Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 156 Old Devil (Second update!)

"Who are you talking to?" Joan walked down the steps and glanced at Salomon. "You left halfway. Did something happen to Kama Taj?"

"The creatures from the lower plane invaded, and someone died." Salomon covered the phone's microphone, "Other mystics can handle it well. This call is from S.H.I.E.L.D., and has nothing to do with the wizarding world."

"Then hurry up, it's almost time for dinner." Joan opened the smoker and checked the fish and sausages inside. Salomon nodded, and hung up the phone after talking to Nick Fury for a few more words. "I feel like we could see a superhero fight today," he said. "The shows have just been finalized."

The last few words Salomon said were purely to help the centenarian Steve Rogers find a good opponent so that he could adapt to the modern environment after sleeping for seventy years. After all, Steve Rogers is an extremely kind person , the trial of Ghost Rider will not fall on him at all. Well, even today, seventy years later, aliens are not everywhere, and creatures from the upper plane and the lower plane are not popping up from the ground at any time - there is nothing wrong with facing non-human enemies in advance No, hitting sandbags every day is really boring. And Nick Fury, that picky guy, didn't even pay Captain America his pension, and didn't allow others to find something to do, that would be too much.

The mystic felt that he had done another good deed, and the camp pointer must have moved a little to the good camp.

"Come on, don't waste time, every second here is precious." Salomon blinked and smiled narrowly, "It's not difficult at all to admit that you like my cooking, Jeanne."

"That's because there's no pizza delivery here, little guy." Joan of Arc glared at Salomon and walked straight into the cabin. It is absolutely impossible for her to admit that she likes to eat Salomon's cooking, never! It's just a few bites, yes, that's it!

Salomon, who was full of food and drink, turned on the TV and watched the TV while flipping through the magic book in his hand. Beunita and Joan of Arc were whispering at the side, and Salomon knew where they were planning to go without listening. Hunting angels—to be precise, the angels of Jubilus, these guys are much less now, and every time Salomon sends them there, he can only find a few that come to the main material plane to snatch souls Little guy.

Fleeing from those stupid neighborhood mutual aid committees in New York before was really fatal. Neither Beunita nor Joan is the person who can greet the neighbors. After Salomon appeared, he took care of all the procedures—— Including shooting at a few uninterested suitors, Salomon did it himself. After all, two beautiful single women will always meet suitors. Nick Fury has complained to him many times, and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't want anyone to be shot for this kind of thing - and the mystic said that if those idiots don't move, he will shoot him with an automatic rifle sooner or later. Their doors were torn down.

"The show has started, dear." Salomon glanced at the phone, then changed the TV channel to the news channel. He didn't expect Nick Fury to move so fast. He picked up Captain America from Brooklyn within a meal and threw him in front of Ghost Rider. The TV station used aerial shooting. Through the lens on the helicopter, news viewers could clearly see the burning skull standing on the top of the building.

"After seventy years, Captain America appeared again to fight against demons." The mystic waved his hand, "I already thought of the title."

"Are you interested in Captain America?" Bayonetta glanced at the TV, "His ass is very sticky."

"Honey, you know I'm not interested in men."

"But you went to Eton, and I hear you're still the teacher's whipping assistant."

"This is not the same as our previous interest." Salomon spread his hands helplessly, "This is a symbol of the United States—or, the symbol of the United States in the eyes of Americans, this is a beautified image, The museum with the most traffic in Washington is Captain America’s museum. Although I haven’t been inside, it’s interesting to see those rednecks entertaining themselves.”

Joan glared at Salomon, she did not expect Bayonetta and Salomon to have progressed to this point. Seeing that her best friend for many years was about to be snatched away, Joan switched seats and was inserted between Beunita and Salomon.

"Are you serious?" Salomon's eyes widened. Joan just glanced at him and refused to answer.


If there is a chance that things will go wrong, no matter how small the chances are, it will happen. This is Murphy's Law - the devil, like Murphy's law, always appears in the worst circumstances, but for some people, the devil may appear at any time. Even if Salomon didn't go looking for the devil, when he finished his weekend vacation, sent Beunita and Joan to hunt angels in eastern Europe, and returned to Eton alone, Mephisto still came to him up.

This day was the day when Salomon occupied the night chemistry laboratory alone, and he still had two alchemy orders to complete. Suddenly, a cold breath climbed into the laboratory from the bushes outside the window, the light tube above his head flickered continuously, and the darkness continued to extend from the end of the corridor until it stopped at the door of the laboratory. The mystic was aware of this vision, and he put down the test tube filled with the solution in his hand, and was on guard.

"Well, well, well, our big shot is actually happy with a few bottles of alchemy potions." An old man in a black suit appeared in front of Salomon's alchemy console, holding a silver skull cane in his hand , the white hair is all combed back, looking like a polite old gentleman.

"Mephisto, do you still have the strength to run for your life?" Salomon instantly realized the true identity of the old man in front of him. It was not long before the Supreme Mage told him the story of Mephisto. Can think of his identity.

"Why should I run for my life?" The old devil raised his eyebrows, picked up the test tube and looked at it carefully, "I'm just a businessman."

"The most outstanding businessman in the world, Mr. Mephisto, is excellent in both escaping and doing business." The mystic pulled a chair aside and sat down. Merchant License."

"Doing import and export trade will always be oppressed by those in power. This kind of thing is common to me, because I have never paid taxes." Mephisto also sat down on the chair, he didn't seem to care at all Will I be besieged by Kama Taj, "But it's just an incarnation, an incarnation with no power, if you lose it, you will lose it. I can still afford this cost."

"May I ask why you came here?" Salomon picked up the solution on the table and added the last ingredient into it. This is a potion for moderate wounds. When Mephisto discovered the positive energy in the potion, he looked at the mystic with a "how dare you play shit" expression.

However, the good upbringing allowed Mephisto to quickly adjust his expression.

"Aren't you bored, Solomon," he said, "to have that idiot Belial keep holding on to your contract. It's been thousands of years, don't say you're still attached to Belial. Or Is it Lilith? That is indeed a charming succubus, but you are not a womanizer, don’t you also have the Queen of Sheba? That woman is not easy to mess with. My dear Lord of the Demon God Pillar, do you still Spying on the Seventh Throne? We all know that's not a good thing, and the one who thinks he can sit on it now is a madman."

"What if I can help you win the contract from Beryl? What if I help you sit in that position?"

"Let's make a deal."

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