Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1438 The call from the space station (second update)

When he heard that the emperor wanted to see him, Gideon Malik straightened his back instantly, and the look of a wrinkled old dog slumped on the sofa immediately disappeared. He knew that his woman would not return to the United States from that "land of dreams" for no reason, and the antique brandy he drank just now was not free. Gideon Malik only met the emperor twice from beginning to end, once at Malik Manor and once at the ancestral home of the Malik family in the Alps, the origin of Hydra in Europe. Every time the emperor brought him oppression, it would take a long time to relieve himself.

He had always believed that facing such a powerful soul was harmful to health, and that the aging mind would be reduced to ashes under the radiance of a star. After the meeting, he needed a psychiatrist and a long period of recuperation. This was a mental trauma that even life-extending surgery could not save. But when the call comes, he has to deal with it seriously, because he now has a master, and all Hydras have a master that they cannot disobey.

"Does our master want me to hide something?"

Gideon Malik means something, but is habitually vague.

Stephanie sighed, this was the Malik family's main job in North America for some time to come.

The possibility of hiding a carrier formation was slim and the possibility of replenishing it without leaving a trace was almost non-existent. Fortunately, flight training did not exist in the Seventh Fleet at the time, so there was no need to replenish pilots. Even so, the workload will not be small, and for the foreseeable future, the Malik family and other conservative Hydra families will devote themselves to this work.

“We cannot go to war with the United States without preparation, and now His main focus is still on outer space, so He wants to discuss with you what to do after taking over SHIELD and the CIA, and the difficulties that may be faced. "Stephanie couldn't help but sigh again, "There is no suspense about the result of this election. He hopes that you will be prepared as soon as possible and not let the new president discover any problems."

Gideon Malik poured some wine into another glass and handed it to Stephanie.

"Now that you are the chief of His Interior Ministry, I want to talk to you in another identity." He thought for a moment, staring at the white marble angel statue on the path leading to the garden next to the door of the living room, under the orange light. Under the reflection, the graceful marble statue was stained with the blood color of the afterglow. The angel statue was a decoration personally selected by his wife in order to restore some vitality to the Malik family estate that had lasted for hundreds of years. However, Gideon Malik saw the blood of the Malik family splattered on the statue. "What does he want me to do?" he asked in a low tone, "I have dispatched many agents for this matter, and many innocent people have been taken away, imprisoned and executed, and there is also a lot of work to clean up the curious... This was a conspiracy of great scope, and I've done what I promised, and He can't ask for more."

"He can, Father, He can ask for a lot." Stephanie felt that the brandy poured into her mouth was tasteless. In that plan, the Malik family will fully take over the information security systems of the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security, hand over the data of the Department of Homeland Security's chip manufacturing department to the emperor's technical staff, and fundamentally put an end to the "Iranian arms sales" The occurrence of similar incidents also prevents the new president or any future intelligence chief from seeing the intelligence.

"This is likely to expose me," Gideon Malik said, "unless General Hale takes control of the entire Pentagon and comes up with a weapons development plan that no one can refuse."

"No, father." Stephanie shook her head. "Although I don't know why, the Praetorian Order assured me that this kind of thing will not happen. I believe in the work ability of the Praetorian Order."

"He should be focusing on Earth instead of outer space." Gideon Malik frowned. He felt that he was facing a greedy beast. The interests of the Malik family were entirely based on the beast's disdain, because the real enemy of that beast was another beast that was robbing the territory. "The Cosmic Cube has been taken away by the Asgardians, and the Chitauri invasion will not happen again. This is the thought of many people in Congress, and also the thought of many professionals. Many congressmen have dismissed the alien fleet he claimed Call it crazy talk. No NASA scientist can say for sure whether the objects they observed are alien fleets. What’s more, a civilization that can develop faster-than-light jumps has no need to resist."

His statement represents the thinking of many members of Congress.

Compared with unrealistic resistance, what they need to consider is how to fight for the status corresponding to today in the new world. As for the alien rulers, they will provide whatever they need, so that fewer people will die - Stephanie Knowing how difficult it is to convince her father, and also knowing how strong the emperor's determination is to fight against alien aliens, and that everyone who stands in the way will be his enemy - she told the regent what she knew about her father Only then did I receive an invitation from the space station. She believed that the emperor could definitely convince her father, but before that, she wanted to make her father mentally prepared for what he might see. She was only allowed to view the information after the Quetzalcoatl incident settled.

Before this, she had no idea why the emperor wanted the legion to go to the South American rainforest. It was that information that made her determine the upper limit of the emperor's ability. She had to persuade her father to completely bet all the Malik family's chips on the emperor.

"Aliens are much closer to us than we thought. The Chitauri are just a biochemical army of the alien fleet that can be consumed at will. The manufacturing cost is very low." Stephanie shook her head and did not reveal her sources, but Gideon Malik could guess with his toes that this was the emperor's rhetoric. "When aliens arrive, the entire political landscape of the Earth will change completely. We must prepare in advance to seize the opportunity. Soon he will go to the Koboy Belt to launch a war against the aliens entrenched there. When he takes the loot When placed in orbit, He will become the well-deserved master of this planet, and we must control all the industries He needs for Him. He was very dissatisfied with the Malik family's stand-off in the food trade before, and we must express our stance again. "

"Corboy Belt?" Gideon Malik raised his eyebrows in disbelief. As a veteran elite of the Ivy League in the last century, what Gideon Malik studied was not the political correctness of today's African American Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, and Sociology departments in Ivy League schools that rely on extra points and repeated nonsense to graduate. subjects, but very difficult science and engineering subjects. Although he has not published academic papers with high impact factors and has no very dazzling academic achievements, he still possesses the most basic scientific knowledge. "Do you know how far away the Corboy Belt is? Voyager 1 has not yet left the Corboy Belt. This is the result of 35 years of flight."

"I know, he has been there. In fact, he has roamed the galaxy and visited many places." Stephanie Malik took out a badge with a serious face, and then put the badge close to the suitcase she took back to the manor, a A faintly glowing circuit appeared on the badge, while a lancet protruded from the back of the badge. Stephanie pressed her finger to the lancet so the badge could read the genetic code. "I will authorize you to temporarily declassify a file, which contains the real cause of the global earthquake and extreme weather a few months ago, as well as the voyage records of the three sky aircraft carriers and sky battleships. The content of these files is not allowed. Any form of disclosure or leakage.”

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