Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1429 Medical Technology (First Update)

The medical report Lara Croft saw was incomplete.

The hospital established at Kamal Taj cannot only diagnose physical aspects. Accurate mental diagnosis is the original intention of the emperor to establish the hospital and merge the medical department of Kamal Taj. The medical report on mental aspects is in Kamal Taj. After being compiled with the medical staff of the Eternal City, it was sent to the emperor's hands, and then transferred to the hands of Bayonetta and Joan of Arc through the hands of the Praetorian Guards. The papers even arrived at the manor one step ahead of the emperor.

The emperor's idea was to use the manor as a sanatorium for Lara Croft to recuperate, much like the tuberculosis sanatoriums of the last century, which could not fully cure but only alleviate the disease, because no ordinary person could witness the death of the deceased in their own memory. Can ensure mental health. Although this is not the first time Lara Croft has come into contact with supernatural phenomena - it can be said that every adventure of hers is accompanied by supernatural events, and the experience in the library is not even dangerous, but it is her contact with extra dimensions. The deepest ever. The other world had noticed her and began to spit venomous whispers at her, extending their dirty claws into her soul, which in that dimension was even more noticeable than the average spellcaster.

"Why do I smell like herbs?" Lara Croft only had time to notice the details of her body at this time, including the smell and the oil on her skin. "What does this smell like, sage and lavender? Don’t tell me the treatments here include alternative therapies, I’ve never believed in the use of essential oils.”

"You can think of my casting a spell as a precise surgery. I also need some medical equipment." The emperor didn't intend to tell her. He directly reached into her chest and took out the cursed bullet from her heart. , and also used a spell to maintain her heart beating, lung contraction and relaxation, and neuronal electrical signal transmission to prevent her from dying after her heart stopped. This was not the first time he had done this. To a certain extent, he only If used in time, this is not a resurrection of the dead but a first aid method. However, this is too sensational and does no good for Laura's mental recovery. Lara Croft did not need his magic to permanently maintain her vital signs. In contrast, Victoria Hand, another recipient of the same first aid technique, did not have such good luck. When the Emperor found her body, Already cold. To this day, Victoria Hand does not know how she was rescued at that time. All information in this regard has been blocked from her, and then submerged in the mountains of files in the archives.

"The bad news is that you need to rest for a few days; the good news is that your rest place is in my manor. The collection of books there can satisfy your curiosity, and my team of servants can also provide you with the best service. Just treat it as I'm a guest. If you don't want to, I can also produce an English title certificate, and then we can go to the Queen together to ask the Windsor family to return the fiefdom." After saying that, the emperor pretended to take out an old certificate. An old parchment with the ownership of the fiefdom of Londinion clearly written on it.

"Ha, that's funny!" Lara Croft rolled her eyes and laughed dryly, "You have to tell Winston (Crawford Manor butler), otherwise he will definitely keep talking about it. ” In fact, once Lara Croft passes through the portal and arrives at the Oxfordshire estate, this small problem is not worth considering. Although she was very curious about the working mechanism of the portal, the wine party that followed and the sumptuous breakfast the next morning made her temporarily abandon those questions. What surprised her even more was that when she was enjoying afternoon tea with the witches While reading a book taken from the emperor's office, a small helicopter landed in the manor - Winston, the loyal butler of the Crawford family, wearing a crisp suit, escorted by soldiers and amidst the hot wind caused by the engine, Leaning on crutches, I walked crookedly up the garden path of the Oxfordshire manor.

"I said, he's a sweet little guy." Bayonetta promptly informed Lara Croft of the news. She winked mischievously, as if she was showing off something that Lara Croft couldn't understand. "Now it's time for you to pay your bet, archaeologist."

"The cost of helicopter fuel from Surrey to here is more than a hundred dollars in bets. I didn't expect you would actually use a helicopter for such a thing." Lara Croft was a little at a loss. In her opinion, Bayonetta's statement was just to relieve her embarrassment and discomfort in facing such hospitality and unfamiliar surroundings. But she didn't quite remember the bet - she drank a lot last night. Even the mulled wine did not evaporate all the alcohol, not to mention that she later switched to whiskey, so that when she woke up in the morning, she could not remember how much she drank and how she got there under the guidance of the maid. guest room. She admitted that she was in urgent need of relaxation and her nervous spirit needed comfort because she couldn't even remember whether she had a dream last night.

In the early morning, after washing up, Lara Croft thanked the witches and said that she had received very good care. She also thanked the other guest at the table, the somewhat crazy woman. At that time, she was grabbing the bacon slices on the dinner plate with her hands, staring at Miria who did the same thing. Fortunately, there is no specific etiquette at the table in this manor. Everyone can choose how they like to eat, and the woman's behavior is not too rude.

"But my wallet is still at Kamal Taj. Please forgive me, I must give some respect to my old butler. He is too old to hold the tray." She lifted the blanket on her legs and stood up. "Winston has witnessed three generations of the Crawford family. Now he is my only family member. He will be very anxious if he can't see me."

"Don't worry, he is also our guest. Dinah will give him proper hospitality. The purpose of his coming here is to provide guidance rather than service." Joan of Arc said, "The gardening plan for this manor came from his suggestion. I believe He won't get lost in the garden, and we won't put an old guy in danger here. Not to mention, your bet is not a hundred dollars... You will be the guest at the after-dinner drinks party for the next few days. Storyteller.”

As the butler of the Crawford family, Winston is proficient in all aspects of gardening, cooking, dining etiquette, and itinerary planning. It can be said that if it were not for Winston of the Crawford family, Dinah would not be able to master the skills of taking care of a huge manor so quickly and combine it with daily military training and logistics support.

"This doesn't sound like a bet I would make when I was drunk." Lara Croft blushed a little because the witch was taking such good care of her. She had to change the subject to cover up her shyness. "I haven't seen him since he rescued him from the library last night. Could it be that he is still working at Kama Taj?"

"Before you woke up, he set off for work." The witch did not reveal the emperor's place of work. Not many people in this world have access to the emperor's complete schedule, and Bayonetta and Joan of Arc are among those who have complete access. Without needing to think twice, they decided that Lara Croft should not know that the Emperor was currently on the Skyward Sword space station. "But I will pass on your thanks, Laura," said Joan. "He will be delighted."

I have a headache and a runny nose. I will do an accounting tomorrow.

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