Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1468 The Eye of Heaven (First Update)

The active agents at this art exhibition and the complex and secret exchange of interests behind the scenes were not within His consideration, but without His permission, it would have been impossible for Victoria Hand to use Vanessa's identity and relationship network to operate. Intelligence network, because Vanessa has something to do with His earthly identity. This is just an inconspicuous part of the intelligence network deployed by Victoria Hand of the Ministry of Justice. More important tasks, such as monitoring diplomats and monitoring the phone of the German Chancellor monitored by the CIA, are what really require the attention of the Ministry of Justice.

Part of the work of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Justice and the Intelligence Department of the Praetorian Order can almost be described as fishing from other people's buckets. After all, Thumbelina was originally developed as a system for the CIA and Homeland Security, and the port permissions given are not so easy to withdraw. ——The information monitoring system beyond control is a very fatal problem. No one knows who will get the information that should be mastered by the intelligence department, and no one knows how much information the other party has that should belong to their own intelligence department. , so no one will take the initiative to cancel port permissions or trace the users of the information monitoring system.

There are also political struggles within the intelligence community, and no one wants their work to be discovered. Rather than being found guilty of a mistake while in office and suffering a loss of interests, it is better to leave the trouble to the next person or simply wait until after leaving office to use the revolving door to work on Wall Street without worrying about internal investigations causing trouble to oneself. The role of internal investigation is not to investigate something, but not to investigate something. People who can make money in the intelligence department have already figured out how to play secret room politics and black money politics. In addition, there was a person who was just promoted to the CIA office in the past few years. The director's agent was killed by the so-called superhero and former Navy SEAL "The Punisher" because of the CIA's consistent drug trafficking process in the Middle East. No one was willing to take the initiative to bring the transactions under the table and their own work mistakes to Congress for hearings. At the meeting, after all, the Congress master will not bear any responsibility.

His heavenly eyes passed over the art exhibition and saw the Sig Sauer P226.

The pistol was held tightly in the witch's slender fingers, her index finger stroking the trigger guard, as if she was ready to fire at any time. Bayonetta looked up, and then continued to stare into Athena's eyes. The latter shook her head in disdain, but her actual actions had already shown her attitude. She was unwilling to have a conflict here. All nearby intelligent creatures were aware of the inexplicable solemn atmosphere, as if some invisible giant was running over the cerebral cortex. The entire art museum was suddenly silent, and all intelligent creatures consciously kept silent. Some people even experienced a trance and a brief moment. Amnesia, as if the brain cannot process and bear such information.

This is just a simple spell, used to expand the boundaries of one's perception and see things in the material universe that are invisible due to distance, hiding, and concealment. But in His hands this simple magic seemed to come to life. The dew accumulated on the flowers in the courtyard was blown away by the breeze and fell into the puddles formed by dripping water. One eye flashed away in the ripples.

A few seconds after the transparent Eye of Heaven disappeared, the conversation in the exhibition slowly revived. Ordinary human beings' sanity recovered like a slowly stretching spring. Intellectuality took careful steps out of the shadows, and then gradually relaxed. Someone in the exhibition suddenly felt gastrointestinal discomfort, interrupted the conversation, walked into the bathroom and started vomiting. At first it was just retching, then hot sludge like asphalt poured out of the throat, and several tiny faces roared on the surface of the sludge. But this person didn't see it. To be precise, ordinary people couldn't see these abnormal phenomena at all. The unlucky guy pressed the flush knob of the toilet in horror, flushed away all the abominations, and then regretted it. With panic, start calling your own personal doctor to make an appointment for a check-up.

For some reason, he felt his body feel lighter. In the bathroom mirror, he opened his eyelids and looked at his eyeballs. Except for the bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep, there was no flickering shadow in his sight, and the lens was clear again.

"Did you see that bum, sister?"

Tatiana, who was sitting in a bulletproof car outside the art exhibition, pointed through the armored glass at the homeless man who was stopped outside by the London police near the art exhibition. As the outermost ring of security work, the sisterhood was dispersed at various intersections near the art museum to guard traffic arteries. Tatiana was ordered to lead a tactical team and two cars to perform the task. She saw that one of the man's eyes was covered with white clouds, his teeth were covered with corroded black spots, and his skin was covered with abscesses, which were the sequelae of drug abuse.

"I feel like the Lord has just arrived. It feels like when I was saved." She put on her helmet and locked the homeless man with the long-distance sighting system of her electronic eye. She saw the homeless man falling to the ground in pain, and the nearby police turned a blind eye. When the man stood up again, his eyesight that had been blind recovered, and all the teeth corroded by drugs were detached, and brand new ones Teeth sprouted in seconds, and even the black abscesses on the skin became dry, hard and fell off. Tatiana looked at the homeless man with his bloody mouth open, laughing and praising God, but the London police just thought this was the daily crazy behavior of a drug addict.

"Praise my Lord, that is a miracle." Tatiana whispered. This feeling was all too familiar to her. Although she had only seen her master twice, and only from a distance, her feelings had not changed. She had witnessed her sick sister recover inexplicably after being rescued from the basement, and she had also witnessed Catherine, who had died in battle, return to the material universe. At that time, she felt exactly the same as she had not long ago. "I'm pretty sure that He just set his sights here. Contact the agents and investigate the identity and background of the homeless man. We should change his wrong beliefs and let him know who gave him new life."

"What about this?" The adjutant on the co-pilot pointed to the trunk. "If we want to take action, we must be prepared to be tracked by helicopters. We only have one man-made anti-aircraft missile and one anti-tank missile. The tactical support team's The heavy weapons operators are still in the safe house and they have other missions."

"He is getting stronger and stronger." Athena looked towards the direction blocked by the courtyard wall. The Eye of Heaven appeared and disappeared, and the conflict between her and the witch had been resolved, but things did not ease so easily. "Even if it's just unintentional, he can affect reality," she said. "He will definitely become more and more difficult to deal with."

"I don't think so. I feel that He is still very considerate." Bayonetta said, "Look, he also arranged snipers."

"Men are always so troublesome. It's like we don't have the ability to judge and know that we can't fight here,"

Bayonetta raised her eyebrows, thinking Athena was right. "Perhaps this matter can be settled later," she said. "He will be here in a few minutes. Let's meet in the restaurant?"

"Of course, of course. I think Vanessa needs some help now. The trouble just now requires her to stabilize the scene." Athena turned back to the two witches. She took out a business card. The white business card only had a coat of arms with three black female faces. "Perhaps you don't mind paying a visit to the goddess of the triple path? Although she has retired, her witchcraft wisdom will not disappear with the passage of time. If you want to know your destiny, go to her. This business card can guide you to find it. Her, prove your identity to her."

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