Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1487 Miss Peanut Butter

"Good afternoon, Peanut Butter. Good afternoon, Cheshire Cat. I'm glad you could bring her here." Lara Croft picked up the round, light yellow ball of fur next to Cheshire Cat and kissed her The ground rubbed his face. As an experimental product of the Tianjian Space Station, Salomon warned her that this animal's IQ far exceeded that of most canines. It could not only understand human language, but also act accordingly. But in Lara Croft's eyes, this was a golden retriever puppy that had just been born and was only a few days after weaning. It was not even as heavy as a Cheshire cat.

Regardless of the golden retriever pup's uniqueness, she named the puppy Peanutbutter, a name Salomon explicitly named after the character from "Jack Horseman," but he didn't say anything yet. In the end, Joan was driven away on the grounds of "low emotional intelligence". However, Lara Croft later received a piece of software. The information from the software came from the chip in the puppy's brain. As a dog with a brain-computer interface, although Peanut Butter cannot speak, she can communicate through the hidden brain. Computer interfaces translate emotions into language that humans can understand. "Good boy, do you want to swim? No, that's the sea. You can only swim in the inflatable pool now, otherwise any octopus can eat you." She lowered her voice, fearing that her childish words would be criticized by others. heard. But fortunately, the owner and mistress of the isolated island castle and the woman named Athena were busy applying sunscreen and chatting and had no time to look at her. "Would you like a swim ring, good pup?"

She was grateful that the manor had everything, including an inflatable bath for the baby. The golden retriever pup named Peanutbutter was clearly excited about swimming, wagging her tail as if she understood Lara Croft. In fact, she really understands it. As an experimental subject of psychological indoctrination technology, Peanut Butter understands and can recognize nine human languages ​​and perform nine-digit calculations. However, the mental indoctrination requires post-training, otherwise she will easily forget them. Knowledge engraved directly into neuronal circuits.

"Would you like to swim too, Cheshire Cat?"

The Cheshire Cat glanced at her sideways, then raised his paws to shake off the wet sand, and walked away without looking back.

It was his job to deliver the annoying cub from his Oxfordshire estate for the day, which for a cat was beyond the limits of work he had set for himself. It was really fed up with this always-excited animal, because Peanut Butter always tried to lick it, messing up its hard-groomed hair and making it smell like dog saliva.

No matter how unhappy he is, the Cheshire Cat plans to find Dinah to make an appointment for a bathing service, using his owner's favorite shower gel. He really doesn't want to walk around with the smell of dog saliva. By then, he will not only be a bear cub in the forest. , even the goats and Pegasus in the stable would laugh at it. This is something that the Cheshire Cat's arrogant self-esteem will never tolerate. It cannot tolerate the canine puppy surpassing itself in the family status-among the permanent population of this family, it considers itself to be second only to the owner and the family. After the two witches, even the human cub Milia must obey its command. Otherwise, Milia will not know how to open the refrigerator, nor how to choose delicious food, nor how to store food to avoid being eaten by others. turn up.

The long cold winter is coming, and without it, Milia might starve to death!

This is the importance of the great Cheshire Cat that ordinary people simply cannot understand!

Lara Croft didn't know what was going on in the head of the tall cat.

"Okay, cats hate water, I know now." Lara Croft shrugged and looked at Melia, who was building a sandcastle with wet sand next to her. Not surprisingly, the master and mistress here were a bit agitated. In order to carry out private activities, she could only temporarily act as a caregiver to prevent the child from seeing those scenes that would make people blush and heartbeat. But her swimsuit wasn't much better. Under the instigation of the witches, she actually put on this swimsuit that also didn't cover much area, so that now she could only wrap herself in a bath towel out of shame. Equally bold was the evening dress chosen by the witches for her. Although there were only a few people, they still wanted to have a party, but Lara Croft still didn't think it was appropriate to wear a black evening dress with slits to the hips at the party. dress.

She was certain that if she and Milia hadn't been there, the witches might not even have to wear clothes.

"Want to meet new friends, Miria? This is Miss Peanutbutter, you can pet her. Why are you back again, Cheshire Cat... Oh, you are quite jealous."

"His ha——"

"Aha, I won't say it anymore."

"I have to praise you for your very clever layout of Greece."

Athena was so serious that the witches looked at her strangely, as if the cornflake-sized covering had no effect on her will. This is indeed the case. Since she took over Salomon's education, she has asked him more than once to experience the beauty of the human body like a marble sculpture. The best example is herself. Even the witch does not know that in her apartment There are many artworks that Salomon created using her body as a template. Except when she borrowed the razor and Salomon a few dozen minutes ago, she rarely showed shyness.

"The Greek government absolutely cannot and cannot hand over the Greek Catholic militia. The control of the Antioch armed forces is in the hands of other countries, but the Greek government cannot deny its relationship with this organization. This is a good excuse for war. "

"But I don't think I can find a market for Greek rosin wine. Apart from the Greeks, not many people like to drink that stuff." Salomon lowered his head and continued what he was doing, "This will be another blitz, Greece The government's fourth-generation aircraft are completely unable to deal with my void fighters. Provided that NATO is not determined to join the war, unless I go to the White House to take charge, this is very likely to happen. Now in the European and American media, my image is not very good, Constant Ding also plans to execute several media organizations for fabricating fake news... According to some people, I am now seriously ill and may die at any time."

He was all smiles when he talked about it.

The diplomatic department didn't even bother to refute this boring statement. Only the Praetorian Order would take it upon themselves to arrange an assassination because they cared too much about him. Constantine will consider the diplomatic impact, so he does not need to pay too much attention to the plans formulated by the Praetorian Order. Considering the large amount of information in the SHIELD database, Constantine does not need to personally solve the problem. There are many people who want to Trade your life for that information.

"We are not talking about business here, Athena." Although she was lying on the blanket and receiving Salomon's service of applying sunscreen, Bayonetta still had the energy to warn, "It's vacation time now, and he doesn't have much time to stay here." Here. Joan of Arc...can you stop playing games?"

Joan of Arc pushed her sunglasses up on her forehead with a serious expression, "If I don't play games, what would I do on the beach?"

She pointed to the nearby van and the cables that ran from the van to here. The monitor, game console, controller and other things she needed were all available, and there was even an ice bucket filled with ice cubes and water, with two bottles of high-end champagne in it. Before the beach bar was built, all alcoholic beverages could only be taken from the island castle's wine cellar, but this was enough to satisfy Joan's appetite.

"When will you set off, my dear?" said Athena. "I will put on your armor."

"You see?" he asked, "I really don't have much time."

"Ah!" Daisy Johnson couldn't help shouting, "It hurts!"

"I didn't know that famous street superheroes could be afraid of pain." Daisy Johnson looked at the woman wearing a mask and chuckled. Even though she couldn't see her face clearly, she could still tell what the dark circles under the medical staff's eyes meant. "You are the last S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to return to Earth. You must undergo a comprehensive examination to ensure that cosmic rays have not caused you harm."

"How do I know you won't do something bad with my genetic sample?" Daisy Johnson muttered. No matter how much she complained, the facts could not be changed. Even Agent Coulson had to ask her and another alien, Elena Rodriguez, nicknamed "Yo-Yo", to delay their return to the lighthouse base. "You have killed so many agents, and now you come to express your kindness to me. Don't you think it's too late?"

"If you wanted to die, we would have thrown you into outer space long ago." Pietro Maximov crossed his legs and stared at the stern eyes of the medical staff while eating potato chips in this almost sterile environment. "That was the most cruel death sentence I have ever seen. A week ago, a Yankee disguised as a German drilled a hole in the space station and tried to cause damage to the space station. The space station court held a trial, and the final verdict was that the idiot was removed from the space station. Launch here back to Earth... I mean, direct launch, no return capsule."

Daisy Johnson wrinkled her nose, "You're making up stories again."

Although they didn't get along for a long time, as the head coach of the spacewalk course, Pietro Maximov obviously got along well with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Perhaps Wanda Maximoff sensed that his blood relative was too soft at heart, so he assigned him to this position of isolation, but Pietro had no sense in doing so, and even enjoyed it.

"You'll find out when you return to Earth." Pietro Maximov laughed. "I remember that the lighthouse base can receive external TV signals, right?"

"It seems you know a lot about us." Daisy Johnson narrowed her eyes, "What else do you know?"

"I also know...oh, I almost let it slip." Pietro Maximov shook his head proudly, "Ha, lame agent, do you really think I will tell everything?"

Daisy Johnson turned her head indignantly. "Okay." The medical staff put a band-aid on the needle site. "Before you board the shuttle, your physical examination report will be sent to your mobile phone. Also, don't put sexy selfies on your iPhone. Zhao, even the cloud won't work, we broke through it easily. For the sake of being a woman, I remind you to be more careful next time."

Her face turned red instantly. " saw it?"

"Although it's rude to say this, I did see that your hacker ex-boyfriend took a lot of photos." Pietro Maximov nodded, "Hey... don't get excited, you don't want to be forced. Inject a sedative? I won't let you cause damage to the space station, do you understand?"


"That's not my business, I just saw it on Wanda's data pad." Pietro shrugged, "You don't want the intelligence department to delete those photos, Victoria Hand from the Legal Department...she's not easy to talk to. She insists that there are details and information that have not yet been discovered in all the photos. Isn't this your SHIELD's usual approach? Why are you so shy when it's your turn?"

"Stop teasing her, Pietro." The paramedic rolled his eyes. "Stand up, Ms. Johnson. The drone is going to do a final full scan of you and a quick diagnosis. I'm not going to give you a prescription, I'm not going to give you an opioid, and you're done." Right. It's forbidden to abuse this thing, unless you get cancer from cosmic rays."

"How reassuring," Daisy Johnson muttered, standing up for a quick drone scan.

"I think she's healthy, Ms. Hansen."

"Shut up, Pietro." Maya Hansen rolled her eyes again. Pietro Maximov immediately shut up. He knew how important the biologist in front of him was. It was said that the emperor personally taught her a lot of genetic engineering knowledge. Even the birth of the current genetically modified warriors was due to her efforts. Although not in a position of political influence, Maya Hansen's ability and importance were enough to attract the attention of many high-ranking officials. Pietro is here not only to supervise Dinah Johnson and prevent her from causing damage to the space station, but the more important task is to protect Maya Hansen. This work is also carried out by a Praetorian Guard outside the door. "Take her to the tarmac. I believe she misses Earth very much. If she doesn't leave, she will launch herself back to Earth. A launch without a return capsule."

"Haha, it's so funny." Daisy Johnson said dryly, "I'm leaving now. I want to leave with Yoyo. This is the order Coulson gave me before he left."

"Ms. Hansen." The Guardsman lowered his head.

"Project 3.2, the report will be handed over to the Praetorian Order." Maya Hansen took off her mask and blinked hard with her tired and dry eyes. She looked at the noisy backs of Daisy Johnson and Pietro Maximov walking away and said in a somewhat hoarse voice. "When is my vacation?"

"It's been less than a month since your vacation. But if you want to take a vacation, no one will stop you." The Imperial Guard said, "Have you taken your medicine on time? The red medicine will help you recover physically and mentally. I The Lord also needs your wisdom.”

"Sure, sure. I look forward to more samples." Maya Hansen nodded boredly. The emperor refused to share with her the entire manufacturing process and knowledge of genetically modified warriors like the Imperial Guard. Among the millions of processes, she only understood the manufacturing and working principles of one organ. In the absence of an overall blueprint, this knowledge could not be formed into a system. Naturally, It has also lost its usefulness. "It's about to start, isn't it?"

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