Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1431 Negotiation and Negative Equity (First Update)

When another mortal walked into the office, what he saw and heard was completely different from Wanda's own experience.

The ceiling, floor and walls of this office are all covered with pure black marble. It is so dark that once you walk in, you feel like you are in a void, and the temperature here is no different from a vacuum. In his eyes, the person sitting behind the giant desk was not an official in a simple suit, but a black-haired giant wearing a black cloak embroidered with gold, a golden laurel wreath on his head, and a sword with a golden eagle on the top. The scepter is leaning on the edge of the table - it is a symbolic object, but the sharp wings spread out by the golden eagle sculpture indicate that this is not only a symbolic object, but also the most direct expression of power: violence. Just like the golden eagle scepter that was photographed when Agent Coulson saw the Avengers fighting each other at the Halle Airport in Germany, it has dual meanings and uses.

No matter how many times Agent Coulson thought this was the largest natural human being he had ever seen in his life. Every time he saw this giant, he would feel something hot lingering on the edge of his consciousness, sinking and then burning his eyes and mind. Even if he closed his eyes, he could still feel the presence in front of him through his thin eyelids. The light scattered by the person is brighter than the unfiltered brilliance of the star. Even if Agent Coulson realizes that this is an unexplainable illusion, he cannot convince his subconscious to abandon this idea. Instead, he has a spinning illusion, as if the person is a singularity and the stars and planets outside the porthole seem to be spinning. Spin around him.

"I don't have much time to waste on you, Mr. Coulson."

The emperor didn't even raise his head and continued to check the bills in his hand. Hammurabi left after escorting Agent Coulson into the office. He did not think that Agent Coulson, who had been searched and inspected, was any danger at all. He was just an ordinary person with shooting and fighting abilities who could not attack the emperor. pose any threat. "I have several measures to deal with you and your team, and out of respect I intend to inform you personally."

This thunderous sound shook Agent Coulson's eardrums, making him feel like his skull was being squeezed. "I will return the lighthouse base to you, and at the same time, I will replenish the Quinjets that your team is in urgent need of. After the Zephyr 1 command transport aircraft is modified, it will have the ability to sail in the void. I will bear the cost of the modification, because you will use it next on these features. The premise of all this is that you and your team focus on completing the following training...especially Melinda May. If she continues to resist the training course, then we will take the necessary steps to delete the S.H.I.E.L.D. team and change Use another feasible option.”

"What plan?"

"The mission of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to use non-violent means to solve problems, and another feasible solution is naturally the opposite. In this space station, every milliliter of oxygen, every drop of water, and even every charge must be counted. Assets, if you cannot achieve your expected goals, I will not use any assets to protect the survival of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team."

Agent Coulson reluctantly grinned, "Are you going to throw us out of the space station?"

The emperor ignored this little sense of humor. "After completing the first course, you and your squad will return to Earth to retake control of the Lighthouse Base from the Praetorian Guards. When my emissaries come to you and ask for the second course, you must answer the call and complete all training courses again. , there is no room for rejection in this matter. I believe that Constantine and Enoch have explained to you the necessity of the task in the simplest and most straightforward language. Even an illiterate cowboy in Montana can understand it. ?"

"I have a question."


"Why? Why are you so concerned about the survival of the human race?" Agent Coulson tried hard to shrug his shoulders to relax his spine, which was always under pressure. He was actually quite comfortable in the armchair, and at a good enough distance from the desk that he didn't have to stand to see the face of the person behind it. However, he did not look directly into the emperor's face because his subconscious mind did not allow this behavior. He lowered his head and looked at his blurred face reflected on the smooth black marble floor. "Your organization has been protecting humanity for so many years, so you have to lead this mission?" Agent Coulson tried to get his increasingly rough and slow mind to work. He felt his neurons exchanging chemical transmitters. The process is as difficult as applying semi-hardened cement. "Isn't this a kind of arrogance?"

"Because you failed, Agent Coulson." The Emperor raised his head and glared at Agent Coulson with a look of contempt that would be unbearable for anyone in the world. "The number of failures is 13,624,536 times, and the number of successes is only once. I want the mission led by me to be the only one. If Enoch wasn't special enough, you and you Our team is not qualified to carry out this mission at all, and no one will bet the future of the human race on you."

"Your words are as sharp as your sword."

"At least nothing is hurt now except your self-esteem, and your self-esteem is worthless to me. The safety of your life and that of other innocent people is what I need to focus on."

"That sounds really reassuring." Agent Coulson curled his lips, "I want my team members to survive."

"The premise is to complete the mission. In addition, I need you to appease Jeffrey Mace, the newly appointed director of S.H.I.E.L.D. by the U.S. Congress. I believe you can make him understand your tendency to keep secrets..." A small black box was placed Putting it on the table, Agent Coulson found it hard to believe that he had not been able to notice such a conspicuous thing before. "...No matter what you think, you understand that there are some things that others cannot know, especially the representatives of interest groups in Congress. Don't tell me that you believe that the false democracy and freedom of the universal suffrage system has not been manipulated in any way. If You are as stupid as Melinda May and refuse to acknowledge reality in order to preserve your poor self-esteem, then I can only give up on you and choose a smarter executor."

"You mentioned Enoch. Who else could he designate as an enforcer besides S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"There is a way, and that is to make that future no longer exist. Even if it means losing an important asset that should belong to mankind and can be used to defend against alien fleets, it is better than a future where all mankind is completely destroyed. You must Show the ability to make my bets on you, Agent Coulson, or you and your team will be abandoned as assets. Please carefully weigh the future of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I hope you can guide your team to do the right thing. s Choice."

As Agent Coulson left the office, he suddenly realized that he couldn't fully remember the meeting. In his memory there was only a desk, a scepter leaning against the desk, a dazzling light and a black marble floor that was as silent as a void and made people feel like it was constantly falling. Although he couldn't fully remember the conversation, he still remembered his mission - as the other team members hurried to greet him, Agent Coulson immediately looked at Melinda May - "We have to carry out this mission." He looked first at Melinda May, then at Daisy Johnson. At this moment, the picture of the future shown to him by the emperor emerged from memory. "Don't use your powers here, Daisy," he said. "Let's complete the course as quickly as possible and then return to Earth."

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