and organs of ordinary people. That ability is essentially a kind of destruction to her body.

Constantine's behavior relaxed the atmosphere a little. At least Alfonso Mackenzie knew that the Praetorian Guards did not want the lives of SHIELD agents, nor were they genetically modified people who took pleasure in killing as some propaganda media said. Regarding the Golden Guards around the emperor, many media and celebrities have written long and lengthy reports, especially those written by investigation groups formed by Congress and many think tanks, by describing the role of the Guards in the Balkan Peninsula Unification War. To express the emperor's policy of undermining the enemy, and to demonstrate how much a genetically modified warrior would bring to the battlefield without using equipment such as missiles.

After that, there were test reports on genetic modification projects from many military-industrial complexes and pharmaceutical companies. Many reasonable people can see the real intention of those reports, but the media will always seize a few keywords and start to use them freely to describe the Praetorian Guards as genetically modified people who kill without blinking an eye. That may be true, but the media always add their own imagination when exaggerating threats, just like they do when exaggerating racial threats.

"You have a mission related to the future of mankind, and we will ensure that this mission can be completed smoothly." Constantine said, "Now you have some people to know and some knowledge to learn. You have a lot before the mission begins. There's work to be done. Come with me, and you'll spend your last days at the lighthouse base before your mission."

"Do you think pointing a gun at someone is a substitute for an invitation?" Alfonso McKenzie carried Elena Rodriguez on his back, with Daisy Johnson helping a lot. Despite his tough words, anyone could tell that Alphonso McKenzie couldn't pick up a shotgun again. "You gave away no information. Where are our friends?"

Constantine did not bother to answer the question.

The group of people returned along the original route. Several safari cavalry had already reached the lift door through another route and repaired the control panel that was damaged by Alfonso Mackenzie. The thick alloy door slowly rose under the command of the electric signal. The lower edge of the jagged door loosened the biting concrete, revealing the narrow passage leading to the elevator at the lighthouse base. The air generated by the air circulation filter sweeps away the dirty air containing the smell of concrete, rust and mold, bringing fresh air with a slight smell of chemicals - different from the damp and dark passage outside, This passage is not only very dry but well-lit, and a red number spray-painted on the wall not far from the lift door. The N2 channel, the channel for survival after nuclear winter, has several gates to resist external intruders and clean the remaining nuclear radiation from field personnel.

The Rangers and the First Secret Regiment sandwiched Alphonso Mackenzie and Daisy Johnson in the middle of the team and carried them forward. It was not until Constantine at the end of the team also walked in that the lift door reopened. fall. "Agent Coulson will explain all the details to you." The soldiers pressed their backs against the wall to make way for the Praetorian Guard, because this road was just big enough for him. Constantine lowered his head, looked at the dissatisfied Alphonso Mackenzie and said, "Now you just need to obey the order. Including you, Daisy Johnson, don't try useless resistance. We spend time and money to protect your Life is not for you to choose to waste now."

"How is Agent Coulson doing now?" Daisy Johns asked.

"He is safe. He knows all the details of the mission and also believes that this mission must be carried out." Constantine said, "It was my idea to deceive you and let you land near the base, not his. Because you can't do it in a short time." There is time to understand all this, so you must return to the lighthouse base."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Make sure the lives of all those on the to-do list are not in danger."

The riot lasted thirteen minutes, and only thirteen minutes.

Since the cells holding all armed personnel were welded together, Melinda May did not choose to open the cells. Instead, she led a group of field agents who were also dissatisfied with the rule of the Guards and planned to rush into the weapons depot to find weapons. The armed forces of the Praetorian Guard cleared the base and then found a way to free the imprisoned agents. However, what stood in their way were the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment, the Ranger Cavalry, and the Sisters in Power Armor.

Although they came here only to serve the incoming master, and Constantine did not make any arrangements for their actions, the deadly force they possessed was still useful - the cause of the matter was a few rioting field officers Believing that ordinary live ammunition poses no threat to the heavily armed First Class and Rangers, the agents plan to seize the Sisterhood's bolters.

They have no idea what kind of organization the Sisterhood is, nor do they understand the role and capabilities of bolt guns, but based on the advantages of large-caliber firearms alone, they believe that bolt guns can come in handy, and it doesn't take much time to use them. Can get it. So this group of people took action. Even Melinda May didn't know their purpose. After all, this riot needed someone to create chaos, but how to create chaos was not a question she should think about. When the group of agents broke into the room that they thought was the weapons warehouse of the Sisterhood, they discovered that what was placed here was not bolters, melta weapons, and plasma weapons, but hundreds of exquisite glasses and a large pile of rolled Carpets awaiting disinfection.

The pieces of delicate glass falling to the ground made the artificial man responsible for this work very angry.

She directly picked up the bullpup bolt rifle hanging on her waist and shot at the agents who broke into the room. This was the first drop of blood shed in this riot, for an extremely absurd reason. All the sisterhoods then received the message, except that the communication between them was not based on the fact that "Agents of SHIELD rioted", but that "Agents of SHIELD wanted to disrupt the service that the Master was about to receive before he arrived." The gang of bomb chicks - a play on the Emperor's nickname for the Sisterhood - burst out of the room like a herd of enraged cattle and began to roam the Lighthouse base in groups of five. Their style of shooting people on sight and asking questions later caused a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were encouraged to block the passage and protest loudly to immediately lie down on the ground.

Melinda May didn't even know that she would have so many supporters after launching the riots.

At first she was very happy and even issued orders from her position as a leader, but with the bloodshed caused by the emergence of the sisterhood, she began to realize that something was wrong. She grabbed an agent and asked, but the answer she got was "XX told him that Melinda May was going to launch a riot", and there was nothing else - she was very sure that her little conspiracy would not be leaked. Secret, that can only mean that she is not the only one who promoted this riot. There are people who also want to see this riot happen and have made preparations in advance. Otherwise, she could not explain at all why the First Secret Regiment and the Ranger Cavalry were able to block the passage so quickly, and why the main control room had not been attacked by riot agents so far.


"Colson." Melinda May took a deep breath and pressed the call button on the headset, "Did you do it?"

"No." Agent Coulson hesitated, "But I know your clique."

"What do you want to do, Agent Coulson." Melinda May looked at the passage ahead that was lit by Molotov cocktails. Automatic fire-fighting equipment responded immediately, and the entire passage was immediately flooded with dense water droplets. "Do you want to succumb to that person and go on a mission to die?"

"Listen to me, May." Agent Coulson's voice was filled with annoyance. "This is what we have to do. No one can carry out this mission but us."


"I can't explain it to you, May." Coulson frowned, "But I need you to stop."

Constantine explained the importance of the task in detail to him. At the same time, he also sent a picture. The picture showed a cheap notebook that could be bought on the street, but the content recorded on the paper was quite large. Sensational. It was a prophecy and an analysis of it, written by the emperor ten years ago. At the same time there was a sketch - an extremely realistic sketch, in which Agent Coulson saw himself facing the beach of Tahiti, with death hovering like a vulture above his head - the picture of his life. At the end, all the hardships he went through were to complete this mission. On the back of the sketch is a large text written by the emperor, which mainly talks about how to protect his life and the success rate of the mission. The Emperor's conclusion was pessimistic. He could not find a way to succeed while protecting Agent Coulson's life.

But Agent Coulson can't say that this mission might cost him his life, as the prophecy clearly shows the end of his life, because he knows that Melinda May and her team will definitely prevent this from happening.

His death is closely related to the success or failure of the mission, and he cannot allow the mission to fail.


"I can't tell you why until the mission begins."

Melinda May hung up the communication, then turned to call a few of her most reliable field agents.

She knew Agent Coulson was there, and she planned to find Agent Coulson herself to find out.

When the riot in the lighthouse subsided, the casualty statistics were also sent to Agent Coulson. His location is a secret room at the lighthouse base. Just like the existence of the base itself, the interior of the base is also full of secrets. The immortal Enoch was the only person he could communicate with during this period besides the Imperial Guard Constantine - although he didn't know it either. Can Enoch be considered a human being? However, the alien robot's erudition still aroused his interest, especially on the topic of prophecy. The information Enoch revealed made Agent Coulson very excited. interested.

"I experienced a self-fulfilling prophecy," Enoch said. "I was in Greece, fighting in a city-state war called the Trojan War. I knew that there was a spiritual world behind the material curtain of this world, but that was It was the first time I saw the power of prophecy. Every word spoken by the woman named Cassandra got a corresponding result. After that, I began to design an algorithm and added the information from the earth to it. All variables, trying to calculate the accuracy of the prediction. But I failed, not only because of my own computing power, but also because I could not count all the variables."

"Have you ever experienced the Trojan War?"

"That was just the first part of my mission." Immortal Enoch stretched out his hand expressionlessly and plugged the data interface in the room around his neck, "I can show you the images I recorded at that time. But this takes time, and the equipment in this base is not fully compatible with the format I use to store information." After two hours of information transmission, when Agent Coulson was about to fall asleep, Enoch reminded him that the transmission was complete. . Although the sleepiness still lingered on him, curiosity still woke up Coulson, and he even took out the beer in the refrigerator and planned to share it with Enoch.

“Am I the first person on earth to see the Trojan War with my own eyes?”

"The Trojan War is not like what is described in Homer's Epic, Agent Coulson." Enoch replied honestly. "You will be disappointed after watching it. The romantic feelings of humanism are not suitable for those who only survive and fight." The age of death.”

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the Trojan War was more brutal than you imagined," Enoch said. He began to play the historical images he had witnessed. Through his eyes, Agent Coulson was immersed in the scene, as if walking on the streets of Troy during the war. "I have witnessed many meaningless wars in human history, and the Trojan War is one of them. I still don't understand the nature of the Trojan War, but my logic engine tells me that there must be forces that I don't understand. leading."

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