Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 163 Good Man Coulson (First update!)

Salomon roughly guessed the location of this base, because he was picked up here by Coulson's agent. Presumably this is not a top-secret base, otherwise, with Nick Fury's mystical style, it is absolutely impossible for Salomon to know the existence of this base.

"I don't have time, Agent Coulson." The mystic was a little impatient. He looked at the thick gray concrete ceiling above his head, and at the agents hurrying to and fro at both ends of the corridor. Looking into his eyes, the small and cramped space made him a little uncomfortable.

Salomon suppressed his irritability, leaned towards Coulson, and lowered his voice, "I have advanced mathematics and Latin lessons tomorrow morning, how strict are the rules at Eton College?" Yes, I must take back the remaining pages of the "Book of Eibon" as soon as possible - it is extremely dangerous stuff. You know how weird things we have experienced, if that book was read by ordinary people, such a sight It is very likely that it will appear in our real life."

"How do you know..." Agent Coulson was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Salomon to know about the book he got.

In fact, when Coulson stole the book, Randolph Carter had already discovered it, but he didn't explain it—he was no longer human, and he could no longer use human concepts of good and evil to restrain an ancient man. By. What's more, Randolph also believes that the local magic department, that is, Karma Taj, can handle this matter well, and it is better to leave local matters to local people.

"Freezer 5-1-084-A1." The mystic glanced at the surprised S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and he decided to get straight to the point. "I know where you put the book. Nick Fury told me ... In fact, he didn't say it with his mouth, nor did he use a pen, but his memory told me. The reason why I didn't go to get it was because I didn't know where your base was."

"You have to know, that thing is very dangerous..." Coulson was sure of Salomon's method of obtaining memory. It could only be magic, he had seen it before.

"That's why I take it back. In my opinion, you are all ordinary people who cannot resist madness. Any ordinary person who reads those books will become a lunatic." The mystic turned around and glanced at the agents coming and going behind him. , "Ordinary people without mental protection are vulnerable, human beings are not powerful creatures, not to mention that this kind of madness may be contagious. If you go crazy, I will kill you, and if I go crazy, my teacher will also kill you." Will kill me. You should know that I have the ability to kill all the agents in this base?"

"Well, I'll give you that book, but not now, because I don't have time to go to the freezer until tomorrow. I don't think you're worried about other people touching that book, right?" Coulson shrugged. His performance just now was very good. Nick Fury had already told him that Salomon might come to ask about the book, and when Salomon extracted his memory, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. made a plan. In order not to deteriorate the relationship between the two parties, Nick Fury decided to give the original copy of the book to Salomon, and the contents of the book will be scanned and stored in an electronic archive.

"You didn't leave a copy, did you?" The mystic felt that S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to agree too readily, which was unusual. Yes, even with Salomon's bluff with the lives of agents in the entire base, threats that anyone knew would not be carried out, Coulson agreed very quickly, instead of saying something like "supervision" and "cooperation" Everyday American democratic nonsense like that.

This made Salomon realize that Nick Fury and Coulson were prepared.

"No." Coulson smiled, but Salomon would not believe a word of his answer, because the agent was the best at lying. According to Natasha Romanov herself, a powerful agent can completely fool a lie detector, so the mystic cannot judge whether an agent is lying from the signs-he even Romanov's It is impossible to know whether the sentence is a lie or not.

"Should I remind you that I will do anything to prevent the contents of that book from leaking out?" The mystic narrowed his eyes, and his tone was quite pleasant. He had already decided that Nick Fury would leave a copy, and it happened to pass these words to his ears at this moment. In Salomon's view, S.H.I.E.L.D. just likes to jump around in unfamiliar areas and cause trouble, and Kama Taj has to clean up the mess for these idiots.

"Three Curved Wing Headquarters," he said, "I know that there are still a large number of innocent people inside. But if sacrificing all the innocent people in the Tricurved Wing Headquarters can be exchanged for ordinary people to be completely isolated from that knowledge, I am willing to do so, as long as You still have backups in your hands, and I will divination them out. In addition to the "Book of Eibon", there are many magic books that are extremely terrifying. I have already told Nick Fury. Once he finds those books It will be handed over to me immediately. Our discussion is over, Coulson, and I hope Nick Fury listens to my warning, your fighter jets will not stop me."

For example, the Azathoth summoning technique that can be used by fools, Salomon does not want to destroy the world because of some idiot who is not aware of the danger. In order to prevent this from happening, even if the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. No hesitation.

"I know, although I have lost part of my memory (the sequelae of temporarily lowering the san value), but I still remember what you looked like when you gave up Agent Romanov. At that time, you were very like... very much like an agent." Coulson The agent said, "But not S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, we are SHIELD, we don't do things the same way you do, and killing isn't the only way to solve problems."

"It's just different from you, Coulson. You are a good person, everyone is happy to make friends with you, and I am no exception." Salomon licked his dry lips, "As for me... I am learning how to be a Bad guys. And in this matter, I am afraid that the best ending is only ending with killing."

"I think we can proceed to the next question." The agent was silent for a while and changed the subject.

"You mean, Captain America Steve Rogers?" Salomon pointed to the monitor. It can be seen that the American soldier seemed a little dissatisfied with the several surveillance cameras aimed at him with great fanfare, but he still obeyed the order and waited for action. Coulson nodded, then shook his head again. "It's kind of related." He said, "The main problem is that we found the flaming skull..."

"Flame Skull? This is your naming ability? Well, I should understand this from the name of this organization. That's Ghost Rider, not Flame Skull!"

"Okay, Ghost Rider, we have found out the real identity of Ghost Rider. To be honest, he doesn't seem to be hiding anything, and the local police can find out his identity." Coulson was a little helpless, he was not the first The name of the organization was disliked once, but this was the first time he saw a person with special abilities who did not hide his identity. Even Salomon would pretend to be another identity when he was in Colin Town.

"The local police have applied for armed support, but this application was blocked by us - Agent Hand intends to let the operation team disguise as SWAT to arrest the Ghost Rider. She believes that as long as the operation team brings heavy weapons, it will not Will repeat the same mistakes. But I really didn't expect that the greatest stunt biker of this century is actually a person with special abilities. I have seen him perform! I didn't expect that he has something to do with magic. Is he human? Or some kind of demon ?”

"He is human, but the thing attached to him is not." Salomon took the tablet computer in Agent Coulson's hand and flipped through it, and quickly checked Johnny Blazer's information, including his family relationship. The Spirit of Vengeance attached to Johnny is indeed something from heaven, but I don’t know how many years have passed since this spirit body fell into the hands of Mephisto. Who knows if Mephisto has transformed the Spirit of Vengeance? ——There is a high probability. Salomon put himself in the position and thought that if the Vengeful Spirit hadn't been transformed by himself, he might be worried about releasing the Ghost Rider, especially the cunning Mephisto.

"Don't you have some suggestions?" Agent Coulson took the tablet and glanced at what Salomon had seen before. He wanted to know why Salomon cared about this information, but he didn't ask these questions now When it was time, he planned to find some time to study it carefully, so as not to miss important information by mistake.

"No." The mystic shook his head, "My only suggestion is to ask the members of the action team to write the suicide note and prepare an empty small ceramic jar."

"Every Squad member writes a suicide note. But what's the jar for?" Coulson asked. "We don't even know what Ghost Rider's purpose was, except that he burned a few people to ashes."

"The ceramic jar is used for the action team to store their own ashes. As for his purpose..." Salomon nodded his nose while talking.

"What do you mean?" Coulson asked.

"I know (I know)."

"Well, that's a cute way of expressing it." It took Coulson a long time to react, "I didn't know you could tell homophonic jokes. After all, don't you plan to catch the ghost rider? ?”

"I'm busy. The Ghost Rider's goal is my goal. We have the same goal." Salomon made a grimace, "It's just that I didn't stop your actions because the Ghost Rider didn't distinguish between the enemy and us."

"What target?"

"Damn stowaway from hell, son of the lord of hell."

In the new week, seriously ask for a recommendation ticket→ヽ(●-`Д-)ノ

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