Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1486 Gudao Mansion (Part 2)

This was originally a desert island, with dense jungle spreading along the ridges to the seaside, and then being poisoned by the salty water, withered and died. The arrival of the emperor completely changed everything. The disorderly growing primeval forests and dead woods by the sea were burned to ashes, nourishing the barren sand and gravel soil. The hard rocks were softened into soil for farming under the influence of the spell. The toxic substances in the seawater were filtered, and even The weather on the isolated island and in the nearby sea is also modified by invisible forces. The sun is not too strong, the waves are not too rough, and even marine predators and poisonous creatures are driven away from this sea area. Countless coral polyps grow and multiply rapidly in the shallows of the seabed, forming an entire colorful coral reef.

The castle at the highest point of this desert island, several roads, underground hangars and warehouses and other infrastructure structures were all shaped by his magic. He used the reinforced concrete transported from the portal to intermittently use his own leisure time to create and It lasted half a year. Salomon even had the leisure to melt the local sand into glass, dye and shape it under the spell, and then condense it into a Gothic rose window driven by invisible forces, and then set it on the giant gilded window frame. .

This is a survival plan. There are many similar bases. The defense power of each place is different, and the climate in each place also has its own characteristics due to His selection. It is impossible for Lara Croft not to realize that this isolated island has its own unique climate, but compared to the spectacle of cherry trees, lemon trees, peach trees, and fig trees bearing fruit together, the portal spanning Oxfordshire and the isolated island Interested her even more. Now that part of this plan has been put to use, He can free up his hands to deal with the possible outbreak of nuclear war and face the covetous extradimensional creatures.

He could imagine how many diplomatic letters and protests the unlucky guy who was appointed as Foreign Minister by the Regent Victor von Doom had to face at this moment, but he was provoking the United Nations, especially NATO countries, to take the initiative in the matter. This is not the first time that the Yugoslav Federation has done this. Even after the reunification, the Yugoslav Federation was officially recognized after the Emperor came to the United Nations Headquarters in New York, led a formation of fighter planes directly into the United States, and scared the President of the United States to hide in a metal bunker. .

Even if the emperor didn't care about the so-called United Nations at all, superficial words are sometimes very useful. Faced with the Swiss Bank's threat to freeze the assets of the Yugoslav Federation, Victor von Doom's response satisfied the emperor very much. He claimed that the Ministry of Justice would launch an investigation into Swiss banks and arrest relevant personnel when necessary. The regent also specifically stated that he had the ability to take war criminals away from the Hague Tribunal and drag Swiss bankers out of bed. Those targeted by the Ministry of Justice will never be truly safe no matter where they are on the planet. Battleships, tanks, and nuclear bombs cannot protect criminals from the justice of the Ministry of Justice.

However, the judges appointed by Regent Victor von Doom are still focusing on the handling of the Civil War Tribunal of the former Yugoslav Federation. Compared with the fanaticism of the last century, this generation of Yugoslavs must be much calmer. Because the lessons of the war are profound enough, many people realize their stupidity. Although those war criminals still have supporters, the military has eliminated most of the civilian armed forces, and the security police force is now sufficient to control and de-escalate the situation, ensuring that the court's ruling will not be affected by any off-site factors.

Victor von Doom assured the Emperor that this trial would not affect the preparations for war in the three material universes, because today's federal government has effectively provided for the bottom Albanians, Croats, Serbs and other Balkan peoples With the benefits brought, medical teams from the Eternal City and Wakanda even drove to provide medical services to Albanian women who did not trust Serb hospitals. This work was extremely difficult in the early days, because the Albanian civilians in the villages refused to receive education and were unwilling to obey anyone except prestigious religious leaders and clans.

The situation gradually improved until the army destroyed churches, cleared out armed forces entrenched in the mountains, built schools and local hospitals, and re-established the judicial and law enforcement systems. It is said that in order to improve the trust between the police and the people, so that they will not have to look to their fellow villagers to solve problems instead of letting the law help them, Victor von Doom also added new policies, including but not limited to inviting underage students to visit the newly established police station. Bureau's courses. But the process did not go so smoothly. It is said that when a policeman was showing the evidence room to the children, he showed them a severed hand, which scared the snot-nosed brats to tears.

Rebuilding morality and trust in this land is really annoying work. Victor von Doom wants to eliminate white leftism and religious conservatism at the same time. But this kind of thing is not without benefits, that is, there is no People will complain about that rude police officer. People here have a very high tolerance for bloody violence, to the point where they have to take responsibility for their own lives when they go out at night. Maybe those children have seen corpses on the roadside before. A severed hand really lacks creativity. .

Victor von Doom said that until the wealth accumulated by the comprador class is completely digested and before the newly created vested interest class blocks class circulation, the trial will not arouse the resentment of these people. But the emperor did not comment on this. He was clearly aware of how easy it is to incite people's hearts. Although it is only a small number of people who make noises under the herd effect, these people can drive the majority of people to blindly oppose anything, no matter what their opinions are. How clumsy and unrealistic it is. The civil war in the former Yugoslavia was like this. It was completely divided under the instigation of careerists. Similar things must never happen again. Therefore, he asked the regent Victor von Doom to maintain a high level of riot control. No careerist must be able to overturn the federation that was barely put together by using military advantages.

"In fact, as long as He walks around, the problem will be solved. Human beings' yearning for divinity transcends everything."

Faced with the regent's complaints, Constantine pretended not to hear it, and did not convey it to the emperor, because he knew that the regent would make similar jokes every day. The Emperor will reduce the number of times he appears in front of the public when it is not necessary, because he believes that human beings' unwarranted worship of him violates the human courage and reason praised in the "Unity of Truth".

Having just finished his speech in court, Victor von Doom did not go to summon the foreign minister first, but directly started to deal with military affairs. The Yugoslav Civil War involved an Orthodox and Catholic militia from Greece, and these religious organizations were also within the recourse of the Yugoslav Federal Civil War Tribunal.

But the regent didn't have the only solution.

At the end of the unification war, the regent sent military forces to squeeze and expel the Kosovo militia organizations to the Albanian settlements in North Macedonia, and then took over the province of North Macedonia whose organizational capabilities had been destroyed. Originally, the North Macedonian government signed an agreement with these militia groups, ceding the autonomy of the northern region in exchange for Albanians no longer committing crimes. However, under the pressure of the regent, the Kosovo militia armed with criminals once again moved south, weakening the North Macedonian government. Most security forces. This time, the Kosovo militia will bring weapons to Greece to prepare for preliminary military operations. In name, these Kosovo armed forces are exile organizations that were driven out of the Yugoslav Federation by force. No one has control over these organizations, and only some people know it. The reins of these armed organizations and criminal groups are firmly in the hands of the regent.

The Greek government will definitely not hand over the militia organization, and cannot hand it over, because the control of that organization is not in the hands of the Greek government at all, but in the hands of other European countries. But in any case, this is a very formal excuse to declare war. Just like in the battles of the First Unification War, the slogan of the Latvinians was "for unification". Although it is very attractive, it is only Limited to the former Yugoslavia, this time Victor von Doom wanted to choose something more catchy.

"Okay, let's face the more troublesome question. The moon, or the damn moon, is it a bit of a fuss to raise the threat level of the Inhumans to this level? Or does he think that the battle against Attilan can be regarded as a Facing a large-scale exercise by the Dark Order? Please give me the data on the asteroid hopping exercise and the Mars airborne exercise, Ms. Lister... Now it seems that our genetically modified warriors can withstand frequent supersonic airdrops. This is consistent with Maya Han Dr. Sen’s design expectations were exactly what he expected.”

"This is the exercise data of the first type. This time he believes that it is necessary to use the 19th and 20th types to participate in the war between Greece and Attilan, but the genetically modified warriors of these two types are still undergoing basic training and war memory Indoctrination is not considered a veteran." Constantine said, "Currently we only have sufficient numbers of Types 2, 3, and 4 to be deployed in the war in the material universe. Types 19 and 20 are far more numerous. Far from enough.”

"If genetically modified warriors wearing power armor are regarded as armored targets (referring to armored transport vehicles and tanks), then these numbers are enough." Regent Victor von Doom said calmly, "His tactical guidance Part of the theory comes from the combat ideas of the Soviet mechanized forces. Under certain circumstances, the investment in armor can be reduced accordingly, and instead a blitzkrieg strategy of air penetration and decapitation strikes can be adopted. It can be seen that he is very anxious, otherwise he would not require the direct use of those weapons. A legion that has not yet been formed. Put the 19th and 20th types into the battlefield, they need to be trained to adapt to the Asgardian war."

"I'll communicate with Malcolm."

"He is indeed very suitable for civilian work, isn't he?" Victor von Doom couldn't help but smile when he thought of the legion commander, because the legion commander appointed by the emperor himself exceeded everyone's expectations. "What kind of talent did He give to Malcolm that actually allowed him to suppress his offensive mentality and handle the paperwork of the genetically modified warriors? No wonder He gave him the spear. Now it seems that Malcolm has indeed become the frontline commander. The ability to command. Malcolm is type 13, and most mid-level officers are also type 13, type 4, type 7, or type 1. His favorite number is also thirteen, but it is definitely not because Lucky number."

Constantine remained calm, "Malcolm being in power is something He is happy to see. This is the result of genetic obedience."

"I thought no one knew about this!" Victor von Doom seemed to read the emotions of the Praetorian Guard from his eyes. But even in the face of the regent's sarcastic tone, there were no micro-expressions on the latter's face that could be interpreted by the spies. At least Diana Lister on the side could not read anything - as a member of Hydra, she now Responsible for the contact work of a large part of the informal armed groups, the person behind the scenes of the Kosovo militia organizations is actually this very young-looking female college student - I don’t know if this is a political game between the conservative Hydra. But Stephanie appears to have traded this compromise in exchange for Diana List's support, with the regent turning a blind eye to HYDRA's internal politics and refusing to interfere too much.

As long as Hydra can accomplish the tasks he has set out to do, such as weakening the power of the provincial councilors so that the federal government can tear up the agreement and take over directly, then he will not interfere too much. Facts have proved that this matter is not difficult. Peacemaking between politicians and companies abounds. It is only a matter of time whether there will be prosecution.

"Fortunately, Malcolm's performance in drills and actual combat did not disappoint Him, otherwise He would have had to replace the representatives of genetically modified warriors in Parliament."

"He has concerns about those warriors."

"He has worries about everything and everyone, and He should have worries, otherwise He is an unqualified ruler. Except for you, the Praetorian Guard created by Him." Victor Von Doom He let out a long sigh, "So far, the genetically modified warriors are performing very well. Without this well-disciplined army, we would not be able to train the already terrible Yugoslav Federation's mortal army. Go and perform your mission. War It must be ended as soon as possible. I want to get Greece's debt sovereignty as soon as possible. Only in this way can it threaten the International Monetary Fund. Greece has the Mount of Olives and the Lake of Wine to sell. Without these incomes, the lives of ordinary people will not be easy."

"It's counterproductive, Lord Regent. I have studied the EU's trade data, and the sales of Greek agricultural products are difficult to digest without the EU."

"I don't need you to remind me, Constantine. There hasn't been a moment since I sat behind this desk that the world hasn't let me down. What can I do but follow His ways? Come to transform this world?" the regent said, "I hope He will play some tricks during Ragnarok. Tell me, is it possible that Hela, the goddess of death, can be manipulated?"

"what do you mean?"

"If that Asgardian madwoman can be allowed to violently clean up all government organizations in Europe and even North America, and do what she doesn't want to do for the time being... It seems that this kind of thing is not unfeasible at the moment, and I will discuss the relevant arrangements with him ...Don't look at me like that, Constantine, you know He won't mind if this happens..."

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