Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1414 Chapter 1410 The First Space Walk (Two in One)

"In other words, Agent Coulson doesn't have the life expectancy to complete the mission?"

"For us, they just disappeared for a few seconds, but for them time is passing normally." As the intelligence chief of the Praetorian Order, Supiluliumas was communicating with Regent Vic through holographic projection. Doom von Doom communicated. Victor von Doom was deeply involved in many of the Emperor's plans. The Coulson Agent Team's trip to the future was an unexpected mission. Even so, he still took on the task of coordinating the overall situation and monitoring all Emperors. The arranged chess pieces cannot escape his control, and even the Praetorian Order has to report to him.

"Although we already have Cree samples, we do not have the preparation process and formula of GH-325, and cannot restore the many mutations of GH-325 on human genes." Supiluliumas put down the paper and shook his head. He had read the medical report and found that Agent Coulson's genes had suffered severe damage and mutation. However, due to the special components in the Kree's body constantly repairing the damaged genetic material, Agent Coulson's physical condition was extremely complex. "The medical officer believes that Agent Coulson has a high risk of organ failure, brain tumors, lymphoma, blood cancer, bone cancer, etc. His immune system is being challenged and more complications are possible in the future. Yes. , he is going to die, Lord Regent.”

"Can we extend his life?"

"Directed gene therapy may be possible, but this requires testing by medical officials." Supiluliumas issued a medical officer's guess on treatment methods, among which gene repair ranked first. "But this method is related to Agent Coulson's own survival intention and degree of cooperation, and the gene repair treatment cycle is long. Agent Coulson may not be able to survive that period." The regent remained silent and carefully inspected the guards' repairs. The report issued by the medical officer and the medical information within S.H.I.E.L.D. Every number, every test was tested repeatedly, reports of decay between multiple genetic samples, induced stem cells to grow nervous systems to simulate Agent Coulson's brain state... all the reports pointed to the same conclusion, that Agent Coulson's life is like a candle in the wind. No one knows whether he will die in the mission.

"Is He aware of this situation?"

"Yes, Lord Regent, He knew Agent Coulson's physical condition immediately." Supiluliumas said, "But He did not specify the method to use to keep Agent Coulson alive. "

"Then try, Supiluliumas, and open a secret communication channel with Agent Coulson. I think he definitely doesn't want his companions to know about his physical condition, just like all the pretentious characters in TV series Same."

Supiluliumas pretended not to hear the regent's humorous metaphor. "Agent Coulson may refuse to try life-extending surgery." The Praetorian Guard said, pointing to the part about psychological analysis in the report. "The current Agent Coulson is extremely self-destructive, and the possibility of requiring him to undergo treatment is very low. .”

"Can this matter be more important than the US election?"

Victor von Doom knew that the image of the emperor in the eyes of the outside world was very different from his private image. That kind of majestic appearance would only appear in public, and the emperor who had a great sense of humor in private would not let it go. Any opportunity for a sense of humor. This strong social ability is also one of the reasons why he was able to drag him out of the cabin. Now Victor von Doom feels that he is gradually being adapted from the personality of the private emperor, becoming more cheerful, approachable and even more humorous.

"You can tell Agent Coulson that if he receives treatment, then we will arrange a meeting between him and Steve Rogers." The regent said in a light tone. He stretched out his hand and picked up the golden eagle staff leaning against the table. The shape of the staff came from the ancient Roman military flag. In addition to being a powerful spellcasting tool, this staff that should be inserted into a chariot is also an identity. Symbol - The psychic circuit hidden in the golden eagle contains many permissions, allowing him to enter and exit the Eternal City, Skyward Sword Space Station and all places in Latovinia. Even places with psychic restrictions can allow him to pass unimpeded. "I know that Agent Coulson anonymously supported Steve Rogers on social networks when the Avengers split. Even though he was called a traitor, Coulson supported him."

"This is a good idea."

"Then go ahead and execute it. As far as I know, Agent Coulson is not the only person you need to pay attention to." The regent stood up with his staff, "How are the guests of Dhaulagiri Observatory doing now?"

"Lara Croft is recovering well physically and mentally. He's allowing her access to many of history's secrets, and I think that's going to quell her urge to explore for a while."

"Lara Croft's fate is closely linked to her traces in history, and her discovery will reveal some secrets that we urgently need to know. Protect Lara Croft, Supiluliumas, Even if she returns to the UK, she cannot remove her security personnel."

"Yes, Lord Regent." Supiluliumas lowered his head. His holographic projection filled nearly all the space in the Regent's office from floor to ceiling, and the captured photons detailed the dagger he wore at his waist—a dagger to a Praetorian, but to a commoner. To humans, it is just a long sword - that sword is engraved with an oath that no one knows except the commander of the guards and the emperor. At the same time, it is also the ultimate weapon for the guards to fight to the death at the last moment. It is used by everyone. A Praetorian Guard carried it with him. "Do you need help from the Praetorian Guards with your upcoming itinerary?"

"I can't walk yet, Suppiluliumas." Regent Victor von Doom walked towards the office door. The office room is a place where things are discussed, so the decoration is very warm, and the warm colors make people relax. The external offices are in cold black and white. Regent Victor von Doom plans to face a series of requests and accountability, and to coordinate the already disharmonious relations between officials from various places.

"Actually, I'm young now!" He weighed the staff. "This thing can also be used as a hammer. I think it will definitely come in handy later. Please arrange for me to have a carpet cleaning service. I think this will definitely come in handy. The brains and bone fragments in the carpet are definitely not easy to clean."

The first lesson was a spacewalk.

The extravehicular spacesuit of the Tianjian Space Station is not as bulky as other white spacesuits. Although it is also a one-piece design, it also has features that allow astronauts to withstand the space vacuum environment, high and low temperature alternating environments, and resist space radiation and micrometeors. function, but looks more like an emergency pressure suit inside the cabin. There is no need to carry a heavy external oxygen supply device, and the helmet fits the human body better. After wearing the extravehicular space suit, there will be no difficulty in moving the limbs or grasping the palms.

SHIELD agents were like students waiting to receive food, standing in line in front of the pressure gate and following instructions to check their spacesuits, waiting for their first spacewalk. Soldiers of the First Secret Regiment wearing void combat uniforms holding laser weapons were waiting for them in front and behind the air-tight gate. The SHIELD agents' first walk will be carried out under supervision. After completing many action requirements, they will return to the medical cabin, where the medical officer will conduct a comprehensive examination to see if they are suitable for the next step of the course - science. Agent Erson knew that the spacesuits they were wearing were not fully functional because he saw dark red prompts such as "Remote Radio Link Lost" on the helmet's HUD projection.

"I thought we were going to do a navel walk," Agent Coulson asked.

"No, as long as you learn to activate the magnetic device on the sole, you don't need to use a tether." The soldier's calm voice came from the earphones, "If you accidentally float into space, then please follow the standard procedure to activate the distress message. Target and remain calm to reduce oxygen consumption, and use a micro-jetpack to actively avoid other equipment. We will send a ship to fish you back within half an hour."

"That sounds so reassuring," Melinda May muttered, "but we only have enough oxygen for thirty minutes, and that's oxygen consumption including classes."

"As long as you follow the standard procedures, then there won't be any accidents." The soldier calmly answered Melinda May's question. The latter was not familiar with the suit's operating system and therefore did not turn off the short-range radio communication. When Melinda May clumsily turned off the communication system according to standard procedures, the system was turned back on, no matter what she did. . She glared fiercely at the soldiers not far away, but no one would have any confrontational emotions because of her eyes. "This spacesuit is very safe and can withstand the impact of a large number of micrometeors. Since we destroyed many communication satellites not long ago, the micrometeor index today is C, but you don't have to encounter too many little guys flying around."

"That's so reassuring," Daisy Johnson began to complain too. The impact of micrometeors may be stronger than that of 7.62*51mm rifle bullets. Before confirming that this space suit can withstand such impact, conducting extravehicular walking is equivalent to putting your life on the gambling table.

"The Reclaimed Air Agreement is complete."

The voice prompts in soft multi-lingual languages: "The air-tight gate is about to open."

"Everyone, please hold on to the handrails around you to avoid pressure shock."

The soldier subconsciously placed his palm on the grip of the rifle on his chest, and at the same time turned on the magnetic function of the void combat uniform boots. Another soldier in the same team also increased his vigilance and made the same preparations. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are participating in training, they are still high-risk targets. All soldiers of the First Secret Regiment have been granted shooting permission. If necessary, they can use laser heat flow to burn through the human body.

The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment come from all over the world, and all have received built-in tactical bone conduction surgery and translators, as well as a small number of human enhancement implants. Even Melinda May, who has the strongest close combat ability among SHIELD agents, cannot Fight against it. But the soldiers' eyes were all fixed on Elena Rodriguez, who had super speed, and Daisy Johnson, who could release shock waves. The muzzles of the two laser weapons were pointed at them intentionally or unintentionally.

In order to ensure that this process can be carried out safely, the First Secret Regiment also invited a foreign aid.

"You are about to take your first walk. Please be sure to follow the route planned by the drone."

The route pointed by the soldier was projected by two drones using lights, just like the temporary route projected by lights on the front and rear of a bicycle when riding a bicycle at night. This is not high-tech, it is just a training product. What is really high-tech is a drone flying in a vacuum. "Seeing nothing in the cabin of the landing ship or behind the porthole of the space station is nothing. Now you have to face real space. Don't worry, if something happens to you, we will also use the positioning of the spacesuit to get you back. We will never let corpses contaminate the tracks.”

The soldiers' sense of humor did not make the agents laugh.

"It's so reassuring." This time it was Alphonso MacKenzie. Outside the airtight gate, a figure wearing a void suit stood in front of SHIELD agents. The lights on the helmet and the light projected by the HUD inside the helmet allowed the agents to see clearly who that person was. "Pietro Maximov?" Agent Coulson felt his throat being grabbed. "You actually invited another person with enhanced abilities here. He has been missing for a long time..."

"As you all know, I am unemployed." Pietro Maximov's voice rang on the communication channel, with a dull sound that penetrated the polymer helmet. He spread his hands, his tone was a little cheerful, and he almost danced on the outer armor of the Tianjian Space Station. "It's hard to find a job in New York with a superhero name. Not to mention the NYPD (New York Police Department) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), NSA (National Security Agency) and DHS (U.S. Homeland Security Administration) who harass me every day. They have to call me to make sure I haven't left New York; even if I buy a taco from a street food truck, TFI (the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, part of the Treasury Department) will investigate whether the bill is illegal income. Is that food truck some kind of intelligence structure? So I have to find a relatively free job, and it happens that my blood relatives..."

Pietro Maximov eventually stopped leaking information at inappropriate times.

"...Ahem! Hello, Agent Coulson! I recognize you, Steve Rogers still mentions you from time to time, especially at the boys' beer parties!" He pointed his finger at each A.D. Bureau agents called out their names one by one, especially Elena Rodriguez. "I will be your spacewalk instructor. Don't get too excited about it. There are no neon lights installed here. If you go from the sun to the dark side, all you will see is darkness and sporadic lights. Elena Rodrigo Now, please don’t try to jump while running, I know you all have your magnetic boots turned on, but floating into space is troublesome anyway.”

"Why are you so surprised? He is also an Inhuman?" Elena Rodriguez asked in a hoarse Latin accent, "What are his superpowers?"

"Run fast, Yoyo, faster than you." Alfonso Mackenzie took a breath, "You don't know him? He is a member of the Avengers!"


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