Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 154 Old things (second update!)

Salomon quickly returned to Karma Taj headquarters after receiving the notice. He is in a bad mood. Although he knows that as a member of Karma Taj, everyone has to give their lives for this world, but now he can't accept the sacrifice of his companions. His ability has surpassed many of Kama Taj's mystics, and he can easily deal with some enemies that ordinary mystics cannot deal with.

"I should be allowed to go." Salomon said this with a blank expression.

"It was just a trivial matter. The planetary defense system noticed the invasion of the outer dimension, but it was not serious. The Supreme Mage is still on the earth." Modu said, "You can't carry everything on your shoulders, it's us Everyone's responsibility. It's something that none of us could have foreseen."

"Who is the murderer?" Salomon covered the terrified face of the dead body with a white cloth, but excess water continued to seep out from under the white cloth. He is now in the morgue, and it won't be long before the ascetics will bury the body behind the headquarters. He was not familiar with the mystic of the New York Temple, but he was also someone who had met several times. Now that he died at the hands of extradimensional creatures, Salomon was a little angry.

Facing Salomon's question, Modu shook his head. "I don't know." He said, "I only know that there is a sulfur smell left at the scene, and it should be a creature from the lower plane. By the time we found out that we had lost contact and something was wrong, he had already collapsed there."

"Hell or the abyss? Or the four-element plane?" Salomon took a deep breath and prepared to take out some spell-casting materials from his dimensional bag. "At least I need to know whether I'm going to face a devil or a devil. Without knowing the enemy, I can't choose the most suitable spell. Just telling the murderer to go back is not enough for me."

"What are you thinking?" Modu couldn't hold back, "Do you want to go to Texas alone to find that lower plane creature who doesn't know where it is now?"

"I'm worried that the lower plane creature has something to do with me." Salomon raised his hand and put it in front of Modu, "Stigmata, remember? Stigmata! Think about Phoenix, you know what I'm most worried about What is it? I am most worried that one of the seventy-two demon gods ran to the earth. Not all the seventy-two demon gods are as harmless as Phoenix...In fact, for ordinary people, Phoenix is ​​deadly enough .”

"Those are just some young people, not a powerful character like the Seventy-two Pillars Demon God, otherwise it would be impossible to send Drake alone." Modu stood in front of Salomon, blocking him from seeing the corpse "Listen up, Salomon. This matter is handed over to the New York Temple. Master Daniel can solve it. We just need to wait for the order. The next plane creatures are not the vampires and werewolves you have faced before." , they are born with spells, and they will be tricked if they are not careful."

"I think I can fight at least one capable angel now, and lower plane creatures of the same level should not be a problem."

"Be obedient, unless the supreme mage tells you to go out, you can go back and travel with the witch." Modu pulled Salomon out of the morgue, "The scenery in Norway is very good this season. I heard that you bought it there." A log cabin? I think you could stay there until the summer and try the pickled trout for Easter, it's a rare treat."

Salomon sighed. "I will not violate the Supreme Master's order, and I am not a rebellious young man." He said, "But if the Supreme Master wants me to go, you must tell me. Modu, please."

"I will not disobey the Supreme Master's order, so you can rest assured." Modu stroked Salomon's smooth long hair that reached his shoulders, "so you can rest assured, I know your ability. We all hope to Drake's revenge, and if we find the murderer and the Sorcerer Supreme agrees to your involvement, I'll let you know."

"Remember, don't open the portal directly in the house, you will be shot." The mystic waved his hand and turned to leave. "I'm going back first. I'll prepare a piece of reindeer meat for you."


"Remember what I told you about the angels in the seven and three heavens?" The Supreme Mage calmly brought a candy to Salomon. Salomon opened the bag and ate one by one. . The same is true for His Holiness, she seems to be very satisfied with the taste of Skittles. "How can there be no magic candy in the wizarding world, what a pity."

"Teacher, our topic is about angels, not candies." Salomon reminded.

"That's right, it's easy to forget things when you're old." The Supreme Master didn't care about the fact that he looked very young at all, "Angels from the seventh and third heavens. Remember those legends about giants I said, such as being Goliath killed by King David? And the truth about the great flood that spread across the entire planet. It is bullshit that God thinks that the original sin of mankind has not changed. The real purpose is to cleanse the illegitimate children of the angels, and to supervise this cleansing Instead, it is the spirit of vengeance created by God. Interestingly, however, the power of the spirit of vengeance is now in the hands of Mephisto, the king of hell, not in the hands of God."

"Teacher, what does this have to do with the lower plane creatures Drake encountered?"

"Listen to me patiently." The supreme mage spread his hands and said helplessly, "Actually, Mephisto has been wandering in the world, but his incarnation that descended to the earth has no power at all, just like an ordinary person. I couldn't find him either. In fact, the last time I found Mephisto was in New York in 1997, when he was playing his game - he was preparing to use his children left in the world to reproduce a He planned to fight against God in the millennium. Fortunately, his son, although vain, succeeded in defeating Mephisto mentally, which prevented him from succeeding [Note 1]. But after that, even Karma Taj couldn't find any trace of Mephisto, except this time."

"Mephisto appeared?"

"It's still the same. He won't put his power on the incarnation in the world, it would be too conspicuous." The venerable raised his eyebrows, "This time he is just to clean up his rebellious son. Although his incarnation Powerless, but he has his knights to do it for him - the spirit of vengeance I said before. Mephisto has found a new ghost knight. As for Mephisto's son, the witch... I don't want to To use vulgar language to describe it, but it is really very stupid. It thought that finding the contract with a thousand souls would overthrow its father. A thousand souls? That's not as many souls that went to hell during World War II! A thousand souls are just a small dessert to Mephisto, if it is not for the devil's nature, he will even forget the old account." [Note 2]


"So you must not interfere this time, and the farther away the better." The Venerable gave the order very simply, "Although the Ghost Rider has nothing to do with you, you don't know how much Mephisto wants Your soul. If you can exchange your soul with the soul of hell, Mephisto will not hesitate, He will be very happy to make this deal—after all, you are a contender for the seventh throne, the next Satan Jun’s candidate, your seventy-two pillar demon gods are looking forward to your being able to sit in that position."

"So... how about you, teacher?"

"I don't mind." The Supreme Master blinked, "But there is no candy in hell, is there?"

[Note 1] The movie "The Devil's Advocate".

[Note 2] The setting of Ghost Rider adopts the movie version, but some comic settings will still be interspersed. After all, there will be a big event of the origin of fear in the future.

Thanks to the brilliant white knight for the 100 point reward.

Thanks to Kersey for the 200 point reward.

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