Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 162 Need a Signature (Second Update!)

"What's the matter with your forehead, did you meet the enemy yesterday?" Modu frowned, turned around and asked Salomon behind him. Although his original intention was to care about his younger brother, the place where this conversation took place was in the dungeon of Karma Taj headquarters. The clean, cold and dark environment here would cause a certain amount of psychological pressure to anyone. Du's tone unconsciously changed from caring to questioning.

"No." Salomon shook his head, mumbling aggrievedly in his throat, his accent was very Scottish.

"After giving you the warning about the arrival of the angel yesterday, you took the witch there." Modu walked in front, leading Salomon towards the shimmering exit, "Could it be that you went to the Hell's Gate Bar?"

"I promise I didn't drink, Brother Modu, I only have Coke." Salomon argued, "It's just a minor injury, it's really okay. Also, don't argue with me that Coke is delicious, okay? I'm serious. "

"I already knew about the last time Casilios took you to the Wumen Bar to steal a beer." Modu put on a disbelieving expression. In fact, Modu is a rigid person, he is the mystic who most supports the "pure-minded" believers of the supreme mage, and even the elders of many mystic families can't compare to him.

"It's been a long time ago, brother, you know it too late, and I didn't know you had eyeliner in Wumen Bar." Salomon sighed helplessly. Brother Modu can be said to be the last person he wants to meet in Karma Taj, because now Modu is the executor of countless trivial matters in Karma Taj, and he will talk non-stop about any of your mistakes, except The supreme mage doesn't give face to anyone, even the natural saint Salomon can't stop Modu from competing in some trivial matters.

"No matter how small a thing is, it violates the precepts. He took you to violate the secular laws and the precepts of Kama Taj. But don't worry, it's just a small matter. Casilios has already been punished." Modu used He touched the bruise on Salomon's forehead with his finger, causing the mystic to gasp again and glared at him. As if he didn't see Salomon's angry expression and puffed cheeks, Modu said, "This time, he will also participate in the hunt for that flaming skull, that is, the Ghost Rider—he is the best mystic One of them, this time is Kama Taj’s community work, and he also helped in capturing this lower plane creature—it was captured from the big man in hell. In addition, the entire earth is the territory of the supreme mage, little If His Holiness wants to know all the things that happened in the Wumen Bar, then he can know. In fact, His Holiness told me about this.”

"That's what I want to say." Salomon stopped. His tone was so serious that Mo Du couldn't help but stop, and took his junior brother's next words seriously. "Don't get close to Ghost Rider, brother." Salomon said, "If Ghost Rider is in a human state, he can get close. If it's transformed at night...I think it's better for anyone not to get close to him."

Salomon has a basis for saying this, because he received a text message from Nick Fury, Nick Fury asked Salomon to give him more magical support, because the S.H.I.E.L.D. The actions of Ghost Rider, even Captain America. Salomon had expected this long ago, and he believed that Nick Fury would definitely try everything to restrain the Ghost Rider, and the Action Team was just one of them-then they were burned to death by the Ghost Rider's Judgment Eye , not even a soul left.

And Nick Fury, who was frustrated, wanted to come to Salomon immediately, because according to Salomonti's suggestion, Captain America would indeed not have his soul burned by the Ghost Rider, but that's all. As for Tony Stark, Nick Fury doesn't think he is suitable for this scene, because even he doesn't know which of the ten commandments this playboy violated, and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The risk that the gram could get scorched got this guy in the act.

"That thing doesn't obey the law of Karma Taj, but obeys the Ten Commandments." Salomon pouted, "We don't believe in God, and violated the first of the Ten Commandments, do you think that thing will What kind of heinous fellow do you regard us as?"

"This is what the venerable told you?" Modu hesitated, and he asked, "Is there anything else the venerable said? We have found out the human identity of the ghost rider, and we can arrest him at any time."

"The secular intelligence agencies also know that if we show up, then the existence of Karma Taj will be exposed." Salomon stepped on the steps, he called out the text message, and showed it to Modu, "This is God's A text message from the Director of the Shield Bureau. If we go to capture the Ghost Rider, there is not only the risk of the soul being burned to ashes, but the risk of being exposed is even greater."

"Well, what is His Holiness' instruction?"

"I think the excuses for not letting me take part in this mission are gone, Mordo," said Salomon. "The Supreme Mage kept me away from this mission just to keep Mephisto from seeing it. There is nothing now Worrying, because I've seen Mephisto already."

"What?" Modu's eyes widened in disbelief, "Have you signed any paper, or made any verbal promises..."

"No, no." Salomon looked at his brother with some doubts, "It's rare that His Majesty didn't tell you, have I seen Mephisto's human incarnation?"

"No news at all, Salomon!" Modu clenched his hands impatiently, "The devil is the most cunning creature in the world, you..."

"I understand your concern, Senior Brother Modu. But I promise that I didn't sign any contract, not even a verbal promise, and left no blood or hair. Don't worry, I'm safe. His Holiness taught me a lot."

"Okay." Modu sighed, "The next time you encounter a devil, you'd better call for help immediately. That's Mephisto."

"Because it's Mephisto, I can't call for backup." Salomon said, "Who knows if that human incarnation will suddenly gain power from hell? Anyone who comes except the venerable It’s useless, it’s easier for me to escape by myself.”

"In any case, we are very worried about your safety, Salomon. We are companions, and you are very important to Kama Taj. If necessary, I am willing to sacrifice my life to protect you." Modu Rubbing between his brows, he said with a sad face, "Let's ask His Holiness for advice now, I don't want Kama Taj to lose a lot of lives because of the appearance of the Ghost Rider."


"I can help you get an autograph." Coulson and Salomon stood in front of the screen, watching Captain America walking around in the monitor. The ardent fan of Captain America winked at Salomon, "Although it is not the best time to contact Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. is even going to reduce contact with Captain America on the surface, but I think you need a signature It shouldn't be difficult."

"Yeah, it's really not difficult. It's just to find a sexy American butt to sign." The mystic looked back while perfunctory. If Coulson didn't have a large group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents sitting in front of the computer behind him, what he said was really not difficult, just asking for a signature. In fact, anyone who comes into contact with Captain America without authorization will be subject to strict scrutiny, and even Coulson's desire to sign is not allowed-anyone, because the command of this operation is Agent Victoria Hand , she is not a person who will show mercy.

"Actually, I'm curious." Agent Six of S.H.I.E.L.D. shrugged, "Now that there are even burning skeletons popping out, is there anything else that's impossible?"

"For example, go back to three hundred years ago?"

"Hey! Hey! Keep your voice down." Coulson looked around nervously, "This is a top-secret mission!"

"Very good, because my coming to you is related to another matter." The mystic stretched out his palm and made a gesture of taking it in front of Coulson, "I'm here to get you back from Randolph Carter's bookshelf. Got the book."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! !

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