Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1451 James Wesley (first update)

What people who are keen on digging up history would do in a library would probably be to check out local newspapers that had been published, and the establishment of information systems has made this process extremely fast. Understanding old local news no longer requires traveling around. Visited and investigated. For Karma Taj, this system can play a great role in the investigation. He once stayed in libraries in many different cities, looking up the news he wanted and looking for clues.

It wasn't until Athena provided a clue that a fleeting glimpse at the edge of memory surfaced. Red-haired, short, emotionally unstable and eventually missing, all fit the description of Athena. The more accurate evidence was that he saw the little red-haired man on TV again. Through the travel notes in the magic book, he was able to determine that the guy who had lived for a long time and pretended to be a child might be related to the Eternals. related. Although He often comes into contact with the Eternals, in fact the Eternals are still too rare compared to the number of humans, and it is unlikely that there will be any other than the Eternals.

He will not use the power of the Immortal City and Latovinia to deal with this matter, but will use his own personal relationships.

Wilson Fisk would arrange for his popular starlet to throw a party, and then add the Eternal disguised as a child to the invitation list. Private confidential parties, small in size and not accepting visitors, just call the agent in advance to arrange the schedule. In order to eliminate suspicions, Wilson Fisk, the new-era gang leader who has the style of the old-era mafia, once tried to invest in Hollywood, invest in charities and make friends with congressmen. He seemed to have an attitude of wanting to clear his name. Until he realized that the so-called white roads are darker than the underworld. Presidents and congressmen also kill people, but they don't hold guns themselves.

He realized this because of Hillary's death list and the political secrets and political assassinations someone told him. These secrets helped him take the first step to take control of New York. But the past whitewashing methods are not suitable for today's era. The FBI is still keeping an eye on him. If he wants to ensure that he can live comfortably in this country and no longer worry about the FBI's investigation, then he must give himself Find a reliable enough host, one who can provide asylum in the federal rather than the state. His current owners fulfilled their responsibilities of shelter. In return for being sheltered, it's not difficult to throw a small, confidential party.

If Wilson Fisk hadn't known his master's true identity and was nothing like those with public power and money, he would likely have thought someone was interested in the child actor. After all, many rich people are happy to find a glamorous bitch on the screen or on the catwalk in a place like Hollywood, supplement it with drugs and various bodily fluids, and completely indulge themselves. The famous Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood This happens often - the famous actor Heath Ledger was once found smoking cocaine on a hotel balcony, and he died of a drug overdose two years later; the famous movie star Natalie Wood, who was only 16 years old at the time, had sex with her older self Having a relationship with her 27-year-old partner Dennis Hopper. As one of the female stars at the Sunday afternoon pool party thrown by director Nicholas Ray (42 years old), Natalie Wood did not miss the opportunity to have a relationship with the director, for Proving she can play a bad girl in Rebel Without a Cause. Her behavior led director Nicholas Ray to drastically cut Dennis Hopper's screen time out of jealousy.

No matter how chaotic and bizarre things are, it's possible to happen in Hollywood. That land fed by money, drugs, and vanity can only breed insanity, conspiracy, and tragedy. It's not uncommon for minors to appear in such situations. thing. While Wilson Fisk doesn't mind scheming to send an obscure underage star away, he only needs to know that his investors have the same morals as him, at least not like Francis Albert Sinatra. Natalie Wood destroyed that underage star's life like that. What's more, his investors may be doing this for some espionage activities, just like the several containers of weapons and equipment previously shipped to New York, rather than to satisfy personal desires or to bribe a pedophile politician. .

Sometimes Wilson Fisk still thinks that he is a good man. Compared with those who use pens, he, the guy with guns, at least has honor. He would not inject drugs into underage stars and then throw them on the bed. He even has very high moral standards compared to those people, which I have to say is an amazing thing. He kept his promise to Vanessa, and he would be a good person, at least much better than those superficial politicians.

"James, I need you to do this," Wilson Fisk said to his assistant. "I know the FBI is still watching us, but this is absolutely legal, and they don't have the guts to search a celebrity's private party without evidence. The recent abuse of public power has caused a headache for the New York FBI office. , the district attorney and the governor will put pressure on the New York FBI office, so our people must not be present at that private party, nor can there be any contraband, or even alcohol. At least not on the surface, can you understand what I say? ?”

"Of course, I will have someone arrange a marshmallow party, Boss. There will also be milk and cookies, and a bouncy castle if you want." James Wesley wrote a sentence on the memo with a smile. As Wilson Fisk's best friend, he has no problem cracking jokes in front of the intimidating hunk. He is a handsome man, wearing a high-end suit, with neatly styled hair. He does not look like he has been on the streets at all, but his gentleness can make many gang leaders in New York pee their pants because he His loyalty to Wilson Fisk and his own cunning make him a true second-in-command.

"Perhaps we can let Eleanor Bishop plan this thing. She doesn't have much to do with us on the surface. And she is very good at socializing. She will come forward to discuss the investment of United Construction Company and then invite some Little star, then no one will notice who the real protagonist is. But this is just a small party, is it necessary to invite the best party planning company in New York?"

"The protagonist is not just the little star, James. The party planner also needs to be present. This is the real purpose of the party, to let the little star and the party planner meet." Wilson Fisk shook his head, "Although I don't know that Why do people do this, but I’m sure it’s definitely not a good thing. Never outsource security work, let us do it ourselves.”

"Then I will transfer the security fee to a security company registered in the Cairo Islands, so that we can save another sum of money. And the party fee, I can package it into a charity dinner, so that the party fee will go to the public account , should be able to offset some taxes." James Wesley nodded, "After all, the federal government pays less and less attention to the United Construction Company. Those officials always believe that Hell's Kitchen does not need reconstruction work. The houses here are grown from the ground. Come out, the current situation means that we need to save some money no matter what.”

"You've been complaining a lot lately, James."

"No matter what, Hell's Kitchen is my home."

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