Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1467: Forever Victory (Two in One)

Although the story told by Athena includes hundreds of years of family feuds, bizarre unsolved cases, etc., after excluding the useless information, the effective information extracted is that a certain artist met a wizard and was cursed by the wizard. Athena invited the unlucky man's descendants to the art exhibition, hoping to let the witches find out who that person was. Bayonetta didn't mind playing a little intellectual game before another family member arrived, especially one set up by Athena. As for whether she could find the owner of the painting within the time limit and solve the little curse that troubled the collector, it didn't matter at all. She just wanted to prove that she could solve the problem set by Athena.

"Did you anticipate the current situation, so you invited that unlucky guy to participate in the art exhibition?" Bayonetta said while looking at the crowd. She is now somewhat fortunate that she asked Lara Croft and Wanda Maximoff to visit her royal jewelry designer first instead of letting them stay at the exhibition. "Aren't you worried that the curse will affect innocent people?"

"This is just a small trouble that Karma Taj has not solved. To me, it is just an interesting little rumor in the art world." Athena's response was quite bland, "Why do you think I care about the spread of the curse? Such a thing as innocent people?”

"You are threatening me with the lives of civilians?" Bayonetta narrowed her eyes and asked unceremoniously, "Could it be that the so-called gods are all cruel and ruthless guys?"

"It's too late for you to know now." Athena's expression remained unchanged. "He has always known about this. I believe anyone who has read mythological stories and excluded the part about Zeus being in estrus can know that the so-called human beings have It’s not important to the gods. Do you think this art exhibition is just for auctioning paintings? Of course the new bourgeoisie needs art to decorate itself, but the premise is that everyone can see their ability and willingness to collect, and no one will Money wasted on the work of an unknown postmodernist painter. Buy art to express yourself and not for the art. No one is a fool. This is not an art exhibition with heavy marketing, but there will always be something interesting. Money man. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think he doesn’t know what’s going on here?”

"What's the meaning?"

"Supernatural power is just a small episode in this art exhibition. What really matters is the people who come to this art exhibition. Although I am the one who funded the exhibition, it was him who brought Vanessa from the United States to the United Kingdom. Blocking the Federation It was he who was investigated by the Bureau of Investigation against Vanessa. Even the money for renting the place came from the Yugoslav Federal Ministry of Justice. It just passed through my hands. If there was no art exhibition organized by Vanessa, it would be the same. There are Christie's auctions, and the nature of these occasions is actually the same, that is, the exchange of interests." Athena said slowly, "London is one of the largest intelligence distribution centers in continental Europe after the Cold War. MI5, MI6 and The CIA and the Department of Homeland Security work closely together, and many mercenary organizations with owners also have offices in London. What you just got is the invitation list for this art exhibition. The ticks on it are the guests who have already arrived. You can see who is coming. Who didn’t come? Guess why these people came, and where did those who didn’t come go?”

Joan of Arc snorted softly, as if she didn't care about the undercurrent of this art exhibition.

"Mrs. Permanent Secretary of the Administration Department? Treasurer of a communications company?"

Bayonetta seems to have grasped a larger mystery. Although she does not have access to the Thumbelina system, thanks to the CIA and Homeland Security's deep control over European officials, she does not need to master the intelligence network used by the Yugoslav Federal Ministry of Justice or the Praetorian Order to know this. information. "The Permanent Under Secretary's Management Group... He told me that when he was at Oxford he was introduced to a certain former and current Cabinet Secretary. He mentioned that Sir Jeremy Heywood was in poor health and urgently needed a reliable treatment for lung cancer. Sir Jeremy Heywood appears to be the chairman of the Permanent Under-Secretary’s Management Group.”

"So who in the world can extend the life of cancer patients 100%?" Athena said. "The former has the secrets of MI5, and the latter has the equipment manufacturing and call data for eavesdropping on diplomats' communications. Now you know who will be here He spent a lot of money on an art exhibition. But what he wanted was not money, but something more valuable than money. But it was not his turn to carry out such things personally. He just created an opportunity to let his subordinates work. .”

She pointed to Vanessa and Jane Foster not far away, "Inviting the Nobel physicist was not my idea, but his idea. Unfortunately, Jane Foster In a previous job, he violated experimental regulations and came into contact with radioactive materials... He wanted to make sure that Jane Foster's physical condition was okay, so her name would appear on the list. Poor Darcy, she didn't seem to I know that I have also been affected. Darcy is his good friend... the term "husband and dog friend" is more suitable to describe their relationship. After all, there are not many people in this world who would vomit all over him after being drunk. "

Even Athena didn't know how to evaluate Darcy.

If I could use one word to describe it, it would be chaos, complete chaos.

No one knows what kind of whimsical thoughts and bizarre ideas can burst out of her mind, and no one knows how her next words will challenge the bottom line of social morality and public order and good customs. It is as if she no longer cares in this world. As a person, her personal image is no different from a piece of waste paper to Darcy. She always lives a heartless and nervous life, as if the universe can't do anything to her. Athena even suspected that Darcy was a insane immortal, otherwise it would be impossible to explain a person born after the 1990s. How could someone know so many old jokes about TV series from the 1950s?

But this does not prevent Salomon from liking to chat with her, because it will make him confirm that he is not crazy.

"So, our short trip was also used by him to perform official duties?" Joan of Arc raised her eyebrows angrily. This trip to London should have been a time to look at next season's jewelry designs and select gemstones, not to engage in backroom politics and backroom deals. She waved her fist, "That bastard!"

Athena only responded with a smile and continued to help the witches sort out the secrets behind this art exhibition.

"Perhaps you have heard that a riot broke out in Bulgaria. Some people want to restore the alliance with NATO, re-elect the president recognized by European and American countries, and avenge those officials and famous local people who were hanged. Of course. , those who advocated for gang leaders and corrupt officials in the name of resisting the emperor and democracy... It is ridiculous to say that the people who really resisted the emperor were those who had oppressed the common people, and used the ideals that the common people longed to launch demonstrations for those who oppressed them."

No one knew whether Athena remembered the death of Socrates at this time. The witches only saw her sighing expression. "Although the riot was quickly suppressed by genetically modified warriors and war engines, can you guess where the source of the riot was? Yes, it was the former cabinet secretary and the American Democracy Foundation. This exhibition only It was just a counterattack. We all know he has a bad temper and is very vindictive."

"What you said just makes me want to shoot him in the head!" Joan of Arc took out two lightsaber hilts that looked very similar to those in the Star Wars series. In fact, the function of these two sword hilts is to project the user's spiritual power and condense it into a high-temperature sword blade. They are not completely technological creations. This thing is often used by Salomon to perform lightsaber duels from "Star Wars" to Millia. Although the latter could not understand anything, the bright light still made the girl clap happily.

"Or slice him up!"

"Anyway, I gave you a chance. You can find the unlucky guy who is haunted by evil spirits and prevent innocent people from being affected, or you can do nothing." Athena said, "That person is the Art I found. If you are a person in the art world, it shouldn’t be particularly difficult to find him. After all, there are not many people on the list who truly belong to the art world. There are many ways to achieve your goal. I just helped him a little and killed a few key people for him."

"You think you know him, Athena, but you treat him as a tool rather than a human being." Bayonetta asked unceremoniously, "What do you want, the glory of the Olympus pantheon? An obedient, A divinely chosen champion who has lost his humanity? Or an emperor who will share the throne with you?"

"I can't use him. I've known this fact from the day I knew he existed. I tried, but it wasn't the time when I educated him, but the longer past." Athena slowly picked up the waiter A small sandwich was served. Even if you are resting in the courtyard, the service paid for with money is still meticulous. She enjoys the service of mortals, which reminds her of the good old days. She said meaningfully, "His relationship with me is longer than you can imagine. He has no end to his life and neither do I. You should have seen how angry he got when I refused to make chicken nuggets for dinner..."

"You may be underestimating me."

Bayonetta glanced at her companions, and Jeanne tacitly took out a pistol from her hair and handed it to the black-haired witch. This is an unregistered pistol, neither ballistics tested nor serialized. Hair is a concrete expression of the magic power of witches. Taking out weapons from hair is actually taking things from the pocket dimension they created themselves. "The magazine of this gun is full. Now it's your turn to choose. Do you think I flirted with him since he was fifteen years old because I like little boys? There may be some reasons for this. Who made him do that? He was so cute when he was..." Bayonetta shook her head vigorously, "No, it's because I saw his soul and potential, I saw his humanity, which is something you gods can't do. You can't understand His ideal, it doesn’t matter how much you pretend to be a mother who is in line with Freudian psychoanalysis and full of sexual tension.”

"You want to completely destroy this exhibition?"

"If you don't stop the curse from breaking out, yes. I don't care about the people squandering money in this exhibition, I care about the people who provide services to us. They just want to make a fortune, and they are the biggest victims. .”

Bayonetta turned off the safety and loaded the Sig Sauer P226 pistol.

As Athena watched, she pointed her gun at the fire alarm behind the glass floor-to-ceiling window. In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. She only needs to fire a few shots at the ceiling. Those people in the exhibition who regard their own life safety as the highest criterion will rush out of the door like headless flies. The police who maintain order nearby will also be in the shortest time. Rush over inside. After all, this place is crowded with dignitaries. The police may not go to the slums where refugees gather, but they have to come here. And Jane Foster is here. Out of some need, MI5 has been watching her, monitoring her every move but not going too far.

"I believe his subordinates can find other opportunities, but your chance to bring these people together is only once in a short time. Now that I am on the high ground, Athena, it is time for you to make a decision." The black-haired The witch suddenly hesitated, so much so that Joan of Arc, who had a nonchalant expression on her face, looked back at her curiously. "No, no matter what I do you're the winner, right?"

"I won't let myself fail." Athena shrugged, "Now it's your turn to choose."

"The Queen Mother of Wakanda seems a little dissatisfied with your early departure, my lord." The Guards said, "And you don't need to wear power armor to visit the art exhibition. The suit you wore before is already bulletproof, so you can wear it in the Sisterhood Only Keep yourself safe while performing security duties.”

"Hamurabi, you don't understand. If a conflict breaks out between Athena and Bayonetta, then the androids will not be able to intervene. Their mission is to prevent the terrorist army and not to intervene with force." Although it is only force feedback. Powered armor, but this armor is not prepared for long-term permanent combat, so the energy supply device does not use a fusion backpack but a micro-battery, and it does not provide other digital functions other than bulletproof and stab-proof. In addition, the close-fitting shape is completely hidden under the suit, so it has become a street battle weapon for many Ministry of Justice field agents and spies, and is suitable for elite and specialized combat needs.

The reason why He chose this bulletproof force-feedback power armor was entirely because the Praetorian Order received news from the Sisters - there was a pistol on the small round table in the courtyard where Bayonetta, Joan of Arc, and Athena were. Although the Sisters were unable to interpret their conversation from lip reading, it can be guessed that Athena and the Witches had a quarrel - which meant that He had to end his work early and go from Wakanda to London to prevent a possible fierce conflict. The police deployment near the art gallery has been sent up the chain of command. If a conflict does break out, the sisterhood traveling nearby will get out of bulletproof cars, hold weapons to intercept all London police who try to approach, and park in the Oxfordshire underground. Pingli's armed helicopters will arrive in London and clean up the scene before the British government intervenes.

As for the outcome of Vanessa's painting exhibition, that is not something He should consider. He gave Vanessa a chance to live a good life, but she refused. .

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