Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1405 Chapter 1401 London Fog and Otter (two in one)

Cold fog always appears on the river in the early morning, and the street lamps erected by the river cast orange-red light, dizzying it into the colorful fog painted by Monet. The viewing room made entirely of glass and wood is covered with thick carpets, and the heated floor and air allow people in the room to comfortably enjoy the beautiful scenery without having to worry about anything outside the room, whether it is Low temperature, heavy rain or snow, it just provides more different scenery for the viewers in the room.

It's such a luxurious experience that the heating automatically kicks in when the room temperature drops to freezing temperatures. Even though the estate has independent power generation facilities, the monthly gas bill is still the salary of an average middle-class Londoner. This modernly decorated viewing room is large and connected to the main body of the manor by a corridor. It has an afternoon tea area divided into a garden greenhouse and a private area that only the owner can enter. Different from the visual impact brought by the blooming roses in the garden greenhouse, the decoration of the private area follows a minimalist style and a frigid style. The gray-black carpet and white walls are as cold as the British weather. The huge terrace is condescending. Overlooking the calm waters of a tributary of the Thames.

Salomon, who was simply dressed, was holding a cup of hot black tea that was so sweet it made his throat hurt. He was sitting cross-legged on the thick carpet and looking at the calm flowing river in the dim light provided by the hidden lights in the room. His back, chest and abdomen were exposed to the warm air, and there were several scars all over his body, some of which even penetrated his chest and waist. However, these injuries failed to take away his life, but made him stronger. "I now regret installing street lights on the section of the river that passes through the manor. Now it's impossible for me to see the quiet river." He pointed to a path extending from the grass to the river, and said with a skeptical tone, "If I hadn't If I was mistaken, that should be the family of otters we saw, and what they were holding were oysters from the kitchen? I was definitely not mistaken! They also took away the lemons and sliced ​​salmon fillets. Hey, shameless little thief!"

"This is an idea you insisted on repeatedly before the decoration." The black-haired witch sneered at Salomon's words. Most of the exterior decoration style of the manor was decided by Salomon. In addition to the street lamps that illuminated the river, there were also some military searchlights. Salomon's complaints were purely to cause trouble for himself. "Milia likes that family of otters very much. Be more tolerant of them. They can't steal other things."

Bayonetta finally explained the reason why the otter family was able to steal things, so that Salomon would not be nervous in the middle of the night and ordered Hammurabi or Amon to strengthen his defenses, and then drive away the otter family that was nesting near the manor. This is the price that such wealth and power must bear. If she had not prevented some excessive behavior, Salomon would probably have built this place into a fortress instead of a manor.

She was wearing a large linen shirt that belonged to Salomon, and she was sitting on the thick wool carpet. Her long and strong legs tried their best to extend towards the river exuding orange mist, and her delicate and lovely toes moved restlessly. go. The gray high-waisted elastic sports bra perfectly showed off the curves of her hips. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, swaying in the air, showing off another kind of style. Especially the sparkling diamond navel nail on her belly button, which Salomon specially asked an Iranian jewelry designer in London to customize for her. With her flat belly and waistcoat line, Salomon could hardly move away. sight.

"I think it will look better with lights. You can ask Joan of Arc for her opinion."

"She was already asleep. Who told her to find a job as a teacher and get up at seven in the morning?" Salomon turned his head and glanced at the large bed. Joan of Arc was lying face down at the moment, with a blanket covering her body perfunctorily. The sweat beads after the intense exercise were still crawling and cooling on her back, and her long white hair was sporadically stuck to her neck. . "She received many complaints from parents just yesterday, for reasons such as her racing on a motorcycle on campus and being late for work..."

Salomon did not say that Joan filled in his mobile phone number with his work contact information, because Joan knew that she would definitely be bombarded with phone calls if she acted out of line, so she simply asked Salomon to solve the problem. The latter's solution to the problem is also very simple, that is, to use screened calls. Unknown calls will only be transferred to Dinah after being dialed, because this is a business phone number.

"I bet her job as a teacher will be the same as last time. She will have to quit in less than a week."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because after she came home, I sent a text message to the principal of the school and told him in a Joan of Arc tone that she would resign tomorrow." Salomon raised his eyebrows and said with a well-informed expression, "Wait until Joan of Arc is here She will be very happy when she wakes up at lunchtime because she once again knows what it's like to be a teacher, and by the time she wakes up she will be bored, like she has been so many times before. If she still wants to be a teacher, I have to Go and be a member of the school board, otherwise there won’t be any school in Oxfordshire willing to recruit her in a year.”

Bayonetta suppressed her laughter.

Every time Joan wanted to go to work but didn't want to get up early during the work day, she always lost the job she had just found. Since Jeanne d'Arc's job on the Island of the Sun was as a teacher, all the jobs she looked for after coming to Oxfordshire were as teachers. And because of her work schedule and instinct to stay in bed, she resigned and was fired more than once. Now she can only teach primary school students.

"I'm very satisfied," Bayonetta said with a smile. Before the surprised Salomon could react, she repeated it again, raised her leg and poked Salomon's thigh with her toes. The latter took advantage of the situation and held her toes, rubbing them with his fingers and counting them one by one. If he only relied on the touch of the skin to judge, it would be difficult to believe that these were the feet of a woman who wore high heels all year round and could also use high heels to fight. "I'm content with my life right now, Salomon."

"It's my pleasure, Theresa."

"Is this the first time you've called me by my real name, I mean when I'm not in bed?" Bayonetta narrowed her eyes, "Why don't you usually call me by this name? Is it because you're shy?"

"The name Ceresa means Cherry, which doesn't suit your style." He rubbed the witch's toes while putting down the teacup. The small floating robot automatically rushed over to serve as a tray and stabilized the teacup with two small mechanical claws. Make sure the carpet doesn't get stained. This small robot is a device that was recently put into use. It was manufactured by Salomon himself. The shallow silicon-based intelligence cannot produce much intelligence, but it can understand many of the user's instructions. "And we have many enemies. I'm worried that someone will use your real name." He whispered a few words to the suspended little robot, then turned to look at Bayonetta again, "The real name is a dagger to the throat. .”

"Madame Butterfly knows my real name." The black-haired witch lowered her eyes. The complex butterfly crest emerged from her back like illusory light and shadow, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. "The witch exchanged her soul for power."

"I once swore to you that if you die, I will find Madam Butterfly and get your soul back." Salomon said calmly, "Just like I swore to get my mother's soul back."

"So do you have any clues now?"

"There is nothing. I even used her bones for divination, but found nothing. There is no echo of her existence in the supreme sky, and even her life trajectory has been wiped out. I can't even see clearly through other people's memories. Her appearance." Salomon turned his head and looked aside, a faint light burning out of thin air on his fingertips, and wisps of green smoke coming out. The smoke outlines a plainly dressed woman. Her long black curly hair is wrapped in a scarf and sticks tightly to her panicked face. There is a coal-gray mark on her wheat-colored skin, even though she is suffering from malnutrition. But you can still see the charming charm of the past through her eyes. Bayonetta had seen this image. It was an image captured by a photographer because of her amazing beauty on a rescue organization's webpage.

The air is full of the smell of ozone, and the high-temperature current at your fingertips makes a tooth-aching sound.

"I searched for her footprints in the dream and found the people she had come into contact with during her lifetime. But without exception, no one remembered her. Except for the Supreme Master and the family members who had her first memories. I found that family in Israel, but they They didn’t know about my existence, and they didn’t want to know what happened to her later.” Salomon frowned, “At least when I pretended to be a reporter, they were unwilling to tell me anything because I told them that I was an atheist.”

"She's very young." Bayonetta looked at the image carefully.

Salomon rarely let her see his biological mother's face, as if it was some unknown taboo. She could see that the woman in the image was very similar in appearance to the man in front of her. They were almost identical copies of the same person in different genders. However, different temperaments have a great impact. Men look very calm and composed, while women look like a frightened little animal. The image keeps changing, going back from old age to childhood, and finally disappears and returns to an older appearance.

"Probably less than twenty years old." Salomon clenched his fists, and the woman in the smoke gradually dispersed. "Her only mission in life was to give birth to me, and I feel guilty for her. I don't believe that her soul is still there. She could disappear so easily in the ocean of ether, she was special and I believe her soul still exists somewhere I don’t know.”

Bayonetta retracted her legs and moved to lean on his shoulder. Salomon also hugged her waist, just like before. This is her home, there is no one else here, she does not need to pretend to be tough, and she also knows that Salomon needs comfort at this time. This is how family members should behave. "Even you don't know something, huh?"

"Why do I feel like you are laughing at me, Ceresa?"

"Then your feeling is right, little magician." Bayonetta reached out and held his face, and kissed Salomon on the lips. She seemed to say casually, "You always pretend to be omnipotent, and I have long wanted to make you suffer. In the past, you were just a little boy, but now you have just grown up. At least I can say that about your performance in bed."

"Are you declaring war? Now that Joan is asleep, our battlefield can only be on the carpet."

"This isn't the first time we've had a war on the carpet, Boya."

The black-haired witch was already very familiar with this kind of conversation. She had to talk to Salomon several times almost every day, and the occasions were completely different, sometimes even between banquets in high-class social gatherings. As long as her emotions are in place, all practical obstacles are not a problem, and Salomon is very willing to cooperate with her whims. After all, this is part of their love life. The same is true for Jeanne d'Arc, except that the sleepy guy always fails to stay up until early morning and always misses the opportunity to join the last game. "Still, you want to be on the balcony this time. We have done this before, haven't we?" The black-haired witch opened her wet eyes wide, and that look was like a muddy swamp that made people sink into it, unable to extricate themselves. "Still, Do you still have work to do now?"

Salomon did have work to do, but not now.

Work at the lighthouse base is proceeding in an orderly manner. The report on the property and personnel losses caused by the small riot caused by Melinda May has been placed on Hammurabi's desk in his study, and the electronic files have also been sent to the data pad. for his review. He didn't care about the causes and consequences of the agent riot, because he saw that Constantine and Sergeant Ronald respectively stated in the reports that the mission personnel and mission materials were not damaged. In this case, he did not need to be too concerned.

At the same time, the internal reforms and integration of Kamathai are being implemented as planned. Wanda Maximov and the Guards Suppiluliumas, as his representatives, urge Kamathai headed by Master Hamil. Master Ji Mi performs the transformation. The crushing of other magic schools at the Watum Temple in the Amazon rainforest prompted those magic schools that usually did not take Kama Taj's dominance to heart to hurry up and send their heirs and classics to the newly established temple in the Himalayas. In the Observatory, the newly established organization is to regulate the use of abilities and the dissemination of knowledge of all magic schools.

Although the mystics and soldiers sent out encountered resistance more than once, Kama Taj was always able to arrest and bring the resisting schools to justice. The remaining schools that were still hesitating also knew that life after surrender would definitely be different. It is much better than the previous life hiding in the mountains and old forests. Even if not every school of thought has such an idea, the fact that most of the schools on the planet have been incorporated is enough for Salomon to implement his next plan.

"How can I say, I have time now." Salomon raised his eyebrows, and a smile unconsciously crawled onto his cheeks, "At least I have time before Joan wakes up."

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