Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 148 Expulsion (Second update!)

Nyarlathotep can be killed by physical means in human form, and after death in human form, the corpse will start to vibrate and expand after falling down, and finally explode, drilling out a huge monster with long claws. From its splintered corpse, the repulsive troll would soar into the sky before disappearing without further molesting its slayer.

Just like the responsibility of the proto-nucleus messenger itself, the role of this monster is to inform Nyarlathotep's body of the situation here. Because even in the human state, there are very few incarnations of Naia who are killed. After the main body knows this situation, there is a high probability that it will send other incarnations to continue its game. But Salomon didn't want the situation here, or himself, to interest Nyarlathotep himself, so he had to stop the monster.

"Ah? Cough cough!" The dark man raised his head and looked at Salomon with all his strength. Even though he was in a dying state, the sneer on his lips still did not disappear. "It's useless, 'I' already knows, you don't know how many incarnations I have... In fact, no incarnations know except the main body. Hahahaha, don't think about being able to escape from the game of Chaos Pronuclear Messenger, this game has not exited Button. Salomon Damonette, I am satisfied with your cold blood, but I am not a cruel guy, you understand me, I just like to have fun. That woman's soul is in Coulson's body Yes, I swapped their souls! What fun, isn't it? The only way you can fix this is if you cast the spell yourself to get them back, and I'm sure Randolph Carter sent that spell to you, yes ?"

Salomon frowned. Randolph Carter did transcribe in his grimoires a spell called "soul transfer," a wicked spell that would draw a soul from a living body and place it in another. But learning and using such magic will permanently weaken his sanity and willpower, and the price is not small. Randolph Carter also suggested that Salomon had better not cast too many similar spells in a short time.

Other than that, there is no other way, but we have to wait until we return to Karma Taj.

"Perhaps." Salomon twisted the hilt of his sword, "Also, who betrayed you? Do you still have helpers? Tell me!"

"I refuse!" The man of darkness seemed to be indifferent to the pain, and all he could do now was taunt Salomon, "You thought you won? You didn't, sweetheart. You have already fallen into my trap, It’s just that you haven’t discovered it yourself.”

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?" The Dark Man slowly stretched out his blood-stained hand, "I'll see you next time. Ah, I really hate this magic, annoying Cthugha."

As soon as the voice fell, the man in darkness was surrounded by several flickering light spots, as if covered with a gorgeous starlight cloak, and these light spots also exuded invisible high temperature like real stars, and the huge heat instantly All the fallen leaves on the ground were ignited, and the expanding hot air swept across the entire forest like a gust of wind. Salomon and Coulson had to back away to avoid being scalded by the high temperature. The mystic did not forget to take Coulson's body with him after pulling out his long sword, and Coulson also quickly ran away grabbing the stray dog ​​that had made great contributions.

The people of darkness rose higher and higher, just like the stars rising in the east, bringing a long-lost light to this dark forest, but what this light represented was not hope, but the cruelest death. Salomon and Coulson ran out desperately, and the high temperature chased after them, and all the American elm trees they passed were instantly ignited. The power of these magics performed by Nyarlathotep himself is far beyond the imagination of mortals. If the weapons Salomon uses are ordinary metal weapons instead of the Sword of Oath of Victory, then those weapons will only be melted into molten iron.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a huge explosion from the sky, the starlight rising into the sky disappeared, and a monster appeared in the sky. Salomon saw the monster clearly through the orange-red fire reflected from the burning forest below. appearance. It was a monster with black fleshy wings. This monster did not have a head and body in the usual sense, as if it was just limbs formed by gathering several huge black tentacles. The lower body of this monster is a few claws of different lengths, similar to arthropods. These claws have dark lines similar to fish scales. These discordant limbs grow around the head, right below the head, It was a few dark black tentacles that were constantly wriggling and faintly revealing red light.

When Salomon saw this monster, he seemed to see the huge mass of flesh wriggling in the void, the ultimate from the deepest chaos, and the echoing sound of low blows and hollows In addition to the hoarse flute sound, several invisible and terrifying existences are dancing crazily along with the monotonous flute sound. Immediately afterwards, he heard a mocking sound, followed by continuous laughter. Salomon completely forgot where he was and what he was going to do. His mind was in chaos, as if what he saw had exceeded his imagination. Cognitive range.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. This is a human hand, and Salomon felt a surge of joy from the bottom of his heart, all illusions disappeared completely, and he returned to reality. "Mr. Carter, thank you very much for your help." Salomon struggled to control himself, not to faint, "Where's Coulson?"

"Don't worry." Randolph Carter's voice was very soft, "You need to rest. As for Agent Romanov and Agent Coulson, I will take care of them."


"He has left," Randolph said, "forever. You need to rest. After this ceremony, we will complete it together."


When Salomon woke up, he found himself in the guest room of Randolph Carter's house. It was early in the morning, but what came out of the window was not the chirping of birds, but loud cursing. The mystic rubbed his eyes, he got off the bed, and picked up the sword of vowed victory beside him. He quietly opened the thin curtains, and saw that the king's army on the street was escorting batch after batch of prisoners, and the curses were made by ordinary people who were watching the prisoners.

The vision at the time of the death of the Dark One caught the attention of many people last night. Under the light of the fire that lit up half the sky, many people saw the huge monster, but not everyone could be like Salo In that way, with the help of others, you can get out of madness and regain your sanity.

The little sanity left by the Puritans was exhausted after witnessing the monster. From last night until this morning, the noise in the town has never stopped, and many people have completely fallen into madness. The symptoms of madness are different. Some people are more paranoid about their beliefs. They think that everyone has something to do with the devil, and they pray to God to save them; Some people are even worse. They start to be afraid and have hallucinations. In the eyes of these people, the people walking on the street are not living people, but mutilated dead bodies.

Numerous murders occurred in one night, and because the interrogator was killed, Judge Cotton Mather desperately dispatched all the king's troops to arrest the criminals in the town. However, this cannot stop the spread of madness. In this chaos, most people are more superstitious. They think that this is the witch's revenge. Those prisoners are also manipulated by witches, or these prisoners usually have relationships with witches. The only thing related is that he completely degenerated yesterday.

Now, there is no quiet place in the whole town of Salem, and this mansion is a place that is still barely safe. After the mystic master washed up, he went downstairs with his sword. Randolph Carter had been waiting in the living room for a long time. "You're awake." He put down the newspaper and signaled Tituba to bring Salomon breakfast. "The situation is not good now, please forgive me."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Carter. I would also like to know..."

"Agent Coulson and Agent Romanov are fine, they are still in deep sleep. Chaos Pronucleus Messenger exchanged their souls, and after returning here, I exchanged them back. They need to rest and recover .As for your dog...I think he is chewing his bones in the garden now." Randolph said. After that, the altar I built also disappeared. It's a good place to perform the ritual. You can spend the day here, waiting for Agent Coulson and Agent Romanov to wake up, and then we can perform the ritual gone."

"Actually, I have some other questions, Mr. Carter." Salomon hesitated, but decided to ask his own questions. "Where's Abigail?" he asked. "I'm still a little puzzled about her. Why is she alienated?"

Randolph glanced at Salomon. "She was just a 12-year-old girl," he said. "Everything you read about Abigail in the history books, she did. You can't imagine how much she went through after that." Mental pressure, and you know what happens when a person is completely overwhelmed. What's more, Abigail was imprisoned by that magician for more than three hundred years, and stayed in that dark and silent environment for three For more than a hundred years, it is hard to say that no one will not have mental problems."

"What I mean is... why did the Lord of the Door leave heirs in this world?" Salomon shook his head, "It doesn't make sense at all."

"This is because you can still understand these problems. In fact, the great ancient immortals did not leave any children in this world, and Abigail in this world is just one of her own possibilities." Randolph Carter said , "And the Abigail who should be born is not in this world, that Abigail has not yet been born. What we have to do is to let her return to her father. Only in this way, Abigail in another world It's only possible for Gale to show up."

"It's hard to understand this reversal of causality."

"It's really hard to understand for you now," Randolph said, "but you are special. Your future starts from now, and your every move creates an uncertain future. There is something infinite about it." Possibilities, far more than the possibilities of this universe. Therefore, you have to go through that door, to witness all the possibilities of yourself, to sublimate yourself spiritually, to understand the question of final time. This is one of you A possible ending."

Ask for a ticket! !

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