Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1410 Chapter 1406 To the Moon (two-in-one)

This is not a fair game.

If there has been any speculation in the past about where Nick Fury is, the location is definitely not limited to Earth, especially to those who know him well. But now that Nick Fury's activities are firmly restricted to Earth, he has lost most of his available resources, at least the deeply hidden safe houses and relationships he can use. Even though he is called the "King of Agents," in this information-based society, the King of Agents can easily be traced.

He must eat and sleep, and must be in contact with people, and people are the sum of social relationships. They will inevitably leave traces in this society, whether it is credit cards, surveillance cameras, hotels, or photos shared on social media. Nick Fury can't be sure that he will never be photographed. After all, anyone can record life with the device in their hand now, and no one knows whether he will appear in someone else's camera.

He was released by the Emperor on his own initiative, and Nick Fury knew the Emperor's intention of doing so.

Stone tablets from the Assyrian era contain descriptions of human civilization taming falcons. This skill in Mesopotamia before 2000 BC was also popular among nomadic peoples in Central Asia and the Far East, and it also developed into a kind of A stable hunting method that continues to this day. In ancient times when there were no tools such as firearms and telescopes, human ancestors focused on animals, so a tamed raptor was an important aid in hunting. However, because raptors are difficult to tame, in order to make raptors obey instructions, eliminate wildness and train them, they must be trained manually. Since raptors bring more hunting efficiency than hounds, every falconer is willing to Huge investment costs.

But it is not so much the training of raptors as it is a confrontation of wills between raptors and humans. In the most important step, which is to wear out the raptor's wild sleep resistance training, the falconer must stay awake with the raptor for at least five days and five nights without sleep. This is the most important step in destroying the will of the raptor, and it is also a step that tests the will of the falconer.

Nick Fury knew he was the raptor being tamed.

If he accidentally buys food, he may find nails in it. If he stays in a motel with a false identity, he may be reported and raided by the police. Even if he leaves the United States and joins the refugees in Northern Europe, he may encounter unknown people. How come a charitable organization suddenly came over to donate supplies, and then invited him to participate in a street interview on TV on the grounds that "it can get more help". It only takes one time for Nick Fury to know that someone is watching him. Even if something similar doesn't happen in the future, he won't dare to make a conclusion at will - he is very familiar with this kind of psychological attack and defense, and the purpose is to use force to The psychological pressure caused the target to collapse and live in a state of fear - but he had been accustomed to a high-intensity vigilance for decades and could not be frightened by such a situation. Instead, he had surveillance coverage of the emperor. Quite curious.

He traveled all over the world not only to get rid of the emperor's ears and eyes, but also to find out the limits of the emperor's technology.

"So, this is a game?"

Victor von Doom played with the black, silver-rimmed locket at his fingertips. This is the first cargo sent by Constantine from the lighthouse base on Lake Ontario, and it is a priority crimson cargo. It is personally escorted by Sergeant Ronald of the First Secret Regiment. At the same time, Sergeant Ronald also came by and brought an observation report and behavioral analysis of Nick Fury. Someone has already determined Nick Fury's action trajectory and special intentions.

"Will we be the final victors?" Although Victor von Doom softened his tone, talking to the masked regent was still stressful. The pressure of meeting the emperor was a dreamlike feeling, but meeting the regent was like being squeezed by a hydraulic press and you couldn't help but propose something. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you this question, Ronald, it's not your responsibility."

He placed the black cube on the table and connected a data cable to the cube's only interface. Sergeant Ronald was wearing a gray crisp suit, with a golden eagle insignia embedded in the center of his cap. He seemed happy to be able to take off his bulletproof armor. "I am very grateful for your diligent performance at work. Now you can take a vacation for a while according to the procedure. After the vacation is over, I would like to invite you to join another project." Victor von Doom took off his mask and spoke with a warm smile. Facing the sergeant with a smile and a kind attitude, "Also, I wish you a happy honeymoon, and I hope your wife won't complain about me keeping you on a business trip for so long."

"My pleasure, Regent." Sergeant Ronald laughed. "My salary keeps her temper at bay."

After Sergeant Ronald left, Victor von Doom continued to play with the black cube. This is the data storage device that Nick Fury gave to Agent Coulson. It is filled with confidential files from SHIELD. Compared with the files that Natasha Romanoff put on the Internet during the Hydra rebellion, tip of the iceberg. But these documents are of no help in finding Nick Fury. The cunning guy will never hand over his agents, safe houses and escape routes to anyone else, not even his most trusted Agent Coulson. However, this cube was created many years ago, and some data will definitely leave traces of its existence before Nick Fury determined the escape route.

"Ms. Lister, please invite Ms. ROOT to come to the regent's office." Victor von Doom pressed the call button on the office phone and made contact with another office in the castle. "Tell her that I need Thumbelina's help - I know she doesn't like the name, but that's what it's called on the papers - and that I need her to see the sun and not hang out with a bunch of Martian logicians. .For His sake, tell her to move faster."

The first time the Emperor came into contact with what could be called an artificial intelligence was when someone discovered his abnormal identity many years ago. He appeared in New York and London at the same time in eight hours, surpassing all mainstream transportation on the earth at that time. speed. At the same time, he also eliminated the criminal gangs around the Witch's Apartment, thus provoking a group of people to come to investigate, including the newly formed Coulson Agent Team.

But that's all in the past, and the AI ​​with network access to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is now at his service, along with several AI-chosen executors. This is a great deal. The Emperor fully supports the cause of the creators and executors of artificial intelligence, which is to use big data to predict and save people who are likely to die in homicide. The emperor will provide an absolutely secure server storage point to ensure the existence of artificial intelligence, and the artificial intelligence will provide information review and assistance when the emperor needs it.

The emperor and the regent paid more attention to the executor selected by the "Thumbelina" system. Ms. ROOT, who had a considerable degree of network information technology, while giving the "Thumbelina" system resources, the emperor also gave a lot of help to the executor. Although the executor is a little crazy and refers to "Thumbelina" who has all the network rights as God and "she".

This is exactly the same as the Martians' worship of machines as symbols of life and perfection, but Ms. ROOT's logical thinking ability and network security skills are equally commendable. The emperor even allowed her to serve as a technical consultant for some small projects, and those projects were all Related to "Thumbelina".

Now Regent Victor von Doom needs ROOT's abilities.

He needs ROOT to find out the original data that Nick Fury once entered from this small vibranium box, and hand it over to the intelligence department of the Order of the Guards, and compare it with the map of Nick Fury's footprints that the First Secret Regiment once found. Compare, sift through and find the agents and safe houses that Nick Fury wants to hide. This is just a simple task that takes up five minutes on Regent Victor von Doom's work schedule today.

Nick Fury didn't know that he was actually not as important as he thought.

Regent Victor von Doom was preparing for the Emperor's next plan and had no time or energy to waste on the agent running around the world. No matter where Nick Fury goes, he can't leave Earth or pose any threat to the Emperor's creation. Even Natasha Romanoff, who helps him, has her own concerns.

The behavior of the female spy providing intelligence to Nick Fury was compared by Regent to the falconer feeding the raptor his own saliva during the sleep confrontation stage in the process of cooking the eagle to familiarize himself with the smell. The reason why Natasha Romanoff was allowed to pass on information was to see when Nick Fury would act based on the information provided by Natasha Romanoff. When Nick Fury's next move is predictable, it means that the Emperor's taming plan has been completed. Nick Fury is as familiar with the information given by the Emperor as a bird of prey familiar with the scent of a falconer. At that time, it is time to transfer it to him. When he was truly under his command.

In addition, the only armed forces Nick Fury can use are the Avengers. Now that Nick Fury's danger has been minimized, there is no need to pay too much attention, unless one day the radar detects a human-sized light falling from the sky. Even if that day comes, Regent Victor von Doom believes that You can completely solve the problem yourself.

"Long time no see, my old friend. Now do you allow my mind to remember your name?" Not everyone likes the emperor, or the emperor's secular status, especially when some people find that their minds are overwhelmed by their own inability to When the power of understanding takes over. "Why did you contact me suddenly? I never thought you were planning to do business with me! There are many dictators and tyrants in this world who want my technology, and you are one of them!"

"Fate doesn't make sense, Tony Stark. If there is such a thing as fate in this world, then our lives will not be so illogical." Salomon did not look at the holographic projection in mid-air, nor did he. I didn’t go to see the Cheshire Cat who was eager to try out the holographic projection. "That's just a probability, nothing more. I found you just because I thought there was something you might be interested in. I have never had any ill intentions towards you. On the contrary, I very much appreciate your contribution to the progress of human science. I have expressed my gratitude to you more than once. You have expressed this view. You have made a great contribution to the progress of human science, so you and the Stark Group can survive until now."

"You sound like a Hollywood star talking at an award show."

"Don't think I can't hear you scolding me, but I'm telling you the truth." Salomon adjusted his sitting posture. The projection of Tony Stark is not in a neat suit or oil-stained work clothes, but in a very casual light-colored T-shirt. It can be seen that he is in a very good mental state. The disbandment of the Avengers has given him a lot of time. rest. "Now is the time for your wisdom. Your skills, your knowledge and your whims."

"You aroused my curiosity." Tony Stark looked around, as if he was worried that someone would discover this fairy tale, "Is it related to the invasion of the alien fleet? If so, then I have my own way, No need to participate in your program.”

"Relying on a few drones dropped from low-Earth orbit, Stark? Is this what you call, arming the earth with steel?" Salomon waved his finger, and a file was transmitted to Tony Stark. information terminal, even the artificial intelligence "Friday" was not aware of it. "The United Nations Security Council had a dispute over your occupation of low-Earth orbit. Latovinia's proposal was that the Five Permanent Members would pay Latovinia a fee, and then we would destroy Stark Industries' satellites." Salo Meng said, "The White House is happy to pay this money. Some people still remember that Latvinia has the ability to return the U.S. communications system to the World War II era. No one in this world has the technology to manufacture void fighters except me."

"And I."

"Maybe, but you didn't have the chance to conduct the experiment, did you?" Salomon said, "Just like you refused to share the manufacturing technology of the steel suit, we have the same concerns. But some things cannot be solved by just a few people, But it needs all mankind to face it together, which is one of the reasons why I oppose the Avengers."


"There is also a vague explanation of the clause 'Superheroes are necessary to safeguard national security' in the original version of the Sokovia Accords. In order to prevent so-called superheroes from becoming special forces, I can only use other means. After all, Americans But they have maintained U.S. national security thousands of miles away in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan."

"Okay, I've heard enough. I don't need to be lectured, and don't forget, I'm much older than you."

"But your mental age is far lower than 40% of your peers, and this is the result of counting people with mental disabilities." Salomon said, "In short, I need you to participate in this project. In the Dark Cult Before the fleet reaches the solar system, we must begin to gradually build a defense network, and our first step is to go to the moon."

"Sir, To the Moon is a story about..."

"This needs no prompting, Friday. Tell me, Salomon, what's on the moon?" Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, "I don't believe you."

"There are just some mutants."

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