Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 155 High Value Pending Customers (First update!)

"Devils are not the angels and demons you have dealt with. As the king of hell, Mephisto is even more cunning and terrifying. Even if the incarnation of Mephisto who came to the world has no power, his words can still make people fall This is the scariest thing about devils, they will unknowingly lead you to hell and be forced to sign a contract with them." The supreme mage said, "The farther away you are from Mephisto, the better, Be Lil was expelled from hell by Mephisto, it can't help you in this matter, even the incarnation of the abyss, the queen of Sheba... Cough cough, in short, your position is too important, those things Leave it to the deacons of the New York Temple."

"Okay... Teacher, are you sure those lower plane creatures won't cause any serious trouble?"

"Witch Heart Demon is an idiot. He never thought about why his father didn't come to earth. Maybe this is the young man who regards the elder's calmness as cowardice and lack of progress. Of course, it may also be because of his hell. The prince will never see the day when he ascends the throne." His Holiness waved his hand nonchalantly, not caring at all that Kama Taj's situation is exactly the same as hell, and the current supreme mage doesn't know how many candidates for the supreme mage died up. "Mephisto doesn't even dare to do this, after all, I'm still here. You can enjoy your weekend now, Norwegian char is a rare delicacy."

After receiving the Venerable's clear order, Salomon returned to the cabin in the Norwegian countryside with peace of mind. Although he was still somewhat unhappy, he could only obey the Supreme Master's order. He also knows how terrible Mephisto is. No one knows how many conspiracies and tricks He has arranged. Now Salomon facing Mephisto is tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Before actually facing Mephisto, the mystic can only speculate on Mephisto's thoughts through the "Das Kapital". In his opinion, Mephisto is likely to risk being attacked by the Supreme Mage. Risk to rob his soul.

Because his soul is really too valuable.

Salomon believes that according to the valuation of Nine Prison Investment Company, the profit of his soul can far exceed 300%. A "pending client" with great potential like him will have a lot of devils to sign a contract with him , I want him to be a "contract volunteer" or a "soul saver". Now Salomon can only stay away from there as much as possible, so as not to be targeted by the old devil Mephisto-who knows if Mephisto will come up with some "Elikin Soul Plus", "Life Savings Investment Plan" "Or some soul financial product like "Looking to the Future Platinum Enhanced Edition"—then he would become annoyed after being rejected, and use various means to force Salomon to sign the contract.

Unless Salomon learns contract and finance well, he doesn't intend to face Mephisto.

Although this log cabin in the Nordic countryside is just a log cabin, it also has a lot of living facilities. Salomon and Bayoneta plan to use this as the starting point for weekend vacations in the future. There is nothing better than looking at the green grass, forests and snow-capped mountains in the distance with a warm fireplace. If there is, then add a delicious dinner - char, this kind of fish that lives in low temperature waters has excellent meat quality, at least Joan of Arc and Bayonetta like this fish, Salou Mon has tried many fish recipes with char: pan-fried, baked, fried, and all have been well-received. In addition, the Nordic desserts seem to bring the local coldness and roughness. The sugar juice boiled from spruce tree buds and the smoky sugar sauce boiled from pine tree juice are great raw materials for desserts.

Salomon even made a pact with his neighbors to hunt for wild chanterelles and berries in the forest once summer was over. Chanterelles can be used to make soup, and berries can be used to make jam. This is something that every family in the Nordic countryside will make. Some enthusiastic neighbors even sent a few bags of smoked mackerel balls to the new-arriving mystic and the taste is very similar to yogurt. Similar to a cheese sauce, this is the perfect accompaniment.

In general, Salomon is very satisfied with spending the weekend in the Nordic countryside. In order not to make his perfect weekend more enjoyable, Salomon also left the Cheshire cat in New York and handed it over to the Scottish elf . In order not to hurt the self-esteem of those little guys, the mystic pretended to take the milk out of the refrigerator and forgot to take it back, because Scotland Essason would only accept such a reward.

However, not even a poor signal in the Norwegian countryside could stop Nick Fury from receiving this intrusive call from Salomon, who was trying smoked salmon. "F*uck yourself, Fury." Salomon spoke before Nick Fury could speak, "No time, I don't know."

"I haven't said it!" Nick Fury yelled on the other end of the phone, "Did you know?"

"what do you know?"

"Fire skulls are running around the city," he said. "I can tell right away that this has something to do with magic, as you must know."

"I know." Salomon narrowed his smoked eyes, and added a small piece of pine wood to the smoker.

"Are you just letting this dangerous target run around?" Nick Fury seemed a little annoyed, "You don't even know how many people he burned to death!"

"I won't participate in this mission. The other mystics of Karma Taj will handle it." Salomon curled his lips, "As for why I don't participate...that's what the Supreme Sorcerer ordered, you can go and appeal ah."

"Okay, then tell me, how will you Karma Taj handle this?"

"Oh, we don't care about it." The mystic blinked. "Of course, this is a joke. This is an invasion of the lower planes. Of course we will go after the devil."

"Ah, good, so the skull on fire is the devil?" Nick Fury said. "SWAT bullets are useless to Johnny Blazer. When the hell are you going to fix this?"

"Accurately speaking, the Ghost Rider is not a devil, he is some kind of possessed spirit." Salomon said while casting a spell to adjust the heat of the smoked fish, "The Ghost Rider is chasing and killing the devil, he It's the same purpose as ours."

"So you plan to leave him alone, right?" The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a little helpless, "Well, I will go to Captain America and hope he recovers well."

"Ghost Rider will burn the souls of the guilty," Salomon said. "Captain America can do it, but everyone else is fine. Other people's souls are not as pure as Steve Rogers."

"Then I really thank you for your reminder." Nick Fury was quite dissatisfied, "This should have been something you guys had to solve."

"Don't think that I don't know how happy you are now—good job! I finally got access to the magical world from Karma Taj!" The mystic made a grimace that no one could see, "Kama Taj's duties It’s about clearing out extradimensional invasions, and something like Ghost Rider is harmless to good people. You can ask Captain America to find him, and I’d love to see a big fight.”

"Are you treating this as a show, Salomon Damonette?" the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. opened his mouth. "Innocent people die at the hands of Johnny Blazer every moment! He thought he Who is qualified to judge others?"

"The Spirit of Vengeance originates from heaven, and he judges according to the Ten Commandments." The mystic shrugged, "In a sense, he judges on behalf of God, and he is God's warrior, America Man has nothing to do with God."

"Even so, you still have to mention the United States?"

"I just like to mock fools."

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