Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1452 Wilson Fisk’s Ambition (Second Update)

"As soon as possible, James, our most important investor is impatient."

"Mysterious investor," James added, "you act like someone put a dagger in your neck."

Wilson Fisk cannot let United Construction Company become just a construction contractor. If he wants to be a developer and real estate tycoon, he will inevitably conflict with the established real estate companies in Manhattan. But fortunately he seized an opportunity, an opportunity when the stock price of a New York real estate company plunged, and obtained a large amount of funds from his backers to acquire those shares. The 911 incident is the psychological shadow of Americans. Now this psychological shadow is added to the Battle of New York and the speech of the Emperor of Latvinia at the United Nations Headquarters, as well as the dozens of meters high war engine destroying Wall Street.

Under the guidance of certain people, Wilson Fisk very smartly invested in the stocks of military industrial companies, pharmaceutical companies, and food companies in large quantities and repeatedly as many leather companies. He planned to hold those stocks for a long time because he foresaw what would happen next. In the wars that will continue to occur, weapons, equipment, medicines and food will be hard currencies that will continue to appreciate in the future. However, he is just a white glove for many people with social status. With the help of investors, the discord between Republican and Democratic state legislators will eventually turn into cash flow into Wilson Fisk's wallet and projects. Both parties Money lives in harmony and creates wealth together.

"I don't understand why you are so anxious, Fisk." James Wesley adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and slowly wrote on the memo. It is largely due to him that the United Construction Company can reach the half-black and half-white situation it is today. It is also due to Wilson Fisk's lofty ambitions that he is not satisfied with being a gang leader who controls several communities. . James Wesley did not raise his head, but his tone became much more snarky than before, "The last time we shipped weapons, we almost got another felony, and the profit was extremely low. This is not the right attitude to do business, even if you Donating to the Rifle Association won’t work either.”

"My friends, some businesses are not there to make money, not to keep other businesses going."

"Aren't we giving enough checks to our senators and governors?" James Wesley said. "They're getting more and more hungry."

"Soon the world will be in chaos. Now everyone in the world is in danger. The Federal Reserve's increase in gold holdings... When the financial market completely collapses, there will be no United States. At that time, only those with the military on this land will have the right to speak. . We need to accumulate strength and even master an army. We make money not just to make money, James, we all do it to make ourselves and our families live a better life."

"You miss Vanessa." James Wesley pointed out the problem keenly. James Wesley objected to his friend's infatuation with the art museum director from the beginning, but because of his repeated insistence, James Wesley really couldn't say anything against Wilson Fisk's life. People who have no chance of love reject this feeling. "Can I ask how she is?"

"She's doing well." Wilson Fisk sighed. He rarely covered his face to hide the fatigue and anger in his eyes. Now his communication channel with Vanessa is only a prepaid anti-tracking mobile phone, and the mobile phone is not made in the United States or Europe. Each call has a time limit to prevent the FBI from discovering that there are no registered communications in this building. Signal. He knew why James Wesley came back in a hurry today. It must be that shit congressman in Las Vegas who was tampering with the casino license issue. He knew that James Wesley had worked hard on this matter, and there was no need for his friend to worry about Vanessa anymore.

After the last time the so-called Daredevil handed over the collected evidence to the FBI, James Wesley spent a lot of energy to completely destroy the evidence. He gave a lot, and Wilson Fisk never took his friends' contributions for granted. The trust and money he gave were rewards for James Wesley's loyalty and hard work.

Sadness and anger are fleeting.

Wilson Fisk picked up the diamond cane that was leaning against the table and stood up from his chair.

James Wesley was glad that his friend did not remain depressed, which was not at all in keeping with the profession. They are not the family-centered mafia of the old days. They have the time and mood to consider emotional factors such as inheritance and family. If asked, James Wesley hopes that Wilson can use this cane to smash a few people's heads. Last time The method of crushing people's heads with the car door is also wonderful, but it is a little troublesome to deal with the vehicle. After all, not only is the car very expensive, but it is also registered as a company vehicle.

"It's not that I don't distrust you, James, you are my best friend, but I am worried that knowing this will bring burden and danger to your life. The people who protect Vanessa are much more vicious than Hillary. The CIA and them They are as cute as sheep in comparison. I have seen them skinning people alive. It is definitely the most terrifying nightmare. Just looking at it can drive people crazy." Wilson Fisk's eyes were cold. He took the document from James Wesley, which contained the conditions proposed by a Nevada senator. The gangsters who control the Las Vegas casinos have gone through several rounds of iterations. The newly emerged United Construction Company will inevitably encounter other gangsters who have formed an alliance to block it. It is a very merciful thing for the senator to just ask for money in the end. "Fortunately, making a deal with the devil is not without its benefits. At least the devil abides by the contract, and at least the devil keeps his word better than politicians."

"What are you going to do?"

"It is rumored that King Solomon gained wisdom by making a deal with the devil." Wilson Fisk said, "Intelligence is wisdom, my friend. The Republican Party is losing ground here, and it may be necessary to replace it with an obedient congressman."

"Even with the Nevada 3rd Congressional District Senator scandal, scandal investigation and impeachment will take time. Whether our casino chain in Las Vegas can survive the siege of local gangs until then is a question." James Wesley shook his head, "I know you want to establish prestige, but how do you know that after spending so much effort, the next guy who comes up will be just as greedy. It's still too early to plan for Las Vegas, although I principle "You didn't object but you did it anyway. Doing this while the FBI is on our radar is undoubtedly drawing attention, and we're in much more trouble than we expected."

"Don't be so stubborn, James. We could accidentally leak some information to the FBI, such as transaction records that don't exist. False information doesn't matter at all, as long as the other information is true. Of course, I won't be stubborn. To the point of thinking that everyone is an enemy. Just do it my way, and I believe that my friends will send the information to me at the right time."

"If I guess correctly, your friends and those who protect Vanessa should be the same organization." James Wesley said, "No one can get so many well-maintained Soviet-style weapons."

"You are so smart, James, then you must know not to say anything about it after meeting them. If the FBI discovers this relationship, the charges we will face are treason and terrorism, if they can find out."

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