Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1404 Chapter 1400 Three Giant Stones (Two in One)

In fact, Coulson didn't need to explain, Constantine could see what was bothering him.

The operational logic of this mission is different from any mission Coulson's team has experienced since the Hydra rebellion. At that time, they discover or encounter threats themselves, and solve the threats for the friends around them. They can see the target and know who they want to fight for. But this time they have no target in sight, and the mission they accept comes from the Emperor and the Praetorian Guard, and even puts the most important member of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the opposite side of the friendship they have built together. Every agent is privy to any details unless they're on a mission - issue orders, take orders and carry them out, no questions asked, no openness - this is how SHIELD used to operate, and Agent Coulson Abandoning the model, he once vowed to his team members to make SHIELD a real SHIELD, rather than a cold and ruthless secret service agency.

"The reason why you want to be a vigilante and not an agent is because you don't want to take responsibility." There was no chair suitable for Constantine in the room, and he preferred to stand. He preferred to look down at the troubled Cole. Agent Mori created a sense of oppression as sharp as the garrison spear in his hand during the conversation. "If you want to be a vigilante, go to the streets to fight crime, and then leave the matter of saving the earth to more professionals. Because professionals know how to reduce casualties and need to be responsible for it, vigilantes don't need it, vigilantes can be abandoned All the rules and regulations to do what you want to do.”

"This is to uphold the justice of SHIELD." Agent Coulson retorted without hesitation. "The SHIELD in the hands of Nick Fury was too big and bloated. At that time, SHIELD did a lot of shady things. That's why Hydra has a parasitic space. We don't even know whether those things are necessary evils of SHIELD or crimes committed by Hydra to satisfy its own selfish desires. I don't know, and I can't tell. But it won't happen again. We have to do the right thing, there are no secrets in SHIELD now."

"Procedural justice and consequential justice, the ancient question of modern law, the balance point between human nature and order."

"I'm so glad you understand."

"Not everyone who is genetically modified is Steve Rogers."

Constantine said, ""

"I'm warning you, don't say that about my idol."

Agent Coulson shrugged and laughed. He knew that Constantine was referring to the cultural level of Steve Rogers. Although Steve Rogers was his idol, he had to admit that Constantine was right. It is a joke that is often made fun of, and there are many fan works surrounding this element. But Constantine didn't care about those things and didn't know they existed.

"I didn't expect you to be joking. Didn't genetic modification remove all human emotions from you?"

Constantine nodded expressionlessly. "Yes. Each Praetorian possesses an extremely rich knowledge, and we continue to learn. If you want, I can recite the entire Merchant of Venice, and this is the ability he has given us, a perfect , and people who are still getting better. So, not everyone who receives genetic modification is Steve Rogers, we are better."

The smile disappeared from Agent Coulson's face like ice beside a furnace. He shrugged angrily, "Okay, I know you're not joking. Now, coming back, I don't know where Agent May is or what they plan to do, and I don't know the agents on the task list. Will he suffer fatal injuries or disabling injuries..."

"This is your mission, Agent Coulson." Constantine looked around. Enoch has left here and taken refuge in a more private room. To this day, Agent Coulson or SHIELD still has not been able to figure out the complex structure of the lighthouse base. All the known rooms and paths come from the information provided by the Cold War-era computer, even through the circuit system. It is difficult to identify all the rooms at the lighthouse base because many rooms have independent power supply systems.

"I hope Enoch has taken refuge safely," said the Praetorian Guard. "I also hope you don't know his current location."

Agent Coulson lowered his head. He had no intention of telling the Praetorians the information Enoch had shown him.

"He didn't say anything."

Constantine lowered his head, his expression still unchanged.

"Very good." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the blast door, reaching out and pressing the code. The Rangers and Martian technicians reinstalled the security system here to avoid the possibility of being overridden by SHIELD agents and the main control room. He exposed Agent Coulson's lies without hesitation, "Tell Enoch to stay in that place and don't leave. I will arrange for armed personnel to protect it and evacuate it."

"What are you going to do?" Agent Coulson asked. "Also, have some respect for Enoch. It's 'him', not 'it'. He's an intelligent being. For intelligent beings, We need to show respect..."

Constantine didn't answer.

His path wasn't completely back under the control of the First Secret Regiment, but as he passed those SHIELD field agents all dropped their weapons, not just because of his height and equipment, but also because of the sheer purity he displayed in the control room. Violence. But Constantine didn't even bother to give the riot agents a look. He came to a lift door and said something through the built-in intercom of the power armor, and then the lift door with the broken control panel slowly opened.

Several laser weapons and grenade launchers were aimed at the lift door. A Martian technician in a red robe stood behind all the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment. The metal appendages on his back were waving with teeth and claws, as if he was ready to cut with plasma at any time. The machine launches an attack on the intruder. Constantine was very satisfied with their vigilance. Even if he issued announcements in accordance with rules and regulations, the First Secret Regiment still adhered to wartime principles and never laid down its weapons.


The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment responsible for guarding the warehouse saluted immediately after seeing Constantine.

Nowadays, this warehouse that stores dangerous items has changed its appearance. In addition to the items that were originally numbered and sorted by SHIELD, they are neatly placed on the shelves. Some items selected by the Guards are listed separately for storage and care. . The most eye-catching objects are three rectangular boulders stored in bulletproof airtight glass cabinets - the first is mud-black and can liquefy at a specific vibration frequency and transport people to specific locations; the second is as white as snow , there are three red stripes painted with unknown paint in the middle, which will liquefy at a specific time and transport people to a specific time; the third gray boulder has circles on the surface. The purpose is unknown, and even Enoch cannot fully explain it, but from the shape, it has the same origin as the previous two boulders, so it is necessary to take it to the research department for some tests.

The Martian technician came here for preliminary research. He cut a rectangular sample from the gray boulder and sealed it and sent it back to Latvinia. Later, the sample will be divided into several pieces for different tests. Detection, determining the environment in which the boulder was born, its ingredients, etc., to find out where in the universe they came from.

At this moment, Melinda May was focused on seizing control of the lighthouse base, completely unaware that what the Guards really cared about was not the lighthouse base, but the three huge stones in the warehouse. These three boulders are the real reason why the Praetorian Guards attacked the lighthouse base. Otherwise, they would have evacuated with the agents on the task list, conducted pre-war training (whether they wanted to or not), and waited until the boulders melted to stuff them in together. solved. Constantine thinks that Enoch will like this plan because it has the least twists and turns, and there is no need to reveal too much information to the experimental subjects (referring to Coulson's agent team) or provide too much help.

But Constantine knew that the emperor would never allow a mission to achieve only one goal.

Every time the emperor planned and arranged, he would often connect several tasks that spanned many years together, using one task to affect another. Constantine knew that Agent Coulson's plan was definitely related to the Kree Starfort in Corboy's belt today, as well as to General Hale and her daughter Ruby. The emperor wants to get everything in one mission, which will inevitably require the full cooperation of all departments and organizations affiliated with the emperor, and even perform some tasks that ordinary people cannot understand.

This is not the first time this has happened. Constantine has done "wet work" for the emperor more than once, setting up a plan to clean up those localities that tried to protect their property by surrendering during the Balkan Unification War and then continued to resist the emperor's policies. Chaebol or warlord. The country in the hands of Marshal Tito once had a lot of similar problems. The emperor would not let the same problems bother him, and neither did the regent.

Constantine led the First Secret Regiment and other Praetorian Guards and also performed many tasks that were difficult for ordinary people to understand, but they were able to achieve their goals without exception. The logic in the tasks often required a large amount of information to be clarified before they could be clarified. For example, there were stowaways on a freighter passing through the Suez Canal. In order to catch the stowaways, the local police forcibly detained the freighter for inspection. As a result, some food raw materials were not delivered to the Balkans in time, and a certain person had to change his food on the way to work. For breakfast, you need to walk an extra 20 meters, and then accidentally fall into the sewer manhole that was moved due to construction, and the warning sign and fence were moved back by a drunkard who suddenly had a whim the night before. Got home.

Through the careful planning of big data calculations and the combination of various random events, it is ensured that certain people will die at the right time, and no traces will be found afterwards. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just a random incident of sudden whim, a complete coincidence. Even if they are diligently investigating, they will classify it as an accident, because the plan constructed by the accidental death of the leader can only go bankrupt.

It's just that this is an action that will be carried out on the premise that many negotiations have failed. The emperor will not waste the power of the Praetorian Order on assassinating a few key figures. The more common method is to send assassins and use the corpses of the enemies. Deterrence - People are the sum of social relationships, and the most tragic death at the center of social relationships can act as the greatest deterrent. That was an execution, not an assassination. Assassination requires stealth, while execution must be fair and aboveboard. Everyone knew that the emperor sent people to do it, but no one had direct evidence, and that was enough. The small area of ​​the Balkan Peninsula did not require the emperor to invest much energy. The emperor only needed an arsenal and a source of soldiers. The Balkan Peninsula was a tool to achieve ideals rather than the ultimate goal.

Perhaps the regent had a conflict with the emperor on this matter, but as far as Constantine knew, this conflict could be resolved in a long drunken conversation between the emperor and the regent and could not affect anything. After that drunken meeting, all the independent and autonomous rights that the surrendered countries should have had were nullified. The emperor did not allow those people with a small population, who were brave and good at fighting, and who were obedient when resisting foreign enemies, to escape his control.

The enthusiasm shown by the countries in the Balkan Peninsula when the German Third Reich invaded was a dark history. The emperor was very concerned about this hidden extreme thought and planned to use it for his own purposes. And before the emperor launched the war, most of the Balkan countries were mired in government corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency. If there is anyone in this world who can change the status quo, then only the emperor and the regent, because they do not care how many officials will die due to the reform. What's more, the human race is still facing so many threats. In order to save prison space and administrative costs, it seems a good choice for some corrupt officials who should have been thrown into prison to be thrown directly into the incinerator.

It was really just to save prison space and administrative costs. This was something the emperor personally admitted to Constantine. Some people might accuse the emperor of being cruel, but Constantine did not see the point of maintaining the hypocritical appearance of a so-called civilized society, especially For those who can make rules, the democratic society described by Plato in "The Republic" is too inefficient, and is not even as good as a tyrant society.

"Start the escort mission." Constantine said, "Take all the items on the list and board the plane in twenty minutes. Zephyr One remains here, SHIELD agents need to use that aircraft. In addition, speed up Zephyr One The vacuum airtightness experiment is to ensure that Zephyr-1 still has airtightness after the planetesimal belt."

Enoch accurately told the liquefaction time of the second boulder, a rectangular boulder with three red stripes, down to microseconds. Constantine used an atomic clock for calibration to ensure that the mission he led would not miss an opportunity. At the same time, Enoch also told Constantine that the Zephyr 1 must be modified for void navigation to ensure that the aircraft has void navigation. capabilities, because the Zephyr One will still be used by SHIELD agents seventy years later, and the performance of the Zephyr One will determine the success or failure of the mission.

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