Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1475 Evacuation from the Northern Hemisphere (Second update)

[The whereabouts of His Holiness are unknown but his return date is approaching. A storm in the outer dimension is about to arise. The curtain between reality and illusion is weakening. I need your help. 】

[What are you hiding on that isolated island? Don't try to lie to me, I know that you and His Holiness have always been in contact. 】

[The Venerable is located on Mars, conducting research on the Celestial Clan. 】

[I know about the Celestial Clan, what else? I wonder what's on that island. You know, I'm actually very picky. 】

Everything you need, including our little toys, plus your favorite oversized self-heating tub and olive oil. ] Salomon smiled, but to outsiders he was just satisfied with the cake in front of him. Bayonetta had the same look on her face, especially the olive oil, her favorite lube. Her calves under the table were tightly entwined like snakes, and Salomon could even feel her body temperature and heartbeat. If his height and weight were not far greater than Bayonetta's, he would probably be smitten by her toned pair. His long legs pulled him and the chair over.

[Lara Croft cannot appear in the northern hemisphere during this period. Her task of guiding me to discover the fate of the past has not yet been completed. Whatever fate had in store for her, she would be safe on that island. 】

Bayonetta raised her eyebrows, [Do you want her to join our little game? I think she would be very interested in this, and her shyness at breakfast the other day said it all. 】

[That's not what I meant, my dear. 】

[I think Wanda will not mind. The girl’s admiration for Prince Charming can be seen at a glance. Do you think she'd be okay with a harmful toy like the one you used on that poor Asgardian witch? ] Bayonetta raised her glass and waited for the answer with a happy expression. She didn't eat much dessert, at least not much compared to Salomon. The images of ravens, snakes, and cats have special meanings among the Shadow Witches. All witches can transform into these three animals. He was very sure that at this moment, Bayonetta's eyes turned into feline vertical eyes. Hitomi cast her hunter-like gaze to the other side of the round table. [Did something happen between you and Athena? I know you want to deny it, but Freud doesn't think so, otherwise there would be no need for her to be your adoptive mother. Let's see how long you can hold on... Are you still holding on, honey? 】

Salomon's smile disappeared. There was no doubt that the smile was transferred to the black-haired witch's face. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I installed a small nuclear fusion power station on that island, which is fully automated. In addition, there is enough sunscreen to use as artificial snow." He turned to Lara Croft and said, " Are you going to go? Don’t worry about your studies, University of London..."

"Hmph, the stench of first-class arrogance!"

Lara Croft joked and glanced at Wanda. After the latter indicated that she would go there, she also nodded, but she proposed to take the "prophet" who was still staying in the Oxfordshire manor with her. She believed that it was her responsibility to take care of the "prophet" who stayed in the room every day and watched. TV show psychopath.

Although the problem of degree filling in British institutions of higher learning is very serious, it has no impact on her. She should have studied at Oxford University like every generation of the Crawford family - her father followed the family tradition and entered Oxford University to study history. Salomon had also taken photos and seen her father's image and writings in the library, so she recognized that the white man who arrived at Kama Taj many years ago and begged the Supreme Master frantically was Richard Crawford—— However, Lara Croft chose the University of London because of many factors, including rebellious ideas. After all, at the time, she thought her father's research was a complete fantasy, and it was impossible to know that her father had really found Kama. Taj.

The teaching quality of the University of London is no worse than that of the University of Oxford. After all, the famous scholar Shavig is an in-service professor of the University of London. However, in terms of the richness of historical materials, the University of London is still far behind the Bodleian Library (Oxford University Books) which has many unique books. museum). In addition, she later suspended her studies due to her adventurous impulse, etc., and now she has not even obtained a degree certificate, let alone a first-class degree certificate, which is a ticket to enter the British upper class. But she didn't look anxious at all. After all, she does not need the certificate, but the certificate needs her. The University of London needs her, a noble who will definitely take over trust funds and charity funds in the future, and also owns a large number of titles and real estate, and also needs her photos. Put it on the alumni display board to show off.

No matter how London's tabloids smear her, Lara Croft remains a member of Britain's upper class.

Even if the University of London rejects her due to public opinion, American universities will still admit her. This phenomenon can be attributed to the inexplicable longing of the American upper class for the Old Old Money of the British upper class, and the infinite yearning for class differences. This emotion can be said to pervade the entire bourgeois society, and those Old Old Money that have been passed down for hundreds of years Money can make those American Old Money whose families have only been passed down for a hundred years extremely yearn for it. It can be said that if Lara Croft goes to the United States to study under the aura of nobility, then countless honors will be waiting for her, and her name will be included in various seminars and exchange meetings, even if she is interested in some Nothing about the field of study (mainly social sciences, philanthropy seminars, feminist research societies, etc.)

"I don't like English winters either, the long winters, especially when the fireplace isn't repaired," said Laura Crawford. She grew up in Crawford Manor, which fell into disrepair and she had to find a hotel to live in after just one night there because the broken walls and drafty halls made the British winter even more severe. "If possible, I would like to carry some books over. And Winston, I would like to give him a long vacation and let him manage the restoration of Crawford Manor."

"Of course, it's a place for a long-term vacation," Salomon said. He did not place scary things like the Martian Sage and the Atonement Servant on that island. Both the Witch and Laura expressed their disgust at that kind of thing, as the product of the idea that the machinery of Mars is far more valuable than humans. , the earth wrapped in layers of increasingly complex moral cloaks woven by social science is not a difficult survival environment like Mars (the glaciers at the pole of Mars are being bombarded by solar lasers every day), created by criminals and low-potential synthetics. The Atonement Servitor is still too far ahead of its time.

"You can also bring the Gulfstream G650 I gave you... You also know that if we need to travel cross-border, we often use void gunships instead of small aircraft, which are not even double Mach and cannot meet the load demand. The aircraft is not that important. I can continue to bear the maintenance costs and crew costs of that Gulfstream G650 for you. Compared with the books you took from my library, there is no reason not to accept this small gift."

"Okay, I have one more question." Lara Croft narrowed her eyes slyly and asked happily, "I heard someone mention the red-haired spy. As far as I know you provide the Avengers with Political asylum, so the so-called red-haired spy is Natasha Romanoff? Can you get me an autographed photo?"

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