Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1436 Ruby’s unique philosophy (two in one)

Ruby had always believed in the idea that some great people would change the entire universe simply by existing.

She overlooked the shady side of the armored porthole. The white armor plate was illuminated by red and white anti-collision lights. Several orange figures with weak white lights lined up in a row, crawling precariously from the surface of the armor plate. Then, twisting your body toward the airlock door was like being inside a vacuum maggot.

She stared at one of the figures with disdain and mockery.

She knew who that person was, she could pronounce that person's name, and she even knew the past of that person's biological parents that she didn't even know. In the past, she believed that Daisy Johnson was the one who could change the universe, because the superpower who was a hero on the streets was very powerful and could easily shatter buildings and overturn vehicles. Her mother, Hale, had no idea that putting up a poster of Daisy Johnson in Ruby's bedroom at the training base—a cell to be precise—was not a sign of admiration, but observation and hunting. The eccentric philosophy of making oneself stronger by defeating a greater being and absorbing that person's qualities came from observations she had read about cannibal tribes in the Amazon rainforest, and was later adapted into Hydra's social Darwin. doctrine, and the thoughts expressed by General Hale’s tough educational philosophy.

Daisy Johnson was her milestone in proving herself.

Later, Ruby discovered that she could breathe, be hungry, thirsty, and even had difficulty controlling her emotions. She had no outstanding qualities except for having special abilities. So she changed the target of observation and set her sights on the person who took the initiative to find her. However, completely contrary to her unique philosophical concepts, she did not defeat the emperor and prove her own ideas.

Although that person also has physiological movements that ordinary people should have, Ruby cannot be sure whether it is a real physiological instinct or a disguise made by a body used to house the essence of another world to avoid showing off its own uniqueness. All emotions are It is to prevent others from noticing that one is different from ordinary people. At one point, she even suspected that the person had not breathed at all. Even laughter was a muscle movement made to arouse her emotions. Just looking into those eyes would make her feel an unparalleled sense of oppression.

All behaviors related to humans are disguises, just to show that they are still human.

Ruby shuddered at the thought, feeling fear and yearning at the same time.

A superhuman who was forced to adapt to humans demonstrated a power far more powerful than anyone in the world. She had seen that person easily change the weather, melt steel, destroy asteroids, modify reality, and transcend time and space. When those emotionless, obsidian eyes stare at a person, the judgment begins silently. Even a determined person will feel fear and guilt, and become at a loss. It's like a myth. The day of judgment in the story has arrived. No one can say no to that person, especially after Ruby learned what that person did through her mother, General Hale's cooperation with that person, Ruby believed that she should be in a place where she could play her role better Instead of a prison cell in a training base, she could find her place next to a great man, just as he had promised.

"I want you to be involved in the management of S.H.I.E.L.D. After my Custodes evacuate, Agent Coulson and his team need a cruel reminder that they are not vigilantes but agents, and they need to be held accountable for their actions. "The man sat behind his desk, his tone calm. Ruby put her hands behind her back and straightened her back. "To be precise, I want you to become one of the supervisors of SHIELD agents. As my executioner, go to Lighthouse Base and use speed on SHIELD agents until they complete their mission. Your mother, General Hale I will not refuse to let you bear this burden, even if she objects, I will convince her."

"I don't need her permission, I can do it better than anyone else."

Ruby raised her chin and stared at the person behind the desk with her slender, sharp eyes.

She tried hard to ignore the golden-armored giant standing nearby, so as not to expose the fear that ordinary people should have. She hated this fear and powerlessness, even though she knew it was just the so-called "superhuman syndrome", an emotion that could be overcome through training. She saw the person behind the desk wearing non-wartime attire, and his aristocratic features were full of concern and tenderness for her. This feeling made Ruby feel good. In the holster and scabbard at her waist were weapons given to her by the emperor. When the woman from the Malik family found her a few days ago, she was still using these three weapons to practice killing techniques. This skill will soon be used after hard training. The feeling made her more comfortable.

"Her protectiveness is too strong." Ruby couldn't help complaining, "Maybe it's not protectiveness."

The Emperor smiled and glanced up at her, "What do you know about yourself, Ruby?"

"Dr. Whitehall's eugenics project, I've read that top-secret document."

Ruby lowered her eyes.

She knew how much her birth had helped General Hale, and she also knew that she might be the mother of Dr. Whitehall's next generation of eugenics creations. She doesn't intend to go down the same path as General Hale though, and as far as she knows now Dr. Whitehall has failed and all assets have been taken over.

"Fourth generation Germanic genetic adjustment, training data shows that I have stronger physical ability, faster reaction speed and higher intelligence." Ruby recited her recent physical fitness test and intelligence test results incessantly, as if she wanted to pass Nothing to escape in this way. She has very complicated feelings about her mother, especially as her brain begins to develop and she accidentally learns her identity. She didn't know whether her mother had feelings for her, or even whether her mother would hate her, the fleshly fetus she had to give birth to, so she always acted fearlessly and arrogantly to protect herself.

She was completely unaware of why she couldn't kill her domesticated pet dog without hesitation like other Hydra trainees at the same time, just like a child who clutches a toy and doesn't want to let go. She even hesitated to quarrel with the instructor, because the big golden retriever dog was the only creature she was sure would love her and the only thing she owned. This is something that is absolutely not allowed to happen in Hydra, even if she is the daughter of General Hale. Hydra requires absolute obedience from its subordinates. Her performance in the training camp will also determine her future development path. Any violation of regulations is not allowed.

Part of the reason why young General Hale was selected as the mother body of the eugenics program was because of her extremely excellent grades at the time. But excellent grades alone are not enough for her to fully comply with Dr. Whitehall's eugenics plan, because there are many young women in the Hydra training camp who are equally strong in physical fitness and intelligence. What really convinced her to accept Dr. Whitehall's plan was an incident that occurred on the eve of her graduation. A serious physical altercation broke out between young Hale and young Baron Strucker, who had graduated at the same time. This was an absolute and punishable violation. behavior, but the punishment was temporarily postponed due to her impending graduation and the visit of Dr. Whitehall.

Dr. Whitehall was very satisfied with young Hale's performance in class, and he also understood the truth of the conflict, so he proposed eugenics. As a helpless orphan, the young General Hale knew that if he did not accept the eugenics plan and refused the advice of Hydra's top brass (referring to Dr. Whitehall), he would be killed after leaving the training camp. The radical Hydra family suppressed her, especially the threat from Baron Strucker before he left. Young Hydra people like her who had no external power could only work for that established family.

Politics are everywhere, even in the relatively clean Hydra Academy.

That quarrel with the instructor was also the first time Ruby felt the care from her mother. Especially when the instructor asked her to kill the golden retriever she had raised since she was a child to prove that she would not be dragged down by emotions, she learned that the radical Nine Heads General Hale, who was killing snakes, shot without hesitation, killing the training instructor sent to the base by Dr. Whitehall (not her, the nightmare that had been haunting her, which made Ruby very scared), and took complete control. The entire Hydra training camp.

Ruby wanted to loudly declare that she had no genetic defect, but she couldn't get her anger out of her throat in front of the Emperor. When she saw those eyes, her guilt instantly surpassed her anger, and she began to feel guilty for how she almost lost control of her emotions a few seconds ago, and for not noticing the concern in the emperor's tone. "I don't know, my lord." She clutched her wrist tightly, her cheeks were red and she looked like she was about to cry. Hammurabi, who was standing behind her, noticed her almost spasmodic fingers and red skin, " I don’t see myself as flawed.”

"Dr. Whitehall's research on genetics is extremely profound, but he still has little understanding of the code of life. The expression of some seemingly useless gene loci has never been discovered. Gene adjustment can make you immune to specific diseases and have specific talents. But it will also make you lose some abilities that ordinary people should have." After receiving the hint, Hammurabi placed a thick paper report in front of Ruby. After opening it, she could not understand it at all. Numbers, words and diagrams, "Your genetic origin is from a Hydra super soldier, however compared to Steve Rogers' genes, your DNA telomeres are shorter than others."

She was so shocked by the news that she couldn't speak. Her heartbeat was like a cannon hitting her reason, because it meant that her life was much shorter than ordinary people. For an adolescent girl, this is as overwhelming as hearing the news about her remaining life. "Is this a deliberate design or an accident?" Ruby sniffed. If she could still feel her numb lips and cold nose, she should have made such an action, "Who doesn't want me to live? Whitehall?”

"No one knows the answer now, Ruby. From now on, you have to accept the medical services I provide, check your genetic integrity at all times, and receive gene therapy and cleaning when necessary, just like the rich people around the world who want to extend their lifespan. The same surgery she underwent in Latvinia." The emperor's voice pulled out her chaotic thoughts, as if certain thoughts were intuitively implanted into her brain. She heard the concern in the voice, "You will receive all-round training on the space station before performing the mission. These trainings are something you cannot complete on earth. I am looking forward to your role, but at the same time, I don't want to lose A capable subordinate. I never intend to give up on you, because not everyone in this world has the ability to complete the tasks I give."

"I...what kind of training will I receive?"

Before the emperor could answer, Hammurabi spoke first.

"All the skills you learned in training camp are just the basics. According to the process, you should have learned more after getting into the position you should be in. Now you are missing this process, and you will also face two S.H.I.E.L.D. Alien, so I will quickly improve your killing skills."

The Custodes pointed at themselves. Ever since Ruby entered the office, he had looked at her with a stern eye, assessing her suitability for the task ahead. The results are terrible. Ruby's waist is too thin, her muscle ratio is too low, and her body fat level is too high. Training data shows that her explosive power is very strong but her endurance is not up to standard. Perhaps such a figure will attract some hormone-controlled brains. Male and female, but for the Praetorian Guards, this is a human body that is not suitable for lengthy special operations and is only suitable for carrying out delicate raid missions - in fact, Ruby Hale has undergone a comprehensive examination, completely taking off her clothes and The medical office conducts a complete digital scan, and even the blemishes on the skin are clearly recorded and restored. Her body model has long been three-dimensional. Hammurabi used his eyes to evaluate it just to confirm the possible errors in digitalization, because the transformation given by the emperor to the Praetorian Guards was enough for him to use his eyes and brain to accurately verify the digital three-dimensional data. Is the model accurate?

Even worse is the psychological aspect.

The Emperor himself wrote Ruby's psychological investigation report. This is an absolutely credible report. Hammurabi witnessed the emperor unearthing thoughts and emotions hidden deep in the subconscious of a person that he did not want to touch. There is no doubt that Ruby has also been subjected to such "interrogation", and many of the contents in the psychological investigation report are parts that she herself cannot realize.

"I will be responsible for training you, from close combat to shooting techniques, from void aircraft driving to gang-hopping infiltration. You will spend every day in training, and your daily food intake and drug intake will also be calculated. I will set rules for you that are far more stringent than a training camp, until you have been polished into a useful tool, and you will have no thoughts except the skills I teach you, and you will devote yourself to your future service. Hammurabi said, "We will provide you with a small amount of biological modification to enhance your abilities, making your abilities beyond Dr. Whitehall's original design. You will have the most basic abilities of an assassin, an assassin who can pry A dagger that cuts the throat while locking the head."

This was a solution provided by the Praetorian Order, not the Emperor's own idea.

In his opinion, Ruby was just a political tool rather than a weapon, a delicate dagger rather than a bolter, and it was enough to slit General Hale's throat when necessary. However, he did not disagree with Hammurabi's opinion. If Ruby could master more skills, she would be able to complete tasks better when dealing with emergencies.

"General Hale will be coming to the space station in a few days." To appease Ruby (a step required by the emperor) Hammurabi said in a script-reading tone, "You can show her something beyond her. Educational level of you.”

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