Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1413 Chapter 1409 In-depth Physical Examination Report (2-in-1)

For the Coulson Agent Team, boarding the space station is a very novel experience.

Excluding the planet named "Tatooine" by Agent Coulson, this will be their first time in outer space. But the courses they will receive indicate that their future missions will be closely related to outer space. Textbooks on space walking, space medicine, and weightless human biology are already on their desks. This knowledge will ensure they have the skills to survive in orbit and in outer space, and to be able to calmly handle emergencies they encounter.

Leopold Fitz and Gemma Simmons are still arguing about the way the Skyward Sword space station generates gravity, and other agents such as Coulson, Melinda May, and Alphonso Mackenzie have begun to investigate the residence. Conduct a search. There were no hidden bugs or cameras, that's because Tita didn't bother to use spy equipment to spy on them. She generously installed surveillance equipment in everyone's room to blatantly monitor the agents. The soldier who sent them here handed a manual to Agent Coulson, which guided them to find their room - there was a nameplate on the door, and the combination lock at the door contained the fingerprint and iris information of the room owner. ——This is also stated in the manual. It seems that the owner of this space station has made preparations for their arrival in advance.

The situation sent shivers down Melinda May's spine. She didn't know why this space station had such top-secret information, and she was even more frightened by the unpredictable actions. However, Agent Coulson just used the excuse of SHIELD information leakage as an excuse, and did not delve into the matter on the surface. thing, because this is just one of the countless mysteries they face - if the room lock possessing iris and fingerprint data has shown the depth of intelligence of the space station owner, then the member files in the data pad with the manual have shown the intelligence Breadth. It seemed that at some unknown time, all the agents had undergone an in-depth physical examination. The health status and the possibility of suffering from various diseases in the future based on the in-depth genetic analysis were all listed in the file for reference.

For example, Agent Coulson saw that he was more likely to suffer from cancer than everyone else, and his genetic analysis report on the data pad also highlighted the genetic contamination incident. That is GH-325 in the Tahiti Project, a substance extracted from Cree corpses that can promote human cell regeneration. This substance can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and affect the neurons of the human brain, causing him to have hallucinations and impulses. , obsessive-compulsive disorder and other sequelae. Agent Coulson originally thought that the sequelae had disappeared, but the genetic analysis report showed in detail the damaging effects of GH-325 on genes. His DNA telomeres were severely damaged, and the Kree genes were still repairing his DNA. , it is very likely that organ failure will occur faster than cancer.

Agent Coulson also reviewed the files of two Inhumans, Daisy Johnson and Elena Rodriguez, but when he tried to view their genetic analysis data, he found that all the forms that should have been filled out were blank. There was nothing in the file except a glaring red seal. This made Agent Coulson very nervous, because he never knew whether the owner of the space station had a friendly attitude towards the Inhumans, but judging from the emperor's attitude towards aliens, it is very likely that his attitude towards the Inhumans would not be good either. Where to go.

However, he did not disclose any information about the physical examination report to his team members, and he even deleted most of the in-depth physical examination reports.

"At least we're alive now, May." Agent Coulson sat down and sighed. What he said was true. He was really glad that his team did not suffer losses. As for the newly established SHIELD by the US government, he no longer cared. The area they were in had an area that was used as a canteen. According to the manual, they will receive their own food from the window every day. Those foods will be formulated by master nutrition experts based on their physical examination results that day to ensure that their bodies can participate in the mission healthily. So they can't get any snacks from vending machines, and even drinking water is rationed.

This is easy to understand. Surviving in outer space is like traveling on a sailboat in the Age of Discovery. Food and fresh water are important resources for sustaining life. Clean air is an extremely valuable asset. The manual also points out the oxygen candles equipped in each room. and the location of emergency equipment to ensure they have the ability to rescue themselves in the event of a disaster.

"As long as we are alive and together, we have not failed." He used words that he didn't believe to arrange other agents, and the result was predictable. Daisy Johnson looked around, rubbing her fingers where the metal collar came into contact with her skin, as if that thing made her very uncomfortable. "I'm sorry that I had to conceal the true situation at the lighthouse base." He said to Daisy Johnson and Alphonso Mackenzie who ended the search, and everyone could feel his deep apology and There was weariness hidden in his eyes, "Only by letting you return to the lighthouse base can others survive. We cannot lose any more agents."

"I understand what you did, Coulson, it was the only way at the time." Alfonso McKenzie said before Elena Rodriguez could. He put one hand under the dining table, pressing his girlfriend's palm, and extended his other hand to Agent Coulson to express his attitude. "But I hope you already have an idea. I don't want to participate in some inexplicable mission and then be handcuffed to a collar like a slave..." He looked at Elena Rodriguez. Alfonso Mackenzie knew that his girlfriend had been angry because of the explosive collar, but he did not dare to use his ability to remove the collar before he had sufficient information, because judging from the performance of the woman in power armor, she He would really order their execution.

"I will share the information with you, just like I promised, there are no secrets in SHIELD." Agent Coulson raised his head and looked at the monitoring equipment in the cafeteria. What he said next had some meaning, as if he was speaking to the supervisor. "We are going to carry out a mission related to the future of mankind, and we are the only ones who can participate in the mission, so we are very important." He looked at Leopold Fitz and Gemma Simmons, who had arrived late, "From From a time perspective, we have already experienced a mission, and we are going to fulfill that destiny next. Fitz, do you still remember the theory about destiny you said?"

"I remember, but that's just a... rough and inaccurate statement." Leopold Fitz looked at Gemma Simmons beside him. As the only highly intelligent character in the group, only Gemma Simmons can understand his use of intuitive language and scientific terms to explain the basic knowledge of relativity such as time and gravity. "If I don't use that pile of A4 paper as an analogy, it will be difficult for you to understand what I am saying." He said frankly, "Although the conclusion is not wrong, the explanation details will definitely not be completely consistent."

"Wait, you mean, we are going to take risks because of a prophecy?" Alfonso Mackenzie raised his eyebrows, "Because of whose prophecy, the bionic robot or the master of the genetically modified warrior?"

"Enoch, that bionic robot. He has been on Earth for more than 30,000 years. In principle, he is not allowed to interfere in human affairs. But it seems that someone has influenced him and made him cooperate with SHIELD..."

"Nick Fury! No one can place that bionic robot in the lighthouse base except him. Maybe the lighthouse base was built because of that robot!"

Melinda May spat out a name viciously, revealing the long-held suspicion in her heart. Except for Phil Coulson, all the other agents cast a surprised look at her. For them, the name Nick Fury represents endless mystery and is simply a legendary figure, especially Daisy Johnson and Elena Rodriguez. As latecomers, they have never been exposed to that character. A king of agents who has never been seen before but is everywhere.

"Does this have anything to do with Nick Fury?"

"I don't know, May, I really don't know." Agent Coulson sighed again, "I seem to be designated as the main executor of this mission. Before we set off, I was browsing what Enoch had experienced. Events. He showed me the wars of ancient Greek city-states, the rise of ancient Rome, the Crusades, and even the Hundred Years War between England and France..." He hesitated and decided not to tell me about his life trajectory in Enoch for the time being. There were too many surveillance cameras here, and there was some information that he was unwilling to disclose to the enemy. He made a hidden gesture, and the other agents understood that he still had something to say, and even the somewhat irritable Daisy Johnson gave up questioning.

Even the most stupid person can know that Agent Coulson is protecting everyone's lives.

"Then what are we going to face, Coulson." Alfonso Mackenzie hesitated for a moment, and finally asked the question that everyone was concerned about, "What kind of disaster are we going to face?"

Agent Coulson clicked on the data pad, "I think there will be an explanation in this manual."

"See, they never realized their fault!" Tita was a little proud. "As far as I know, Melinda May instigated the riot at the Lighthouse Base and the result was that several agents were killed. This was before my Lord told the agents On the premise that they issued a life safety guarantee, Melinda May actively broke the agreement and the agent was killed, but now I don’t see any apology in her eyes.”

She raised her head and looked at Amon, but the Imperial Guard didn't show much emotion.

"Because in her eyes we are the murderers." Amon pointed out the key issue. He looked at the surveillance array of hundreds of screens. These monitoring are mainly aimed at the interior of the space station, and the external monitoring related to the docking of cargo ships and passenger ships is in another control room. "She doesn't trust us, so she won't trust the agreement. Her subconscious doesn't want to realize the real contradiction and the real cause of the agent's death. Coupled with the fact that our previous attack on the lighthouse base resulted in a large number of casualties, Melinda May It’s easy to blame ourselves for mistakes.”

"Is it because of guilt?" Tita asked, "She has realized the truth, but her subconscious is unwilling to accept it."

"It has something to do with it, Tita. But I'm not a psychology expert, so I can't diagnose the psychological causes behind human behavior." Amon nodded, but Tita knew that the Guardsmen were scholars in warrior garb. In essence, although Amon would become a beginner in psychology, she did not believe that a genetically modified warrior who had received subconscious indoctrination would not understand the unique psychological model developed by the Eternal City. But Amon did not guess what Tita was thinking. He only came to Tianjian Space Station as the emperor's envoy to observe the training of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and ensure that they had professional knowledge before setting off and could survive the difficult mission. Come down. "What are you going to do?" he asked. "I think these agents will definitely find an opportunity to escape from here. Do you have any idea?"

"The only language that some people's brains can accept is violence." Tita proudly showed off her fists. "When the violence far exceeds that of the other party, those people will be willing to reason." Amon threw himself at her He looked at her with disapproval, but due to the obstruction of the lenses, Tita saw nothing. Even if Amon is not wearing a helmet, Tita will not care about his opinion, because all the power of Tianjian Space Station has been handed over to her by the emperor, and even the Imperial Guards will not question this.

"I suggest adding a communication link." Amon said, "I can act as a communicator."

"But we have to consider the possibility that the enemy may take the negotiators hostage."

"I didn't know you had such a sense of humor, Commander Tita." Amon laughed, "I will make a communication form, when is it appropriate to speak with fists, and when is it appropriate to speak with tongue. This form will not Undermining your authority, Commander Tita.”

"I'm willing to communicate, Amon." Tita turned and left the monitoring room. When the gate closed, the escort was standing beside her. Amon had no idea why the androids always maintained a proud posture, but he was unwilling to argue with the sisterhood over this matter. The Praetorian Guards understand the entire process of creating artificial beings of the Sisterhood - provided they are willing to understand the complex and obscure alchemy and witchcraft - but even without in-depth study of alchemy, all Praetorian Guards have an unspoken consensus, that is, Sisterhood cyborgs are highly susceptible to witchcraft contamination. Artificial beings are humanoid creatures created from the philosopher's mercury crystal extracted from the Red Dragon Path (mercury, which refers to the preparation of wet ether). The essence of witchcraft is hidden in the soul of the artificial person, and they can accept witchcraft. But because the emperor's power eliminated contamination for them, the artificial talents were not contaminated by witchcraft. However, the Praetorian Guards still unanimously determined that the sisterhood's emotional management rituals were likely to go in another uncontrollable direction.

"I'm willing to communicate with Agents of SHIELD, and I'm willing to communicate with you."


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