Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 161 Delayed Sweet Kiss (First Update!)

The Cheshire cat ran into the bar while meowing with great aggrievedness. Today Beunita threw it at the angel because the witch wanted it to lose weight. Immediately afterwards, it panicked and tried to run away, because it saw its master put a strange-looking dress in front of it.

No cat likes to wear clothes, not even elite cats who are magic pets.

"Protest is useless, little fat cat."

Salomon picked up the fat gray short-haired cat that was struggling and screaming desperately. He heard the crisp footsteps of Beunita and Joan of Arc's high-heeled shoes hitting the marble floor. At first, seeing them relaxed, they walked in while chatting and laughing. This time the opponent was not strong, and Bayonetta and Joan didn't even summon their battle tights, but wore their everyday clothes. The weapon in Joan's hand is the deformed double sword "Luoyang" that Salomon ordered from Rodin. She is very willing to be the tester of this new weapon, and in order to make the two swords more powerful, Salomon used the souls of vampires—yes, the souls of Barnabas and Victoria.

The original vampire and the next generation were only petrified, and their immortality still exists. Although it is currently impossible to find a way to kill them completely, their souls have fallen into the hands of Salomon, and only the petrified body remains. remain active. The mystic gave his soul to Rodin as a material. The fallen angel craftsman used the souls of two vampires with great potential in the depths of the Styx, paired with indestructible demonic metal, and successfully forged what Salomon wanted. Weapon - This deformed double knife of different lengths can not only wield the bloody giant blade as shown in the game, but also can absorb blood from the wounded victim. The sword of victory consumes much less—although it is not as powerful as the sword of vowed victory, it has a long battery life and the additional "vampire touch" can replenish vitality. It can be said that it is the perfect weapon up.

Joan was obviously very satisfied with this weapon, she successfully killed an angel with this weapon. Those angels who broke into the earth unknowingly couldn't help crying, as if their souls had been eroded by this filthy blood——a weapon that can make angels suffer is a good weapon, which is the simple value of the witch.

Jeandra took Beunita to the bar, she snorted softly, and threw the weapon back to Salomon. "Martini, add more olives." She glanced at the mystic. "Three glasses."

"Alcoholic beverages are not sold to minors here." Rodin also glanced at the mystic, and asked blankly, "Coke?"

"Ha, there are still minors here!" Joan looked at Salomon with mocking eyes, "Then let's have two glasses. It's better for children not to enter the world of adults, don't you think so, Salomon?" Mongolian?"

"Hmm~" Bayunita raised her eyebrows, looking forward to the answer from the mystic next to her. She has long been used to the fighting between Joan of Arc and Salomon. This is a daily program. Every day Joan of Arc and Salomon will quarrel, and then they will make up again on time at meal time. As for the next quarrel At what time, it depends on whether the two of them are full. The witch pointed to her lips, then blinked at the mystic—her meaning was obvious.

"The legal drinking age is 21 years old." Salomon slowly put away his swords and said slowly, "Based on this age line, I only need to wait another six years to legally drink alcohol." Drinking alcohol. Joan of Arc, although you do not need to abide by this law, I still sincerely suggest that you follow the doctor's advice not to drink alcohol, because you have passed the maximum drinking age..."

Bayonetta fired straight away—she and Joan were still twenty-year-old beautiful girls!

What happened last night?

This is the question that has been lingering in Salomon's mind since he woke up. He always feels some inexplicable headache, as if he was hit hard by something. He is now lying on the bed in the single-person dormitory of Eton College. The items in the room are neatly arranged and the living utensils are spotless-this is the result of the work of the group of Scottish Isaacsons that Salomon found, and the mystic will Before going to class, as a rule, put the milk in the usual place, so that those cute little guys can "steal" some.

But that was after waking up, and now the mystic is eager to recall what happened last night, as well as his current situation.

First, use the method of elimination to make sure that you are not dead... Very good, you can proceed to the next test.

Salomon touched his forehead.

"Ow!" He took a breath. After summoning a small mirror, the mystic managed to open his eyes to look at the mirror, only to find a bruise on his forehead. He felt that there seemed to be something that made a crisp sound next to his ear, and he stretched out his hand from under the quilt to endure the cold air, and touched the pillow. After reading it with blurred eyesight, Salomon realized that this was the "judgment" given to him by Beunita. It was written on this piece of paper that Salomon didn't even have to sleep on the sofa this Saturday, and the sweetness of the witch The Kiss has also been delayed until next week.

what did I do?

Salomon was puzzled. In the end, he let go of his doubts, not only because the woman's mind is difficult to guess, but also because the class time is approaching. After today's class is over, he still has things to do, a lot of things.


"This is the murderer who killed Drake?" After Salomon finished today's class, he had time to return to Karma Taj to watch the lower plane creature who killed the Karma Taj mystic. However, this time the visit was led by Modu himself. Because of the misdeeds of this lower plane creature, Kama Taj restrained the devil with magic props. "It looks wet." Salomon said, "Which layer is this devil living in?"

"Actually, this is a corrupted elemental creature." Modu spread his hands and said helplessly, "In fact, I am not very good at defining the category of this creature. Because it does not live in hell, but Living in the elemental plane of water, but it does have the power of hell... So for so many years, Kama Taj has been unable to classify this creature. And the four elemental planes are the foundation of our world rather than the outer world. dimension (inner plane), if they enter our world from the four-element plane, it will be difficult for the planetary defense system to detect their existence."

Immediately afterwards, Modu described in detail how he captured the lower plane creature, as well as the ability of this creature—including but not limited to turning into a puddle of water, blending into the current, and so on.

"Trouble." Salomon looked at the lower plane creature bound in the cell with disgust. Even at a distance, he could smell the stench of stagnant water emanating from the creature. "I think this should be an elemental creature living close to the lower plane." Salomon asked tentatively to Modu, "Did it enter our world by itself, or was it summoned?"

"Being summoned." Modu frowned, he always felt that Salomon seemed to know something, and he didn't know if it was the result of the Supreme Mage giving Salomon a lesson. "The one who summoned it is a big man." Baron Mordo said, "I have found clues... Remember the flaming skull on TV? I found the description of that thing in the library."

"Next, I'm aiming for it."

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