Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1427 Change of power (first update)

The changes in the power center of Kama Taj cannot be called secret. Even the apprentices lying on the bed will be awakened by the noise of engineering mechas moving heavy objects. However, because there are very few witnesses and they are all tight-lipped, no one really knows. What happened? Most mystics just thought that these never-ending machines were performing engineering tasks. Maybe they would see a new martial arts training ground or a new water plant when they opened their eyes tomorrow morning.

They have become accustomed to the Kama Taj changing every day, whether it is a civilian facility or a military facility. For some mystic families who know some secrets, they have to swallow this secret in their stomachs and dare not tell others. people. At present, it is only house arrest for a reason, and both parties have a tacit agreement to remain silent. If the reason for the punishment is announced, then this matter is not a political game but a complete confrontation of swords, because it shows that the emperor is really determined to hold all the power in his hands. "The Prince" is definitely not a required course for mystics, but this does not mean that some mystics are so naive that they cannot realize the tolerance shown by the emperor and the seriousness of the crimes committed by the aging mummies of the mystics family.

That is a corrupt tendency that Kama Taj will never allow, and it is difficult to say that the defense ritual of dismantling the library is not an act caused by corruption. Even if the death penalty does not come immediately, the purity review that follows is enough to make those old guys lose half their lives, provided that they are really not corrupted - the precepts of Kama Taj are not as detailed as secular laws, and all punishments The measure of everything is in the hands of the temple deacons and the supreme mage. Lawyers who chew on words and delve into loopholes are useless here - but for corrupt people, Karma Taj has his own way of dealing with it and it has lasted for thousands of years, almost All defecting mystics received this punishment upon capture.

"Burn his body and shatter his soul." Modu blurted out immediately after listening to Master Hamil's story. Although he has stabilized his emotions after a period of self-repair, his violent personality has not changed at all. "We go in and deliver punishment in the name of the Sorcerer Supreme. No purity review is required, doing something like this shows that they are thoroughly corrupted."

"If you are still so stupid, Mordo, I'm worried about you." Kaecilios sighed, "You don't understand why he wants to put this matter aside for the time being. I believe he also wants to punish him, but it is definitely not the case now. At that time, he must have had some concerns."

"When he represents the Supreme Mage, giving in is weakness." Modu retorted mercilessly, "There is no room for negotiation in this matter. He must issue sanctions to maintain the authority of the Supreme Mage."

"You have no power, Modu. You are an apprentice instructor. You can make suggestions but cannot make decisions for him."

Master Wu Guiyue pointed to Hammurabi not far away.

"If you have any objections, you can talk to his guards." Then she turned her finger and pointed at the sentry automatic turrets installed on the nearby city walls and porches. Master Wu Guiyue knew very well the reason why Master Hamil invited her. When he was a child, the emperor had dinner at Wu Guiyue's house and had a good conversation with her daughter Alice. Apart from the Alzheimer's Master Daniel, she was another person who would be firm. Temple Guardians who support the Emperor. "And those machines. They can blast you to pieces before you even utter the first spell. Don't question him. Facts have proven more than once that he has wisdom, vision and power that far exceeds ours. Just like the Mage Supreme. ...You must treat him as the Supreme Mage. All of us know his talent, and if you underestimate him because of your age, then I will doubt your qualifications as an apprentice mentor."

"He is no longer the same person as he used to be, Modu, my brother." Compared to Master Wu Guiyue's accusatory tone, Casilios was much gentler, but he couldn't be called very friendly. "I love him, just as a father loves his blood heirs. But his responsibility, talent and mission do not allow him to need the emotions of ordinary people. He will lead us through the end of the world, and people who bear such a heavy burden are not allowed to have emotions. We It's just the family he grew up in, not the destination. We did a good job, and the Supreme Mage did his job. There's no need to dwell on it... Do you know why he let me temporarily replace you after he relieved you of your duties? Because you didn't recognize "Know your place, we are all just parts of a great cause, and you always think you have the ability to manipulate him, just because you watched him grow up."

"I never thought about it that way!" Modu lowered his voice, "I just wanted to protect Kama Taj!"

"We will form a small cabinet. This is his suggestion, not mine. I am not interested in politics. Mordu, if you want to speak, you can speak there. I believe he is willing to listen to you." Master Hamil He raised his hand and quickly interrupted the conversation to avoid igniting the gunpowder between them. To be honest, if he had not lost two hands in the anti-Japanese battlefield when he was young, which caused him to become disheartened and look down on the world, Master Hamil would not have achieved such an achievement. No matter how successful the prosthetic surgery is and how light and flexible the prosthetic limbs are, he will never get used to the weight of these mechanical hands. "Our job now is to perform the task." He reluctantly brought these people's attention back to their work, "Solving the ritual problem in the library is what we need to do. Now shut up, our work must be done in the future. Complete before going out.”

Lara Croft talks about what it felt like to be shot.

Since everyone present was female, she lifted up her sports bra without any scruples and showed the others the scar on her left rib—it was a fist-sized purple-purple frostbite—the illusory bullet was not a real bullet. Although the physical properties of a physical bullet will be displayed, such as deformation, crushing, etc., what drives the bullet is not gunpowder gas, but thoughts, emotions and spirit. She claimed that her heart stopped beating when she was shot. She could not even see clearly who the shooter was. After taking a few steps, she fell to the ground. The bone-breaking cold froze her heart and lungs. Ice crystals condensed in her blood vessels, damaging every organ and cell in her blood flow. This was the text and image description she saw in the medical report. No matter what, she felt that it was very unreal that she was still alive.

"Then it was like being in a hot spring, I felt so warm. When I woke up, he was standing next to my bed." No doubt Lara Croft skipped some details that were not appropriate to tell, but Everyone present didn't pay much attention. Rather than telling her own thoughts, others preferred to listen to her talk about her battle scenes and then exclaim "Wow~" - mainly the crazy woman who was taken out of the library together. She sat next to Lara Croft the entire time, sipping her own toasted marshmallow hot cocoa, and acting super cute every time Lara said she was shooting an enemy or jumping on top of another bookcase. Cooperate and make lots of silly sounds.

To be honest, Lara Croft has no idea who she is. Until now, she didn’t know this woman’s name, nor why she was in the library, nor why she was in the manor, but this did not prevent Laura from requesting that this woman be allowed to stay in the manor during her recuperation. "I know it's rude to say this." Lara Croft blushed before she spoke, "But I don't trust her survivability."

"Don't be nervous. He has the same idea as you, that's why this woman is here." Bayonetta smiled very happily, "He is a soft little sweetheart who can consider everything for everyone, so there is no need Worrying about any inconvenience to myself at the manor.”

"I believe people who have met him will not say that..."

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