Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1411 Chapter 1407 Standard Negotiation (Two in One)

"You're not telling the truth!"

Tony Stark walked out of the projection range several times, but eventually came back.

"As in the past, poisonous lies flow out of your mouth like saliva, poisoning everyone who hears you speak. Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and James Buchanan... Barnes... We have known each other for so many years, but I have never really understood you. Before you started the war, not even Nick Fury or Natasha knew about your double life. I know this It's too late, but I still have to say it." Tony Stark jumped up like a cat whose paw was stepped on. He was very angry at Salomon's vague statement, because he had heard this vague statement more than once, and because of this misleading did something he did not want to do. "The reason why you tell lies and refuse to let others be your friends is because of your arrogance. You don't bother to let others understand you, because everyone else is a fool in your eyes, isn't it?"

"I think I need to reiterate, Stark. I invite you to join the planetary defense program and build a defense network against alien fleets. This invitation includes several countries, but due to the special nature of Stark Industries, you You can only join anonymously to provide technical guidance." Salomon was not angry, and did not even react in any way because of Stark's emotions.

He had long expected Stark to have this kind of emotion. After all, he couldn't expect a man who had been on the opposite side of conflicts of ideas and interests to remain calm. But he still deliberately chose this time. Bayonetta and Joan of Arc had just asked Dinah to invite him to have afternoon tea in the glass conservatory - this was a vague statement between him and the witch, like some kind of unspeakable invite. Next to the glass conservatory is the modern minimalist style glass bedroom. After the afternoon tea, the witches will want some entertainment. Salomon will never miss every invitation from the witches - and Tony Stark in the United States At this time, I had just finished breakfast, my blood sugar was gradually rising, and my mind was not particularly clear.

He had seen the white paper on Earth's defense plan that Tony Stark had submitted to the Pentagon and Congress.

As long as they have certain authority, members of Congress can basically see the white paper, and the one he has is from Gideon Malik. Although Gideon Malik is still not a member of Congress, the members of Congress he controls can provide enough information. Just like Gideon in the biblical story, he lurks in the enemy camp and eavesdrops on intelligence.

The ultimate vision of Stark's white paper is to establish a globally integrated strategic defense. All participating countries must give up part of their military information security and military sovereignty. This overly idealistic vision is destined to be impossible to realize. However, many of the contents in the white paper, if taken out individually, are very consistent with the United States' operational concept of building military hegemony and information hegemony in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, when the white paper was in the hands of Congress, it began to be extensively deleted, and it will eventually become a naval strategy white paper issued by the Pentagon. Its core ideas will run counter to Tony Stark's original idea.

"Or do you want to go through the long approval channel of Congress and the intricate interests of the Pentagon, NSNA and the military-industrial complex, so that only 10% of the funds that should have been invested in research and development are implemented on projects to save mankind? No one can compare You know better that this will definitely happen. If you want to continue to achieve your goals through a corrupt system and hypocritical democracy, then I will not object. You can usher in the end of the world with those worms, and by the way, hundreds of millions of people and Buried with useless financial games."

The emperor calmly extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

"You know I'm right, Tony Stark. You know what the white paper you handed over to Congress will eventually become, so you're angry." Tony Stark wanted to refute, but he didn't after all. Having studied the art of debating, he was completely unaware of the emperor's trick of blurring his arguments. Coupled with the gradually rising blood sugar after breakfast and the blood rushing to his stomach, he would not be able to remember the real contradiction for a while after being attracted by other arguments. "You know that I have always done the right thing, you know that I see farther than everyone else, you know that I never waste time and energy on useless people and things, so in your eyes, my performance is very Cold. But I have no intention of changing because I don’t have the time and my responsibilities don’t allow me to do so.”

Tony Stark was silent, he hadn't figured out how to retort yet.

Now the whole world knows that Latovinia has extremely powerful genetic modification technology, and there is also a company that specializes in life extension surgeries, specifically serving the rich. As far as he knows, although Latvinia is now on the opposite side of the United States, several plutocrats who have received organ transplants and whose bodies are already overwhelmed have contacted Latvinia. They only need the emperor to express some wishes. , the congressmen who get the money will propose it and pass it.

"If you agree, I will send an aircraft to greet you. However, in order to keep it confidential, you still need to use power armor to fly to the designated coordinates. My Tianma super-heavy assault transport boat will be waiting for you in the air." The emperor waved his hand. , the Cheshire Cat obediently approached the holographic projection switch, "You know how to contact my secular identity, Tony Stark. No one can monitor the conversation between us, not even Homeland Security. I will send the coordinates Sent to you. Don’t worry, the coordinates aren’t too far from your and Pepper’s vacation cabin.”

A very standard negotiation process in which the ability to harm and the willingness to harm are expressed simultaneously.

He doesn't reveal how he knew Tony Stark's location or when he placed his armed forces near that country cabin. If this were in a traditional superhero comic, then the Emperor thought he was definitely occupying it. The villain of several publications. The Emperor did not leave Tony Stark time to think, and then ordered the Cheshire Cat to jump up and press the button, interrupting the secret conversation.

"Secret conversation, huh?" Bayonetta knocked on the door, holding the wine glass in one hand and raising her eyebrows at Salomon. The light red wine is clear and transparent, and a round cherry sinks to the bottom of the glass. "Try the cocktail I made and see how it goes this time."

"Dry martini? It's better than last time." Salomon walked over and took the glass and took a sip without hesitation. If he hadn't taken the food from the witch's hand, Hammurabi or Dinah would have definitely rushed over to conduct a rapid poison test. "Why do I feel like this is Dinah's normal bartending style? She doesn't like to add too much Italian vermouth." He handed the wine glass to the ubiquitous small housekeeping suspension robot and held Bayonetta's slender legs. The waist was deliberately moved closer. A few years ago, he could only look up to Bayonetta, but now it was Bayonetta's turn to look up to him. The black-haired witch poked his chest with her fingers with a smile on her face, and deliberately stepped on his with the heels of her slender high heels. Her toes were so close that her whole body was pressed against Salomon's body.

"Did Dinah teach you how to make a martini?"

The popular impression of afternoon tea is not suitable for this manor.

Although this does not mean that exquisite refreshments and sweet black tea are not popular in the manor, compared to various cocktails, the witches obviously prefer the latter to the former, which Salomon has always liked. The alcohol content of the cocktails tasted at afternoon tea time is not high, and most of them are quite sweet and exquisite in appearance, which is very suitable for tasting with rain, snow and grass on this ever-changing British afternoon cloudy day. Only dinner and after dinner are the best times to taste spirits and wines. Whiskey should be paired with American smoked meats, wine should be paired with exquisite French meals, and brandy is a pastime after dinner.

In one night, more than twenty bottles of wine would be exchanged on the manor's dining table.

But this is not too much. After all, the program written by Salomon is continuously extracting numbers with value from the stock market of financial capitalism, and then filling those numbers into his secular identity and secular social status. To maintain the living standard of his and the witch's worldly status. This lifestyle made him and the witch somewhat isolated from the world. Attending high-society social dinners was just a matter of boredom, not specifically to get to know certain people. They don't need to pretend to donate to charity, or simply set up a charity to avoid taxes. The biggest enemy of Salomon's lifestyle is only the US Securities and Exchange Commission, because the latter has always believed that his secular identity is suspected of insider trading.

"I really like her way of mixing drinks." The witch raised her chin, "You taught her how to mix drinks, didn't you?"

"Hmm, the subconscious instillation of artificial souls is my preference. Who made Dinah initially position herself as a maid..."

"Not a combatant?" Bayonetta raised her voice slightly, "Including all androids?"


"Don't waste time, sweet little boy." Bayonetta chuckled. She held Salomon's face, stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips. "Joan of Arc wants to catch up on the entertainment that he missed last night, and I also want to taste some more." She blinked, expressing satisfaction at Salomon's rare embarrassment. She was like the banshee in the folk tale. Tasting his emotions like that. "We all love your magic, it's delicious."

"I'll send Constantine a message, dear."

Salomon couldn't help but kissed back several times, and the warm and soft lips made him almost unable to resist. In the end, Bayonetta pushed him away, otherwise she would have spent this afternoon tea time in the office. Bayonetta bent down and twisted the Cheshire cat with its tail erect next to her in her hand. Her movements were light and graceful, like twisting a designer handbag.

"You only have ten minutes." The witch said with a smile, "Don't exceed this time."

"Listen, I only have ten minutes!"

The relocation of the lighthouse base is in an orderly manner. The Coulson agent team has been sent to a training ground where they do not know the location, where they will receive training including space walking, vacuum first aid, etc. Constantine also asked them to understand the constellations and learn The scientifically modified star navigation technology ensures that they can determine their position in the galaxy. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment and the Ranger Cavalry on duty are still staying in the lighthouse base, waiting for intelligence from the rear to completely sort out all the items in the lighthouse base warehouse, so some important people still stay in the lighthouse base to help with the work.

Among them was the Immortal Enoch.

Although most of the armed personnel have withdrawn, after the bloody suppression of the two riots, the SHIELD agents have finally calmed down completely and do not have to worry about the negative effects of the reduction in security forces. What's more, the sisterhood who just learned of the emperor's arrival a few minutes ago only needs ten seconds to prepare. These armored girls can break human bones with their bare hands even without using weapons, and can clear out the base with just a pair of iron fists. All factors that are detrimental to the emperor's safety.

"Have you seen me, Enoch the Immortal?" In addition to the emperor himself, there were only Enoch the Immortal and the Imperial Guard Constantine in the control room. No one can hear the conversation or interfere with it. "If so, when was it?"

"How did you..." Enoch was a little surprised. This was the first time he faced the emperor in reality, and he felt that the abnormal current in his processor core was increasing. "How do you know these things? Are you spying on me?"

"Your conversations with Agent Coulson were not confidential, and all the footage you showed him was recorded. Your footage is very important to me, Enoch. As Agent Coulson will conduct A journey through time and space. I will also embark on the same journey, but I am going to the past." The emperor stretched out his hand towards Enoch, "Your camera system is excellent and can even see through the cover of supernatural forces. I I have your facial recognition data now, Enoch, but I need your experience even more."


The emperor glanced at Constantine, then nodded towards the latter. "Constantine will let you know more secrets, Enoch. Although you have been on earth for thirty thousand years, you have never been able to see the war behind the curtain. And... I also see me in you. The power of not understanding.”

"If I leave the lighthouse base, the warehouse inventory efficiency will be reduced by 56.2%."

"Compared with inventorying the warehouse, I think you have more important things to do." The emperor gestured to the imperial guard, "This friend needs a day trip to Kama Taj."

"I don't think it will be of any use, my lord."

"My opinion is exactly the opposite." The emperor lowered his head and looked down at the immortal man, his eyes full of meaning. "The Immortals are a mechanical race, which means there is more than one person looking at us through his eyes."

"Someone is watching us?" The Guards immediately loaded their bolt guns.

"Easy, Constantine. Not now, not here."

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