Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1461 Nobel Prize and Art Museum (two in one)

"Please hand me the document from the Artillery Arsenal, and take the child and the cat away with you. My dear, they are chewing on the document that was just approved. I don't know how much of it is in Milia's belly right now. Parchment." Dinah grinned, easily twisting the back collar of Milia and the back of the laughing cat's neck, and twisted the two troublemakers who intended to interfere with official business out of the office. "Okay, there's no one else in the office now. Tell me about the lunar drone. There's a briefing telling me that the lunar drone found traces of Attilan. I need the details."

Although it has been determined that Attilan is on the far side of the moon, other details are still shrouded in mystery. The crater where Attilan's base is located can only be found through a large amount of data and analysis of lunar soil samples. Now the answer has been revealed through the efforts of many scholars.

By analyzing soil samples on the far side of the moon, we can identify areas where deep lunar loam and even lunar mantle rocks appear, by measuring the age and number of times the rock formations on the far side of the moon were struck by meteorites, by observing the process of micro-meteorites impacting the far side of the moon, and even by dropping them on the far side of the moon. Acoustic wave transmission waveform of cluster earth-penetrating bombs in lunar mantle rocks... Exploring minerals is just a by-product of this plan. The real goal is to find abnormal objects in the lunar mantle rock layers. Through various means, scholars finally found an anomaly on the chart. It was in a crater ridge called the Antarctic-Aitken Basin on the back of the moon. Scholars and Mars technology sages discovered a waveform that was not consistent with the conduction of the lunar mantle rock layers. The rate does not match the vibration waveform of any known vein rock formation.

The South Pole-Aitken Basin is the largest, oldest and deepest impact basin on the moon, with a maximum drop of 16.1 kilometers. The nearby lunar mantle rock formations are very suitable for hiding something huge. This document is an application for further exploration of the Antarctic-Aitken Basin. Attached to the document is a hard drive full of data and a detailed report for review. "We need more drones, my lord." Hammurabi said. "I will replace the ground-penetrating bombs with small-yield bombs placed in holes drilled by lunar rovers, so that the data obtained will be more accurate."

The emperor did not speak, but nodded.

Four weapons were leaning on the shelves next to the desk.

It was a holy sword with a golden sword pattern, a seemingly ordinary spear, a golden bolt pistol without ammunition, and a bronze shield engraved with Medusa's head. These weapons were originally kept in the manor's arsenal, but as war approached, the emperor had to keep them at his side to prepare for war.

"There is a strong overlap between our outer space exploration programs and Wakandan technology sectors."

Hammurabi's expression was one of giving advice.

He also realized Wakanda's special independence, self-esteem and arrogant character, and after intervening in Wakanda's civil war to obtain a seat in the industrial aristocracy, the relationship between the new Yugoslav Federation and Wakanda has changed from the original unequal cooperative relationship. Transformed into complete equality. This makes it difficult for some Wakandans to accept it. After all, the new Yugoslav Federation is the first country Wakanda has contacted the outside world, and it also ushered in a civil war with external intervention. Although the civil war did not last long, But it is enough to make the residents of the capital of Wakanda's Golden City fearful. Even Wakanda, the long period of peace in the past can cultivate a group of idiots who think food will grow on the shelves. The arrival of the emperor and genetically modified warriors deeply shocked the Wakanda people, especially the capital Golden City. Influential people - these people were frightened by the civil war, or to be precise by the bloodthirsty and violence displayed by the emperor's genetically modified warriors. In just half a day, the damage caused by the knights destroyed several buildings in the Golden City. Buildings built over ten years.

Many Wakandans therefore need to gain some recognition and self-confidence from the outside world, which also means that the seats of Wakanda's industrial aristocracy held by the new Yugoslav federal government will be challenged from within Wakanda. Even Princess Shuri cannot completely ensure fairness and justice, not to mention the King of Wakanda who was pushed away by the golden nobles. During Hammurabi's investigation, King T'Challa of Wakanda appeared to be very weak. None of the nobles were punished for supporting the opposition.

"Harnburg has not seen this report for the time being, but a deeply integrated project cannot be completely kept secret from Wakanda. Wakanda's diplomatic ambassador and technical advisor Princess Shuri sent a letter of inquiry to the regent, wanting to know the details of this project. Details and purpose. I think we should find excuses to say no, rather than drag the Wakandans into a war against Attilan. King T'Challa is not a man of decisive means and long-term vision, as long as the war does not happen in Wakandan If Wakanda's interests are in the vicinity of Kanda, then he is likely to stand on the opposite side of the decision-making, prevent the new Yugoslav Federation from developing outer space, and stop participating in the space elevator project."

"your advice?"

"We should take control of Wakanda as soon as possible, and at least plan an offensive route directly from Africa to Wakanda. The help provided by the Wakandans is limited. We have technology, but lack resources. Wakanda cannot provide many resources. ." Hammurabi has always been the Praetorian Guard who advocates controlling Wakanda. Although other Praetorian Guards have different ideas about this, only Hammurabi can give advice to the emperor at this moment, "We should send the chip as soon as possible. Move the processing plant to Latvinia or Serbia. I don't trust T'Challa. He is too persistent in his father T'Chaka's will. After Wakanda is opened, they will inevitably face a war. If T'Chaka is still alive, He will surrender and start distributing the vibranium that was meant to be traded with us, and I think T'Challa will be no different."

"Then let's talk to T'Challa, have a frank talk." The Emperor reached out and pressed the phone button on his desk. "Please tell the Foreign Affairs Department that I will visit Golden City and Harnburg in ten minutes."

"The Pegasus aircraft is being prepared, and the maintenance completion rate is 98%." The pilot who was always on the communication line said in a synthetic voice, "The route is being planned."

"Cancel flight plan."

A bust of Diana Lister was projected over the phone. Now that Stephanie Malik is temporarily away from the Balkans, she has to deal with Dinah on many official duties, which is why she has always stayed on the communication line. "My Lord?" She raised her head curiously, "What are your plans?"

"Connect a line with the Wakanda Ambassador. I want to have an informal conversation with Princess Shuri for ten minutes. No aircraft is needed, I will use teleportation technology." After confirming that Diana List had received the news, He then released the button and looked at Hammurabi, "How about we try this relatively gentle method of communication?"

"You think communication can make T'Challa tough?"

"No matter what, T'Challa is a Wakandan. Although he does not have the arrogance of ordinary Wakandans, the high self-esteem brought about by long-term scientific and technological advantages is unavoidable, but it also gives him extremely rare military capabilities. Noblesse sense of responsibility. A true sense of aristocratic social responsibility, a sense of responsibility developed from the protection obligation of primitive tribal military controllers to non-combat production personnel." He said to Hammurabi, "I will tell him what we are facing, and he will Agree to join forces with me to fight against the Dark Order. As for Attilan, he will know that there is a group of severely mutated Kree genetically modified slaves entrenched there. I believe that the degree of Attilan's mutation shown in the intelligence sent back by the assassin will not let People are disappointed.”

"I will send an official letter now to the regent, who controls the diplomatic service."

"Just do it, but don't give the Wakandans time to react. I will talk to Princess Shuri first, and in ten minutes I will go directly to the Golden City Palace to meet with King T'Challa. Princess Shuri will be present as a witness. To vouch for everything she saw." He stood up from behind the desk and waited for the holographic call device to connect to the Wakanda Embassy. "We must unite all the forces that can be united. Only in this way can we fight against the Dark Order. .”


"Honestly, I don't know why I'm here."

The cold champagne made Jane Foster couldn't help but squint her eyes, but she quickly opened her eyes and looked around, as if she was not used to the scene where celebrities gathered in an art gallery. The former intern Darcy poured wine into her mouth without any scruples, and at the same time stuffed cookies with salmon and Iberian ham into her mouth, completely ignoring the consequences of her poor image. What impact. Perhaps because of her, few people approach this corner of the museum. "I'm just going shopping." Jane Foster said sheepishly, "Thank you for your hospitality, but I don't know anything about art."

After speaking, she glared at Darcy.

Since a certain student finished his graduate studies, Darcy has been solely responsible for taking care of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist's work and life, but it's more of a mess than a care. However, Jane Foster did not dislike the careless Darcy, and the two got along like this - it was not easy to find a house in London that could accommodate research equipment. If she kicked Darcy out, it would be impossible in a few days. Darcy will have to wander on the streets - of course, this is what she said to Darcy, in fact she just needs a friend who can fool around.

"You are a Nobel physicist, Ms. Foster." Vanessa held up the orange juice and said with a smile, "Most people buy art not to appreciate but to be appreciated. You don't have to worry about not understanding it. Art will be laughed at because most people don’t understand postmodern art and they want to be admired by you.”

"Wow, that's not what a painter should say."

Jane Foster shrugged.

If Darcy hadn't discovered this invitation letter from the pile of junk mail in her mailbox, and was very yearning for the free buffet written on the invitation letter, she would indeed not be here. Darcy was very happy that she had achieved her goal of eating. Her eating style made Jane Foster a little greedy for the food on the table, but she was not so shameless and could stuff things into her mouth like Darcy. While waving to others.

"I know that the gold content of that research is definitely not worthy of the physics award. There were many valuable studies that year. My award came more from political factors... You know, Asgardians, some people think that I It is related to the Asgardians." At this point, Jane Foster couldn't help but sigh, and somehow she said what was in her heart. The evaluation of her by the outside world and the academic community is polarized. After all, it is proved that the Einstein-Rosen Bridge data is completely inferior to other research in the same year. A large part of her winning the award comes from luck. Any researcher in the same field The same data can be obtained by appearing in Guqiao Town. But Darcy turned a deaf ear to her complaints. After all, in the eyes of the solid-eyed Darcy, it was just a pointless moan. Jane Foster was obviously aware of this, but she still could not extinguish her doubts about her ability.

"Sorry." She shrugged again, "You must have thought I was complaining."

"Now it seems that your coming to the art museum is not an accident."

Vanessa shook her head.

She looked over Jane Foster's shoulder to Darcy, who was enjoying food at the long buffet table. Darcy seemed to notice the sight, she put down her little tuna sandwich awkwardly and smiled at Vanessa. The owner of the exhibition responded with a smile, pointed to the menu next to the long table, and motioned for Darcy to enjoy it. "Your companions can take care of themselves." When Vanessa said this, Jane Foster seemed to remember to admit that she did not come alone - mainly because Darcy was too embarrassed and she really didn't want to Let people know that you and Darcy know each other. "Let me show you around. I heard someone say something, that is, postmodern art was created to make it incomprehensible to ordinary people, because there are no aristocrats anymore, and the new bourgeoisie needs to put themselves in line with other classes. There is a difference at the spiritual level, and the added value of all postmodern artworks is getting higher and higher. Although I don’t particularly agree with this sentence, I can’t find any rebuttal. After all, that person is a master of classical painting.”

"Why is this cynical rhetoric sounding familiar?"

Vanessa just smiled when she heard Jane Foster's words. She hadn't actually arranged the invitation, but now she finally knew why a celebrity like Jane Foster was there. "Don't look at me now. Many of the paintings here were painted when I was studying in Paris. That was my golden period." Vanessa said, "Don't worry, there won't be reporters here, and you don't have to worry. I didn’t send an invitation to any reporter to be photographed by any tabloid reporter. If you don’t mind, come with me. The world has gone crazy and there are not many opportunities to appreciate art.”

During the recovery period, my head is still a little dizzy.

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