Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1551 Moon War (Sixty-three)

A pair of bloodshot and wet eyes poked out from the narrow window, and dirty, wrinkled fingers clung to the edge of the steel. Hearing that name, the owner of those hands let out a heartbreaking and exhausted laugh. "My little red-haired bitch, why did she think of me?" Maximus clung to the edge of the window, the chain on his hand rattling, "Why didn't she come to me? Is she worried that I would tell others Man, how humble was she to me before? Was she worried that I would tell my brother about her past infatuation with me? Don’t worry, I told Black a long time ago. He knows all Medusa’s little secrets, even I know which bed she had sex with me on.”

Crystal's face turned red with anger at what Maximus said. "Don't slander her!"

"Yes, yes." The voice behind the steel gate laughed nervously, "Do you know what Medusa has planned for you, Crystal? Do you know what she can do for her own benefit? It seems that you really want to know, otherwise you would have interrupted me... You know, we grew up together, and the relationship between us is not worthy of me deceiving you... Why didn't she come to see me in person, but let me You little whore appears in front of me. Does she plan to use you to buy me off, even if she used herself to buy me off in the past? "

"Shut up, traitor!"

"Okay, okay." Maximus retracted his tense fingers, and Crystal felt that his voice was distanced from itself. In desperation, she took a few steps forward. If the tetanus hadn't bitten the corner of her clothes in time, she wouldn't have been able to react. "It's fine for me to be here alone now. Even the jailers are very respectful to me. But they haven't been here for a long time." His voice extended into the darkness, "Did something happen? Could it be that my My brother was overthrown, and those who took advantage of the situation fled? I am not surprised at all. After all, he is just a freak, a short-sighted, stupid freak, and those seemingly respectful ministers know nothing but their own interests. You Do you know why I accepted the Kree Empire's emissary? I don't want the Inhumans to become the Kree's war slaves again, but I know that Attilan cannot fight against the Dark Order. Only the Kree Empire has the ability to make Attilan Tilan lives.”

"That's not why you killed the king and queen!"

"I swear it was an accident." Maximus' voice was a little heavier. "Medusa knew, but she never told anyone else, because she knew that my father favored his elder brother. That red-haired bitch—— Forgive me for calling her that, but I didn’t expect that she would regard so many years of intimacy as dust. I paid a lot for her, otherwise how can you become a princess, and she can put her beautiful little butt on the queen’s throne - After what happened, all my future plans for the Attilan Inhumans were inherited by my brother, and the funny thing is that the others don’t even know who first came up with that idea.”

The lock-toothed dog pushed Crystal's shoulder with its big head.

"I'm fine, tetanus." Crystal sniffed and calmed down the tears that Maximus was angry with. "No matter what, I need your help." She said to the visiting window, "My sister, she...she was attacked by assassins. We are at war with humans on Earth, and the situation on the front line is very bad now." Crystal said intermittently After talking a lot, Maximus did not interrupt or provoke her emotions. It wasn't until she spoke for almost ten minutes that the voice accompanied by the chain came closer again. "Cousin Richard said that my sister's consciousness needs to be protected in order to perform complete brain surgery. The most powerful mind reader in the royal family is you, Maximus, and I think you can help my sister."

"Has human technology developed enough to attack Attilan?" Maximus asked in a low and slow tone. To Crystal's surprise, Maximus did not focus on Medusa's attack and subsequent treatment, but on the predicament Attilan was facing now. Although she knew this was normal, Crystal felt something was wrong in her heart. She thought Maximus would care more about her sister Medusa.

"Although I'm not surprised by this result, how did it all happen? Why didn't he destroy human technology before they started? Oh... stupid kindness. You know, I don't object to his kindness, But he never saw our relationship to humans. Yes, we are a race sublimated from humans, and those humans will definitely hate us and regard us as aliens simply because we look like them. At least most of the blood Noble people are alike, like you and me..."

Crystal was silent.

"Now let's talk about your sister, my little red-haired bitch." Maximus cleared his throat, "You came to see me without my brother's permission, right? Have you figured out how to get rid of the guilt? Little Crystal?" Crystal mumbled a few words, but still didn't answer. "To be precise, what are you going to use in exchange for my help? You haven't even thought about this question, have you?"

Crystal opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say. She really hadn't thought about this problem. Maximus seemed to see her expression, and he laughed mercilessly. "You have always been a stupid girl without a brain. No wonder Medusa promised me that she would make you my reproductive mother."

"I'm not stupid enough to take your word for it, Maximus."

"It doesn't matter, Crystal, you have always been the little sister among our group of playmates. I regard you as my blood sister." Maximus said, "I am not as vicious as Medusa. Everything I have done All for Attilan and not yourself. Tetanus, I smell your scent...why are you so afraid of me now, good dog?"

He stretched out a scarred arm from the viewing window. A brass device with metal spikes pierced his palm, passed between the metacarpal bones and then locked. There were layers of scratches where the metal device came into contact with the skin. Scar tissue, so that that scar tissue forms new skin. The device was connected to a hose, and a long blood thread was slowly swimming in the clear and transparent liquid. It was a near-permanent sedative injection device. In view of Maximus's powerful mental power and mind-reading ability, this measure was deemed necessary by the Gene Council. Black Bolt expressed no objection to this, and he also believed that his blood brother needed long-term injections of sedatives.

Crystal's sympathetic gaze burned his skin like a branding iron.

"This thing almost broke my brain. Do you know what happens when you exceed the rated dose of sedatives? Do you know they don't always inject me with sedatives?" Maximus said slowly, "Sometimes they do Inject me with hallucinogens, or opiates. I've tried it, depending on whether the guards here want me to do something about other inmates."

"What's the meaning?"

"Some prisoners are very irritable, and some prisoners are frightened. In any case, these prisoners need to be comforted. Some prisoners are strong-willed and refuse to reveal any information no matter what. At this time, someone needs to get into their brains and extract information from each neuron. I dug out memories and pieced together reasonable explanations. Those lowly jailers arrogantly asked for my help simply because they could provide me with enough food."

"I...I will protest, Maximus!" Crystal said, "No one will bully you again!"

"Of course not, dear Crystal. You are a kind girl, kind but stupid." The cell door opened with a violent metal friction. Maximus stood behind the door with a smile on his face, his palms still holding the same position as before. The gesture of pushing the door open. A corpse dressed in jailer's clothing lay at his feet. Crystal was so frightened that he backed away, not noticing the red-black pus and blood constantly flowing out of the jailer's eyes and nose. "I don't need help from others, I am enough."

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