Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 151 Three-person travel plan (first update!)

Salomon looked helpless and remained motionless, because whenever he wanted to explain, the witch would only greet him with bullets. Beunita was in her pajamas, and she didn't know where she took out the pistol. She smiled and fired. The bullet pierced the air and nailed to the wall behind Salomon. "Get your female spy," she said, "stealing cats are the best anyway, aren't they?"

"I assure you, Bayonetta, nothing really happened, it was just the teacher's bad taste." Salomon sighed again. When he asked the Supreme Master what she said to Bayonetta, the Venerable always changed the topic aside, and Salomon had to hurry back to the apartment, trying to appease Bayonetta's emotions. But Bayonetta needs no appeasement at all, she is not a vase, she is a woman who can talk with bullets and the heels of high-heeled shoes.

Therefore, Salomon had no choice but to give a general account of what happened after passing through the cave, and tried to call Nick Fury before the police arrived to clear the neighbor's alarm record. into the police station. Salomon didn't tell Nick Fury the real situation of the incident, but just told him not to know too much, and then the mystic hung up the phone, put on a smiling face, and leaned towards Beunita.

At this time, Beunita seems to regard the magic pet Cheshire cat as her emotional expression channel, and she doesn't know what she and Salomon's magic pet whispered. The short hair has become extremely fluffy. The mystic mage threw aside the "cat-like" magic pet, sat on the sofa, and patiently comforted the witch sitting on the other end of the sofa. In fact, Bayunita was not angry that Salomon stayed with Natasha, she was only angry that Salomon did not call her on such a dangerous mission.

"You have to know that the death rate of single men is twice that of married men when performing tasks. This is what I read in magazines." Bayonetta said intentionally or unintentionally, "It turns out that the combination of men and women is the most important thing." Good idea, but only if..."

"Wear a ring," Salomon agreed with a full face. "I think it's a wise saying to perform missions with women who wear the same ring. My dear, may I ask what magazine you read these articles in?" ?"

"Oh, fashion magazines from the fifties and sixties. You know, I've been asleep for five hundred years and haven't had much time for entertainment."

"Did Joan also read those magazines?"

"Cramming fashion trends always takes time."

"Well, dear Bayonetta, I think the most useful thing about fashion magazines is what to wear. As for the emotional column, you can ignore it, because you have no idea which single men wrote those articles. They don't have any Emotional experience, you will only tell women to stay in the kitchen." Salomon spread his hands helplessly, "Why don't we find a time to travel to Europe and relax? After the number of angels decreases, you rarely go out, and you are bored every day. It's not a good thing to be at home. I think we can spend some poisonous mushroom juice to hire Scotch Isaacson【Note 1】to help us clean up, and the Cheshire cat can also be taken care of by them, so that we have time to go out and play.Norway How about it? We can go to see the aurora together."

"Jeanne is going with us too?" Bayoneta narrowed her eyes.

"Er...if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind, little guy." The witch took out a pistol, "How could I mind?"

The travel plans are temporarily put on hold, because Joan also fired bullets at Salomon after returning to the apartment, because he made Belleunita worry for nothing. Joan of Arc intends to resign tomorrow and take Beunita to visit Northern Europe for a few laps. As for the means of transportation, there is only Salomon's portal. Joan said she would remind Salomon to join them at lunch and dinner, after which she kicked the mystic out of the apartment and told him to come back tomorrow.

It turns out that two women add up to nothing more than a man. Salomon shrugged and returned to Karma Taj.

He still has to go to school.


"Isn't the real thing busy enough for you, Nick Fury?" Salomon sat in the office of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He put his legs on the table with great relaxation, "Is that big green guy Isn't it much more interesting than what happened three hundred years ago?"

"Do you think S.H.I.E.L.D. only has these jobs?" Faced with Salomon's disdain, Nick Fury was a little angry, "We have tens of thousands of agents, and the disappearance of a few agents is not enough to occupy all of our workload. .I came to you to put an end to what happened before you disappeared."

"Merlin School?" Salomon suddenly realized that he almost forgot about Balthazar and Dave, and no one in Karma Taj mentioned them. The mystic wasn't sure if it was because of his reduced Sanity that he had forgotten about the Merlin School, but he didn't mind hearing what Nick Fury had to say right now.

Merlin School? After hearing a new term, Nick Fury remained calm, but quietly remembered it in his heart. "I don't know what the black wizards you mentioned did, and I can't blame all the accidents in New York City on the black wizards." He said, "You have to file for me, I need to know Which innocents were killed by dark wizards."

"Can't this kind of thing be solved with a phone call? Is it necessary to ask for leave for me, and then pick me up from school?" The mystic sniffed, the cold wind in the Himalayas last night made him a little uncomfortable Comfortable, if it is not sleeping with the big warm bird of Phoenix, the sudden change of seasons three hundred years before and after may make him catch a cold. "They don't want to chat with me." Salomon was a little dissatisfied, "Can't Coulson come to me? I quite like him."

"He and Agent Romanov carried out a mission that only I knew about, and after the mission, their minds were all confused to varying degrees." Nick Fury's one-eyed stared at the mystic, "I want to know the mission details."

"That's your purpose, One-Eyed Man." Salomon said, "No, your purpose want to evaluate me, you want to know if I'm insane."

The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped talking and just stared at Salomon, because what the mystic said was indeed his purpose. The degree of danger of Salomon far exceeded Nick Fury's imagination. After performing missions with Salomon, the two agents had varying degrees of insanity. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he realized that After this point, one must also take responsibility for the safety of others.

"Colson and Natasha are fine, they can rest for a few days. As for the review work to be conducted by S.H.I.E.L.D., it will only make their spirits worse." Salomon suddenly thought of something, "You No... you're not going to let them share my information with other people, are you?"

"If I know the details of the mission, their review can be interrupted." Nick Fury blinked, "The bodies of the SHIELD agents who went with them are all mutilated, but the cause of death is shock, and the remaining one is still unknown I want to know where my agent is, I want to know if I can find him, whether he is alive or dead."

"I don't know where the other agents are, but the details about this mission... no." The mystic refused, "I don't know what Coulson and Natasha told you, but I can only tell you that those Something related to the invasion of outer dimensions. The consequences of worshiping evil gods are not very good, I have already told Agent Coulson, and he must have told you, although I know you will not believe it."

"However," Salomon put his feet down, leaned forward, and stared at Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes, "this incident is beyond human comprehension. If anyone summons evil gods indiscriminately, I will put all involved kill them all—we're already doing that."

What the occultist was talking about was Kama Taj's recent work-hunting down an East African cult called the "Blood Tongue Cult". In the past time, Kama Taj only thought it was a cult that knew a little magic and worshiped inexplicable gods of creation, but after Salomon got some knowledge from Randolph Carter, Kama Taj came to Know that the evil gods worshiped by this order are real. After that, Casilios and Modu took away a large number of mystics and hunted down the sect. In addition, there are also mystics who set off from the New York Temple to Canada to hunt down an order called "Star Wisdom".

These sects are nothing more than worshipers of Nyarlathotep. As for other sects that worship other outer gods, Salomon has not found it yet. In addition, Kama Taj has to hunt down other cult groups, such as the cult that worships the nightmare or the black magic god Sithorn, so the current work is not progressing so fast.

Salomon fulfilled his duties very well. He planned to uproot all the cults that worshiped the outer gods on the earth, and burn all the magic books that could summon the evil gods. The Supreme Mage and Salomon picked the books he brought back, and after deleting all the contents related to magic, the Venerable put those books on Kama Taj's bookshelf and sealed them with magic. Anyone who wants to consult those books must obtain the permission of the Supreme Master and read it under the supervision of the Supreme Master-this knowledge is even more dangerous than Dormammu and the Dark Dimension. Now except for the Supreme Master and Salo Outside of Mongolia, not many people know the contents of these books.

"Okay." Nick Fury didn't insist too much, it seemed that he accepted Salomon's statement, "Then you at least file for me, I hope you caught that damn dark wizard."

"I hope so too."

【Note 1】British folk monsters will help with cleaning.

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Thanks to the lazy dad for the 2500 point reward! !

How about adding one update at 2000 points? Daily and small event plots only!

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