Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1504 Chapter 1500 Moon War (16)

The mutation method mastered by the Kimilian Clan is very strange, completely different from the physical enhancement of the Ghost Clan, the shape-shifting disguise of the Centaur Clan, and the adaptability of the Villain Clan. Except for the civilian clan, the genetic variation of the other four clans far exceeds all the characteristics that human genes can express. This is because the four clans are all mature transformations carried out by the Kree Empire War Laboratory, and have already invested in the fight against Skul The actual war of the Lu people. In order to cope with different war needs, each clan has different transformation directions that give these mutants produced in the laboratory different abilities. The Kimilian clan conducted directed mutation experiments in order to deal with the Skrull wizards. To some extent, it refers to the mutation characteristics of the psychic adaptation genes within the Skrulls. It can be said that the four clans with very obvious genetic mutation characteristics have all had a friendship of fighting side by side.

However, after the victory of the Skrull War, the Kree Empire government was unwilling to maintain the huge expenditure on war slaves and genetic engineering. Therefore, the war slaves of the four clans were completely abandoned along with the civilian clans that had initially completed their transformation and had great potential. . However, in order to allow the war slaves to be replenished smoothly during the war, the Kree Empire's war department on the front line also handed over technology to these slaves. The Inhumans who were repatriated to Earth settled in Attilan, the fortress during the war. Afterwards, the four clans, including the Kimilian clan, also gradually strengthened their specific talents through inbreeding and more radical genetic engineering.

The continuously enhanced psionic genes, which were originally specifically modified, and the deformation of the skull and the increase in brain volume caused by sipping the medicinal nectar, have created an increasingly close connection between the Kimilian clan and the spiritual dimension, which has also made the Kimilian clan a The only clan among the five Tilan clans that has an established wizarding group - prophecies, illusions, manipulation of fire and lightning, mind reading and other alien witchcraft inherited from the Kree Empire and Skrull wizards, psychic technology and direct embedding The spaceships at the Attilan base allowed this clan with the smallest number of people to join the Gene Parliament by virtue of its own strength. Even the successive Gene Parliament royal families couldn't figure out how powerful the Kimilian clan's wizard group was.

Now the Kimilian clan wizards have come to the Gene Parliament as part of the clan alliance.

This group is usually composed of the most gifted members of the clan's royal family, each possessing esoteric knowledge, and serves as an advisory body to the Onomi Matron. Medusa never mentioned anything about Mother Onomi's previous attempt to start the engine generator set in the White Room. Even though she knew that the decision made by Mother Onomi must have been influenced by the wizarding group, she needed this power to To fight against the invaders, now is not the time to hold the Kimilian clan accountable for their actions. "I need you to see the leader of the invaders." She said to the Kimilian Clan Wizards. "I know you can make prophecies. You have this ability. Black Bolt is gathering a special force to attack the invaders. The leader carries out a decapitation strike. If he succeeds, we can restore order in Attilan as quickly as possible." She raised a glass of water, "Now this glass of water is worth thousands of gold in the shelter of Attilan, we should hurry up Put an end to this situation and restore the rule of the Gene Parliament.”

"We can do this," the Kimilian clan wizard said using an implanted voice generator. The anteater-like snout is not suitable for talking and is only suitable for sipping nectar produced by automatic machines. Just like the centaur clan without lips, they all need to use implants to communicate with other clans. "But we need time, and I also need to discuss with Black Bolt. As the king of the Genetic Council, he cannot appear now or not."

"Are you going to exercise the rights of Mistress Onomi on your behalf now?" Medusa looked disgusted.

"The White Room Wizards have this right, and the Gene Parliament cannot be without representatives of the Kimilian clan."

"Then as you wish." Medusa waved her hand, "But Black Bolt still can't see you, he is adjusting his vocal cords. No one wants him to destroy Attilan during the battle, right? ?Please make a prophecy as soon as possible..." She looked at the clan representatives at the circular conference table. Matron Evo of the Ghost Clan, Matron Aladi Koek of the Villain Clan, and Matron of the Centaur Clan have all gone to organize their own clan’s armies. The only ones who are still here are the designated representatives of each clan matron, except for Ki Clan Miriam. "...Oxygen levels have dropped by three percent, and water and food supplies can only last less than twelve hours. My people must not drink sewage."

"As you wish, respected Matron Medusa." said the representative of the Kimilian Wizard Group. "Although the Aether Sea has not responded yet, our ability can forcefully dig out some information from it. It's just... If you can give us the prisoners in the prison, then the speed of obtaining the prophecy will be much faster."

"Do you need a blood sacrifice?" Matron Medusa stared at the wizard under the throne. This creature with pale and smooth skin, a long snout and a huge back head is disgusting no matter how you look at it, especially the thoughts revealed in those vicious eyes are even more disturbing. "I can bypass the laws of Parliament and give you those prisoners, whose skin, muscle, bones and souls you can use as you wish. But I demand that you give me the information I want, or you will bear the responsibility."

"Of course, of course."

"This war is not fought on just one level." Regent Victor von Doom pointed to the rows of culture tanks. More than an hour had passed since the office meeting. Diana Lister followed the regent with a sad face. She didn't know whether it was appropriate for the regent to show the research projects in this base to the ambassador. But Victor von Doom didn't care. He had just shown the ambassador the vampires in the cage, the circuit boards that had been corrupted and grew neurons, and the completely crazy and deformed cultists in the American countryside.

"As you can see, Mr. Ambassador. Ghosts, demons, deformed flesh and blood, corrupted machinery... these are one of the reasons why the emperor launched the moon war. Not only because those mutants have Tai that can change the degree of genetic mutation of the human body. Regan Warhead, and part of the reason is that these creatures have mastered the ability to use this technology. Those you see, can be called the people who opened Pandora's box, they are unable to control this power." The Regent waved Wave. In the bright corridor of the research base, the thick green cloak he wore looked quite eye-catching. "If you are willing to discuss with the embassy attaché, I will arrange a team to send the samples to your country's training ground. You can try to use various weapons to damage them. But I can tell you the answer in advance, Mr. Ambassador, There is currently no better solution than thermonuclear warheads.”

"I must issue a warning." Master Wang impatiently fiddled with the sealing collar of his spacesuit, trying to make the inner lining he was wearing more comfortable. As one of the few people in Kamal Taj who has been able to land on the moon, Master Wang did not appear very excited. After all, when he came here in an armored vehicle under the escort of the First Secret Regiment, he saw many remaining traces of the battle along the way. . The traces left by bolt bombs, plasma and melta weapons on the human body are very uncomfortable, and those deformed mutants are equally disgusting. "We detected changes in the psychic index from the core area of ​​Attilan." He said, "Mage Hamil sent a telepathic call. He suspected that the mutant wizards of Attilan were planning a large-scale ritual. This ritual is in the etheric sea. Setting off a huge wave, we can’t predict the effect of this ritual, but we can be sure that it is definitely not a good thing.”

"I know." The emperor replied calmly, his eyes not even leaving the display screen where the battle information was summarized. He pointed at a holographic projection with his finger, and the screen immediately displayed everything observed by the genetically modified warrior's helmet eyepiece. It was dark, with only the sound of breathing and the footsteps of the mutant crowd, and the number displayed on the display screen was Roman numerals nineteen and a series of numbers. "I'm waiting," He said to Constantine, "Ordering the fire support troops to strengthen the offensive, and ordering the bomber formations to dispatch. I want the superstructure of Attilan to be reduced to rubble, and I want the King of Attilan to come to see me."

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