Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1428 Intuitive Metaphor (Second Update)

Lara Croft has met the Emperor more than once, and she is one of the few people who knows the Emperor's secular identity. After all, he supported her adventures before becoming the king of a country. But she also knew that the emperor's secular identity and the emperor's identity represented two completely different people. The latter possessed all the wisdom and rationality of the former, but only lacked the former's sense of humor - the reason why she dared to say this , entirely because she had witnessed the scene of the emperor's battle - she could not express it in words, because any words processed by the human brain could not intuitively describe the thunderous cruelty and swiftness. Although she did not entirely agree with the bloody reforms that took place in Latvinia, she understood the need for it and the emperor's determination. She was a historian, and she knew that the turmoil in the Balkans required strong authoritarian tactics and force, something the ivory tower of London University could not teach her.

She expressed her protest and understanding to the emperor, who greatly appreciated her advice and independent thinking.

It was in the Amazon rainforest, on the eve of the decisive battle between the Paititi people and the Holy Trinity mercenaries. She had witnessed how the Byzantine homeland of Kit was turned into an isolated airport, and how its people became the emperor's soldiers, and she feared that the same would happen to the Paititi. This was one of the few things that Lara Croft disapproved of, other than the agricultural subsidy agreement and acquisition agreement signed between the Emperor and Queen Paititi.

She walked alone through the rain, caught up with the Praetorian Guards, and saw him among armored vehicles and bonfires. She felt warm just by being close to her. The heat taken away by the rain seemed to return to her body in a supernatural way. At that time, she didn't care about this small situation until she was hit by the bomb in the Kama Taj Library. Ghost bullet to the heart.

Only then would she feel that supernatural heat again.

"But we have no time. The entire Balkans must be transformed as quickly as possible and built into a fortress. I am sorry for the price paid in this process, but I am not without giving them a choice to have a more prosperous life in the future and It is meaningless to be superstitious. The vast majority of people will choose the former. What we are talking about is survival and freedom. Those people have the freedom to choose a better life, and they also have the freedom to choose ignorance to death." The emperor's voice was as magnetic as ever, " Except for those armed groups composed of blood, religion and ethnicity, not many innocent people will die in meaningless wars. This is the only promise I can make to you. Every drop of human blood will be shed outside the confrontation. In the war between stars, nothing will go in vain because of someone’s selfish desires.”

"My lord, she is still alive."

"I know that bullet will not kill her." The sound of flipping through papers seemed very noisy in the quiet ward. Even though the air conditioner blew a breeze of suitable temperature into the room, Lara Croft still felt like there was a blazing star standing on her right, her skin was almost scorched, and the cold stinging pain in her heart made her Shivering constantly. This half-cold, half-hot feeling made her nauseous. The moment she reluctantly opened her eyes, the hot feeling disappeared, leaving only a heavy coldness in her heart, as if she had stuffed a stone into it, as if the extreme temperature difference she had experienced just now was just an illusion, just mentally. conjecture.

"Look, she's awake." Salomon flipped through a few more pages, as leisurely as a middle-class man reading a newspaper one morning in the 20th century. "Our rescue was very timely. She won't have any symptoms." Too many hangovers. Give us some alone time, Hammurabi."

"Yes, my lord." The golden-armored giant nodded and left the ward, leaving a flickering golden light in Lara Croft's blurred vision. "I will wait for your call at the door of the ward."

"First of all, I want to apologize to you, Laura." The tall man leaned down, held her back and helped her sit up from the hospital bed. "I gave you this permission to enter the library not to kill you. What you encountered in the library was an accident. As the owner of Kama Taj, it is my dereliction of duty to put guests in danger." Lara Croft, whose vision and sanity gradually became clearer, just realized who the person sitting beside her hospital bed was. She wanted to ask something, but Salomon stopped her with a finger, "Everything you want to know will be answered later, but not now. Kama Taj will respond accordingly to the accidents you encounter." At the same time, I also hope that you will not lose your adventurous spirit because of this incident... I know this incident is quite weird, but you have encountered a lot of strange things, and this is nothing at all, right? "

The last raised tone and corners of his mouth made it clear that the person speaking here was not the emperor, but the lovable Salomon.

"Let me answer the questions one by one, okay?"

"Have you seen the ball of wool? That is a somewhat crazy woman, she..."

"Don't worry, our lovely Ms. Prophet didn't get hurt in any way. In fact she was having a great time and if you walked out of the room you'd see her sitting on the couch eating dessert. You can get one if you want. .”

Lara Croft breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, where am I now?"

"Still at Kamal Taj, this is the hospital I built."

"Did you go to the library to save me?" Lara Croft asked, "So what the hell was going on?"

"Yes, when I learned that you encountered ghosts in the library, I hope you can understand, I returned to Kama Taj." Salomon pulled up a comfortable-looking armchair. Sitting down, "The library is one of the most protected places in Karma Taj, but there is a problem with the protective spell so that some creatures that do not belong to this world try to come here, and then shape themselves according to your memory and subconscious... ...I admit, I first knew that there was a problem with the protective spell, and then I knew that you had entered the library. And you got rid of the process of entering the library with Supiluliumas, otherwise you would not be subject to any harm."

Lara Croft tried to raise her hands in surrender, because the reason for this incident was that she could not restrain her curiosity and entered the library early. If Supiluliumas was there, she wouldn't have to be chased around by those strange things and read a few books. However, as soon as she raised her hand, the pain in her left rib made her take a breath.

"What's wrong with me?" She felt some pain in her chest, but when she looked down, she didn't find any wounds. Only then did she realize that her action was a bit bold. She pulled off her hospital gown without caring about the only male in the ward. The latter seemed indifferent to this, and shrugged at her, looking up and down with appreciative eyes. "I remember I got shot? Or was that just my imagination?"

Salomon gave her the diagnostic report and asked her to read it for herself.

"It's not a big problem, just some hypothermia. As for the bullet you remember being shot...if I'm not mistaken, it wasn't a physical bullet that hit you. Have you seen The Hobbit?" Meeting Lara Crowe Fu nodded, and he continued, "Then you should remember that the Nazgul stabbed Frodo on the shoulder, and the invisible blade fragments were left in Frodo's body. The bullet that hit you was the same as the Nazgul's. Bullets are similar, they are something that does not belong to this world..."

This metaphor is a bit too intuitive, and it really shocked Lara Croft.

"Of course, your situation is not that exaggerated." Salomon reached out and opened the last few pages of the examination report, which included MRI images. "I cured you with a spell. There is no trace of anything in your body." Something that shouldn't exist. Of all my identities, the most important one is that of a spellcaster, remember?"

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