Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1476 Daily life before the war (Part 1)

The departure time is about a week later. This is the timetable set by Salomon. He believes that dangerous incidents are unlikely to occur before then. Of course, Lara Croft knew nothing about the so-called dangerous incident. She had no idea that just a few months before they dined at the restaurant, a fleet of nuclear submarines, several ocean-going frigates, and several low-orbit satellites The missile bay has already aimed weapons of mass destruction at a cabin in the Norwegian countryside without the knowledge of most people. The security department at the Tianjian Space Station has also turned its attention to the area with black mountains and large areas. The grasslands of snow and hot springs are waiting for the order to drop nuclear weapons at any time.

There is no reason for being so nervous. Because the Quetzalcoatl event caused large-scale geological movements around the world, the movement between plates caused many volcanic eruptions. The volcanic ash in the atmosphere blocked the sun to a large extent, causing many southern hemisphere warm currents and warm air that should have been heated by the sun to fail. Obtaining the proper temperature caused the global sea water temperature to decrease and the temperature to plummet.

This made winters in the British Isles quite difficult, so it was not an unusual idea for Salomon to propose spending the winter on an isolated island in the southern hemisphere near the equator. For ordinary people, this is a natural phenomenon. However, according to Karma Taj's observation of the Sea of ​​Souls, various timeline fragments, metaphors and prophecies indicate that the winter of Finbul has arrived, and that large-scale cooling of the world is a foregone conclusion. Salomon himself even walked through Finbul himself. With the prophetic vision of the Winter of Burr, he was even more certain that Odin's death was imminent. By that time, Hela, who rules the two dead planets, will inevitably come to Asgard through the Uctrasil interstellar transportation system, or worse, come to Midgard to exact revenge on Odin.

All weapons of mass destruction are prepared for Hela, the goddess of death. Perhaps she thought that the day she escaped, the warriors who had gone to the underworld of Helm to fight with her would stand in front of her again and have another fair and just duel with her - but Salomon never had this intention. He does not have the Asgardian concept of honor, and the victory or defeat with the death goddess Hela is not important. The latter will definitely not obediently hand over what he wants, even if she loses to him again, she will not compromise. She is a warrior, not a fool. Even if she has no idea about governance, she understands that she cannot hand over the foundation of Asgard to others, let alone the human race. "Uncivilized race".

Hela, the goddess of death, did not even believe that the one who defeated her was a human. She concluded that Salomon was not human at all.

Salomon planned to go to Asgard that day and lead the army to participate in the final war of Ragnarok to seize knowledge and equipment crucial to the future of the human race. The opponents he has to face include frost giants, fire giants, and a group of Asgardian colonial troops who also use the Uggtrasil interstellar transportation system. How to win that war will be his part. The issues that need to be considered in the time are not how to annex North Macedonia and Greece, take Constantinople and even the Asian Peninsula into its hands, or suppress extreme religious populist trends such as "Greater Albanianism" and "Greater Serbian Holy Landism."

That was the job of the regent Victor von Doom, who was in charge of conquest and the regent was in charge of governance. Under normal circumstances, Salomon, who has the core decision-making power, will not interfere with the work of the regent. After all, judging from the current situation, Victor von Doom's policy of developing infrastructure, digital networks and labor-intensive heavy industry is perfectly in line with future needs, and Salomon is also happy to act as a material agent in most cases. An armed representative of the body and mind (i.e., the One Truth).

For the future human race, achieving faster-than-light speed across the interstellar space will be the biggest problem. The interstellar transportation system that the Asgardians have called the Rainbow Bridge and Yectrasil will be the best solution. Not only is it not affected by hyperspace storms, it also does not require interference from secondary factors such as navigation - but Lara Croft knows nothing about it. She naturally does not know that going to the southern hemisphere for vacation is not for winter but for refuge. , after all, a nuclear war could break out at any time at that time - she only saw Salomon holding Joan of Arc and Bayonetta on his shoulders after returning to the manor in a helicopter, striding towards the stairs. Go up to the room. As for Milia, who stayed at home, she originally wanted to rush forward to save Salomon's calf, but was ruthlessly stopped by Dinah, who was wearing a suit.

"Do you mind if I go take a look at the weapons warehouse?" Lara Croft shrugged and asked Dinah, who was holding Millia. "As far as I know, the indoor shooting range can still be used during this period."

"Of course, Miss Crawford."

"I hope the soundproofing of the indoor shooting range is as good as before." Lara Croft took Wanda Maximoff's hand, whose cheeks were red, and she also saw that scene. Obviously, the impatience between Salomon and the two witches was seen by everyone before they even got on the plane. Faced with this situation, Athena just raised her eyebrows, and then asked an android to take her to the guest room. "Come with me, Wanda," said Lara Croft. "Everywhere we are now would be redundant. Or do you want to get involved too?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Come on, my regular shooting training hasn't been completed yet!" Wanda Maximoff said viciously, "I want to try the bolt gun this time!"

The next morning, Wanda Maximoff had to summon invisible servants to load her dinner plate, and everyone at the table except Lara Croft couldn't help but put a plaster on her A glance at the wrist. "Boltgun." She held out her hand. Lara Croft had already written her name and blessings on the plaster, and Wanda was planning to let others graffiti on the plaster. "I know I broke the rules. Please don't blame the maids, it's me." The one who asked them to leave the indoor shooting range was I who ordered the air spirit to unlock the weapons cabinet."

"I should be glad that you didn't take out a plasma weapon or a melt weapon, otherwise there would be one less person sitting here now." Salomon was still cutting the steak calmly, "I won't heal you this time. , you need some lessons. But I will still sign your plaster and give you a heavy-duty laser pistol. If you want some high-tech weapons, the laser pistol will satisfy, Miss Crawford, you have it too share."

"Wouldn't such an injury leave any sequelae?" Bayonetta asked. After a night of fierce fighting, she looked very happy now. Only Athena had a cold face and an arrogant expression like a stepmother, provoking the witches like needles. But neither Joan of Arc nor Bayonetta turned a blind eye to this. After all, they were in a very good mood now, and they had reached many deals last night, forcing Salomon to make many concessions. "I really don't know that any ordinary person would use a genetically modified warrior's bolter without any protection. But the results are not bad. At least she still has a nose now."

"Stop laughing at me, Bayonetta, I know I was wrong."

"Girl, what's the point of doing stupid things if someone doesn't laugh at them?"

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