Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1462 The ruler who lost confidence (first update)

Waterfalls tumble down distant cliffs, and towering antennas and observation stations stand on the rock walls, stretching straight into the clear sky and mountains still covered with snow. The observation deck behind the palace faces the Snake Valley. The traces of the civil war were erased in a short time, as if there had never been a war in the world, but there is still an armed team guarding the entrance and exit of the Snake Valley. King T'Challa of Wakanda was walking along the long corridor of the palace, and murals depicting the gods of the ancient steppes were painted on the cliff wall on the other side of the railing. "Wakanda joined the deep space exploration program to fight the Dark Order." T'Challa said, "I will not dismiss your warning like a fool, because I believe in your ability and vision, but you have never Told me you captured so many aliens."

"Everything happens for a reason. No one can bear the suspicion that there are Skrulls lurking around them. I don't know how many lurking Skrulls are still affecting the world. But I assure you, the Skrulls are no longer Problem, we have found most of the Skrulls."

"Okay, that makes sense. So what information did you get from the aliens?" T'Challa did not continue to press, because he knew that this reason was reasonable. The Emperor did not wear armor, but wore a custom-made suit like T'Challa. The former's appearance has been criticized by domestic nobles. Many people claim that T'Challa has been assimilated by the outside world and has become too weak and stupid. "Such as how far away the Black Order is from us. Is there such information?"

"No, my friend. These aliens have heard of the Black Order, but they know nothing about the current situation of that fleet. My hunting of the Skrulls is just to eliminate these parasites." The emperor said, "I'm here for another thing. Harnburg has raised questions about my plans for lunar exploration and has concerns about my mobilization of space forces."

"Yes, your decision has also brought a lot of trouble to Wakanda. The actions of the Yugoslav Federation can easily damage Wakanda's international reputation." T'Challa took a deep breath, "Now the whole world Knowing that Wakanda possesses vibranium, and everyone wants to get Wakanda's vibranium into their own hands, this is a situation that my father never expected. Maybe he thought about it, but he never realized this situation How bad it is, although there are countries that are willing to support Wakanda in making peace deals, but I know that peace is not that easy to maintain, and now Wakanda is facing war."

"Wakanda will fail."

"Yes, Wakanda will fail." T'Challa closed his eyes in pain. He felt like his blood vessels were beating war drums in his ears, and endless pressure was building up under his skull. Meeting his friends didn't make him feel any better, but made his worries even heavier. "My mother believed that Wakanda was the most powerful country in the world, and desperately encouraged war as if other countries did not have the ability to bomb the whole place with missiles. Shuri was too short-sighted and naive, thinking that everyone could cooperate peacefully. Bastet's claws... I even miss Eric. Although he is cruel and bloodthirsty, I know he has wisdom that ordinary people don't have. Maybe he should sit on the throne, not me."

The Dora Guards standing behind T'Challa were expressionless, but Hammurabi saw several Dora Guards members who had participated in the civil war blink, but pretended not to hear anything. In the intelligence system of the Praetorian Order, several deductions were conducted about Wakanda's internal affairs. Constantine, Amon and Hammurabi all determined that the Dora Guard actually belonged to Queen Mother Ramonda and King Techza. Ra actually did not completely take over authority from his mother.

To a large extent, Wakanda’s policy leadership is still the result of discussions between Queen Mother Ramonda’s family and other nobles. It is a family-style political consultation system, and all of this is because of the civil war. The turmoil brought about and the power vacuum created by the sudden death of the previous king T'Chaka. The international situation currently facing Wakanda and the Yugoslav Federation is exactly the same, but the centralization of power by the rulers is completely different.

"All in all, Wakanda cannot go to war, but I also cannot afford the result of peaceful evolution."

T'Challa has a clear understanding of his situation. However, the small place of Wakanda does not produce much palace politics that has been passed down through the ages. Even the number of royal family members is strictly limited. Those nobles who occupy various industries have already It was a legacy of history, and he simply could not ruthlessly deal with those cystic parasites that shared power with him. He is a good man, but a good man is definitely not a good ruler. "I know how the Indians lost their land, and I don't want to sign agreements that are full of traps and destined to be uncompliance. That will only lead to plunder instead of development." T'Challa said, "I have started to expand production capacity. But the situation in Wakanda is not improving so quickly, and there are still many problems to solve before my food reserve plan is completed."

"Then you should stand with me more firmly. Wakanda does not have a huge food production area, but the Yugoslav Federation has Romania. I know Shuri is opposed to the Romanian purge. She never knows the problems Romania faces." The emperor also sighed. At present, Romania cannot fully support the food supply of the Yugoslav Federation, nor can it solve the industrial production capacity faced by the war. Compared with Wakanda's situation, the Yugoslav Federation is destined to face more difficulties. "You have read the project document for the space port. We need a port that saves transportation capacity, and we need a logistics channel within the galaxy. The Dark Order is just an alien invader that we are destined to face. In this situation We will encounter it many times, and every time it will prove that my decision is correct, including this time."

The Emperor reached out and took a document from Hammurabi and handed it to T'Challa.

"The lunar exploration plan is to find the genetically modified slaves of the Kree Empire. Those humans with severely mutated genes are likely to defect to the Dark Order because they believe that the earth should belong to the Inhumans, so I plan to make a decision on those creatures. Control them first. Shuri has visited the captured Kree genetically modified slave samples, and I will send several of them to Hahn Castle for Wakanda to study."

"You didn't give me a choice." T'Challa felt like he was being pressed step by step. He looked at the Snake Valley Biological Research Base in the distance. The lush jungle spread out from the canyon, like a green invertebrate creature crawling among the rocks. The sight before him made him want to vomit. "It seems you are not planning to sign the Outer Space Agreement."

"I never sign a self-destructive agreement. Future wars will break out in outer space, and the Outer Space Agreement is just a piece of waste paper that no one is willing to comply with." The emperor let go of his hand and handed over the document intact. He picked up T'Challa, and then watched T'Challa hand the documents to the Dora Guards, while he continued to walk on the balcony corridor, accepting the cool breeze from the canyon and snow-capped mountains. "You are a kind person, my friend, and we all have the same sense of responsibility, but holding power is torture for you." The emperor reminded, "You should pay attention to your blood pressure and mental state."

"I can't make a decision."

"That only shows that you are right. Eric is more suitable for the Black Panther Throne. But unfortunately, your mother has made a decision, and I have also made a decision. You have no choice."

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