Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 152 Mare Falkexia (Second update! Ask for tickets!)

Salomon tilted his head and glanced at Nick Fury. He didn't expect Nick Fury to be so talkative this time, and even something was wrong with being so talkative. He knew that Nick Fury was a very insecure person, so he let it go easily. There must be some support... Or, in fact, he already knew the key information of the last mission?

The mystic thought of Coulson's interest in Randolph Carter's bookshelf, and of the order in which they got into the carriage. He was the first to get into the carriage, followed by Coulson and Natasha, and for a short while Salomon had no idea what Coulson was doing. Thinking of this, Salomon's eyes became dangerous.

"How much did you watch?" He asked bluntly, "How much did Coulson take?"

Nick Fury looked puzzled at Salomon standing in front of the table, and the orange-red sparks flickering in his hand. "What the hell are you talking about?" he said. "Don't you think you should explain it?"

"You agents, you are good at petty theft, but you want me to clean up the mess." Salomon's expression was extremely serious, "Take it out, Nick Fury, or I will find the answer from your mind. "

"Hey, calm down, Salomon." Nick Fury kicked the ground and let the chair slide him back for a while, "You better explain. If you're talking about something dangerous, I Think I can help."

"How many books did Coulson take from that weird place?" The mystic summoned Phoenix and let it grab Nick Fury's collar. The power of a demon is not something that an ordinary person can resist. of. "And how much content have you watched? I have to know all of this, not only to prevent you from falling into madness, but also to prevent some idiots from summoning evil gods."

"Agent Coulson didn't give me anything." Nick Fury raised his voice, "I admit, I have collected information about magic, but after the last mission, Agent Coulson didn't give me anything. Hey , let your bird put me down!"

Salomon did not believe in Nick Fury's nonsense, who knows if what the agent said is true or false. He stepped forward, put his wand on Nick Fury's temple, and used a trick "mind coding". Then, an entangled, shimmering puff of energy is drawn out—a spell that draws a memory, a thought, or a message from the subject's mind for use by the caster. The spell is read repeatedly. Using this magic is far more accurate than using Detect Thoughts directly, especially when Salomon specifically mentioned Coulson and the last time, Nick Fury would only quickly recall about Coulson and The last mission, and this memory will happen to be captured by Salomon.

"Monther F*uck!" Nick Fury tried to struggle, but Phoenix's hard beak stayed in front of his only remaining eye, as if to peck out that eye if there was a disagreement.

The mystic waved and told Phoenix to put Nick Fury down. This guy's face turned foul after Salomon extracted a memory, and he seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with the behavior of the mystic, but he couldn't resist, so he could only express his displeasure with his expression. "You can choose to say it yourself, or I will continue to look for it." The mystic took out the test tube and put the memory in it. He said, "I don't know what you really know, so I'm going to rummage until I find the memory I need. I know who you are, and it's just so unnatural that you let this go so easily."

"I just followed your advice, Salomon." Nick Fury said dissatisfiedly, "You have repeatedly explained the dangers of magic, and I have witnessed it with my own eyes. I know that professional matters should be handled by professionals. I'm not a senator in Congress! Or a cabinet minister!"

"Really? But in my eyes, the number of times you follow advice is very little." Salomon curled his lips in disdain, "When did you become so reasonable?"

"I've always been like this." Nick Fury raised his voice. "Hey, don't you have a little trust in me, Salomon Damonette!"

"Hmm, I changed my name to Salomon Messiah Damonet Pendragon now. Or Salomon Messiah Pendragon Damonet, I haven't thought about changing my surname yet."

"Oh, are you still King Arthur now? From a Jew to a Celtic?" Nick Fury snorted a lot, and he could see that he was angry, "I don't want to worry about your smelly and long hair now. Name. I just want to know, what happened to you guys in Salem! Do you know what Agent Coulson said? Travel three hundred years! Agent Romanov said the same! If it wasn’t for confirmation that they didn’t Become a fool, do you think I will let you go like this?"

"So what do you know?" Salomon sat down again, holding Phoenix in his arms. The big bird seemed to like the feeling of being held in his arms, and its head kept digging into his chest. Salomon didn't know whether it was a bird or a cat.

"Nothing!" Nick Fury yelled, "Only three hundred years! Cthulhu!"

"If your office is not soundproofed enough, others will think you are crazy." Salomon waved his hand, "Three hundred years is a fact, but it is not really Salem three hundred years ago, but It's an intercepted period of time."

"Who did it? Where is he now?" Nick Fury seemed to have calmed down, he let out a long breath, and sat back on the chair again, "Agent Coulson and Agent Romanov understand There are too few. This is magic, and you Karma Taj should know it."

"Randolph Carter is not a human being, or, he was once a human being, but he was sublimated." The mystic glanced at the director of the Shield Bureau through the golden-red feathers, "Your agent definitely told you this name, Just stop being petty. Randolph Carter has taken Abigail Williams out of this universe."

"Where did they go?"

"The ultimate abyss of another universe."

"Is it related to the silver key around your neck?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Salomon narrowed his eyes. Nick Fury is indeed the king of secret agents, he can think of anything different.

"Also, I recently saw your Karma Taj magicians haunting Africa and Canada..."

"Oh, oh, stop your curiosity, that's our business, and don't think about getting any benefits from those places." Salomon said, "Except for me and the Supreme Mage, anyone who has never seen it The person who has edited the magic book about evil gods, the only way is madness - I will help this person out. Even if you read those books, I will help you out, even Captain America can't stop me .”

"You knew already?"

"I already knew."

I will update when I finish the cat meal.

I gave up, the shrimp couldn't understand my yin and yang at all, and I felt that my literary quality was destroyed.

Hello, can you recommend a ticket for me?

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