Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 153 I Don't Admit (First Update!)

"Are you interested in meeting Captain America? It's just that you can only see him behind the one-way glass, but it's also very exciting, isn't it?" Nick Fury raised his eyebrows, "I'm sure, You definitely have a Captain America poster or a toy in your bedroom. Every kid has one, and you're no exception."

"Oh." Salomon sneered. Nick Fury wanted to steer the topic in a lighter direction, and the mystic didn't mind, because whether he lied or not, Salomon could find the answer from those memories. "No," he said, "none. While Captain America is very respectable personally, America... well, I can't imagine having an American flag in my bedroom, that would be disgusting."

"It's coming again!" Nick Fury squinted his one eye and clicked his tongue. "I just don't understand, why do you have such hostility towards the United States? You have to know that World War II ended because of the United States. There was Captain America, there was the Manhattan Project, and the United States fought for justice during World War II! "

Salomon laughed and almost fell off his chair, "There is no justice in the United States, only capital, and capital has no morals. When Germany was preparing for World War II, didn't Wall Street provide loans for Germany? DuPont Didn’t the consortium and chemical company, the Rockefeller consortium and Mobil Oil Company, the Morgan consortium and its telegraph and telephone company, and Ford Motor Company also sign huge orders with Germany to export technology to Germany? I remember that Ford himself had a Crosshawk badge!"

"You're talking about something before World War II. At that time, no one knew that a war would break out." Nick Fury seemed to be a little annoyed and hammered the table.

"Okay, let's talk about the war and what happened after the war." The mystic waved his hand and first raised a topic, "Eugenetics (Eugenetica), Hitler was a believer in eugenics. In 1933, The NC German government, which had just come to power, promulgated a bill for mandatory sterilization of 'schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy patients, deaf-mute persons, bodily deformities and alcoholics', and implemented it in the next 5 years 400,000 cases. From 1934, people with severe mental illness were prohibited from marrying, and the 1935 "Nuremberg Act" not only prohibited intermarriage between Germans and Jews, but even sexual relations. During the two years from 1939 to 1941 , 90,000 mental hospital patients were killed, and in the next 4 years, 6 million "carriers of harmful blood and genes" were brutally killed on the grounds of purifying the race."

"Does anyone still think that NC is not evil?" Nick Fury blinked, "If there is such a person, I will replace his shower head with a smoke generator."

"Of course eugenics is stupid, but this theory did not originate in Germany, but in the United States." Salomon laughed, "Also, the United States was the first to implement eugenics, and Germany is just based on the American Harry. Laughlin's model is based on improvement. The world's first sterilization law against "criminals, fools, rapists and imbecile" was born in Indiana in 1907, and then more than 30 states followed and implemented this together If it were not for NC Germany's visit to the American eugenics community and the discovery of the role of chromosomes in heredity, eugenics would have continued in the United States."

Nick Fury spread his hands, and he gave up arguing. There are too many black histories in the United States, and he can't even count them.

"After the end of World War II, there was a wave of divorce and baby boom in Britain. The British government had to send ships to send more than one million babies back to the United States, trying to find fathers for these babies. Look, those American soldiers who left seeds everywhere until It’s still the same now, don’t you know how many sex scandals occur in the US military stationed in Japan every year?” Salomon put Phoenix on the table, and he said, “Captain America is just a soldier who hasn’t read many books, what do you think? What would he think if he knew things that are not dared to be written in these history books? He is indeed worthy of respect, because he dared to sacrifice his life for an idea, which is indeed great. But the United States is not worthy of respect."

"What you said makes sense." Nick Fury curled his lips, "but your thoughts are poisonous, and letting you meet Captain America may be the most stupid decision in the world. The United States is a country of faith. Every soldier believed he was fighting for God."

"I'm not, I don't, I don't admit it." Salomon looked at Nick Fury's surprised eyes, and couldn't help laughing, "Why, can't I speak on behalf of God? I am the Son of God Ah, there is no one on earth better suited to speak for God than me, not even the Pope, they are not recognized. In fact, I am even qualified to deny the orthodoxy of the Roman Church, I can even speak for the entire Abrahamic pantheon because I have the blood of Abraham on my body, God's covenant was made with my patriarchs, not with anyone else. You listen, I say no, America is not fighting for God, you listen understand?"

"F*uck off!" Nick Fury rolled his eyes angrily, and Salomon also took Phoenix and got up to leave the office. But just as he was about to open the portal, he turned around and brought up that topic again. "You guarantee that Coulson or Natasha didn't take those books, right?" Salomon said, "Answer cautiously. In order to prevent those knowledge from being known to those who shouldn't, I will not let anyone who may read it Ordinary people who read those books. If I had to, I'd wipe Tricurved Wing HQ off the face of the earth and hunt down every S.H.I.E.L.D. know I can do it."

"I assure you, Salomon."

"Very good." The mystic nodded, "Then let's wait for the result. Don't let me down, Nick Fury."

The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. watched Salomon disappear into the office with the Phoenix in the spring breeze of the Thames. He never seemed angry, but lost in thought. He couldn't figure out whether Salomon's "don't let me down" was a threat or an encouragement. Nick Fury didn't know what Salomon's attitude towards S.H.I.E.L.D. was.

He must hasten his plan.

Only with that plan can he have the strength to fight back when facing Salomon.


Salomon is very busy, and since his return to Eton, he has once again thrown himself into his endless studies.

Eton courses are not difficult for him, what is really difficult is Karma Taj's studies. Since the supreme mage recognized him as the heir to the holy sword, he not only had to receive sword training and riding skills, but also learned how to use a lance - this lance was provided by Athena, who knows which ancient hero's weapon it is . But these are really nothing. Those weekend violin lessons, piano lessons, sculpture and oil painting lessons are not difficult at all. For the mystic, the only thing that really makes him feel a little tricky is Dormammu.

Although Salomon exercised his will while studying Yog-Sothoth's magic, Yog-Sothoth was far away, and he was not as annoying as Dormammu who was close at hand. The current Salomon can absorb some magic power from Dormammu's dark dimension, and there will be no crystallization of the dark dimension, but this power will also cause problems in Salomon's thinking.

In order to keep his soul alive in the dark dimension, Salomon could not call the name of Visandi, he could only use the spell of another pantheon—the Fist of Yog-Sothoth. Salomon is the only one who can cast this spell on Earth at present. The Supreme Mage gave up learning it after seeing it for a while, because this spell is essentially the same as the "Setorak's Scarlet Necklace" cast with the power of the crimson universe. Nature, it's not that rare, but the cost is the caster's sanity.

The spell that the supreme mage asked Salomon to fill the Karma Taj library was mana invocation, and the supreme mage also modified the spell "Visandi's sacred sword" according to the blade magic contract provided by Salomon. Since then, the apprentices in Kama Taj have been divided into the Magic Pact Sect and the Mana Explosion Sect, which greatly increased Kama Taj's means of fighting the enemy-after all, there is no offensive magic in "Book of Weishandi".

In the next few months, in addition to the above-mentioned studies, Salomon also produced and supplemented his own magic equipment. The Magic Missile and Fireball wands came in handy at all times, and Salomon took the time and money to make another one as a spare. During this time, he also traveled to Northern Europe with Beunita and Joan of Arc.

However, this good time was interrupted after all, and he had to interrupt his weekend.

He met the first Karma Taj victim since his birth.

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