Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1485 Gudao Mansion (Part 1)

The Lunar War may be the most difficult battle among the next three wars in the physical universe. Even the Battle of Asgard, which is destined to be extremely intense, cannot compare. Compared with Asgard, which has obtained a large amount of military data, terrain data, and hydrological data, the Attilan base is buried deep in the lunar crater and has an intricate internal structure. Even assassins who infiltrate it cannot obtain complete information. Therefore, it is currently impossible to obtain complete information. Most of the information cannot be used for military purposes, and the small amount of information is a map showing the distribution and role of urban areas. When the Moon War breaks out, everything on the battlefield must be resolved with flexible tactical command, the fearless fighting spirit of superhuman warriors, and a steady stream of logistical supplies.

This war will involve the Emperor and the Praetorian Order.

Lack of information is fatal to the war. The Emperor believes that it is necessary for him to personally participate in order to speed up the advancement of the war, minimize the casualties of the superhuman army, and avoid affecting the number of superhuman soldiers available in subsequent wars - premise It was the Martians who sent their solar-powered satellites, which they used to bombard the icy crust at the poles of Mars to obtain the atmosphere, through Martian gravity wells and rocket boosters into Earth-Moon orbit, to bombard and destroy Attilan's energy shield so that the Emperor's armies could Airborne directly to Attilan with assault transports and landing craft, started fighting directly and controlled all important facilities in the Attilan base - more importantly, protecting Attilan's genetic research laboratory and extracting useful experimental data. There are the results of the Attilan Inhumans' long-term research on human and Kree genes. It is precisely because of these research results and scientific research equipment that the emperor's main purpose of attacking Attilan was. He determined that Attilan's scholars and The equipment helps him build an army of metahumans.

He captures all possibilities in the sea of ​​souls.

Attilan will be harmful to the earth after the arrival of the Dark Order. As a springboard to attack the earth, the moon will inevitably be attacked by the Dark Order. Under the attack of the Dark Order, the rulers of the lunar Inhumans are very likely to launch Terrigen climate missiles onto the earth, completely contaminating the earth's population. Gene, trying to revive the extinct lunar alien population. This kind of behavior made the emperor's already burdenless mentality even thinner. He didn't take the lives of the aliens in Attilan seriously. After all, this was a country that sympathized with the Kree race, despised normal humans, and stole from the earth. If the so-called faith of this species is not completely destroyed, the emperor will never let these creatures continue to live. This was agreed upon in the three-person parliament - the so-called three people, namely the regent Victor von Doom, the military commander Constantine and the supreme emperor - and most of the decisions were made by Constantine and the victors. It was made by Keldor von Doom, but still followed the instructions of the Emperor in terms of grand strategy, who often jokingly called the so-called Council of Three just to make himself look useful.

This universe does not have the ability or conditions to form a situation where multiple interstellar races can coexist harmoniously. The emperor confirmed this sad fact after traveling through the interstellar space. Threats are everywhere, and all alien races are trying to have wider territories, more resources, and more powerful technology to deal with threats. All interstellar populations are facing life and death, and war is the only way to peace.

"The degree of genetic variation of the Attilan Inhumans is too high to be classified as a human species. Regardless of whether the appearance is similar to humans, the Terrigen Mist induction experiment shows that that genetic trait can be expressed as dominant." Constantine said with a He said in a calm and eerie tone, "It is recommended that all except the scholar caste be exterminated, including the alien race that has not yet undergone Terrigen mutation."


The messages sent back by the assassins included demographic data. For a stronghold isolated on the moon, population is a strictly controlled variable, and eugenics is taken to the extreme in the Attilan base. All marriages between inhumans must be reviewed to avoid incest. Fertility must be authorized. Those with obvious genetic defects such as Down syndrome, mental illness, physical disabilities, etc. can only be sent directly to the incinerator to avoid Inferior genes pollute the gene pool. Love is an absolute taboo in Attilan. Even the current ruler of Attilan cannot have this luxury.

Constantine's suggestion means that hundreds of thousands of people will die from explosive bombs or chain swords. Except for the normal operation of the Attilan base and biological research laboratories, there will be no Inhumans left in Attilan. Down. This war slave population transformed by the Kree will completely disappear into the dust of history. The organizations left by Dr. Daniel Whitehall on Earth are now used by the Emperor. These organizations are deeply involved in the United Nations W.H.O. and closely investigate the Inhuman Kree. Gene, strive to end Kree genetic contamination through non-violent means before all events are over.

Constantine also showed the data sent by Mars technicians on the data board.

The solar satellite used to bombard the underground glaciers at the poles of Mars is in motion and will soon arrive in Earth-moon orbit to perform its mission. Wakanda sent a formal letter asking the emperor's foreign minister what his intention was in sending that terrible weapon to Earth, but the Adeptus Praetorian Order did not give any reply, even though the diplomatic letter had the electronic seal of the Black Panther Throne. , indicating that this is a very serious public letter. Failure to respond correctly and appropriately could have an impact on Wakanda's diplomatic relations with the Federation of Yugoslavia. But the Foreign Secretary appointed by the Regent would resolve the dilemma in rather boring verbiage, with enough boring nonsense to make everyone lose interest at the moment.

"What about Stark Group?"

"Reject, Tony Stark still refuses to join our cause." Constantine lowered his head, "He hopes to build a star ring around the Earth... Although it is just an idea, his level of genius is still amazing, he even imagined Well, the technology used to build the ring. My Lord, your approach to Tony Stark is too gentle, his existence can be compared to an army."

"Let him continue to live, Constantine." The emperor brought a glass of brandy and thrust it into the hand of the commander of the guards. Facing the objections of the commander of the guards, his tone was quite gentle, as if he was teaching a child not much older than Milia. He leaned against his desk, looking relaxed and leisurely, "Tony Stark will stand on the side of mankind, I firmly believe so. If my ultimate mission can be completed, you must protect the human race in the future. This is Your responsibility. By that time, human morality, science, law and social systems will no longer be troubled by the bottom line of survival, and love, justice and hope will return to the world."

"And create a bunch of idiots who think merchandise grows off shelves?"

"Let me just say, you definitely have a sense of humor."

"No, my lord, these are your exact words."

"This is already progress." The emperor clinked glasses with Constantine. "The things here will not be packed away, but will be connected by a portal. Tonight I will start the ritual to connect the manor mansion with the There are two isolated islands connected together. Can you stay here for one night, or are you going to leave now?"

"I believe the Regent has work for me."

First comes accountability and judgment.

When the Yugoslav Federal Civil War Tribunal established by Victor von Doom tried separatists, careerists, and war criminals, they would reconstruct the events in great detail and invite multiple witnesses to testify. This is a trial that attracts worldwide attention, because it not only represents a disguised admission by the Yugoslav Federation that it led the attack on the Hague Tribunal in the Netherlands, and can be used to organize various crimes to impose sanctions, but also represents a big fuss about the secession of the Yugoslav Federation. , advocating so-called national self-determination and independence, further expanding the already existing rift between ethnic groups.

However, the direction of this trial seems a bit unexpected, because an absent criminal was also mentioned in this trial. There was a melee between various forces in the Bosnian War, but NATO and forces such as the Greek Orthodox Christian Armed Militia were in the dock. , stood trial together with Karadzic and others. When the trial began, the emperor was already on an isolated island in South America, enjoying the warm sunshine that he had not seen for a long time.

The island has been armed to the teeth by him, and all necessary equipment is available. He did not respond to Lara Croft's call to go to the beach to bask in the sun. Instead, he sat in the Lonely Island Mansion and watched all aspects of the trial through a dedicated line. As you can imagine, many of the war criminals arrested through the unremitting efforts of the Secret Service have different supporters. The emperor had to admit that his appointment of Victor von Doom was a very correct choice. He was very good at using diversion and other tricks when trying war criminals to prevent the crowd watching the live broadcast outside the court from being accused of his supporters. trial, and then violent conflicts and even bloodshed with another group of people.

In a speech before the trial, Regent Victor von Doom claimed that no nationalism requires you to hate those who are different from yourself. If so, it is a thoroughly populist organization. The court rejected the legitimacy of manipulated elections such as the 1992 Bosnia-Herzegovina independence referendum, denounced ideas such as "Greater Serbianism" and "Greater Albanianism", and rejected superstitious ideas such as the so-called "Orthodox Holy Land". "The Balkans are so small that no nation can survive independently. The so-called independence can only allow careerists to sell their people's property and lives. In this land, the war is over because all the careerists have been eliminated. This land All people in the world will be protected by the emperor's law, and fairness, justice and hope will return to this land again." He said, "But before moving to a new era, we must prick the abscess and define what is What is right and what is wrong, to define the value of life and the majesty of the law, otherwise the people in this land will never be able to realize what kind of suffering the lies have brought to the people, and they will not be able to realize the greatest gain in the war. Who is the beneficiary?"

The Emperor shrugged and turned off the TV.

Most of the Gudao Mansion uses automated machinery. Except for part of the maid team led by Dinah who came here through the portal, there is no one else in the mansion because most of the anti-aircraft missiles, helipads and other equipment do not require human operation. . Winston, who was still in the Oxfordshire manor, returned to Surrey and began to arrange for the renovation of the Crawford family manor. Hammurabi was waiting outside the portal, continuing to take charge of many weapon systems in the Oxfordshire manor, and began to Create escape routes for Oxfordshire manors and island mansions.

Bayonetta and Jeanne passed Salomon in swimsuits, holding a girl and a cat. It's pure holiday magic, even quieter than an Oxfordshire estate. There are no ship routes or planes passing by, and even satellites have turned a blind eye to this isolated island under the influence of jamming technology.

"Only you can help us put on sunscreen, my dear." The black-haired witch stretched lazily. Her swimsuit style, which can be called a "micro bikini", made people blush and their heart skipped a beat. Jeanne's choice also made people blush. Can be classified as this type, the main theme seems to be a larger exposed area and easier to untie the lace, even to some extent without the need to untie the lace. The two witches showed off their beautiful figures openly. It was obvious that compared to the cold and gloomy British winter, they preferred days when their skin could be exposed to the warm sunshine. On the contrary, the Cheshire Cat was very uncomfortable with this. The heat retained by that thick gray fur seems to give cats heatstroke.

"Melia will certainly be busy playing with the sandcastle, and the Cheshire Cat won't be doing anything," Joan defended. Milia, who was wearing a children's swimsuit and a swimming ring, was also very excited. The two witches seemed to have applied sunscreen to her. Now she would roll on the beach and be sure to pick up a large amount of sand. "The only reliable person now is you. This is definitely not a compliment to you, idiot. Why are you smiling so happily?"

Athena glanced at Jeanne and let out a soft snort to express her sneer.

She was dressed just like the witches, except her micro bikini was gold. However, the witches did not react much to her actions. It seemed that the three women had reached a certain level of reconciliation. This was also the information that Salomon overheard and overheard through the Cheshire Cat. . "If I weren't here, they wouldn't have put on their clothes," Athena said slowly, "let alone stuffed anything into them."

"I just pretended not to hear." Salomon shrugged again, "I still have a few hours to enjoy the beach, dear witches, and I will be happy to serve you during this time. And you, dear Athena, please stop stirring up disputes, there really is a volcano under this beach."

"Of course, of course." Athena suddenly blushed, "Thank you for lending me the shaving foam and your hands. You are so gentle."

"Now I'm sure Freud was right," Bayonetta said, crossing her arms, "but he certainly didn't realize there was another theory."

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