Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1505 Chapter 1501 Moon War (Seventeen)

"Traffic Node Gamma-II." The audio capture equipment clearly fed back the footsteps coming from under the suspended steel corridor to the semi-mechanical implant, and the thermal imaging equipment also clearly fed back to the game the dynamics of the clan army below. Chasseur. Alpha Bronze 5 captures exactly what every soldier in the Ranger Tactical Team hears and sees, and sends it up the chain of command for review. "Number of mutant organisms: Twelve; Threat level: Deep Blue; Mutation category: Centaur clan; Radiation detection: No signs of radiation; Psionics detection: No signs of psionic power; Analysis of weapon types: Plasma weapons and laser weapons. Enemy trajectory : Heading to traffic node Gamma-III. Tentative serial number: B-12."

"GR-19-5 received." The transponder responded.

The hunter waited patiently for the sound of footsteps approaching from far away, and the noisy and restless footsteps thumped in the quiet passage.

In the darkness, several pairs of electronic eyes covered with ruby ​​lenses stared closely at the formation of mutants passing slowly below. As the first actual combat of Type 19, Gronov Rutov followed the battle instructions and kept quiet. The genetically modified warriors of Type 19 who accompanied him also painted their power armor in non-reflective black, turning the power The armor output was reduced to a minimum and the vents were sealed to prevent enemy thermal and infrared tracking devices from detecting their tracks - the development of Type 19 was carried out in secret, with no one except the Emperor and the Praetorian Order. People know that the genetically modified warriors of type III are apparently from type 19. The withdrawn character of Gronov Lutov also makes them incompatible with the other genetically modified warriors of type III acting together. They are arranged for the emperor. Freedom of movement and armed investigation arrangements provided the pretext.

When the heavy and huge power armor stepped onto the old steel suspension bridge corridor in mid-air, these giants made no sound, not even when the power armor joint servo was running. The lighting equipment that was destroyed in advance meant that only the blood-red emergency lights below could operate in this area. The warriors of the Centaur clan were completely unaware that less than three meters above their heads, there was a group of shadow giants approaching. Moving silently, they were like moving black shadows in the steel suspension bridge corridors on both sides, tracking these enemies with silent movements and silent eyes.

There was no words, only a gesture, and the sharp claws stretched out instantly.

Vibrations came from the top floor, and all the metals were experiencing resonance. Even the metal pipes made a slight sound due to stress. The giant in the shadow silently jumped down the steel suspension bridge corridor. The output power of the power armor was instantly adjusted to the highest level. Blue electric light flashed in the dark passage. The jump backpack engine behind him immediately started, bursting out with a powerful boost force. Let the giants hit the bottom like a heavy hammer. The Centaur clan warrior who was killed first died from the pressure. Gronov Lutov hit the team leader's cervical spine with his knee armor. No matter how strong the mutant's bones were, he could not withstand the multi-ton pounding of the genetically modified warrior and power armor. Other warriors also found their targets. Gronov Rutov crushed the head of the mutant team leader with his knee. He knelt on one knee and waved the giant claw on his fist to his side, knocking down the nearby mutants from the Centaur clan. The armor-protected abdomen and flanks were cut open, and bloody internal organs poured out like a waterfall.

Gronov Rutov immediately changed his actions.

He flipped forward once and then stood up immediately, the flames from his jump pack helping him maintain his balance in mid-air. As soon as one of his steel boots touched the ground, the propulsion engine immediately flashed with fire. With the help of the motion compensator, he was able to obtain power from the ground. The sudden burst of flames propelled him towards the mutants surrounded by genetically modified warriors. Like a dark steel hurricane. The huge sharp blade cut through the air, and the shining blue electric light swung at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. It cut through the bones, cut off the steel, and burned the flesh and blood. The steam from the boiling blood and internal organs gushes out from the incision of the remaining body. The pungent smell is disgusting.

This silent massacre only lasted less than three seconds. The mutant warriors could not even pull the trigger before they were killed by Type 19 warriors using special bolt pistols with silencers in the steel suspension bridge corridor. There were only a few undetectable screams of pain, but they were cut into the throat by the fingers wrapped in ceramic heat-insulating composite micro-reactive fiber alloy armor. All team members turned off the power of their weapons in silence, and retracted their clean giant claws and chain swords that gradually stopped rotating. The blue electric light covering the passage immediately disappeared, and even the emergency lights could not find their pitch-black armors. .

Gronov Lutov made a gesture to return to the steel suspension bridge corridor, and at the same time picked up the intercom of this Centaur clan team. Following the instructions, he inserted an analytical chip produced on Mars into the data interface of the communicator, and added the call instructions of the Centauri clan's defense forces to his own communication channel. Then he put the communicator back to prevent the enemy from discovering that he had With this permission, you can monitor the Centaur Clan's military movements through the intercom. The five-man tactical team easily disrupted the Centaur clan's attempts to arrange an ambush four times - and for the fourth time, Gronov Lutov finally found a command authority high enough to allow Martian technology to Personnel can invade the surveillance systems of Attilan residential areas and even parliamentary areas - there are a total of ten Type 19 tactical teams like this, each of which belongs to the armed reconnaissance force of the Second Battle Group. They need to clear out aliens. The Terran conducts reconnaissance operations, blocking the enemy's sources of information while obtaining intelligence for the headquarters.

This kind of job is not suitable for the Third Army, which generally serves as a commando, but it is very suitable for the 19th type of genetically modified soldiers to perform joint armed reconnaissance operations with the First Army. The two have almost the same psychological model. Due to the advantage in reporting, they are now able to grasp the movements of all the Inhuman clan armies, and only need to dispatch a small number of Ranger Cavalry reconnaissance troops with information advantages to determine the accuracy of the intelligence. On a tactical level, there is not much difference between a semi-mechanical Ranger Trooper and an armed drone. "The Feather Team is heading to the transportation node Delta-II to perform mission A-4." This was the first time Gronov Rutov, GR-19-50, spoke after the mission ended, "Sending the enemy Communication key.”

On Constantine's battle map, a tactical icon began to move slowly.

Clicking on the tactical chart, the numbers of the five members of Lingyu Team GR-19-5, as well as all information including medical data, as well as the current physiological data, popped up on the left side of the screen. The latter part of the data is mainly fed back to the genetic research laboratory led by Dr. Maya Hansen. The researchers in this laboratory include researchers who were once affiliated with Hydra A.I.M. Pioneer Technology. However, under the control of the Emperor, Pioneer Technology has been completely controlled. Stephanie Malik has it in his hands, but Stephanie Malik has no authority to interfere with the situation in the genetic laboratory. Instead, Maya Hansen and a brainwave output computer control the overall situation, which is Dr. Daniel Whitehall's and the brain, which is under the direct supervision of the Praetorian Order. If these 19th-type warriors can pass the actual combat assessment, then as secretly created troops they will be given independent numbers and opportunities to act, and will come in handy in the next war in the material universe.

Maps of the civilian areas, commercial areas and parliamentary areas of the five clans are still being drawn. A large number of micro drones entered the core area of ​​Attilan through ventilation ducts, streets and sewers, scanning every steel plate, every brick and stone. A thing that is not built at the beginning of the design, but formed over the years.

This is not to blame for the spies not providing accurate information, but because there is no accurate map of the core area of ​​Attilan even within the Gene Council. The only one that can be used as a reference is the one drawn by the Kree Empire in the early days of Attilan. Star Castle Map. But as time went by, this map also lost its usefulness. A large number of illegal buildings were built by Attilan residents to accommodate the increasing clan population. If you use the map provided by the Kree Empire without conducting reconnaissance, then The army that is about to enter the core area of ​​Attilan will definitely face the complicated terrain, be completely trapped in the quagmire of street fighting, be attacked from all directions, and miss the opportunity to decapitate the command level. Although the supply problems of both sides could be solved, the emperor did not want to eat high-calorie compressed food for several days in a row if possible, and there were some problems beyond the moon that he urgently needed to solve.

About Kamal Taj.

Master Wang brought not only the help of Kama Taj's professional mystics, but also news from Master Wu Guiyue, Master Hamil, Master Casilios and Master Modu. The Sorcerer Supreme is back, but things are so dire that He must return to Karma Taj as soon as possible.

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