Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1552 Moon War (sixty-four)

Lock-tooth dogs have the fastest reaction times.

It swayed its huge body to block the crystal, and at the same time spread its legs to hit Maximus at the cell door, trying to push the dangerous rebel back with its head. However, before it hit Maximus, the giant hippopotamus-like dog sat down on the ground and braked on its front feet. Crystal didn't understand what was happening. The flames ignited out of thin air jumped in her palm, and then turned into a rotating pillar of fire and shot towards Maximus. Her talent in mind reading was mediocre, but she was extremely good at manipulating elements. For a moment she was distracted. At this moment, Maximus looks thin and dirty. The handsome prince full of humor in the past seems to have spent most of the good times of his life in this brick and stone cell.

She regretted it as soon as she did it. The fire was too dangerous and she would have preferred to manipulate the air to push the rebel back into the cell if she could. But this beam of flame did not hit Maximus. He stood there and looked at the crystal with a smile, and then the flame went straight through, scattered and illuminated the dark cell, and smashed a side with anti-psychic energy engraved on it. Rune iron plate.

By the scattered firelight, Crystal saw more bodies in the cells wearing jailer costumes.

The corpses of the jailers were dismembered, their internal organs removed, and placed in certain patterns in their cells. The startling glance made Crystal's eyes sting and she burst into tears. She quickly closed her eyes to calm her chaotic thoughts, but when she looked away, the momentary memory of the horrific scene in the cell was still lingering in her mind, but she seemed completely unaware of this.

Of all the living men present, only Maximus had the ability to do this.

The violently expanding air exploded from her skin, pushing everything around her away, including the lock-tooth dog that was trying to get close to her. No matter how meager her combat experience was, Crystal realized something was wrong. Maximus was not in the cell at all. What she had just seen and heard was most likely a mental hallucination instilled by Maximus, and he himself was very likely He manipulated her subconscious and made her unconsciously ignore his existence. She instinctively uses air to push away everything around her. Even if this inevitably causes her to suffocate, the supply module around her waist allows her to continuously obtain the oxygen she needs to survive, and the air she manipulates is still thin. A layer attached to the skin stabilizes the pressure inside and outside the body.

This is a very powerful ability that can only be achieved through professional training and ability development.

"You're right, Crystal. It's just a mental illusion." This voice has no source. "But I didn't lie to you. All the descriptions of Medusa and my brother are true. I don't need to Lie because the truth hurts more than lies.”

"You poisonous snake!" Crystal turned around like crazy, scanning every corner with his eyes, trying to find the location of Maximus. "I originally wanted to take you away and let you save your sister and fight for a chance to be free. But now even I will not forgive your behavior! You are a poisonous snake, and His Majesty will know what you did to the jailer!"

"Maybe." This time Maximus's voice had a source, "But not now."

Crystal turned around and saw Maximus stroking the lock-tooth dog's big head. The lock-tooth dog, which was originally hostile to him, was lying on the ground obediently accepting the caress.

"I was involved in the genetic engineering project that created him when he was not even born," he said. "He has been my pet from beginning to end."

"No, this is impossible..." Crystal's face was full of fear. She backed away cautiously, trying to walk towards the passage of the secret prison, "I understand, you used your ability to brainwash the locktooth dog!"

"Maybe, maybe not, I will make sure that the locktooth is only loyal to me."

Facing the flames that ignited again in the palm of the crystal, Maximus did not feel afraid, even though he did not have enough strength and equipment to deal with the attack of the crystal. Long-term malnutrition and the harsh treatment of the jailers made it impossible for him to continue to behave like this. He used to manipulate other people's minds at will. When Tetanus saw the aggressive crystal, it subconsciously raised its front paws to cover its eyes. Its mind had been completely distorted. In its simple thoughts, it was still working for the Attilan royal family - no one knew about Maxi How Maximus planted psychological inducements for the jailers, perhaps this is related to his role as an interrogation psychologist and providing help to the prison. After all, the only people who can come here are political prisoners - Maximus also pried open the mouths of those people. It was inevitable that he had communicated with the jailers, and perhaps it was at that time that he instilled psychological hints into the jailers.

"No matter what, I can leave this stinking prison today. I'm grateful to you for sending me the key. I don't mean those access rights, but you yourself." He calmly faced the crystal in his hand. Energy ready to go. "Twenty years ago, I had a very strange dream. The dream revealed that I could influence the jailer and control the prison. Maybe it was out of whim or desperation that I did it. A long psychological suggestion , through gestures, gait, intonation, specific words, etc., I finally succeeded."

Maximus looked at the crystal thoughtfully.

In her puzzled eyes, she found that she was gradually relaxing her palms. Inevitably she felt a wave of relief, some subconscious distraction that diverted her attention away from maintaining the psychic fire. Maximus's voice poured directly into her brain, and the mental barrier she had spent days and nights practicing was mercilessly bypassed, softened, cracked, and torn apart, and scenes of horrific scenes she had never seen were covered. A magnificent reflection of a dream appeared in her memory.

"The dream came again, and then you came. I was inspired, Crystal. The message in the Jailer's mind told me that I was indulging in the dream when the humans attacked Attilan, and when the human army entered our settlement, I just woke up. Do you believe there are coincidences in this world, little princess? I don't think there are coincidences in this world, there are only chaotic models produced by the collision of countless atoms." Maximus had a lot to say, but there seemed to be something Something kept urging him to leave this prison, so his mental strength became much rougher. Crystal couldn't help squatting on the ground, holding her head, and the lock-tooth dog whimpered and rubbed her shoulder, but she was slapped irritably. "Tell my brother, Crystal, whether it's the Kree Empire or something else, we have to choose a side if we want to survive."

"The thing is not dead. We cannot kill something that can survive in any way, Constantine."

The emperor's hawk-like gaze was directed at the gate of the clan settlement not far away that was being attacked by artillery fire. At this time, the Inhumans seemed to have organized a force that could barely be called a counterattack. Some clumsy tactics that could be seen through at a glance were being used. Malcolm and Aparisha did not hesitate to direct the genetically modified warriors into the alien world. Human ambush circle, attacking along the direction where the enemy may be. At the same time, a tragic battlefield in another dimension was also unfolding, and Constantine felt the psychic heat radiating from the emperor's body.

"A secret thought, a weird dream, the emotions and thoughts of any intelligent creature can make that thing alive. So I ask you that in the next attack, the Praetorian Order can implement some of the highest standards for Master Hamil Security process. I don’t have time to find its existence in every Inhuman’s mind, so Master Hamil can only undertake this difficult identification work. For this, I can authorize you to use extreme torture.”

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