Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 149 Immemorials and Return to Reality

"You mean... destiny?" Salomon encountered this word again, and every time he uttered this word, he always felt a cut in his palate, as if there was a bloody smell stuck in his throat . The last time I encountered the word was in Thor, when the Sorcerer Supreme used the Eye of Agamotto to peek at all the possibilities that all Jane Fosters would fall in love with Thor. This situation is very strange, but the word "fate" is indeed the most accurate interpretation.

Randolph went on to explain. "You were born with the intervention of external forces," he said, "so a line in your destiny is already given. You can imagine it as countless rays emanating from the endpoint of a line segment, and you can also have other possibilities. , but on this straight line, your fate is doomed. This is doomed not something humans can understand, because human beings rely on logic to accept external information, but in time, causality is reversed, and the future is determined After the past, the past is the future.”

What Randolph said made Salomon a little confused, but he still roughly understood what Randolph meant—because the future him could pass through that door, so for the future him, the current him is the future his future. In order to achieve the cycle of time, one of all possible futures of Salomon has been determined.

"You can do it." Randolph interrupted Salomon's thinking, "because you have already done it. After that, you can truly control your destiny. Before that, keep your thirst for knowledge and curiosity , that is the only reliance for you to pass through the ultimate gate."

Randolph ends the conversation before Tituba returns, saying goodbye to Salomon, as he has some errands to go to town. "You can find some books on the bookshelf to read." Randolph said, "That is the book I wrote so as not to read repeated newspapers every day. The knowledge in it will be of great use to you."

After speaking, he went out on his own. "Sir." Tituba seemed a little shy, "Is there anything else I need?"

"Is there any more sugar?" Salomon asked. "I always feel that there should be more sugar in the tea. And, do you know what Mr. Carter is going to do? And Abigail, do you know where she is?" ?"

"I don't know." Tituba shook her head, "I haven't seen Miss Abigail for a day, and I don't know what the master is going to do."

"Okay." The mystic narrowed his eyes, "Can you please remind me after Coulson and Natasha wake up? I think they must have a lot of questions to ask."


The mystic spent the whole morning on Randolph Carter's bookshelf, and he found the spell that Nyarlathotep used last night from a handwritten book in the bookshelf. The spell, called "Fire Cloak," used power derived from Cthugha, a mass of burning matter that inhabited the vicinity of Fomalhaut and was one of the Great Old Ones. According to the rumors, the old ruler seems to have a bad relationship with Nyarlathotep, but no one can be sure of the accuracy of these news, after all, people who care about these gossips cannot resist Cthugha's high temperature.

Randolph didn't come back after lunch, but Coulson and Natasha awoke from their slumber. They are indeed full of doubts. After witnessing the monster incarnation of Nyarlathotep, Coulson has already forgotten some of the events that happened last night. Natasha said that she lost her memory after the attack. Salomon I had no choice but to tell them part of the truth that I could reveal.

It's just that even he himself has many questions that have not been answered, and there is really not much information that can be told to them. After they had a not-so-good lunch, Coulson and Natasha wanted to borrow Randolph's books, but Salomon stopped them-their souls had just undergone a swap, and Cole Ersen also witnessed the terrible scene with his own eyes, and his sanity value was already hovering on the edge of madness, and reading those books now would only drive them completely crazy.

Coulson also brought the dog. If there is no stray dog ​​Jones, Salomon may really have nothing to do with the incarnation of Naia last night. He fulfilled his promise and helped the stray dog ​​take a bath in the garden. Jones tenderly bit Salomon's palm, and seemed very satisfied with the service of the mystic.

When Randolph came back in the evening, he called the strangers to board his carriage outside the mansion, and he was going to take the strangers to the stone tower in the wilderness east of the Salem village. After Salomon boarded the carriage, he saw Abigail wrapped in a blanket. Her face was pale, and she seemed to be immersed in a nightmare from which she could not wake up.

"This slice of reality is fading away," Randolph said. "She's starting to remember what happened in 1692. We're going to be quicker. This is the last reset."

Randolph and Salomon did not explain to the agents what "reset" meant, and the mystic quickly pulled them into the carriage. Randolph drove the carriage through the fanatical residents and walked towards the village to the east. The stone tower was used by Randolph before and later found by Coulson. It was a cylindrical gray stone tower built by the Indians. It is said that these stone towers were used by the Indians to observe the positions of the sun and stars. Later, with the invasion of the colonists, the Indians were forced to abandon it, and the deserted stone tower was just used as a ceremony venue.

Agent Coulson did recruit people to build the altar, and Nyarlathotep told the mystic the information in order to make what he said credible. Later, after Coulson woke up, he also proved the fact that the altar had been built. It wasn't until night fell, when black shadows spread from the land in the east to the west, and all the sunlight was swallowed up, that Randolph Carter arrived near the stone tower with the strangers.

The mystic left Coulson and Natasha under the stone tower, and told them not to go up the stone tower no matter what happened. He and Randolph stepped on the steps, holding Abigailden wrapped in a blanket. on the top of the stone tower. According to Randolph, this ceremony is a special case, because Abigail is both the target and the sacrifice. If Salomon wants to summon Yog-Sothoth, it is best to prepare in advance to satisfy the one who returns all things offerings.

Salomon watched as Randolph performed the ritual. He put his hands on his head and formed an equilateral triangle with his thumb and forefinger. He then flipped the triangle on his right hand to create a parallelogram. equilateral triangle. Randolph placed the equilateral triangle on his forehead, and as he did so he uttered the incantation "Yog-Sothoth Commune."

"Hear my call! Lord of the Endless Void! Star Shifter! Steady Foundation! Master of Earthquakes! Conqueror of Horror! Creator of Pain! Destroyer! Victorious of Glory! Son of Void and Chaos! Guardian of the Abyss !God of original darkness! Lord of dimensions! Mysterious wise man! Guardian of secrets! Lord of labyrinths! Master of angles! God of nighthawks! The last tip! Lord of doors! Lord! Umer Yat Tawil! Iak-Sathath!! Yog-Sothoth NAFL'FTHAGN!!! Your servant calls you!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a strange sound, like the whistle of a train and the sound of noisy conversations. The mystic could clearly hear someone mentioning St. Louis Union Station. Then, accompanied by this noise, the originally dark starry sky became brighter, as if everyone had spent the night in an instant. At the foot of Salomon, a stubborn weed poked its head out from the gap between the stone bricks. It retracted into the accumulated dust and turned into a grass seed again.

Time became intermittent, and the sky became uncertain. Salomon, who was in the midst of this turbulent flow, could only rely on changes in the outside world to judge. He saw many strange creatures that seemed to jump out of time, but then disappeared, everything around the stone tower became chaotic, and the mystic even saw a Ford car drive by in front of him, as if he just stretched out his hand , you can get the ice cream in the hands of the little boy sitting in the rear child seat.

In the end, these phenomena became blurred, and Salomon seemed to be observing the world through a layer of frosted glass. After Randolph's spell ended, the sky revealed a twilight light that I don't know whether it was breakfast or dusk. Although the light was not strong, it shone directly into the bottom of the eyes, making it difficult to open the eyes. In the blur, the mystic saw a human silhouette that was at least half taller than ordinary people.

Salomon knew what it was, Randolph Carter had taught him how to do it. When the incarnation of Yog-Sothoth arrived, he did not take away Abigail Williams, but pulled out a barking dog—Jones—from the void. The scene is somewhat comical, with the great omniscient god holding a struggling dog.

Finally, Jones stopped howling, and bowed his head very aggrieved. No matter how stupid Salomon is at this time, he knows that the stray dog ​​Jones is definitely not an ordinary dog, but a dog that can hurt Naia's incarnation.

"This is just Nyarlathotep's prank, don't worry about it." Said the ancient immortal.

The mystic bowed his head so as not to look directly at the avatar of Yog-Sothoth. However, there was a force that forced him, so that the mystic had to raise his head and look at Tavel Yat Umr.

"Your debt has been paid off." The voice came to Salomon's ears from the thick light gray fabric covering Tawil Yat Umr's face, "But you still have doubts."

"Yes, respectable ancient immortal." Salomon said, "There are many."

"I know your doubts, but you won't get an answer here." The tall ancient immortal pointed his finger at the chest of the mystic, and a silver key was hung around the neck of the mystic along with a small chain , "This is both the beginning and the end. You long to walk in the starry sky and know the mysteries of each star; you long to delve into the secrets behind every spell and keep them in your mind; you long to descend on the Satanic Throne of Hell , looking at this planet from the endless abyss; you long to walk along the long river of time and space, and talk to the most learned people in the world. This is your way, your destiny, when you get this key , your destiny is split."


Coulson stood up, clutching his head. The stone tower behind him had become a pile of ruins, and what appeared in front of him was a long gray concrete road, and Salomon was standing beside the road with his back turned to him. Coulson woke up Natasha who was lying beside her.

"Where are we?" he asked the mystic.

"Welcome to 2011." Salomon turned around, the silver key on his chest gleaming in the morning light, "We are back."

There are many things to be busy today, and it will be later.

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