Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1432 The Countess’s Dinner (Second Update)

No matter how Agent Coulson resolves his internal conflicts, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s tool just needs to remain adequate. After they complete the one-month training, they will return to Earth to continue their past missions. At the same time, Agent Coulson must also appease the new S.H.I.E.L.D. director appointed by the U.S. Congress and help Latvonia block some relevant space stations from Congress or the CIA. of key information. Although Agent Coulson explained that he was not a spy and would not help the emperor perform tasks such as stealing the CIA's list of Eastern European agents, there were some things he had to do besides directly participating in the intelligence secret war between various countries. .

Pale explanations cannot stop the development of the situation, just like countless excuses and rejections before.

Congress wants SHIELD to return only to obtain the vibranium storage device filled with secrets, and to obtain the assets left behind by SHIELD. Only the Emperor wants nothing but requires SHIELD to be loyal to its duties. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s duty is to exclude all dangers from human society. This is also the only requirement of the Emperor for them. If S.H.I.E.L.D. continues to fail to perform its duties, it will become a complete negative asset, and the Emperor will no longer provide them with Any asylum.

When Agent Coulson asked what kind of asylum the Emperor had provided, he unsurprisingly received no answer, clearly beyond his intelligence clearance. Then he was kicked out of the office without mercy, leaving as usual with few answers and more questions. Danger is quietly approaching. The Emperor, who has foreseen the dangerous steps, is busy setting up traps, arranging tracking, and luring ambush. There is no time to waste on SHIELD. Agent Coulson can only try to comfort his companions with the pitiful information. mind, trying to persuade, unite, and encourage them to follow the established path.

The Emperor promised him that Enoch would be waiting for them at the Lighthouse Base, where he would get more information from the android. However, the soldiers arranged at the lighthouse base will not evacuate. Both the First Secret Regiment and the Rangers are responsible for monitoring SHIELD and ensuring their safety. If Agent Coulson refuses to hand over Nick Fury's black box full of secrets, then the U.S. government will never let go of the current S.H.I.E.L.D. remnants. The only way to protect their lives is to deploy enough armed personnel.

Coulson understood that he and his companions were part of countless plans, but his brain could not understand too sophisticated a plan or a future that was too far away. This feeling of being unable to fully understand the situation made Agent Coulson feel disgusted, as if The oily smoke that accumulates in the lungs is nauseating. He thought of Nick Fury's similar tendency to secrecy, when everyone is stumbling forward in the dark and only one can see the big picture - but the disastrous consequences have proven that this model is unreliable, even if Nick Fury is not immune to deceit and shortsightedness. He is worried, but he has to show a posture of control when facing his companions, just like the role he has always played: a reliable agent, a kind mentor, a loving father, and a wise leader .

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team only occupied one page and three minutes on the Emperor's business today. Compared with working in the Royal City of Latvinia, the advantage of the Tianjian Space Station office is that you can avoid the complicated crowds and officials at all levels, avoid meaningless petitions, negotiations, and threats, and put away the trouble of interacting with others. Leave the matter to Victor von Doom, while reducing his sense of presence and military deterrence, weakening the fear caused by the unification war in the Balkan Peninsula, and giving the regent the opportunity to use time, education and policies to re-divide the cake and heal the inner trauma of the civilians. Chance.

The emperor wanted to know when the regent's originally violent temper would break out, but until now Victor von Doom has continued to be patient, constantly explaining and negotiating with people who are far less intelligent than himself, and balancing the country in the Balkans. Just a tense blood feud. In order to stabilize those officials who had no choice but to surrender, the emperor had to have complete control over them, so he had a considerable number of spies and agents under his command.

"Countess Katarina Karkov." The aristocratic woman with long dark green hair pulled up into a bun, wearing an evening gown and black fur lowered her head to show respect to the emperor. Compared to what Agent Coulson saw, what she saw was not much different. The decoration in the room had not changed, but she was much closer to the Emperor. "I'm so glad you came. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Ms. Tita did a great job. I just helped a little. After all, those reporters and scientists are not difficult characters to deal with." The countess smiled and said something that could not be heard as a compliment or a disparagement. "Not to mention, Natasha Romanoff did most of the screening and I just had to have a few words with them. Also, regarding Lara Croft... my girls have already gotten the message."

The emperor glanced at her.

"I hope there can be a new owner behind those newspapers. Even Rupert Murdoch only has one life, doesn't he?"

Long before the war, Countess Katarina Karkov had used her own black market arms trade to reach into the upper class of the West with large sums of money and boys and girls. Among the party governments and power-for-money transactions in European and American countries, He had a lot of food during his time, and even cooperated with the CIA several times. She originally thought that the intelligence network she supported would be dismantled with the house arrest, but she did not expect that when she was reactivated, the intelligence network would still be maintained, and even have a tendency to gradually expand. This also allowed her to start immediately after gaining power. Work.

Countess Katarina Karkov originally thought that the red-haired woman named Lorelai had taken over her intelligence network, but then she learned that Lorelai was actually an Asgardian, not an Earthling. He has been performing secret missions for the emperor for a long time in the past. Later, she thought it was Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow who is famous for her beauty. However, she later learned that Black Widow had already transformed into a superhero and said goodbye to the spy industry completely. As for who helped her maintain those relationships, she had an answer in her heart, but some things must be buried forever. She was smart enough to know what things should not be mentioned, just like the European and American high-end book that recorded the transactions she had. Officials, the same account books that are now missing.

However, the information she was allowed to know was not much. For example, she had no idea about the emperor's secular identity. She also didn't know that the remnants of SHIELD were being trained here, and she didn't know that the Maximov siblings were also here. It can be said that the emperor's control over her was quite strict, but she did not feel dissatisfied with it.

"I am very grateful to you for inviting me to dinner, Your Majesty." Countess Katarina Karkov lowered her head again, "Tonight's menu was decided upon by me and Ms. Tita through discussion. I hope you will like my selection." of wine. In the past I bought a small winery in France and found a lot of wine in stock inside the walls, and I would like to share these treasures with you.”

Countess Katarina Karkov turned to look at the golden armored guards behind her.

Hammurabi nodded slightly.

The Praetorian Order had tested the batch of wines and found that none of them contained toxic substances. Therefore, when the unlabeled dark glass bottles were brought over, in addition to the thin ash remaining at the bottom of the bottle, there was also a Praetorian Order label. label. From the information on this label, you can see the quality inspection sheet of this bottle of wine.

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