Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1415 Routine inspection (two in one)

"Yoyo" Elena Rodriguez was a little unconvinced.

As one of the newest and most amateur members of the team, Elena Rodriguez hasn't read anything related to the Avengers. When Daisy Johnson was studying, she was stealing weapons from corrupt Colombian military police to give to protesters. When Daisy Johnson became a relatively qualified field agent, she had just been captured by SHIELD. From beginning to end, Elena Rodriguez had little opportunity to receive an education, and she didn't really believe that anyone could be faster than herself - except for the giant in golden power armor. However, Elena Rodriguez later insisted that it was just an accident, which led to her being knocked unconscious on the power armor. Nothing was hurt except her pride.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please do not delay."

Pietro Maximov stood on tiptoes like a ballet dancer in "Swan Lake" on the armored maintenance channel of the space station, walking lightly towards the SHIELD agent team. This frivolous attitude stems entirely from his confidence in his own abilities - as he told the SHIELD agents, his career began after the Avengers split. Many intelligence agencies and subordinate departments of the intelligence agencies in the United States either called him or visited him every day to intimidate and induce him. In this case, Pietro Maximov had to accept the offer provided by his blood relative Wanda Maximov. new job.

This job is the extravehicular walking safety officer of Tianjian Space Station, which is exactly the same as Xia Tian's swimming pool safety officer. He also occasionally has to help with the maintenance and inspection of the space station's armor, which is not too easy. This is not something that is difficult for him to accept. After all, in his mind, both Wanda and the Emperor are family members, and there is nothing objectionable about the help provided by family members. Agent Coulson swung his arms awkwardly and bounced to Pietro Maximov's side under the pull of artificial gravity. "I never thought you would be here. I conducted a search after the Avengers split." He said, "Now you siblings are working for him?"

"Hmm! The earth is not a particularly good place now. There are always people who want to take something from us. Don't they know that we have nothing?"

"Now he is taking something from you, Pietro." Soldiers holding precision shooter laser rifles stood twenty meters away, pointing their guns at this clumsy spacewalking novice. Agent Coulson knew his words would be heard by those soldiers, but he didn't care anymore. "You are using your special abilities to work for him. Isn't this what you have been avoiding?"

Pietro grinned, and the two small projector lights on the top and bottom of the helmet reflected a whole row of white teeth. There are also several engineering walking mechas in the distance that are almost three meters high - as a walking mecha with a wide range of uses, thanks to its modular design and cheap cost, it can make considerable improvements in both engineering and combat. Type is available - some armor material is being shipped to where repairs are needed. Part of Pietro's job was to carry out these projects, transporting armor materials that accidentally escaped from control. The method of working was to tie a rope around his waist and then run over, jump up and be dragged back.

A standard-sized space station ablation armor plate is extremely expensive to build, because after acquiring the space station, the Emperor plans to expand it into a small void dock, an orbital logistics station, and an orbital fortress as a replacement for the space elevator before it is completed. Therefore, an armor plate intended to be used for hundreds of years is almost the pinnacle of Martian material science. Each piece of a product designed from the arrangement of atoms can buy a piece of Stark armor without any added value.

This is not a job that requires expertise.

Pietro loved working away from desks and computers, even if it meant wasting his mathematical talents. For him, using his powers consumes about the same amount of calories as thinking about math problems, and he insists that the latter type of work tends to make him fat. Just as Wanda Maximoff was under surveillance, Pietro Maximoff was no exception, but he didn't know it. Although the job he was doing was not part of the standard staff of the space station, he still had a Superior - Byzantine survivors from the lost city of Kit, as members of Jacob's tribe, after training in the ice and snow of Siberia, they were all incorporated into the ranks of grassroots officers, and the best among them will become military discipline officers - Peter Luo's boss is a regimental disciplinary officer stationed in the space station auxiliary army. All his activities will be reported to this military disciplinary officer. The military disciplinary officer will report the reports step by step. The final report will appear in the Latvian Regent and Military Disciplinary Officer. On the desk of Sophia, the general and daughter of Jacob.

All Pietro Maximov knew was that he had to undergo weekly psychological counseling.

Each space station resident undergoes a psychological evaluation to determine their ability to withstand the loneliness of deep space. At the same time, psychology books and related experiences about space navigation and space stationing are also being gradually summarized. Some of the scientists invited by the emperor to the space station are psychologists. The psychologists in the Eternal City will work with them. They work together to conduct in-depth research on the psychological changes after humans arrive in outer space - but the scientists in the Eternal City will not share all scientific research projects with the outside world, because one of the projects is transhuman psychology, Pietro. Maximov is the subject of this project.

When the first landing ship full of Martian cargo arrived at the airport, Regent Victor von Doom specially invited many foreign ambassadors to visit. Even if it is not in harmony with Latvinia in terms of the international situation, no one will miss the money-making opportunity that anyone with a discerning eye can see. The amount of investment in space elevators is rising, and there is almost no need to worry about subsequent funding sources.

But only institutions that have been approved to invest can know that Latovinia now also owns a space station. Many of those scientists and spies are here to verify whether this news is true and to find out whether Latovinia has really been established on Mars. Factory, and the space station can continuously receive industrial products from Mars. More importantly, Latovinia's industrial transformation and industrialization is an unprecedented model, and communication with Mars is always related to all aspects of Latovinia's high-end manufacturing industry. Regent Victor von Doom relied on this model to suppress the absurd inflation in the Balkans, instead of embarking on the path of privatization to save economic data like Turkey next door.

Although financial capitalism is not something that Latvinia can play with now, it is not difficult for the regent and emperor to rely on financial capitalism to plunder valuable currency. The semi-intelligent silicon-based intelligence of the Eternal City is enough to control The entire earth's network data is relatively backward, and the sophisticated financial products that are parasitic on numbers and linked together are a piece of cake that can be enjoyed at any time for the regent and the emperor.

"You don't understand, Agent Phil Coulson." Pietro Maximov took a few steps back as steadily as if he were walking on the earth, seeming to refuse to continue the meaningless exchange. "Please all students stand in a row in front of me according to their numbers. We are about to start the first subject." He said, "I want to remind you, be careful of micrometeors. The feeling of those things hitting you is not pleasant. If you want If you are penetrated by a bullet from outer space, then you can continue to go your own way! You can see in the medical room what the unlucky guy who was penetrated by a micrometeor looks like!"

"I have to admit, Pietro is very good at scaring people." Wanda couldn't help laughing, as if thinking of the blood relatives dancing around to scare others, "He didn't tell SHIELD agents at all about the space station shield. . This reminds me of the time he used to tell stories to the children who were also wandering on the streets. Now he occasionally goes to the Immortal City Academy to see them, but all instructors do not allow this behavior, all instructors They all claim that those kids are still reshaping their minds.”

"I hope he enjoys his time on the space station."

"He's very happy, teacher," Wanda Maximoff said with a smile. She realized that the emperor could avoid certain topics, but she didn't care. After all, she couldn't guarantee that she knew all the emperor's secrets. "He told me that his current job is similar to that of a swimming pool lifeguard. The only difference is that the passenger flow of the space station is always in the 'off season'. Fortunately, he does not rely on the number of people to collect money."

"I'm glad he can keep an optimistic attitude." Salomon poured Wanda another half glass of red wine. Tasting red wine in the living room is a kind of unwritten rule in the manor, but those rules are rituals that Dinah tried to sum up in her spare time to distinguish the owners of the manor from other classes. The owner of the manor doesn't care at all, only the guests talk about it. "I'm also glad that you answered my call and came to the manor."

"I will never miss a moment to enjoy dinner." Wanda Maximoff tasted a sip of Salomon's reserve red wine. Even if she took the relevant courses, she didn't think she would be able to tell the difference between good and bad red wine, but she had to admit that this bottle of red wine was very suitable for her taste. "Semi-dry red wine. Forgive me, this is the limit of what I can taste. My tongue is not refined enough to distinguish the origin of the wine. Is there anything you need my help with this time?"

"Of course, you are already a qualified wizard, but this time it is not a help, but a routine inspection. Kama Taj is not suitable for ceremonies." This compliment made Wanda feel a sweet taste on the tip of her tongue. Salomon stretched out his hand, and the snake bone staff he gave to Wanda appeared out of thin air. The upper part of the giant snake's spine is completely fused with steel, and the white bones in the lower part are gently swaying like a living thing. The snake skull inlaid with a giant ruby ​​on the top of the staff is projecting a supernatural light. "You know, I gave you a hint before I educated you. Because you are gifted, your soul is more vulnerable to attack than others."

Along with Salomon's words, the blood-red light blooming from the snake's skull gradually became brighter, and the white spine wrapped around his arm as if it came alive. This staff records the spells Wanda has cast, and he is checking those spells.

"How are you progressing on your path to being a witch?"

"I saw my mother's phantom again, and she said something to me." Wanda mentioned the problem that had been bothering her. "I'm pretty sure that my parents' souls have entered the Sea of ​​Souls, where they have returned to the original ectoplasm, and it's impossible for her to reappear. I performed an exorcism ritual, but it didn't have any effect. Have you read my diary?"

"Yes, I read your diary every day, Wanda."

Salomon handed the heavy snake bone staff to Wanda, who reluctantly took it with both hands and immediately used magic to float it, otherwise it would most likely hit the expensive marble floor. The white spine that tried to hook Wanda's arm swung wildly in the air for a while and then stopped, dejectedly giving up the movement, like a misplaced dog's tail.

"I think this is not a serious problem. Maybe your longing for your family will also create a mother image in your mind in the etheric sea. Your spiritual power is comparable to the sum of hundreds of millions of ordinary people. Nothing happens. Strange. When you stay at the manor, we will be able to figure out whether it is the dead you created or an alien ghost. Don't worry, we will definitely be able to solve all the problems."

Salomon behaves like an ordinary counselor, except that he faces problems that no counselor in the world has ever encountered. Wanda Maximoff's mental problems have always been a high-priority item on his attention list. Through phone calls and activities, he can accurately monitor Wanda's thoughts and ensure that she does not have problems that are difficult to control. "This is why magic is so dangerous, and why I will repeatedly remind you to be careful with yourself. But do not look to the etheric sea for answers. That rough, raw, unprocessed etheric energy will only destroy you."

"You told me about this."

"I can't give you too many important warnings. Of course, you must be starting to find me nagging me." Salomon drank the wine in the glass. During today's afternoon tea time, he and the witches consumed a total of 8 bottles of top-quality red wine. In order to entertain Wanda Maximoff, he had to ask Dinah to choose a bottle of wine that Wanda might like. Now Salomon is considering whether to expand the wine cellar. He believes that the storage of a thousand bottles is simply not enough for him and the witches who consume wine as drinking water every day. "Bayonetta and Jeanne are very happy to see you, and they also want to invite you to join their hunting plan."

"Then why can't I see them now?"

Salomon then showed a meaningful expression.

"They always have to put on some clean clothes after tea time," he said. "I thought you'd like those scented candles for the ceremony."

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