Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1437 Gideon’s Experience (First Update)

"For those who once held power, they would rather see the whole world burn than give up power, because they know what they have done and what kind of destruction they will encounter after losing power."

As the chief of the Ministry of Interior, the most powerful person in the most powerful department, Stephanie Malik is a mysterious figure to the entire new Yugoslav federal government. Few people can meet her in person, even in She also has a whole floor of office area, layers of security and direct elevator access in the Royal Castle. Natasha Romanoff knew her identity, but the Black Widow would not understand how a family of veteran American politicians could hold so much power in the hands of the Emperor.

As a veteran German politician, Stephanie Malik learned a lot from her father Gideon Malik, including how to cooperate with the regent Victor von Doom in dealing with the federal provinces of the former Yugoslavia that may rebel. officials.

"Those who resist reform will work hard to undermine a sense of security. Such methods are very common. For example, a strike organized by a trade union causes a certain government department and social public services to shut down, causing countless social problems. At that time, all the damage caused by the other party is The consequences of reform." Gideon Malik squinted his eyes, remembering the methods he used to promote the bill, and once he told Stephanie about himself while watching the TV series called "House of Cards" political experience.

The outcome of this presidential election speaks for itself.

As a person who walks between the two parties and acts as a lubricant for the military-industrial complex and Wall Street plutocrats, even if he is not a Jewish plutocrat, Gideon Malik will gain a lot of benefits whether he is elected by the Democratic or Republican parties. . He can be said to be one of the biggest winners in this election, and it is his chance to return to the top of politics. However, he also has his own concerns, because he doesn't know how many of the benefits he has obtained are driven by the emperor, and how many of his allies and enemies have secretly taken refuge in the "humanoid nuclear weapon", intending to replace him at any time.

However, such concerns were too late for him. He had been forced to bet on the only heir of the family, and personally destroyed the belief systems of the Malik family and the conservative Hydra family, using a new consensus To unite this hydra. In return, he became the chairman of the CIA's Board of Directors that manages SHIELD and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations. These rewards were enough for him to not think about these problems for the time being. But Gideon Malik never knew what the emperor had gained from the Malik family. His daughter was just one of the trophies. The greater trophy was Attilan of the moon.

"You must recognize the reality that reform will inevitably destroy the old way of benefit distribution. When the peace brought by the old way of benefit distribution no longer exists, war will also ignite. If you clean up all the thugs roughly and directly and opponents, then you are allowing your enemies to declare their victory, because you will never be able to find them hiding behind the scenes, because the real opponents will always be hidden among the people who flatter you. Then all the security of those who bear the destruction of the real opponents People who feel the consequences will have one idea, that is: the past was better and they do not need new rulers, even if the reforms are beneficial to them."

Gideon Malik shook his head, very proud.

He had pulled this trick more than once, but what pleased him most was that he finally had the chance to teach these methods to his own daughter.

"You can call it short-sighted. Common people are always short-sighted and easily misled. They are not well-educated elites. They don't know the tricks we play. They even believe that tax cuts for the rich will bring them more. Jobs. In the past we instilled awareness through authoritative newspapers, now it is just a matter of using social networks, it is cheaper and faster, just you claim that you are good for them, then they will support you, no matter what the truth is. Provided that you No one, whether Democratic or Republican, dares to provoke that old guy Murdoch without provoking him. Having the power to disseminate news is equivalent to having the power to vote."

He poured himself a little more Napoleon brandy.

This was a gift from Stephanie to him, and it was also a gift from the Emperor to Stephanie. Although the appearance of this bottle of wine looks very bad, and even the label is rotten and only half of it is left, it is a bottle of Napoleon brandy brewed during the period of Napoleon I. Gideon reluctantly resisted the urge to drink, intending to pour just a little to wet his lips.

"There is no need to rush to fulfill your promise after the election, because you have reached a higher position. You only need to make candies that can satisfy their tastes." He stretched out his wrinkled fingers and pointed at the plot on the TV. Pointing, "But you don't need this skill now, do you?"

Stephanie Malik shook her head.

Although her father's statement was contrary to the statement narrated in the emperor's book "Unified Truth", she did not refute her father in words because she was loyal to the emperor rather than to the emperor's ideals. Now Stephanie Malick wants the Emperor to forget the time when he was so obsessed with family mythology and worshiped the non-existent Hydra ancestor to the point of piety because she now worships the Emperor rather than a false god - in Stephanie It seems to Ni Malik and Tita that this is an act of tacit approval by the emperor, because the emperor not only gave the former a power armor of the sisterhood, but also a pair of claws that can cut through the armor, which definitely shows that the emperor acquiesced to Stephanie Malik's admiration for her "abandoning false gods".

At least that's what Dita thinks, and so does Stephanie Malik. As the latter's mentor, the sisterhood commander Tita guided her to secretly join the outer ring monastery of the sisterhood to learn the rituals and learn how to educate those clerical sisterhood members. After all, not all girls in the academy can become combatants.

With the help of this relationship, Stephanie can now also command the armed Sisters who are responsible for security at the Malik family estate. It's just that Gideon Malik thought this was because of Stephanie's own power, and had no idea that the Sisterhood would only obey the orders of the Emperor and Chief Commander.

"Forgive me, old guy, I don't have many years left to live."

Gideon Malik has a sly smile on his face. In fact, after undergoing the first stage of life-extending surgery, his life expectancy has been extended by at least twenty years. As long as he takes proper care, his life expectancy can even exceed his life expectancy by five to ten years. Otherwise, he would never dare to risk a stroke now. drink wine.

"I heard about the meeting held by the emperor. There have been a lot of rumors in that land recently, and I am very worried about you." He told the truth, "A lot of blood was shed in that land, and I am worried that your blood is among them."

"I know, so I took a temporary leave and gave the regent some time to select targets. I have not appeared in public, and no one knows who the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is." Stephanie Malik stretched and relaxed completely. She grew up in this house, and although her memory of her mother was very vague, she vaguely remembered that her mother had sat on this sofa. After her mother died, her father became increasingly strict with her until the day she actually came of age. "He invites you to the space station, the one where journalists and scientific researchers from all over the world go. Not in an official name, but in a personal name, to be precise, in the name of the Malik family."

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